diff --git a/.cirrus.yml b/.cirrus.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2f5fe385 --- /dev/null +++ b/.cirrus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +env: + CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH: 1 + +freebsd_12_task: + freebsd_instance: + image: freebsd-12-1-release-amd64 + install_script: + pkg install -y gettext gmake perl5 + create_user_script: + - pw useradd git + - chown -R git:git . + build_script: + - su git -c gmake + test_script: + - su git -c 'gmake test' diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig index 42cdc4bbf..f9d819623 100644 --- a/.editorconfig +++ b/.editorconfig @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ insert_final_newline = true # The settings for C (*.c and *.h) files are mirrored in .clang-format. Keep # them in sync. -[*.{c,h,sh,perl,pl,pm}] +[*.{c,h,sh,perl,pl,pm,txt}] indent_style = tab tab_width = 8 diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 521d8f4fb..aebe7c090 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ /git-show-branch /git-show-index /git-show-ref +/git-sparse-checkout /git-stage /git-stash /git-status @@ -216,6 +217,7 @@ /tags /TAGS /cscope* +*.hcc *.obj *.lib *.res @@ -231,7 +233,6 @@ *.ipdb *.dll .vs/ -*.manifest Debug/ Release/ /UpgradeLog*.htm diff --git a/.mailmap b/.mailmap index 9a5ff0475..bde7aba75 100644 --- a/.mailmap +++ b/.mailmap @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Alexey Shumkin Alexey Shumkin Anders Kaseorg Anders Kaseorg +Andrey Mazo Mazo, Andrey Aneesh Kumar K.V Amos Waterland Amos Waterland @@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ Brandon Casey Brandon Williams brian m. carlson brian m. carlson +brian m. carlson Bryan Larsen Bryan Larsen Cheng Renquan @@ -58,7 +60,9 @@ David S. Miller David Turner David Turner Derrick Stolee +Derrick Stolee Derrick Stolee via GitGitGadget Deskin Miller +Đoàn Trần Công Danh Doan Tran Cong Danh Dirk Süsserott Eric Blake Eric Hanchrow @@ -107,6 +111,7 @@ Jim Meyering Joachim Berdal Haga Joachim Jablon Johannes Schindelin +Johannes Schindelin Johannes Schindelin via GitGitGadget Johannes Sixt Johannes Sixt Johannes Sixt @@ -285,6 +290,7 @@ William Pursell YONETANI Tomokazu YONETANI Tomokazu YOSHIFUJI Hideaki +Yi-Jyun Pan # the two anonymous contributors are different persons: anonymous anonymous diff --git a/.tsan-suppressions b/.tsan-suppressions index 8c85014a0..5ba86d684 100644 --- a/.tsan-suppressions +++ b/.tsan-suppressions @@ -8,3 +8,9 @@ # in practice it (hopefully!) doesn't matter. race:^want_color$ race:^transfer_debug$ + +# A boolean value, which tells whether the replace_map has been initialized or +# not, is read racily with an update. As this variable is written to only once, +# and it's OK if the value change right after reading it, this shouldn't be a +# problem. +race:^lookup_replace_object$ diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc4645d5c --- /dev/null +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +# Git Code of Conduct + +This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participants within +the Git community, as well as steps for reporting unacceptable behavior. +We are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community for +all and expect our code of conduct to be honored. Anyone who violates +this code of conduct may be banned from the community. + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, +body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and +expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and +orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or + advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies within all project spaces, and it also applies +when an individual is representing the project or its community in public +spaces. Examples of representing a project or community include using an +official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, +or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. +Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project +maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at git@sfconservancy.org. All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response +that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project +team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of +an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted +separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +The project leadership team can be contacted by email as a whole at +git@sfconservancy.org, or individually: + + - Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason + - Christian Couder + - Jeff King + - Junio C Hamano + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], +version 1.4, available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq diff --git a/Documentation/CodingGuidelines b/Documentation/CodingGuidelines index f45db5b72..ed4e443a3 100644 --- a/Documentation/CodingGuidelines +++ b/Documentation/CodingGuidelines @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ For shell scripts specifically (not exhaustive): - If you want to find out if a command is available on the user's $PATH, you should use 'type ', instead of 'which '. - The output of 'which' is not machine parseable and its exit code + The output of 'which' is not machine parsable and its exit code is not reliable across platforms. - We use POSIX compliant parameter substitutions and avoid bashisms; @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ For C programs: . since early 2012 with e1327023ea, we have been using an enum definition whose last element is followed by a comma. This, like an array initializer that ends with a trailing comma, can be used - to reduce the patch noise when adding a new identifer at the end. + to reduce the patch noise when adding a new identifier at the end. . since mid 2017 with cbc0f81d, we have been using designated initializers for struct (e.g. "struct t v = { .val = 'a' };"). diff --git a/Documentation/Makefile b/Documentation/Makefile index 76f2ecfc1..8fe829cc1 100644 --- a/Documentation/Makefile +++ b/Documentation/Makefile @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ API_DOCS = $(patsubst %.txt,%,$(filter-out technical/api-index-skel.txt technica SP_ARTICLES += $(API_DOCS) TECH_DOCS += MyFirstContribution +TECH_DOCS += MyFirstObjectWalk TECH_DOCS += SubmittingPatches TECH_DOCS += technical/hash-function-transition TECH_DOCS += technical/http-protocol @@ -123,7 +124,8 @@ ASCIIDOC_HTML = xhtml11 ASCIIDOC_DOCBOOK = docbook ASCIIDOC_CONF = -f asciidoc.conf ASCIIDOC_COMMON = $(ASCIIDOC) $(ASCIIDOC_EXTRA) $(ASCIIDOC_CONF) \ - -agit_version=$(GIT_VERSION) + -amanversion=$(GIT_VERSION) \ + -amanmanual='Git Manual' -amansource='Git' TXT_TO_HTML = $(ASCIIDOC_COMMON) -b $(ASCIIDOC_HTML) TXT_TO_XML = $(ASCIIDOC_COMMON) -b $(ASCIIDOC_DOCBOOK) MANPAGE_XSL = manpage-normal.xsl @@ -197,11 +199,13 @@ ifdef USE_ASCIIDOCTOR ASCIIDOC = asciidoctor ASCIIDOC_CONF = ASCIIDOC_HTML = xhtml5 -ASCIIDOC_DOCBOOK = docbook45 +ASCIIDOC_DOCBOOK = docbook5 ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -acompat-mode -atabsize=8 ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -I. -rasciidoctor-extensions ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -alitdd='&\#x2d;&\#x2d;' DBLATEX_COMMON = +XMLTO_EXTRA += --skip-validation +XMLTO_EXTRA += -x manpage.xsl endif SHELL_PATH ?= $(SHELL) diff --git a/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt b/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt index f8670379c..427274df4 100644 --- a/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt +++ b/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt @@ -23,6 +23,42 @@ useful additional context: - `Documentation/SubmittingPatches` - `Documentation/howto/new-command.txt` +[[getting-help]] +=== Getting Help + +If you get stuck, you can seek help in the following places. + +==== git@vger.kernel.org + +This is the main Git project mailing list where code reviews, version +announcements, design discussions, and more take place. Those interested in +contributing are welcome to post questions here. The Git list requires +plain-text-only emails and prefers inline and bottom-posting when replying to +mail; you will be CC'd in all replies to you. Optionally, you can subscribe to +the list by sending an email to majordomo@vger.kernel.org with "subscribe git" +in the body. The https://lore.kernel.org/git[archive] of this mailing list is +available to view in a browser. + +==== https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/git-mentoring[git-mentoring@googlegroups.com] + +This mailing list is targeted to new contributors and was created as a place to +post questions and receive answers outside of the public eye of the main list. +Veteran contributors who are especially interested in helping mentor newcomers +are present on the list. In order to avoid search indexers, group membership is +required to view messages; anyone can join and no approval is required. + +==== https://webchat.freenode.net/#git-devel[#git-devel] on Freenode + +This IRC channel is for conversations between Git contributors. If someone is +currently online and knows the answer to your question, you can receive help +in real time. Otherwise, you can read the +https://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/git-devel[scrollback] to see +whether someone answered you. IRC does not allow offline private messaging, so +if you try to private message someone and then log out of IRC, they cannot +respond to you. It's better to ask your questions in the channel so that you +can be answered if you disconnect and so that others can learn from the +conversation. + [[getting-started]] == Getting Started @@ -38,6 +74,26 @@ $ git clone https://github.com/git/git git $ cd git ---- +[[dependencies]] +=== Installing Dependencies + +To build Git from source, you need to have a handful of dependencies installed +on your system. For a hint of what's needed, you can take a look at +`INSTALL`, paying close attention to the section about Git's dependencies on +external programs and libraries. That document mentions a way to "test-drive" +our freshly built Git without installing; that's the method we'll be using in +this tutorial. + +Make sure that your environment has everything you need by building your brand +new clone of Git from the above step: + +---- +$ make +---- + +NOTE: The Git build is parallelizable. `-j#` is not included above but you can +use it as you prefer, here and elsewhere. + [[identify-problem]] === Identify Problem to Solve @@ -97,8 +153,8 @@ int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) ---- We'll also need to add the declaration of psuh; open up `builtin.h`, find the -declaration for `cmd_push`, and add a new line for `psuh` immediately before it, -in order to keep the declarations sorted: +declaration for `cmd_pull`, and add a new line for `psuh` immediately before it, +in order to keep the declarations alphabetically sorted: ---- int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix); @@ -123,7 +179,7 @@ int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) } ---- -Let's try to build it. Open `Makefile`, find where `builtin/push.o` is added +Let's try to build it. Open `Makefile`, find where `builtin/pull.o` is added to `BUILTIN_OBJS`, and add `builtin/psuh.o` in the same way next to it in alphabetical order. Once you've done so, move to the top-level directory and build simply with `make`. Also add the `DEVELOPER=1` variable to turn on @@ -138,9 +194,6 @@ NOTE: When you are developing the Git project, it's preferred that you use the `DEVELOPER` flag; if there's some reason it doesn't work for you, you can turn it off, but it's a good idea to mention the problem to the mailing list. -NOTE: The Git build is parallelizable. `-j#` is not included above but you can -use it as you prefer, here and elsewhere. - Great, now your new command builds happily on its own. But nobody invokes it. Let's change that. @@ -149,7 +202,7 @@ a `cmd_struct` to the `commands[]` array. `struct cmd_struct` takes