;;; slack-file.el --- handle files -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2016 南優也 ;; Author: 南優也 ;; Keywords: ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;;; Code: (require 'eieio) (require 'slack-util) (require 'slack-room) (require 'slack-request) (defconst slack-file-history-url "https://slack.com/api/files.list") (defconst slack-file-list-url "https://slack.com/api/files.list") (defconst slack-file-upload-url "https://slack.com/api/files.upload") (defconst slack-file-delete-url "https://slack.com/api/files.delete") (defclass slack-file () ((id :initarg :id) (created :initarg :created) (name :initarg :name) (size :initarg :size) (public :initarg :public) (filetype :initarg :filetype) (user :initarg :user) (preview :initarg :preview) (permalink :initarg :permalink) (channels :initarg :channels :type list) (groups :initarg :groups :type list) (ims :initarg :ims :type list) (username :initarg :username) (page :initarg :page :initform 1) (pages :initarg :pages :initform nil) (thumb-64 :initarg :thumb_64 :initform nil) (thumb-80 :initarg :thumb_80 :initform nil) (thumb-360 :initarg :thumb_360 :initform nil) (thumb-360-w :initarg :thumb_360_w :initform nil) (thumb-360-h :initarg :thumb_360_h :initform nil) (thumb-160 :initarg :thumb_160 :initform nil) (thumb-pdf :initarg :thumb_pdf :initform nil) (thumb-pdf-w :initarg :thumb_pdf_w :initform nil) (thumb-pdf-h :initarg :thumb_pdf_h :initform nil) (original-w :initarg :original_w :initform nil) (original-h :initarg :original_h :initform nil) (is-starred :initarg :is_starred :initform nil) (mimetype :initarg :mimetype :type string :initform "") (title :initarg :title :type (or null string) :initform nil) (pretty-type :initarg :pretty_type :type (or null string) :initform nil) (is-public :initarg :is_public :initform nil) (url :initarg :url :initform "" :type string) (url-download :initarg :url_download :initform "" :type string) (url-private :initarg :url_private :initform "" :type string) (url-private-download :initarg :url_private_download :initform "" :type string) (timestamp :initarg :timestamp :type number) (comments :initarg :comments :type list :initform '()) )) (defclass slack-file-email (slack-file) ((from :initarg :from :type (or null list) :initform nil) (to :initarg :to :type (or null list) :initform nil) ;; TODO verify type (cc :initarg :cc :type (or null list) :initform nil) (subject :initarg :subject :type (or null string)) (plain-text :initarg :plain_text :type string) (preview-plain-text :initarg :preview_plain_text :type string) (is-expanded :initform nil :type boolean))) (defclass slack-file-email-from () ((address :initarg :address :type string) (name :initarg :name :type string) (original :initarg :original :type string))) (defclass slack-file-email-to (slack-file-email-from) ()) (defclass slack-file-email-cc (slack-file-email-from) ()) (defclass slack-file-comment () ((id :initarg :id :type string) (created :initarg :created :type number) (timestamp :initarg :timestamp :type number) (user :initarg :user :type string) (is-intro :initarg :is_intro) (comment :initarg :comment :type string))) (defmethod slack-merge ((old slack-reaction) new) (with-slots (count users) old (setq count (oref new count)) (setq users (cl-remove-duplicates (append users (oref new users)) :test #'string=)))) (defmethod slack-merge ((old string) _new) old) (defmethod slack-equalp ((old string) new) (string= old new)) (defmethod slack-merge ((old slack-file) new) (cl-labels ((slack-merge-string-list (new old) (cl-remove-duplicates (append new old) :test #'string=))) (slack-merge-list (oref old channels) (oref new channels)) (slack-merge-list (oref old groups) (oref new groups)) (slack-merge-list (oref old ims) (oref new ims)) )) (defclass slack-file-room (slack-room) ()) (defun slack-file-find (id team) (let ((files (oref (slack-file-room-obj team) messages))) (cl-find-if #'(lambda (file) (string= (oref file id) id)) files))) (defun slack-file-room-obj (team) (with-slots (file-room) team (if file-room file-room (setq file-room (slack-file-room "file-room" :name "Files" :id "F" :created (format-time-string "%s") :latest nil :unread_count 0 :unread_count_display 0 :messages '()))))) (defun slack-file-create-email-from (payload &optional type) (and payload (make-instance (or (and (eq type 'to) 'slack-file-email-to) (and (eq type 'cc) 'slack-file-email-cc) 'slack-file-email-from) :original (plist-get payload :original) :name (plist-get payload :name) :address (plist-get payload :address)))) (defun slack-file-create (payload) (setq payload (append payload nil)) (plist-put payload :channels (append (plist-get payload :channels) nil)) (plist-put payload :groups (append (plist-get payload :groups) nil)) (plist-put payload :ims (append (plist-get payload :ims) nil)) (plist-put payload :pinned_to (append (plist-get payload :pinned_to) nil)) (plist-put payload :channel "F") (let* ((file (if (string= "email" (plist-get payload :filetype)) (progn (plist-put payload :from (mapcar #'slack-file-create-email-from (plist-get payload :from))) (plist-put payload :to (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (slack-file-create-email-from e 'to)) (plist-get payload :to))) (plist-put payload :cc (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (slack-file-create-email-from e 'cc)) (plist-get payload :cc))) (apply #'slack-file-email "file-email" (slack-collect-slots 'slack-file-email payload))) (apply #'slack-file "file" (slack-collect-slots 'slack-file payload)))) ) file)) (defmethod slack-message-equal ((f slack-file) other) (string= (oref f id) (oref other id))) (defmethod slack-equalp ((old slack-file) new) (string= (oref old id) (oref new id))) (defmethod slack-file-pushnew ((f slack-file) team) (let ((room (slack-file-room-obj team))) (slack-merge-list (oref room messages) (list f)) ;; (oset room messages (slack-room-sort-messages (oref room messages))) ;; (slack-room-update-latest room (car (last (oref room messages)))) )) (defconst slack-file-info-url "https://slack.com/api/files.info") (defun slack-file-update () (interactive) (slack-if-let* ((buf slack-current-buffer)) (with-slots (file team) buf (slack-if-let* ((page (oref file page))) (slack-file-request-info file page team #'(lambda (file team) (slack-redisplay file team))))))) (defun slack-file-comment-create (payload) (apply 'make-instance 'slack-file-comment (slack-collect-slots 'slack-file-comment payload))) (defun slack-file-request-info (file-id page team &optional after-success) (cl-labels ((on-file-info (&key data &allow-other-keys) (slack-request-handle-error (data "slack-file-info") (let* ((paging (plist-get data :paging)) (file (slack-file-create (plist-get data :file))) (comments (mapcar #'slack-file-comment-create (plist-get data :comments)))) (oset file comments comments) (slack-file-pushnew file team) (if after-success (funcall after-success file team)))))) (slack-request (slack-request-create slack-file-info-url team :params (list (cons "file" file-id) (cons "page" (number-to-string page))) :success #'on-file-info)))) (defmethod slack-file-gdoc-p ((this slack-file)) (string= (oref this filetype) "gdoc")) (defmethod slack-file-gdoc-to-string ((this slack-file)) (with-slots (pretty-type name title url-private permalink) this (let ((title (propertize (format "<%s|%s>" permalink (or title name)) 'face '(:weight bold))) (description (format "<%s|%s>" url-private pretty-type))) (slack-format-message title description)))) (defmethod slack-message-body-to-string ((file slack-file) team) (cond ((slack-file-gdoc-p file) (slack-file-gdoc-to-string file)) (t (with-slots (name title size filetype permalink) file (slack-message-put-text-property (format "name: %s\nsize: %s\ntype: %s\n%s\n" (or title name) size filetype permalink)))))) (defmethod slack-team-display-image-inlinep ((_file slack-file) team) (slack-team-display-file-image-inlinep team)) (defmethod slack-message-image-to-string ((file slack-file)) (slack-image-string (slack-file-thumb-image-spec file))) (defmethod slack-file-image-p ((this slack-file)) (string= (car (split-string (oref this mimetype) "/")) "image")) (defmethod slack-message-large-image-to-string ((file slack-file)) (slack-image-string (slack-file-image-spec file))) (defmethod slack-message-to-string ((this slack-file-email) ts team) (let ((body (slack-file-summary this ts team)) (thumb (slack-image-string (slack-file-thumb-image-spec this)))) (slack-format-message body thumb))) (defmethod slack-message-to-string ((this