# From Google's ZSH Hacks # NOTE: this file has since been modified by me. # Improvement to fasd's existing `zz` alias unalias zz zz() { # TODO: Add documentation local dir dir="$(fasd -Rdl "$1" | fzf --query="$1" -1 -0 --no-sort +m)" && cd "${dir}" || return 1 } fv() { # Usage: fv file pattern # This is useful when you know the fuzzy name of the file you want to edit local file file="$(fzf --exact --height 40% --reverse --query="$1" --select-1 --exit-0)" [[ -n "$file" ]] && vim "$file" } tb() { # Toggle between blaze-bin and your source. # Useful if you like to cd into the dir where your source lives. if [[ $PWD =~ '(.*)/blaze-bin(.*)' ]]; then cd "${match[1]}${match[2]}" else cd "${PWD/\/google3//google3/blaze-bin}" fi } tj() { # Toggle between the source dir and test dir. if [[ $PWD =~ '(.*)/javatests(.*)' ]]; then cd "${match[1]}/java${match[2]}" else cd "${PWD/\/google3\/java//google3/javatests}" fi }