a string with the command name, a function pointer to the command implementation, and a setup option flag. For now, let's keep mimicking `push`. Find the line where `cmd_push` is registered, copy it, and modify it for `cmd_psuh`, placing the new -line in alphabetical order. +line in alphabetical order (immediately before `cmd_pull`). The options are documented in `builtin.h` under "Adding a new built-in." Since we hope to print some data about the user's current workspace context later, @@ -167,7 +220,7 @@ Check it out! You've got a command! Nice work! Let's commit this. `git status` reveals modified `Makefile`, `builtin.h`, and `git.c` as well as untracked `builtin/psuh.c` and `git-psuh`. First, let's take care of the binary, -which should be ignored. Open `.gitignore` in your editor, find `/git-push`, and +which should be ignored. Open `.gitignore` in your editor, find `/git-pull`, and add an entry for your new command in alphabetical order: ---- @@ -534,6 +587,28 @@ you want to pass as a parameter something which would usually be interpreted as a flag.) `parse_options()` will terminate parsing when it reaches `--` and give you the rest of the options afterwards, untouched. +Now that you have a usage hint, you can teach Git how to show it in the general +command list shown by `git help git` or `git help -a`, which is generated from +`command-list.txt`. Find the line for 'git-pull' so you can add your 'git-psuh' +line above it in alphabetical order. Now, we can add some attributes about the +command which impacts where it shows up in the aforementioned help commands. The +top of `command-list.txt` shares some information about what each attribute +means; in those help pages, the commands are sorted according to these +attributes. `git psuh` is user-facing, or porcelain - so we will mark it as +"mainporcelain". For "mainporcelain" commands, the comments at the top of +`command-list.txt` indicate we can also optionally add an attribute from another +list; since `git psuh` shows some information about the user's workspace but +doesn't modify anything, let's mark it as "info". Make sure to keep your +attributes in the same style as the rest of `command-list.txt` using spaces to +align and delineate them: + +---- +git-prune-packed plumbingmanipulators +git-psuh mainporcelain info +git-pull mainporcelain remote +git-push mainporcelain remote +---- + Build again. Now, when you run with `-h`, you should see your usage printed and your command terminated before anything else interesting happens. Great! @@ -746,6 +821,14 @@ will automatically run your PRs through the CI even without the permission given but you will not be able to `/submit` your changes until someone allows you to use the tool. +NOTE: You can typically find someone who can `/allow` you on GitGitGadget by +either examining recent pull requests where someone has been granted `/allow` +(https://github.com/gitgitgadget/git/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+%22%2Fallow%22[Search: +is:pr is:open "/allow"]), in which case both the author and the person who +granted the `/allow` can now `/allow` you, or by inquiring on the +https://webchat.freenode.net/#git-devel[#git-devel] IRC channel on Freenode +linking your pull request and asking for someone to `/allow` you. + If the CI fails, you can update your changes with `git rebase -i` and push your branch again: @@ -970,7 +1053,7 @@ reviewers the changes you've made that may not be as visible. You will also need to go and find the Message-Id of your previous cover letter. You can either note it when you send the first series, from the output of `git send-email`, or you can look it up on the -https://public-inbox.org/git[mailing list]. Find your cover letter in the +https://lore.kernel.org/git[mailing list]. Find your cover letter in the archives, click on it, then click "permalink" or "raw" to reveal the Message-Id header. It should match: diff --git a/Documentation/MyFirstObjectWalk.txt b/Documentation/MyFirstObjectWalk.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa828dfdc --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/MyFirstObjectWalk.txt @@ -0,0 +1,905 @@ += My First Object Walk + +== What's an Object Walk? + +The object walk is a key concept in Git - this is the process that underpins +operations like object transfer and fsck. Beginning from a given commit, the +list of objects is found by walking parent relationships between commits (commit +X based on commit W) and containment relationships between objects (tree Y is +contained within commit X, and blob Z is located within tree Y, giving our +working tree for commit X something like `y/z.txt`). + +A related concept is the revision walk, which is focused on commit objects and +their parent relationships and does not delve into other object types. The +revision walk is used for operations like `git log`. + +=== Related Reading + +- `Documentation/user-manual.txt` under "Hacking Git" contains some coverage of + the revision walker in its various incarnations. +- `revision.h` +- https://eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists/[Git for Computer Scientists] + gives a good overview of the types of objects in Git and what your object + walk is really describing. + +== Setting Up + +Create a new branch from `master`. + +---- +git checkout -b revwalk origin/master +---- + +We'll put our fiddling into a new command. For fun, let's name it `git walken`. +Open up a new file `builtin/walken.c` and set up the command handler: + +---- +/* + * "git walken" + * + * Part of the "My First Object Walk" tutorial. + */ + +#include "builtin.h" + +int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) +{ + trace_printf(_("cmd_walken incoming...\n")); + return 0; +} +---- + +NOTE: `trace_printf()` differs from `printf()` in that it can be turned on or +off at runtime. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will write `walken` as +though it is intended for use as a "plumbing" command: that is, a command which +is used primarily in scripts, rather than interactively by humans (a "porcelain" +command). So we will send our debug output to `trace_printf()` instead. When +running, enable trace output by setting the environment variable `GIT_TRACE`. + +Add usage text and `-h` handling, like all subcommands should consistently do +(our test suite will notice and complain if you fail to do so). + +---- +int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) +{ + const char * const walken_usage[] = { + N_("git walken"), + NULL, + } + struct option options[] = { + OPT_END() + }; + + argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options, walken_usage, 0); + + ... +} +---- + +Also add the relevant line in `builtin.h` near `cmd_whatchanged()`: + +---- +int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix); +---- + +Include the command in `git.c` in `commands[]` near the entry for `whatchanged`, +maintaining alphabetical ordering: + +---- +{ "walken", cmd_walken, RUN_SETUP }, +---- + +Add it to the `Makefile` near the line for `builtin/worktree.o`: + +---- +BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/walken.o +---- + +Build and test out your command, without forgetting to ensure the `DEVELOPER` +flag is set, and with `GIT_TRACE` enabled so the debug output can be seen: + +---- +$ echo DEVELOPER=1 >>config.mak +$ make +$ GIT_TRACE=1 ./bin-wrappers/git walken +---- + +NOTE: For a more exhaustive overview of the new command process, take a look at +`Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt`. + +NOTE: A reference implementation can be found at +https://github.com/nasamuffin/git/tree/revwalk. + +=== `struct rev_cmdline_info` + +The definition of `struct rev_cmdline_info` can be found in `revision.h`. + +This struct is contained within the `rev_info` struct and is used to reflect +parameters provided by the user over the CLI. + +`nr` represents the number of `rev_cmdline_entry` present in the array. + +`alloc` is used by the `ALLOC_GROW` macro. Check `cache.h` - this variable is +used to track the allocated size of the list. + +Per entry, we find: + +`item` is the object provided upon which to base the object walk. Items in Git +can be blobs, trees, commits, or tags. (See `Documentation/gittutorial-2.txt`.) + +`name` is the object ID (OID) of the object - a hex string you may be familiar +with from using Git to organize your source in the past. Check the tutorial +mentioned above towards the top for a discussion of where the OID can come +from. + +`whence` indicates some information about what to do with the parents of the +specified object. We'll explore this flag more later on; take a look at +`Documentation/revisions.txt` to get an idea of what could set the `whence` +value. + +`flags` are used to hint the beginning of the revision walk and are the first +block under the `#include`s in `revision.h`. The most likely ones to be set in +the `rev_cmdline_info` are `UNINTERESTING` and `BOTTOM`, but these same flags +can be used during the walk, as well. + +=== `struct rev_info` + +This one is quite a bit longer, and many fields are only used during the walk +by `revision.c` - not configuration options. Most of the configurable flags in +`struct rev_info` have a mirror in `Documentation/rev-list-options.txt`. It's a +good idea to take some time and read through that document. + +== Basic Commit Walk + +First, let's see if we can replicate the output of `git log --oneline`. We'll +refer back to the implementation frequently to discover norms when performing +an object walk of our own. + +To do so, we'll first find all the commits, in order, which preceded the current +commit. We'll extract the name and subject of the commit from each. + +Ideally, we will also be able to find out which ones are currently at the tip of +various branches. + +=== Setting Up + +Preparing for your object walk has some distinct stages. + +1. Perform default setup for this mode, and others which may be invoked. +2. Check configuration files for relevant settings. +3. Set up the `rev_info` struct. +4. Tweak the initialized `rev_info` to suit the current walk. +5. Prepare the `rev_info` for the walk. +6. Iterate over the objects, processing each one. + +==== Default Setups + +Before examining configuration files which may modify command behavior, set up +default state for switches or options your command may have. If your command +utilizes other Git components, ask them to set up their default states as well. +For instance, `git log` takes advantage of `grep` and `diff` functionality, so +its `init_log_defaults()` sets its own state (`decoration_style`) and asks +`grep` and `diff` to initialize themselves by calling each of their +initialization functions. + +For our first example within `git walken`, we don't intend to use any other +components within Git, and we don't have any configuration to do. However, we +may want to add some later, so for now, we can add an empty placeholder. Create +a new function in `builtin/walken.c`: + +---- +static void init_walken_defaults(void) +{ + /* + * We don't actually need the same components `git log` does; leave this + * empty for now. + */ +} +---- + +Make sure to add a line invoking it inside of `cmd_walken()`. + +---- +int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) +{ + init_walken_defaults(); +} +---- + +==== Configuring From `.gitconfig` + +Next, we should have a look at any relevant configuration settings (i.e., +settings readable and settable from `git config`). This is done by providing a +callback to `git_config()`; within that callback, you can also invoke methods +from other components you may need that need to intercept these options. Your +callback will be invoked once per each configuration value which Git knows about +(global, local, worktree, etc.). + +Similarly to the default values, we don't have anything to do here yet +ourselves; however, we should call `git_default_config()` if we aren't calling +any other existing config callbacks. + +Add a new function to `builtin/walken.c`: + +---- +static int git_walken_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb) +{ + /* + * For now, we don't have any custom configuration, so fall back to + * the default config. + */ + return git_default_config(var, value, cb); +} +---- + +Make sure to invoke `git_config()` with it in your `cmd_walken()`: + +---- +int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) +{ + ... + + git_config(git_walken_config, NULL); + + ... +} +---- + +==== Setting Up `rev_info` + +Now that we've gathered external configuration and options, it's time to +initialize the `rev_info` object which we will use to perform the walk. This is +typically done by calling `repo_init_revisions()` with the repository you intend +to target, as well as the `prefix` argument of `cmd_walken` and your `rev_info` +struct. + +Add the `struct rev_info` and the `repo_init_revisions()` call: +---- +int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) +{ + /* This can go wherever you like in your declarations.