source ~/antigen.zsh # Load the oh-my-zsh library antigen use oh-my-zsh # Bundles from robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh repo. antigen bundle git antigen bundle alias-tips # friendly reminders to prefer an alias if exists # antigen bundle common-aliases # be careful with the load order here. Can easily eclipse aliases undesirably antigen bundle extract # extracts archives polymorphically antigen bundle zsh-completions # extracts archives polymorphically # Syntax highlighting antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting # Theming antigen theme refined # Leave this last antigen apply # Personal Configuration # Set environment variables for Nix source /usr/local/google/home/wpcarro/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ # Configure fzf source "$(fzf-share)/key-bindings.zsh" # Configure fasd eval "$(fasd --init auto)" # use full path instead of $DOTFILES, since DOTFILES is set herein DOTFILES="$HOME/programming/dotfiles" source "$DOTFILES/configs/shared/zsh/variables.zsh" source "$DOTFILES/configs/shared/zsh/aliases.zsh" source "$DOTFILES/configs/shared/zsh/functions.zsh" source "$DOTFILES/configs/shared/zsh/dumping_grounds.zsh"