# Nix helpers for projects under //tvix { pkgs, lib, depot, ... }: let # crate override for crates that need protobuf protobufDep = prev: (prev.nativeBuildInputs or [ ]) ++ [ pkgs.buildPackages.protobuf ]; iconvDarwinDep = lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin pkgs.libiconv; # On Darwin, some crates producing binaries need to be able to link against security. darwinDeps = lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin (with pkgs.buildPackages.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks; [ Security SystemConfiguration ]); # Filters the given source, only keeping files related to the build, preventing unnecessary rebuilds. # Includes src in the root, all other .rs files, as well as Cargo.toml. # Additional files to be included can be specified in extraFileset. filterRustCrateSrc = { root # The original src , extraFileset ? null # Additional filesets to include (e.g. fileFilter for proto files) }: lib.fileset.toSource { inherit root; fileset = (lib.fileset.intersection (lib.fileset.fromSource root) # We build our final fileset from the original src (lib.fileset.unions ([ (root + "/src") (lib.fileset.fileFilter (f: f.hasExt "rs") root) # We assume that every Rust crate will at a minimum have .rs files and a Cargo.toml (lib.fileset.fileFilter (f: f.name == "Cargo.toml") root) ] ++ lib.optional (extraFileset != null) extraFileset))); }; # Load the crate2nix crate tree. crates = import ./Cargo.nix { inherit pkgs; nixpkgs = pkgs.path; # Hack to fix Darwin build # See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/218712 buildRustCrateForPkgs = pkgs: if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then let buildRustCrate = pkgs.buildRustCrate; buildRustCrate_ = args: buildRustCrate args // { dontStrip = true; }; override = o: args: buildRustCrate.override o (args // { dontStrip = true; }); in pkgs.makeOverridable override { } else pkgs.buildRustCrate; defaultCrateOverrides = pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides // { zstd-sys = prev: { nativeBuildInputs = prev.nativeBuildInputs or [ ]; buildInputs = prev.buildInputs or [ ] ++ iconvDarwinDep; }; opentelemetry-proto = prev: { nativeBuildInputs = protobufDep prev; }; prost-build = prev: { nativeBuildInputs = protobufDep prev; }; prost-wkt-types = prev: { nativeBuildInputs = protobufDep prev; }; tonic-reflection = prev: { nativeBuildInputs = protobufDep prev; }; tvix-build = prev: { src = filterRustCrateSrc rec { root = prev.src.origSrc; extraFileset = (lib.fileset.fileFilter (f: f.hasExt "proto") root); }; PROTO_ROOT = depot.tvix.build.protos.protos; nativeBuildInputs = protobufDep prev; buildInputs = darwinDeps; }; tvix-castore = prev: { src = filterRustCrateSrc rec { root = prev.src.origSrc; extraFileset = (lib.fileset.fileFilter (f: f.hasExt "proto") root); }; PROTO_ROOT = depot.tvix.castore.protos.protos; nativeBuildInputs = protobufDep prev; }; tvix-cli = prev: { src = filterRustCrateSrc { root = prev.src.origSrc; }; buildInputs = prev.buildInputs or [ ] ++ darwinDeps; }; tvix-store = prev: { src = filterRustCrateSrc rec { root = prev.src.origSrc; extraFileset = (lib.fileset.fileFilter (f: f.hasExt "proto") root); }; PROTO_ROOT = depot.tvix.store.protos.protos; nativeBuildInputs = protobufDep prev; # fuse-backend-rs uses DiskArbitration framework to handle mount/unmount on Darwin buildInputs = prev.buildInputs or [ ] ++ darwinDeps ++ lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin pkgs.buildPackages.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.DiskArbitration; }; tvix-eval-builtin-macros = prev: { src = filterRustCrateSrc { root = prev.src.origSrc; }; }; tvix-eval = prev: { src = filterRustCrateSrc rec { root = prev.src.origSrc; extraFileset = (root + "/proptest-regressions"); }; }; tvix-glue = prev: { src = filterRustCrateSrc { root = prev.src.origSrc; }; }; tvix-serde = prev: { src = filterRustCrateSrc { root = prev.src.origSrc; }; }; nix-compat = prev: { src = filterRustCrateSrc rec { root = prev.src.origSrc; extraFileset = (root + "/testdata"); }; }; }; }; # Cargo dependencies to be used with nixpkgs rustPlatform functions. cargoDeps = pkgs.rustPlatform.importCargoLock { lockFile = ./Cargo.lock; # Extract the hashes from `crates` / Cargo.nix, we already get them from cargo2nix. # This returns an attribute set containing "${crateName}-${version}" as key, # and the outputHash as value. outputHashes = builtins.listToAttrs (map (crateName: (lib.nameValuePair "${crateName}-${crates.internal.crates.