*/ + struct rev_info rev; + ... + + /* This should go after the git_config() call. */ + repo_init_revisions(the_repository, &rev, prefix); + + ... +} +---- + +==== Tweaking `rev_info` For the Walk + +We're getting close, but we're still not quite ready to go. Now that `rev` is +initialized, we can modify it to fit our needs. This is usually done within a +helper for clarity, so let's add one: + +---- +static void final_rev_info_setup(struct rev_info *rev) +{ + /* + * We want to mimic the appearance of `git log --oneline`, so let's + * force oneline format. + */ + get_commit_format("oneline", rev); + + /* Start our object walk at HEAD. */ + add_head_to_pending(rev); +} +---- + +[NOTE] +==== +Instead of using the shorthand `add_head_to_pending()`, you could do +something like this: +---- + struct setup_revision_opt opt; + + memset(&opt, 0, sizeof(opt)); + opt.def = "HEAD"; + opt.revarg_opt = REVARG_COMMITTISH; + setup_revisions(argc, argv, rev, &opt); +---- +Using a `setup_revision_opt` gives you finer control over your walk's starting +point. +==== + +Then let's invoke `final_rev_info_setup()` after the call to +`repo_init_revisions()`: + +---- +int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) +{ + ... + + final_rev_info_setup(&rev); + + ... +} +---- + +Later, we may wish to add more arguments to `final_rev_info_setup()`. But for +now, this is all we need. + +==== Preparing `rev_info` For the Walk + +Now that `rev` is all initialized and configured, we've got one more setup step +before we get rolling. We can do this in a helper, which will both prepare the +`rev_info` for the walk, and perform the walk itself. Let's start the helper +with the call to `prepare_revision_walk()`, which can return an error without +dying on its own: + +---- +static void walken_commit_walk(struct rev_info *rev) +{ + if (prepare_revision_walk(rev)) + die(_("revision walk setup failed")); +} +---- + +NOTE: `die()` prints to `stderr` and exits the program. Since it will print to +`stderr` it's likely to be seen by a human, so we will localize it. + +==== Performing the Walk! + +Finally! We are ready to begin the walk itself. Now we can see that `rev_info` +can also be used as an iterator; we move to the next item in the walk by using +`get_revision()` repeatedly. Add the listed variable declarations at the top and +the walk loop below the `prepare_revision_walk()` call within your +`walken_commit_walk()`: + +---- +static void walken_commit_walk(struct rev_info *rev) +{ + struct commit *commit; + struct strbuf prettybuf = STRBUF_INIT; + + ... + + while ((commit = get_revision(rev))) { + if (!commit) + continue; + + strbuf_reset(&prettybuf); + pp_commit_easy(CMIT_FMT_ONELINE, commit, &prettybuf); + puts(prettybuf.buf); + } + strbuf_release(&prettybuf); +} +---- + +NOTE: `puts()` prints a `char*` to `stdout`. Since this is the part of the +command we expect to be machine-parsed, we're sending it directly to stdout. + +Give it a shot. + +---- +$ make +$ ./bin-wrappers/git walken +---- + +You should see all of the subject lines of all the commits in +your tree's history, in order, ending with the initial commit, "Initial revision +of "git", the information manager from hell". Congratulations! You've written +your first revision walk. You can play with printing some additional fields +from each commit if you're curious; have a look at the functions available in +`commit.h`. + +=== Adding a Filter + +Next, let's try to filter the commits we see based on their author. This is +equivalent to running `git log --author=`. We can add a filter by +modifying `rev_info.grep_filter`, which is a `struct grep_opt`. + +First some setup. Add `init_grep_defaults()` to `init_walken_defaults()` and add +`grep_config()` to `git_walken_config()`: + +---- +static void init_walken_defaults(void) +{ + init_grep_defaults(the_repository); +} + +... + +static int git_walken_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb) +{ + grep_config(var, value, cb); + return git_default_config(var, value, cb); +} +---- + +Next, we can modify the `grep_filter`. This is done with convenience functions +found in `grep.h`. For fun, we're filtering to only commits from folks using a +`gmail.com` email address - a not-very-precise guess at who may be working on +Git as a hobby. Since we're checking the author, which is a specific line in the +header, we'll use the `append_header_grep_pattern()` helper. We can use +the `enum grep_header_field` to indicate which part of the commit header we want +to search. + +In `final_rev_info_setup()`, add your filter line: + +---- +static void final_rev_info_setup(int argc, const char **argv, + const char *prefix, struct rev_info *rev) +{ + ... + + append_header_grep_pattern(&rev->grep_filter, GREP_HEADER_AUTHOR, + "gmail"); + compile_grep_patterns(&rev->grep_filter); + + ... +} +---- + +`append_header_grep_pattern()` adds your new "gmail" pattern to `rev_info`, but +it won't work unless we compile it with `compile_grep_patterns()`. + +NOTE: If you are using `setup_revisions()` (for example, if you are passing a +`setup_revision_opt` instead of using `add_head_to_pending()`), you don't need +to call `compile_grep_patterns()` because `setup_revisions()` calls it for you. + +NOTE: We could add the same filter via the `append_grep_pattern()` helper if we +wanted to, but `append_header_grep_pattern()` adds the `enum grep_context` and +`enum grep_pat_token` for us. + +=== Changing the Order + +There are a few ways that we can change the order of the commits during a +revision walk. Firstly, we can use the `enum rev_sort_order` to choose from some +typical orderings. + +`topo_order` is the same as `git log --topo-order`: we avoid showing a parent +before all of its children have been shown, and we avoid mixing commits which +are in different lines of history. (`git help log`'s section on `--topo-order` +has a very nice diagram to illustrate this.) + +Let's see what happens when we run with `REV_SORT_BY_COMMIT_DATE` as opposed to +`REV_SORT_BY_AUTHOR_DATE`. Add the following: + +---- +static void final_rev_info_setup(int argc, const char **argv, + const char *prefix, struct rev_info *rev) +{ + ... + + rev->topo_order = 1; + rev->sort_order = REV_SORT_BY_COMMIT_DATE; + + ... +} +---- + +Let's output this into a file so we can easily diff it with the walk sorted by +author date. + +---- +$ make +$ ./bin-wrappers/git walken > commit-date.txt +---- + +Then, let's sort by author date and run it again. + +---- +static void final_rev_info_setup(int argc, const char **argv, + const char *prefix, struct rev_info *rev) +{ + ... + + rev->topo_order = 1; + rev->sort_order = REV_SORT_BY_AUTHOR_DATE; + + ... +} +---- + +---- +$ make +$ ./bin-wrappers/git walken > author-date.txt +---- + +Finally, compare the two. This is a little less helpful without object names or +dates, but hopefully we get the idea. + +---- +$ diff -u commit-date.txt author-date.txt +---- + +This display indicates that commits can be reordered after they're written, for +example with `git rebase`. + +Let's try one more reordering of commits. `rev_info` exposes a `reverse` flag. +Set that flag somewhere inside of `final_rev_info_setup()`: + +---- +static void final_rev_info_setup(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, + struct rev_info *rev) +{ + ... + + rev->reverse = 1; + + ... +} +---- + +Run your walk again and note the difference in order. (If you remove the grep +pattern, you should see the last commit this call gives you as your current +HEAD.) + +== Basic Object Walk + +So far we've been walking only commits. But Git has more types of objects than +that! Let's see if we can walk _all_ objects, and find out some information +about each one. + +We can base our work on an example. `git pack-objects` prepares all kinds of +objects for packing into a bitmap or packfile. The work we are interested in +resides in `builtins/pack-objects.c:get_object_list()`; examination of that +function shows that the all-object walk is being performed by +`traverse_commit_list()` or `traverse_commit_list_filtered()`. Those two +functions reside in `list-objects.c`; examining the source shows that, despite +the name, these functions traverse all kinds of objects. Let's have a look at +the arguments to `traverse_commit_list_filtered()`, which are a superset of the +arguments to the unfiltered version. + +- `struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options`: This is a struct which + stores a filter-spec as outlined in `Documentation/rev-list-options.txt`. +- `struct rev_info *revs`: This is the `rev_info` used for the walk. +- `show_commit_fn show_commit`: A callback which will be used to handle each + individual commit object. +- `show_object_fn show_object`: A callback which will be used to handle each + non-commit object (so each blob, tree, or tag). +- `void *show_data`: A context buffer which is passed in turn to `show_commit` + and `show_object`. +- `struct oidset *omitted`: A linked-list of object IDs which the provided + filter caused to be omitted. + +It looks like this `traverse_commit_list_filtered()` uses callbacks we provide +instead of needing us to call it repeatedly ourselves. Cool! Let's add the +callbacks first. + +For the sake of this tutorial, we'll simply keep track of how many of each kind +of object we find. At file scope in `builtin/walken.c` add the following +tracking variables: + +---- +static int commit_count; +static int tag_count; +static int blob_count; +static int tree_count; +---- + +Commits are handled by a different callback than other objects; let's do that +one first: + +---- +static void walken_show_commit(struct commit *cmt, void *buf) +{ + commit_count++; +} +---- + +The `cmt` argument is fairly self-explanatory. But it's worth mentioning that +the `buf` argument is actually the context buffer that we can provide to the +traversal calls - `show_data`, which we mentioned a moment ago. + +Since we have the `struct commit` object, we can look at all the same parts that +we looked at in our earlier commit-only walk. For the sake of this tutorial, +though, we'll just increment the commit counter and move on. + +The callback for non-commits is a little different, as we'll need to check +which kind of object we're dealing with: + +---- +static void walken_show_object(struct object *obj, const char *str, void *buf) +{ + switch (obj->type) { + case OBJ_TREE: + tree_count++; + break; + case OBJ_BLOB: + blob_count++; + break; + case OBJ_TAG: + tag_count++; + break; + case OBJ_COMMIT: + BUG("unexpected commit object in walken_show_object\n"); + default: + BUG("unexpected object type %s in walken_show_object\n", + type_name(obj->type)); + } +} +---- + +Again, `obj` is fairly self-explanatory, and we can guess that `buf` is the same +context pointer that `walken_show_commit()` receives: the `show_data` argument +to `traverse_commit_list()` and `traverse_commit_list_filtered()`. Finally, +`str` contains the name of the object, which ends up being something like +`foo.txt` (blob), `bar/baz` (tree), or `v1.2.3` (tag). + +To help assure us that we aren't double-counting commits, we'll