slack-file) ts team) (let ((body (slack-file-summary this ts team)) (thumb (slack-image-string (slack-file-thumb-image-spec this)))) (slack-format-message body thumb))) (defmethod slack-message-to-string ((this slack-file-comment) team) (with-slots (user comment) this (let ((name (slack-user-name user team)) (status (slack-user-status user team))) (format "%s\n%s\n" (propertize (format "%s %s" name status) 'face 'slack-message-output-header) (slack-message-unescape-string comment team))))) (defun slack-file-list () (interactive) (let* ((team (slack-team-select)) (room (slack-file-room-obj team))) (slack-room-display room team))) (cl-defmethod slack-room-history-request ((room slack-file-room) team &key oldest after-success async) (cl-labels ((on-file-list (&key data &allow-other-keys) (slack-request-handle-error (data "slack-file-list") (let ((files (cl-loop for e in (plist-get data :files) collect (slack-file-create e)))) (if oldest (slack-room-set-prev-messages room files) (slack-room-set-messages room files))) (if after-success (funcall after-success))))) (slack-request (slack-request-create slack-file-list-url team :params (list (if oldest (cons "ts_to" oldest))) :success #'on-file-list)))) (defun slack-file-select-sharing-channels (current-room-name team) (cl-labels ((select-channels (channels acc) (let ((selected (apply slack-completing-read-function (if acc (list "Select another channel (or leave empty): " (cons "" channels) nil t) (list "Select channel: " channels nil t current-room-name))))) (if (< 0 (length selected)) (select-channels (cl-remove-if (lambda (x) (equal selected (car-safe x))) channels) (cons selected acc)) acc))) (channel-id (selected channels) (oref (cdr (cl-assoc selected channels :test #'string=)) id))) (let* ((channels (slack-room-names (append (oref team ims) (oref team channels) (oref team groups)) team)) (target-channels (select-channels channels '()))) (mapcar #'(lambda (selected) (channel-id selected channels)) (cl-delete-if #'null target-channels))))) (defun slack-file-select-upload-file-as-buffer () (find-file-noselect (car (find-file-read-args "Select File: " (confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer))) t t)) (defun slack-file-upload () (interactive) (slack-if-let* ((slack-buffer slack-current-buffer) (team (oref slack-buffer team)) (buf (slack-file-select-upload-file-as-buffer)) (filename (read-from-minibuffer "Filename: " (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name buf)))) (filetype (read-from-minibuffer "Filetype: " (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name buf)))) (initial-comment (read-from-minibuffer "Message: "))) (cl-labels ((on-file-upload (&key data &allow-other-keys) (slack-request-handle-error (data "slack-file-upload")))) (slack-request (slack-request-create slack-file-upload-url team :type "POST" :params (append (slack-file-upload-params slack-buffer) (list (cons "filename" filename) (cons "filetype" filetype) (if initial-comment (cons "initial_comment" initial-comment)))) :files (list (cons "file" buf)) :headers (list (cons "Content-Type" "multipart/form-data")) :success #'on-file-upload))) (error "Call from message buffer or thread buffer"))) (defun slack-file-delete () (interactive) (cl-labels ((on-file-delete (&key data &allow-other-keys) (slack-request-handle-error (data "slack-file-delete")))) (let* ((team (slack-team-select)) (files (oref (slack-file-room-obj team) messages)) (your-files (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (f) (not (string= (oref f user) (oref team self-id)))) files)) (candidates (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (cons (concat (slack-message-time-to-string (slack-ts f)) " " (oref f (or title name))) f)) your-files)) (selected (funcall slack-completing-read-function "Select File: " candidates)) (deleting-file (cdr (cl-assoc selected candidates :test #'string=)))) (slack-request (slack-request-create slack-file-delete-url team :params (list (cons "file" (oref deleting-file id))) :success #'on-file-delete))))) (defmethod slack-file-id ((file slack-file)) (oref file id)) (defmethod slack-file-channel ((_file slack-file)) nil) (defmethod slack-file-thumb-image-spec ((file slack-file)) (with-slots (thumb-360 thumb-360-w thumb-360-h