${crateName}.version}" crates.internal.crates.${crateName}.src.outputHash) ) [ "bigtable_rs" "wu-manber" ]); }; # The cleaned sources. src = depot.third_party.gitignoreSource ./.; # Target containing *all* tvix proto files. # Useful for workspace-wide cargo invocations (doc, clippy) protos = pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "tvix-all-protos"; paths = [ depot.tvix.build.protos.protos depot.tvix.castore.protos.protos depot.tvix.store.protos.protos ]; }; in { inherit crates protos; # Run crate2nix generate, ensure the output doesn't differ afterwards # (and doesn't fail). # # Currently this re-downloads every crate every time # crate2nix-check (but not crate2nix) is built. # TODO(amjoseph): be less wasteful with bandwidth. # crate2nix-check = let outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit src; # Important: we include the hash of the Cargo.lock file and # Cargo.nix file in the derivation name. This forces the FOD # to be rebuilt/reverified whenever either of them changes. name = "tvix-crate2nix-check-" + (builtins.substring 0 8 (builtins.hashFile "sha256" ./Cargo.lock)) + "-" + (builtins.substring 0 8 (builtins.hashFile "sha256" ./Cargo.nix)); nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ git cacert cargo ]; buildPhase = '' export CARGO_HOME=$(mktemp -d) # The following command can be omitted, in which case # crate2nix-generate will run it automatically, but won't show the # output, which makes it look like the build is somehow "stuck" for a # minute or two. cargo metadata > /dev/null # running this command counteracts depotfmt brokenness git init ${depot.tools.crate2nix-generate}/bin/crate2nix-generate # technically unnecessary, but provides more-helpful output in case of error diff -ur Cargo.nix ${src}/Cargo.nix # the FOD hash will check that the (re-)generated Cargo.nix matches the committed Cargo.nix cp Cargo.nix $out ''; # This is an FOD in order to allow `cargo` to perform network access. outputHashMode = "flat"; inherit outputHashAlgo; outputHash = builtins.hashFile outputHashAlgo ./Cargo.nix; env.SSL_CERT_FILE = "${pkgs.cacert.out}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; }; # Provide the Tvix logo in both .webp and .png format. logo = pkgs.runCommand "logo" { nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.imagemagick ]; } '' mkdir -p $out cp ${./logo.webp} $out/logo.webp convert $out/logo.webp $out/logo.png ''; # Provide a shell for the combined dependencies of all Tvix Rust # projects. Note that as this is manually maintained it may be # lacking something, but it is required for some people's workflows. # # This shell can be entered with e.g. `mg shell //tvix:shell`. # This is a separate file, so it can be used individually in the tvix josh # workspace too. shell = (import ./shell.nix { inherit pkgs; }); # Build the Rust documentation for publishing on docs.tvix.dev. rust-docs = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit cargoDeps src; name = "tvix-rust-docs"; PROTO_ROOT = protos; nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ cargo pkg-config protobuf rustc rustPlatform.cargoSetupHook ]; buildInputs = [ pkgs.fuse ] ++ iconvDarwinDep; buildPhase = '' cargo doc --document-private-items mv target/doc $out ''; }; # Run cargo clippy. We run it with -Dwarnings, so warnings cause a nonzero # exit code. clippy = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit cargoDeps src; name = "tvix-clippy"; PROTO_ROOT = protos; buildInputs = [ pkgs.fuse ]; nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ cargo clippy pkg-config protobuf rustc rustPlatform.cargoSetupHook ]; buildPhase = "cargo clippy --tests --all-features --benches --examples -- -Dwarnings | tee $out"; }; meta.ci.targets = [ "clippy" "crate2nix-check" "shell" "rust-docs" ]; utils = import ./utils.nix { inherit lib depot; }; }