include some +complaining if a commit object is routed through our non-commit callback; we'll +also complain if we see an invalid object type. Since those two cases should be +unreachable, and would only change in the event of a semantic change to the Git +codebase, we complain by using `BUG()` - which is a signal to a developer that +the change they made caused unintended consequences, and the rest of the +codebase needs to be updated to understand that change. `BUG()` is not intended +to be seen by the public, so it is not localized. + +Our main object walk implementation is substantially different from our commit +walk implementation, so let's make a new function to perform the object walk. We +can perform setup which is applicable to all objects here, too, to keep separate +from setup which is applicable to commit-only walks. + +We'll start by enabling all types of objects in the `struct rev_info`. We'll +also turn on `tree_blobs_in_commit_order`, which means that we will walk a +commit's tree and everything it points to immediately after we find each commit, +as opposed to waiting for the end and walking through all trees after the commit +history has been discovered. With the appropriate settings configured, we are +ready to call `prepare_revision_walk()`. + +---- +static void walken_object_walk(struct rev_info *rev) +{ + rev->tree_objects = 1; + rev->blob_objects = 1; + rev->tag_objects = 1; + rev->tree_blobs_in_commit_order = 1; + + if (prepare_revision_walk(rev)) + die(_("revision walk setup failed")); + + commit_count = 0; + tag_count = 0; + blob_count = 0; + tree_count = 0; +---- + +Let's start by calling just the unfiltered walk and reporting our counts. +Complete your implementation of `walken_object_walk()`: + +---- + traverse_commit_list(rev, walken_show_commit, walken_show_object, NULL); + + printf("commits %d\nblobs %d\ntags %d\ntrees %d\n", commit_count, + blob_count, tag_count, tree_count); +} +---- + +NOTE: This output is intended to be machine-parsed. Therefore, we are not +sending it to `trace_printf()`, and we are not localizing it - we need scripts +to be able to count on the formatting to be exactly the way it is shown here. +If we were intending this output to be read by humans, we would need to localize +it with `_()`. + +Finally, we'll ask `cmd_walken()` to use the object walk instead. Discussing +command line options is out of scope for this tutorial, so we'll just hardcode +a branch we can change at compile time. Where you call `final_rev_info_setup()` +and `walken_commit_walk()`, instead branch like so: + +---- + if (1) { + add_head_to_pending(&rev); + walken_object_walk(&rev); + } else { + final_rev_info_setup(argc, argv, prefix, &rev); + walken_commit_walk(&rev); + } +---- + +NOTE: For simplicity, we've avoided all the filters and sorts we applied in +`final_rev_info_setup()` and simply added `HEAD` to our pending queue. If you +want, you can certainly use the filters we added before by moving +`final_rev_info_setup()` out of the conditional and removing the call to +`add_head_to_pending()`. + +Now we can try to run our command! It should take noticeably longer than the +commit walk, but an examination of the output will give you an idea why. Your +output should look similar to this example, but with different counts: + +---- +Object walk completed. Found 55733 commits, 100274 blobs, 0 tags, and 104210 trees. +---- + +This makes sense. We have more trees than commits because the Git project has +lots of subdirectories which can change, plus at least one tree per commit. We +have no tags because we started on a commit (`HEAD`) and while tags can point to +commits, commits can't point to tags. + +NOTE: You will have different counts when you run this yourself! The number of +objects grows along with the Git project. + +=== Adding a Filter + +There are a handful of filters that we can apply to the object walk laid out in +`Documentation/rev-list-options.txt`. These filters are typically useful for +operations such as creating packfiles or performing a partial clone. They are +defined in `list-objects-filter-options.h`. For the purposes of this tutorial we +will use the "tree:1" filter, which causes the walk to omit all trees and blobs +which are not directly referenced by commits reachable from the commit in +`pending` when the walk begins. (`pending` is the list of objects which need to +be traversed during a walk; you can imagine a breadth-first tree traversal to +help understand. In our case, that means we omit trees and blobs not directly +referenced by `HEAD` or `HEAD`'s history, because we begin the walk with only +`HEAD` in the `pending` list.) + +First, we'll need to `#include "list-objects-filter-options.h`" and set up the +`struct list_objects_filter_options` at the top of the function. + +---- +static void walken_object_walk(struct rev_info *rev) +{ + struct list_objects_filter_options filter_options = {}; + + ... +---- + +For now, we are not going to track the omitted objects, so we'll replace those +parameters with `NULL`. For the sake of simplicity, we'll add a simple +build-time branch to use our filter or not. Replace the line calling +`traverse_commit_list()` with the following, which will remind us which kind of +walk we've just performed: + +---- + if (0) { + /* Unfiltered: */ + trace_printf(_("Unfiltered object walk.\n")); + traverse_commit_list(rev, walken_show_commit, + walken_show_object, NULL); + } else { + trace_printf( + _("Filtered object walk with filterspec 'tree:1'.\n")); + parse_list_objects_filter(&filter_options, "tree:1"); + + traverse_commit_list_filtered(&filter_options, rev, + walken_show_commit, walken_show_object, NULL, NULL); + } +---- + +`struct list_objects_filter_options` is usually built directly from a command +line argument, so the module provides an easy way to build one from a string. +Even though we aren't taking user input right now, we can still build one with +a hardcoded string using `parse_list_objects_filter()`. + +With the filter spec "tree:1", we are expecting to see _only_ the root tree for +each commit; therefore, the tree object count should be less than or equal to +the number of commits. (For an example of why that's true: `git commit --revert` +points to the same tree object as its grandparent.) + +=== Counting Omitted Objects + +We also have the capability to enumerate all objects which were omitted by a +filter, like with `git log --filter= --filter-print-omitted`. Asking +`traverse_commit_list_filtered()` to populate the `omitted` list means that our +object walk does not perform any better than an unfiltered object walk; all +reachable objects are walked in order to populate the list. + +First, add the `struct oidset` and related items we will use to iterate it: + +---- +static void walken_object_walk( + ... + + struct oidset omitted; + struct oidset_iter oit; + struct object_id *oid = NULL; + int omitted_count = 0; + oidset_init(&omitted, 0); + + ... +---- + +Modify the call to `traverse_commit_list_filtered()` to include your `omitted` +object: + +---- + ... + + traverse_commit_list_filtered(&filter_options, rev, + walken_show_commit, walken_show_object, NULL, &omitted); + + ... +---- + +Then, after your traversal, the `oidset` traversal is pretty straightforward. +Count all the objects within and modify the print statement: + +---- + /* Count the omitted objects. */ + oidset_iter_init(&omitted, &oit); + + while ((oid = oidset_iter_next(&oit))) + omitted_count++; + + printf("commits %d\nblobs %d\ntags %d\ntrees%d\nomitted %d\n", + commit_count, blob_count, tag_count, tree_count, omitted_count); +---- + +By running your walk with and without the filter, you should find that the total +object count in each case is identical. You can also time each invocation of +the `walken` subcommand, with and without `omitted` being passed in, to confirm +to yourself the runtime impact of tracking all omitted objects. + +=== Changing the Order + +Finally, let's demonstrate that you can also reorder walks of all objects, not +just walks of commits. First, we'll make our handlers chattier - modify +`walken_show_commit()` and `walken_show_object()` to print the object as they +go: + +---- +static void walken_show_commit(struct commit *cmt, void *buf) +{ + trace_printf("commit: %s\n", oid_to_hex(&cmt->object.oid)); + commit_count++; +} + +static void walken_show_object(struct object *obj, const char *str, void *buf) +{ + trace_printf("%s: %s\n", type_name(obj->type), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid)); + + ... +} +---- + +NOTE: Since we will be examining this output directly as humans, we'll use +`trace_printf()` here. Additionally, since this change introduces a significant +number of printed lines, using `trace_printf()` will allow us to easily silence +those lines without having to recompile. + +(Leave the counter increment logic in place.) + +With only that change, run again (but save yourself some scrollback): + +---- +$ GIT_TRACE=1 ./bin-wrappers/git walken | head -n 10 +---- + +Take a look at the top commit with `git show` and the object ID you printed; it +should be the same as the output of `git show HEAD`. + +Next, let's change a setting on our `struct rev_info` within +`walken_object_walk()`. Find where you're changing the other settings on `rev`, +such as `rev->tree_objects` and `rev->tree_blobs_in_commit_order`, and add the +`reverse` setting at the bottom: + +---- + ... + + rev->tree_objects = 1; + rev->blob_objects = 1; + rev->tag_objects = 1; + rev->tree_blobs_in_commit_order = 1; + rev->reverse = 1; + + ... +---- + +Now, run again, but this time, let's grab the last handful of objects instead +of the first handful: + +---- +$ make +$ GIT_TRACE=1 ./bin-wrappers git walken | tail -n 10 +---- + +The last commit object given should have the same OID as the one we saw at the +top before, and running `git show ` with that OID should give you again +the same results as `git show HEAD`. Furthermore, if you run and examine the +first ten lines again (with `head` instead of `tail` like we did before applying +the `reverse` setting), you should see that now the first commit printed is the +initial commit, `e83c5163`. + +== Wrapping Up + +Let's review. In this tutorial, we: + +- Built a commit walk from the ground up +- Enabled a grep filter for that commit walk +- Changed the sort order of that filtered commit walk +- Built an object walk (tags, commits, trees, and blobs) from the ground up +- Learned how to add a filter-spec to an object walk +- Changed the display order of the filtered object walk diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.0.txt index daf4bdb0d..d6d42f318 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.0.txt @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ Updates in v1.5.0 since v1.4.4 series the repository when that happens. -* Crufts removal +* Cruft removal - We used to say "old commits are retrievable using reflog and 'master@{yesterday}' syntax as long as you haven't run @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ Updates in v1.5.0 since v1.4.4 series - The value of i18n.commitencoding in the originating repository is recorded in the commit object on the "encoding" header, if it is not UTF-8. git-log and friends notice this, - and reencodes the message to the log output encoding when + and re-encodes the message to the log output encoding when displaying, if they are different. The log output encoding is determined by "git log --encoding=", i18n.logoutputencoding configuration, or i18n.commitencoding diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.2.txt index ad060f4f8..980adfb31 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.2.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.2.txt @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ push running this release will issue a big warning when the configuration variable is missing. Please refer to: http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitFaq#non-bare - http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/107758/focus=108007 + https://lore.kernel.org/git/7vbptlsuyv.fsf@gitster.siamese.dyndns.org/ for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the transition plan. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.3.txt index 418c685cf..4bcff945e 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.3.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.3.txt @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ push running this release will issue a big warning when the configuration variable is missing. Please refer to: http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitFaq#non-bare - http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/107758/focus=108007 + https://lore.kernel.org/git/7vbptlsuyv.fsf@gitster.siamese.dyndns.org/ for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the transition plan. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.4.txt index 7a904419f..a2a34b43a 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.4.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.4.txt @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ push running this release will issue a big warning when the configuration variable is missing. Please refer to: http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitFaq#non-bare - http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/107758/focus=108007 + https://lore.kernel.org/git/7vbptlsuyv.fsf@gitster.siamese.dyndns.org/ for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the transition plan. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ index d3a2a3e71..344333de6 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/ +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Fixes since v1.6.5.3 * "git prune-packed" gave progress output even when its standard error is not connected to a terminal; this caused cron jobs that run it to - produce crufts. + produce cruft. * "git pack-objects --all-progress" is an option to ask progress output from write-object phase _if_ progress output were to be produced, and diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.5.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.5.txt index ee141c19a..6c7f7da7e 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.5.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.5.txt @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ push running this release will issue a big warning when the configuration variable is missing. Please refer to: http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitFaq#non-bare - http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/107758/focus=108007 + https://lore.kernel.org/git/7vbptlsuyv.fsf@gitster.siamese.dyndns.org/ for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the transition plan. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.6.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.6.txt index c50b59c49..3ed1e0143 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.6.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.6.txt @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ users will fare this time. Please refer to: http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitFaq#non-bare - http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/107758/focus=108007 + https://lore.kernel.org/git/7vbptlsuyv.fsf@gitster.siamese.dyndns.org/ for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the transition process that already took place so far. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ index fcb46ca6a..73ed2b527 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/ +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Fixes since v1.7.0.1 * "git status" in 1.7.0 lacked the optimization we used to have in 1.6.X series to speed up scanning of large working tree. - * "gitweb" did not diagnose parsing errors properly while reading tis configuration + * "gitweb" did not diagnose parsing errors properly while reading its configuration file. And other minor fixes and documentation updates. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ index 326670df6..57597f2bf 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/ +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Fixes since v1.7.10.3 * The message file for Swedish translation has been updated a bit. * A name taken from mailmap was copied into an internal buffer - incorrectly and could overun the buffer if it is too long. + incorrectly and could overrun the buffer if it is too long. * A malformed commit object that has a header line chomped in the middle could kill git with a NULL pointer dereference. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ index ecda427a3..4b822976b 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/ +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Fixes since v1.7.12.2 its Accept-Encoding header. * "git receive-pack" (the counterpart to "git push") did not give - progress output while processing objects it received to the puser + progress output while processing objects it received to the user when run over the smart-http protocol. * "git status" honored the ignore=dirty settings in .gitmodules but diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ index 9c03353af..1d24edcf2 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/ +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Fixes since v1.7.5.2 * "git log --stdin path" with an input that has additional pathspec used to corrupt memory. - * "git send-pack" (hence "git push") over smalt-HTTP protocol could + * "git send-pack" (hence "git push") over smart-HTTP protocol could deadlock when the client side pack-object died early. * Compressed tarball gitweb generates used to be made with the timestamp diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.8.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.8.0.txt index 43883c14f..63d6e4afa 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.8.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.8.0.txt @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ to them for details). together, misdetected branches. * "git receive-pack" (the counterpart to "git push") did not give - progress output while processing objects it received to the puser + progress output while processing objects it received to the user when run over the smart-http protocol. * When you misspell the command name you give to the "exec" action in diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ index 96090ef59..c257beb11 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/ +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Fixes since v1.8.4 in 1.8.4-rc1). * "git rebase -i" and other scripted commands were feeding a - random, data dependant error message to 'echo' and expecting it + random, data dependent error message to 'echo' and expecting it to come out literally. * Setting the "submodule..path" variable to the empty diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.8.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.8.4.txt index 02f681b71..255e185af 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.8.4.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.8.4.txt @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Foreign interfaces, subsystems and ports. credential helper interface from Git.pm. * Update build for Cygwin 1.[57]. Torsten Bögershausen reports that - this is fine with Cygwin 1.7 ($gmane/225824) so let's try moving it + this is fine with Cygwin 1.7 (cf. <51A606A0.5060101@web.de>) so let's try moving it ahead. * The credential helper to talk to keychain on OS X (in contrib/) has diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.1.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.1.3.txt index acc9ebb88..0dfb17c4f 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.1.3.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.1.3.txt @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Git v2.1.3 Release Notes they are new enough to support the `--output` option. * "git pack-objects" forgot to disable the codepath to generate - object recheability bitmap when it needs to split the resulting + object reachability bitmap when it needs to split the resulting pack. * "gitweb" used deprecated CGI::startfrom, which was removed from diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.0.txt index f4da28ab6..3792b7d03 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.0.txt @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ notes for details). * One part of "git am" had an oddball helper function that called stuff from outside "his" as opposed to calling what we have "ours", which was not gender-neutral and also inconsistent with the rest of - the system where outside stuff is usuall called "theirs" in + the system where outside stuff is usually called "theirs" in contrast to "ours". * "git blame file" allowed the lineage of lines in the uncommitted, diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.2.txt index c4d439702..abbd33150 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.2.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.10.2.txt @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Fixes since v2.10.1 by refusing to check out a branch that is already checked out in another worktree. However, this also prevented checking out a branch, which is designated as the primary branch of a bare - reopsitory, in a worktree that is connected to the bare + repository, in a worktree that is connected to the bare repository. The check has been corrected to allow it. * "git rebase" immediately after "git clone" failed to find the fork diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.11.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.11.1.txt index 9cd14c819..7d35cf186 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.11.1.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.11.1.txt @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Fixes since v2.11 "git difftool --dir-diff" from a subdirectory never worked. This has been fixed. - * "git p4" that tracks multile p4 paths imported a single changelist + * "git p4" that tracks multiple p4 paths imported a single changelist that touches files in these multiple paths as one commit, followed by many empty commits. This has been fixed. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.12.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.12.0.txt index ef8b97da9..d2f6a8361 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.12.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.12.0.txt @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ notes for details). "git difftool --dir-diff" from a subdirectory never worked. This has been fixed. - * "git p4" that tracks multile p4 paths imported a single changelist + * "git p4" that tracks multiple p4 paths imported a single changelist that touches files in these multiple paths as one commit, followed by many empty commits. This has been fixed. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.0.txt index aa99d4b3c..2a47b4cb0 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.0.txt @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ UI, Workflows & Features been changed to enable "--decorate". * The output from "git status --short" has been extended to show - various kinds of dirtyness in submodules differently; instead of to + various kinds of dirtiness in submodules differently; instead of to "M" for modified, 'm' and '?' can be shown to signal changes only to the working tree of the submodule but not the commit that is checked out. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.3.txt index 5d76ad531..384e4de26 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.3.