thumb-160 thumb-80 thumb-64 thumb-pdf thumb-pdf-w thumb-pdf-h) file (or (and thumb-360 (list thumb-360 thumb-360-w thumb-360-h)) (and thumb-160 (list thumb-160 nil nil)) (and thumb-80 (list thumb-80 nil nil)) (and thumb-64 (list thumb-64 nil nil)) (and thumb-pdf (list thumb-pdf thumb-pdf-w thumb-pdf-h)) (list nil nil nil)))) (defmethod slack-file-image-spec ((this slack-file)) (with-slots (is-public url-download url-private-download) this (list url-private-download nil nil nil (floor (* 0.9 (frame-pixel-width)))))) (defmethod slack-file-channel-ids ((file slack-file)) (append (oref file channels) (oref file ims) (oref file groups))) (defun slack-file-link-info (file-id text) (propertize text 'file file-id 'face '(:underline t :weight bold) 'keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "RET") #'slack-file-display) map))) (defmethod slack-file-summary ((file slack-file) _ts team) (with-slots (pretty-type mimetype permalink name title) file (format "uploaded this %s: %s <%s|open in browser>" (or pretty-type mimetype) (slack-file-link-info (oref file id) (slack-message-unescape-string (or title name) team)) permalink))) (defmethod slack-file-summary ((this slack-file-email) ts team) (with-slots (preview-plain-text plain-text is-expanded) this (let* ((has-more (< (length preview-plain-text) (length plain-text))) (body (slack-message-unescape-string (or (and is-expanded plain-text) (or (and has-more (format "%s…" preview-plain-text)) preview-plain-text)) team))) (format "%s\n\n%s\n\n%s" (call-next-method) (propertize body 'slack-defer-face #'slack-put-preview-overlay) (propertize (or (and is-expanded "Collapse ↑") "+ Click to expand inline") 'face '(:underline t) 'keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "RET") #'(lambda () (interactive) (slack-buffer-toggle-email-expand slack-current-buffer ts (oref this id)))) map)))))) (defmacro slack-with-file (id team &rest body) (declare (indent 2) (debug t)) `(cl-loop for file in (oref (slack-file-room-obj ,team) messages) do (when (string= (oref file id) ,id) ,@body))) (defmethod slack-room-buffer-name ((this slack-file) _team) (with-slots (name) this (format "*Slack File - %s*" name))) (define-derived-mode slack-file-info-mode lui-mode "Slack File Info" "" (setq-local default-directory slack-default-directory) ) (defun slack-file-display () (interactive) (slack-if-let* ((id (get-text-property (point) 'file)) (buf slack-current-buffer)) (slack-buffer-display-file buf id))) (defmethod slack-message-star-added ((this slack-file)) (oset this is-starred t)) (defmethod slack-message-star-removed ((this slack-file)) (oset this is-starred nil)) (defmethod slack-message-star-api-params ((this slack-file)) (cons "file" (oref this id))) (defun slack-file-process-star-api (url team file-id) (slack-with-file file-id team (slack-message-star-api-request url (list (slack-message-star-api-params file)) team))) (defmethod slack-message-body-to-string ((this slack-file-email) _team) (let ((from (format "From: %s" (mapconcat #'(lambda (e) (oref e original)) (oref this from) ", "))) (to (format "To: %s" (mapconcat #'(lambda (e) (oref e original)) (oref this to) ", "))) (cc (format "CC: %s" (mapconcat #'(lambda (e) (oref e original)) (oref this cc) ", "))) (subject (format "Subject: %s" (oref this subject))) (body (propertize (format "\n%s" (oref this plain-text)) 'slack-defer-face #'slack-put-email-body-overlay)) (date (format "Date: %s" (slack-message-time-to-string (oref this created))))) (mapconcat #'identity (list from to cc subject date body) "\n"))) (defun slack-redisplay (file team) ;; (slack-if-let* ((buffer (slack-buffer-find 'slack-file-info-buffer file team))) ;; (slack-buffer--replace buffer nil)) (slack-if-let* ((buffer (slack-buffer-find 'slack-file-list-buffer (slack-file-room-obj team) team))) (slack-buffer-replace buffer file))) (defmethod slack-message-update ((this slack-file) team &rest _args) (slack-if-let* ((buffer (slack-buffer-find 'slack-file-info-buffer this team))) (progn (oset buffer file this) (slack-buffer-update buffer)))) (defmethod slack-ts ((this slack-file)) (number-to-string (oref this timestamp))) (defmethod slack-thread-message-p ((this slack-file)) nil) (provide 'slack-file) ;;; slack-file.el ends here