From b5dcb4e6df3fcd5667ac21d81119f13cb827141e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Ambo Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 20:23:09 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] feat(tazjin/russian): Add words 501-550 Change-Id: Id9e4b9eb5e330a5331ca0cc2c7af2c4ade4a6ace --- users/tazjin/russian/words.el | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/users/tazjin/russian/words.el b/users/tazjin/russian/words.el index 4b65ba6f6..b537e3bef 100644 --- a/users/tazjin/russian/words.el +++ b/users/tazjin/russian/words.el @@ -516,6 +516,59 @@ ("врач" ("doctor")) ("край" ("border, edge" "land, country")) ("стараться" ("to try" "to endeavour")) - ("лучший" ("better" "best"))) + ("лучший" ("better" "best")) + + ;; 501 - 550 + ("река" ("river")) + ("военный" ("military")) + ("мера" ("measure" "step")) + ("страшный" ("terrible" "frightful")) + ("вполне" ("quite" "fully")) + ("звать" ("to call")) + ("произойти" ("to happen" "to occur" "take place")) + ("вперед" ("forward")) + ("медленно" ("slowly")) + ("возле" ("by" "near" "close by")) + ("никак" ("in no way" "by no means")) + ("заниматься" ("to be occupied" "to engage")) + ("действие" ("action" "effort")) + ("довольно" ("enough" "rather")) + ("вещь" ("thing")) + ("необходимый" ("necessary") ("not possible to go around")) + ("ход" ("move")) + ("боль" ("pain")) + ("судьба" ("fate" "fortune" "destiny")) + ("причина" ("cause" "reason" "motive")) + ("положить" ("to lay down" "put down" "place")) + ("едва" ("hardly" "just" "barely")) + ("черта" ("line" "boundary" "trait")) + ("девочка" ("girl" "little girl")) + ("лёгкий" ("light" "easy")) + ("волос" ("hair")) + ("купить" ("to buy" "purchase")) + ("номер" ("number" "size" "room" "issue")) + ("основной" ("main")) + ("широкий" ("wide")) + ("умереть" ("to die")) + ("далеко" ("far" "far off")) + ("плохо" ("badly")) + ("глава" ("head" "chief")) + ("красивый" ("beautiful")) + ("серый" ("grey" "dull")) + ("пить" ("to drink")) + ("командир" ("commander" "officer")) + ("обычно" ("usually")) + ("партия" ("party")) + ("проблема" ("problem" "issue")) + ("страх" ("fear")) + ("проходить" ("to pass" "go" "study")) + ("ясно" ("clear" "clearly")) + ("снять" ("to take away" "take off")) + ("бумага" ("paper")) + ("герой" ("hero")) + ("пара" ("pair" "couple")) + ("государство" ("State")) + ("деревня" ("village")) + ) (provide 'russian-words)