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.13.3.txt @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Fixes since v2.13.2 * The code to pick up and execute command alias definition from the configuration used to switch to the top of the working tree and then come back when the expanded alias was executed, which was - unnecessarilyl complex. Attempt to simplify the logic by using the + unnecessarily complex. Attempt to simplify the logic by using the early-config mechanism that does not chdir around. * "git add -p" were updated in 2.12 timeframe to cope with custom @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Fixes since v2.13.2 * Fix a recent regression to "git rebase -i" and add tests that would have caught it and others. - * An unaligned 32-bit access in pack-bitmap code ahs been corrected. + * An unaligned 32-bit access in pack-bitmap code has been corrected. * Tighten error checks for invalid "git apply" input. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.0.txt index 4246c68ff..2711a2529 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.0.txt @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc. * Some platforms have ulong that is smaller than time_t, and our historical use of ulong for timestamp would mean they cannot represent some timestamp that the platform allows. Invent a - separate and dedicated timestamp_t (so that we can distingiuish + separate and dedicated timestamp_t (so that we can distinguish timestamps and a vanilla ulongs, which along is already a good move), and then declare uintmax_t is the type to be used as the timestamp_t. @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ notes for details). * The code to pick up and execute command alias definition from the configuration used to switch to the top of the working tree and then come back when the expanded alias was executed, which was - unnecessarilyl complex. Attempt to simplify the logic by using the + unnecessarily complex. Attempt to simplify the logic by using the early-config mechanism that does not chdir around. * Fix configuration codepath to pay proper attention to commondir diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.6.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.6.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72b7af679 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.14.6.txt @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +Git v2.14.6 Release Notes +========================= + +This release addresses the security issues CVE-2019-1348, +CVE-2019-1349, CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, CVE-2019-1352, +CVE-2019-1353, CVE-2019-1354, and CVE-2019-1387. + +Fixes since v2.14.5 +------------------- + + * CVE-2019-1348: + The --export-marks option of git fast-import is exposed also via + the in-stream command feature export-marks=... and it allows + overwriting arbitrary paths. + + * CVE-2019-1349: + When submodules are cloned recursively, under certain circumstances + Git could be fooled into using the same Git directory twice. We now + require the directory to be empty. + + * CVE-2019-1350: + Incorrect quoting of command-line arguments allowed remote code + execution during a recursive clone in conjunction with SSH URLs. + + * CVE-2019-1351: + While the only permitted drive letters for physical drives on + Windows are letters of the US-English alphabet, this restriction + does not apply to virtual drives assigned via subst : + . Git mistook such paths for relative paths, allowing writing + outside of the worktree while cloning. + + * CVE-2019-1352: + Git was unaware of NTFS Alternate Data Streams, allowing files + inside the .git/ directory to be overwritten during a clone. + + * CVE-2019-1353: + When running Git in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (also known as + "WSL") while accessing a working directory on a regular Windows + drive, none of the NTFS protections were active. + + * CVE-2019-1354: + Filenames on Linux/Unix can contain backslashes. On Windows, + backslashes are directory separators. Git did not use to refuse to + write out tracked files with such filenames. + + * CVE-2019-1387: + Recursive clones are currently affected by a vulnerability that is + caused by too-lax validation of submodule names, allowing very + targeted attacks via remote code execution in recursive clones. + +Credit for finding these vulnerabilities goes to Microsoft Security +Response Center, in particular to Nicolas Joly. The `fast-import` +fixes were provided by Jeff King, the other fixes by Johannes +Schindelin with help from Garima Singh. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.15.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.15.4.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc241cba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.15.4.txt @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Git v2.15.4 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6 to address +the security issues CVE-2019-1348, CVE-2019-1349, CVE-2019-1350, +CVE-2019-1351, CVE-2019-1352, CVE-2019-1353, CVE-2019-1354, and +CVE-2019-1387; see the release notes for that version for details. + +In conjunction with a vulnerability that was fixed in v2.20.2, +`.gitmodules` is no longer allowed to contain entries of the form +`submodule..update=!command`. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.0.txt index 0c81c5915..b474781ed 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.0.txt @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ Fixes since v2.15 (merge eef3df5a93 bw/pathspec-match-submodule-boundary later to maint). * Amending commits in git-gui broke the author name that is non-ascii - due to incorrect enconding conversion. + due to incorrect encoding conversion. * Recent update to the submodule configuration code broke "diff-tree" by accidentally stopping to read from the index upfront. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.3.txt index 64a0bcb0d..f0121a8f2 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.3.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.3.txt @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Fixes since v2.16.2 * The http tracing code, often used to debug connection issues, learned to redact potentially sensitive information from its output - so that it can be more safely sharable. + so that it can be more safely shareable. * Crash fix for a corner case where an error codepath tried to unlock what it did not acquire lock on. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.6.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.6.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..438306e60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.16.6.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Git v2.16.6 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6 and in +v2.15.4 addressing the security issues CVE-2019-1348, CVE-2019-1349, +CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, CVE-2019-1352, CVE-2019-1353, +CVE-2019-1354, and CVE-2019-1387; see the release notes for those +versions for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.0.txt index c2cf891f7..8b17c2603 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.0.txt @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ Fixes since v2.16 * The http tracing code, often used to debug connection issues, learned to redact potentially sensitive information from its output - so that it can be more safely sharable. + so that it can be more safely shareable. (merge 8ba18e6fa4 jt/http-redact-cookies later to maint). * Crash fix for a corner case where an error codepath tried to unlock diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a46c9427 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +Git v2.17.3 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6 and in +v2.15.4 addressing the security issues CVE-2019-1348, CVE-2019-1349, +CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, CVE-2019-1352, CVE-2019-1353, +CVE-2019-1354, and CVE-2019-1387; see the release notes for those +versions for details. + +In addition, `git fsck` was taught to identify `.gitmodules` entries +of the form `submodule..update=!command`, which have been +disallowed in v2.15.4. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.4.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d794ca01 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.4.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +Git v2.17.4 Release Notes +========================= + +This release is to address the security issue: CVE-2020-5260 + +Fixes since v2.17.3 +------------------- + + * With a crafted URL that contains a newline in it, the credential + helper machinery can be fooled to give credential information for + a wrong host. The attack has been made impossible by forbidding + a newline character in any value passed via the credential + protocol. + +Credit for finding the vulnerability goes to Felix Wilhelm of Google +Project Zero. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.5.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.5.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2abb821a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.17.5.txt @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Git v2.17.5 Release Notes +========================= + +This release is to address a security issue: CVE-2020-11008 + +Fixes since v2.17.4 +------------------- + + * With a crafted URL that contains a newline or empty host, or lacks + a scheme, the credential helper machinery can be fooled into + providing credential information that is not appropriate for the + protocol in use and host being contacted. + + Unlike the vulnerability CVE-2020-5260 fixed in v2.17.4, the + credentials are not for a host of the attacker's choosing; instead, + they are for some unspecified host (based on how the configured + credential helper handles an absent "host" parameter). + + The attack has been made impossible by refusing to work with + under-specified credential patterns. + +Credit for finding the vulnerability goes to Carlo Arenas. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.0.txt index 3ea280cf6..6c8a0e97c 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.0.txt @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc. (merge 00a3da2a13 nd/remove-ignore-env-field later to maint). * Code to find the length to uniquely abbreviate object names based - on packfile content, which is a relatively recent addtion, has been + on packfile content, which is a relatively recent addition, has been optimized to use the same fan-out table. * The mechanism to use parse-options API to automate the command line diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.2.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98b168aad --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Git v2.18.2 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6, v2.15.4 +and in v2.17.3, addressing the security issues CVE-2019-1348, +CVE-2019-1349, CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, CVE-2019-1352, +CVE-2019-1353, CVE-2019-1354, and CVE-2019-1387; see the release notes +for those versions for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25143f0ce --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.18.3 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.4; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.4.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8ef858a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.18.4.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.18.4 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.5; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.0.txt index a06ccf6e2..891c79b9c 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.0.txt @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc. * The conversion to pass "the_repository" and then "a_repository" throughout the object access API continues. - * Continuing with the idea to programatically enumerate various + * Continuing with the idea to programmatically enumerate various pieces of data required for command line completion, teach the codebase to report the list of configuration variables subcommands care about to help complete them. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92d7f89de --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Git v2.19.3 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6, v2.15.4 +and in v2.17.3, addressing the security issues CVE-2019-1348, +CVE-2019-1349, CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, CVE-2019-1352, +CVE-2019-1353, CVE-2019-1354, and CVE-2019-1387; see the release notes +for those versions for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.4.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..35d0ae561 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.4.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.19.4 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.4; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.5.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.5.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18a4dcbfd --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.19.5.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.19.5 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.5; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.0.txt index e71fe3dee..3dd7e6e1f 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.0.txt @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ UI, Workflows & Features alias expansion. * The documentation of "git gc" has been updated to mention that it - is no longer limited to "pruning away crufts" but also updates + is no longer limited to "pruning away cruft" but also updates ancillary files like commit-graph as a part of repository optimization. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.2.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e680cb9f --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +Git v2.20.2 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6, v2.15.4 +and in v2.17.3, addressing the security issues CVE-2019-1348, +CVE-2019-1349, CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, CVE-2019-1352, +CVE-2019-1353, CVE-2019-1354, and CVE-2019-1387; see the release notes +for those versions for details. + +The change to disallow `submodule..update=!command` entries in +`.gitmodules` which was introduced v2.15.4 (and for which v2.17.3 +added explicit fsck checks) fixes the vulnerability in v2.20.x where a +recursive clone followed by a submodule update could execute code +contained within the repository without the user explicitly having +asked for that (CVE-2019-19604). + +Credit for finding this vulnerability goes to Joern Schneeweisz, +credit for the fixes goes to Jonathan Nieder. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f6eccd103 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.20.3 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.4; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.4.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a9e24e47 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.20.4.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.20.4 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.5; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.21.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.21.1.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7594151e --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.21.1.txt @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +Git v2.21.1 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6, v2.15.4, +v2.17.3 and in v2.20.2, addressing the security issues CVE-2019-1348, +CVE-2019-1349, CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, CVE-2019-1352, +CVE-2019-1353, CVE-2019-1354, CVE-2019-1387, and CVE-2019-19604; +see the release notes for those versions for details. + +Additionally, this version also includes a couple of fixes for the +Windows-specific quoting of command-line arguments when Git executes +a Unix shell on Windows. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.21.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.21.2.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0fb83bb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.21.2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.21.2 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.4; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.21.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.21.3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ca0aa5c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.21.3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.21.3 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.5; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.2.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..940a23f0d --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Git v2.22.2 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6, v2.15.4, +v2.17.3, v2.20.2 and in v2.21.1, addressing the security issues +CVE-2019-1348, CVE-2019-1349, CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, +CVE-2019-1352, CVE-2019-1353, CVE-2019-1354, CVE-2019-1387, and +CVE-2019-19604; see the release notes for those versions for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57296f6d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.22.3 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.4; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.4.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b5f3e3f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.4.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.22.4 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.5; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.1.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2083b492c --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.1.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Git v2.23.1 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6, v2.15.4, +v2.17.3, v2.20.2 and in v2.21.1, addressing the security issues +CVE-2019-1348, CVE-2019-1349, CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, +CVE-2019-1352, CVE-2019-1353, CVE-2019-1354, CVE-2019-1387, and +CVE-2019-19604; see the release notes for those versions for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.2.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b697cbe0e --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.23.2 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.4; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e3549013 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.23.3 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.5; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.0.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bde154124 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.0.txt @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +Git 2.24 Release Notes +====================== + +Updates since v2.23 +------------------- + +Backward compatibility note + + * "filter-branch" is showing its age and alternatives are available. + From this release, we started to discourage its use and hint + people about filter-repo. + +UI, Workflows & Features + + * We now have an active interim maintainer for the Git-Gui part of + the system. Praise and thank Pratyush Yadav for volunteering. + + * The command line parser learned "--end-of-options" notation; the + standard convention for scripters to have hardcoded set of options + first on the command line, and force the command to treat end-user + input as non-options, has been to use "--" as the delimiter, but + that would not work for commands that use "--" as a delimiter + between revs and pathspec. + + * A mechanism to affect the default setting for a (related) group of + configuration variables is introduced. + + * "git fetch" learned "--set-upstream" option to help those who first + clone from their private fork they intend to push to, add the true + upstream via "git remote add" and then "git fetch" from it. + + * Device-tree files learned their own userdiff patterns. + (merge 3c81760bc6 sb/userdiff-dts later to maint). + + * "git rebase --rebase-merges" learned to drive different merge + strategies and pass strategy specific options to them. + + * A new "pre-merge-commit" hook has been introduced. + + * Command line completion updates for "git -c var.name=val" have been + added. + + * The lazy clone machinery has been taught that there can be more + than one promisor remote and consult them in order when downloading + missing objects on demand. + + * The list-objects-filter API (used to create a sparse/lazy clone) + learned to take a combined filter specification. + + * The documentation and tests for "git format-patch" have been + cleaned up. + + * On Windows, the root level of UNC share is now allowed to be used + just like any other directory. + + * The command line completion support (in contrib/) learned about the + "--skip" option of "git revert" and "git cherry-pick". + + * "git rebase --keep-base " tries to find the original base + of the topic being rebased and rebase on top of that same base, + which is useful when running the "git rebase -i" (and its limited + variant "git rebase -x"). + + The command also has learned to fast-forward in more cases where it + can instead of replaying to recreate identical commits. + + * A configuration variable tells "git fetch" to write the commit + graph after finishing. + + * "git add -i" has been taught to show the total number of hunks and + the hunks that has been processed so far when showing prompts. + + * "git fetch --jobs=" allowed parallel jobs when fetching + submodules, but this did not apply to "git fetch --multiple" that + fetches from multiple remote repositories. It now does. + + * The installation instruction for zsh completion script (in + contrib/) has been a bit improved. + + +Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc. + + * The code to write commit-graph over given commit object names has + been made a bit more robust. + + * The first line of verbose output from each test piece now carries + the test name and number to help scanning with eyeballs. + + * Further clean-up of the initialization code. + + * xmalloc() used to have a mechanism to ditch memory and address + space resources as the last resort upon seeing an allocation + failure from the underlying malloc(), which made the code complex + and thread-unsafe with dubious benefit, as major memory resource + users already do limit their uses with various other mechanisms. + It has been simplified away. + + * Unnecessary full-tree diff in "git log -L" machinery has been + optimized away. + + * The http transport lacked some optimization the native transports + learned to avoid unnecessary ref advertisement, which has been + corrected. + + * Preparation for SHA-256 upgrade continues in the test department. + (merge 0c37c41d13 bc/hash-independent-tests-part-5 later to maint). + + * The memory ownership model of the "git fast-import" got + straightened out. + + * Output from trace2 subsystem is formatted more prettily now. + + * The internal code originally invented for ".gitignore" processing + got reshuffled and renamed to make it less tied to "excluding" and + stress more that it is about "matching", as it has been reused for + things like sparse checkout specification that want to check if a + path is "included". + + * "git stash" learned to write refreshed index back to disk. + + * Coccinelle checks are done on more source files than before now. + + * The cache-tree code has been taught to be less aggressive in + attempting to see if a tree object it computed already exists in + the repository. + + * The code to parse and use the commit-graph file has been made more + robust against corrupted input. + + * The hg-to-git script (in contrib/) has been updated to work with + Python 3. + + * Update the way build artifacts in t/helper/ directory are ignored. + + * Preparation for SHA-256 upgrade continues. + + * "git log --graph" for an octopus merge is sometimes colored + incorrectly, which is demonstrated and documented but not yet + fixed. + + * The trace2 output, when sending them to files in a designated + directory, can populate the directory with too many files; a + mechanism is introduced to set the maximum number of files and + discard further logs when the maximum is reached. + + * We have adopted a Code-of-conduct document. + (merge 3f9ef874a7 jk/coc later to maint). + + +Fixes since v2.23 +----------------- + + * "git grep --recurse-submodules" that looks at the working tree + files looked at the contents in the index in submodules, instead of + files in the working tree. + (merge 6a289d45c0 mt/grep-submodules-working-tree later to maint). + + * Codepaths to walk tree objects have been audited for integer + overflows and hardened. + (merge 5aa02f9868 jk/tree-walk-overflow later to maint). + + * "git pack-refs" can lose refs that are created while running, which + is getting corrected. + (merge a613d4f817 sc/pack-refs-deletion-racefix later to maint). + + * "git checkout" and "git restore" to re-populate the index from a + tree-ish (typically HEAD) did not work correctly for a path that + was removed and then added again with the intent-to-add bit, when + the corresponding working tree file was empty. This has been + corrected. + + * Compilation fix. + (merge 70597e8386 rs/nedalloc-fixlets later to maint). + + * "git gui" learned to call the clean-up procedure before exiting. + (merge 0d88f3d2c5 py/git-gui-do-quit later to maint). + + * We promoted the "indent heuristics" that decides where to split + diff hunks from experimental to the default a few years ago, but + some stale documentation still marked it as experimental, which has + been corrected. + (merge 64e5e1fba1 sg/diff-indent-heuristic-non-experimental later to maint). + + * Fix a mismerge that happened in 2.22 timeframe. + (merge acb7da05ac en/checkout-mismerge-fix later to maint). + + * "git archive" recorded incorrect length in extended pax header in + some corner cases, which has been corrected. + (merge 71d41ff651 rs/pax-extended-header-length-fix later to maint). + + * On-demand object fetching in lazy clone incorrectly tried to fetch + commits from submodule projects, while still working in the + superproject, which has been corrected. + (merge a63694f523 jt/diff-lazy-fetch-submodule-fix later to maint). + + * Prepare get_short_oid() codepath to be thread-safe. + (merge 7cfcb16b0e rs/sort-oid-array-thread-safe later to maint). + + * "for-each-ref" and friends that show refs did not protect themselves + against ancient tags that did not record tagger names when asked to + show "%(taggername)", which have been corrected. + (merge 8b3f33ef11 mp/for-each-ref-missing-name-or-email later to maint). + + * The "git am" based backend of "git rebase" ignored the result of + updating ".gitattributes" done in one step when replaying + subsequent steps. + (merge 2c65d90f75 bc/reread-attributes-during-rebase later to maint). + + * Tell cURL library to use the same malloc() implementation, with the + xmalloc() wrapper, as the rest of the system, for consistency. + (merge 93b980e58f cb/curl-use-xmalloc later to maint). + + * Build fix to adjust .gitignore to unignore a path that we started to track. + (merge aac6ff7b5b js/visual-studio later to maint). + + * A few implementation fixes in the notes API. + (merge 60fe477a0b mh/notes-duplicate-entries later to maint). + + * Fix an earlier regression to "git push --all" which should have + been forbidden when the target remote repository is set to be a + mirror. + (merge 8e4c8af058 tg/push-all-in-mirror-forbidden later to maint). + + * Fix an earlier regression in the test suite, which mistakenly + stopped running HTTPD tests. + (merge 3960290675 sg/git-test-boolean later to maint). + + * "git rebase --autostash ", when is + different from the current branch, incorrectly moved the tip of the + current branch, which has been corrected. + (merge bf1e28e0ad bw/rebase-autostash-keep-current-branch later to maint). + + * Update support for Asciidoctor documentation toolchain. + (merge 83b0b8953e ma/asciidoctor-refmiscinfo later to maint). + + * Start using DocBook 5 (instead of DocBook 4.5) as Asciidoctor 2.0 + no longer works with the older one. + (merge f6461b82b9 bc/doc-use-docbook-5 later to maint). + + * The markup used in user-manual has been updated to work better with + asciidoctor. + (merge c4d2f6143a ma/user-manual-markup-update later to maint). + + * Make sure the grep machinery does not abort when seeing a payload + that is not UTF-8 even when JIT is not in use with PCRE1. + (merge ad7c543e3b cb/skip-utf8-check-with-pcre1 later to maint). + + * The name of the blob object that stores the filter specification + for sparse cloning/fetching was interpreted in a wrong place in the + code, causing Git to abort. + + * "git log --decorate-refs-exclude=" was incorrectly + overruled when the "--simplify-by-decoration" option is used, which + has been corrected. + (merge 0cc7380d88 rs/simplify-by-deco-with-deco-refs-exclude later to maint). + + * The "upload-pack" (the counterpart of "git fetch") needs to disable + commit-graph when responding to a shallow clone/fetch request, but + the way this was done made Git panic, which has been corrected. + + * The object traversal machinery has been optimized not to load tree + objects when we are only interested in commit history. + (merge 72ed80c784 jk/list-objects-optim-wo-trees later to maint). + + * The object name parser for "Nth parent" syntax has been made more + robust against integer overflows. + (merge 59fa5f5a25 rs/nth-parent-parse later to maint). + + * The code used in following tags in "git fetch" has been optimized. + (merge b7e2d8bca5 ms/fetch-follow-tag-optim later to maint). + + * Regression fix for progress output. + (merge 2bb74b53a4 sg/progress-fix later to maint). + + * A bug in merge-recursive code that triggers when a branch with a + symbolic link is merged with a branch that replaces it with a + directory has been fixed. + (merge 83e3ad3b12 jt/merge-recursive-symlink-is-not-a-dir-in-way later to maint). + + * The rename detection logic sorts a list of rename source candidates + by similarity to pick the best candidate, which means that a tie + between sources with the same similarity is broken by the original + location in the original candidate list (which is sorted by path). + Force the sorting by similarity done with a stable sort, which is + not promised by system supplied qsort(3), to ensure consistent + results across platforms. + (merge 2049b8dc65 js/diff-rename-force-stable-sort later to maint). + + * The code to skip "UTF" and "UTF-" prefix, when computing an advice + message, did not work correctly when the prefix was "UTF", which + has been fixed. + (merge b181676ce9 rs/convert-fix-utf-without-dash later to maint). + + * The author names taken from SVN repositories may have extra leading + or trailing whitespaces, which are now munged away. + (merge 4ddd4bddb1 tk/git-svn-trim-author-name later to maint). + + * "git rebase -i" showed a wrong HEAD while "reword" open the editor. + (merge b0a3186140 pw/rebase-i-show-HEAD-to-reword later to maint). + + * A few simplification and bugfixes to PCRE interface. + (merge c581e4a749 ab/pcre-jit-fixes later to maint). + + * PCRE fixes. + (merge ff61681b46 cb/pcre1-cleanup later to maint). + + * "git range-diff" segfaulted when diff.noprefix configuration was + used, as it blindly expected the patch it internally generates to + have the standard a/ and b/ prefixes. The command now forces the + internal patch to be built without any prefix, not to be affected + by any end-user configuration. + (merge 937b76ed49 js/range-diff-noprefix later to maint). + + * "git stash apply" in a subdirectory of a secondary worktree failed + to access the worktree correctly, which has been corrected. + (merge dfd557c978 js/stash-apply-in-secondary-worktree later to maint). + + * The merge-recursive machinery is one of the most complex parts of + the system that accumulated cruft over time. This large series + cleans up the implementation quite a bit. + (merge b657047719 en/merge-recursive-cleanup later to maint). + + * Pretty-printed command line formatter (used in e.g. reporting the + command being run by the tracing API) had a bug that lost an + argument that is an empty string, which has been corrected. + (merge ce2d7ed2fd gs/sq-quote-buf-pretty later to maint). + + * "git range-diff" failed to handle mode-only change, which has been + corrected. + (merge 2b6a9b13ca tg/range-diff-output-update later to maint). + + * Dev support update. + (merge 4f3c1dc5d6 dl/allow-running-cocci-verbosely later to maint). + + * "git format-patch -o " did an equivalent of "mkdir " + not "mkdir -p ", which was corrected. + + * "git stash save" lost local changes to submodules, which has been + corrected. + (merge 556895d0c8 jj/stash-reset-only-toplevel later to maint). + + * The atomic push over smart HTTP transport did not work, which has + been corrected. + (merge 6f1194246a bc/smart-http-atomic-push later to maint). + + * Other code cleanup, docfix, build fix, etc. + (merge d1387d3895 en/fast-import-merge-doc later to maint). + (merge 1c24a54ea4 bm/repository-layout-typofix later to maint). + (merge 415b770b88 ds/midx-expire-repack later to maint). + (merge 19800bdc3f nd/diff-parseopt later to maint). + (merge 58166c2e9d tg/t0021-racefix later to maint). + (merge 7027f508c7 dl/compat-cleanup later to maint). + (merge e770fbfeff jc/test-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 1fd881d404 rs/trace2-dst-warning later to maint). + (merge 7e92756751 mh/http-urlmatch-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 9784f97321 mh/release-commit-memory-fix later to maint). + (merge 60d198d022 tb/banned-vsprintf-namefix later to maint). + (merge 80e3658647 rs/help-unknown-ref-does-not-return later to maint). + (merge 0a8bc7068f dt/remote-helper-doc-re-lock-option later to maint). + (merge 27fd1e4ea7 en/merge-options-ff-and-friends later to maint). + (merge 502c386ff9 sg/clean-nested-repo-with-ignored later to maint). + (merge 26e3d1cbea am/mailmap-andrey-mazo later to maint). + (merge 47b27c96fa ss/get-time-cleanup later to maint). + (merge dd2e50a84e jk/commit-graph-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 4fd39c76e6 cs/pretty-formats-doc-typofix later to maint). + (merge 40e747e89d dl/submodule-set-branch later to maint). + (merge 689a146c91 rs/commit-graph-use-list-count later to maint). + (merge 0eb7c37a8a js/doc-patch-text later to maint). + (merge 4b3aa170d1 rs/nth-switch-code-simplification later to maint). + (merge 0d4304c124 ah/doc-submodule-ignore-submodules later to maint). + (merge af78249463 cc/svn-fe-py-shebang later to maint). + (merge 7bd97d6dff rs/alias-use-copy-array later to maint). + (merge c46ebc2496 sg/travis-help-debug later to maint). + (merge 24c681794f ps/my-first-contribution-alphasort later to maint). + (merge 75b2c15435 cb/do-not-use-test-cmp-with-a later to maint). + (merge cda0d497e3 bw/submodule-helper-usage-fix later to maint). + (merge fe0ed5d5e9 am/visual-studio-config-fix later to maint). + (merge 2e09c01232 sg/name-rev-cutoff-underflow-fix later to maint). + (merge ddb3c856f3 as/shallow-slab-use-fix later to maint). + (merge 71f4960b91 js/mingw-spawn-with-spaces-in-path later to maint). + (merge 53d687bf5f ah/cleanups later to maint). + (merge f537485fa5 rs/test-remove-useless-debugging-cat later to maint). + (merge 11a3d3aadd dl/rev-list-doc-cleanup later to maint). + (merge d928a8388a am/t0028-utf16-tests later to maint). + (merge b05b40930e dl/t0000-skip-test-test later to maint). + (merge 03d3b1297c js/xdiffi-comment-updates later to maint). + (merge 57d8f4b4c7 js/doc-stash-save later to maint). + (merge 8c1cfd58e3 ta/t1308-typofix later to maint). + (merge fa364ad790 bb/utf8-wcwidth-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 68b69211b2 bb/compat-util-comment-fix later to maint). + (merge 5cc6a4be11 rs/http-push-simplify later to maint). + (merge a81e42d235 rs/column-use-utf8-strnwidth later to maint). + (merge 062a309d36 rs/remote-curl-use-argv-array later to maint). + (merge 3b3c79f6c9 nr/diff-highlight-indent-fix later to maint). + (merge 3444ec2eb2 wb/fsmonitor-bitmap-fix later to maint). + (merge 10da030ab7 cb/pcre2-chartables-leakfix later to maint). + (merge 60e6569a12 js/mingw-needs-hiding-fix later to maint). + (merge 52bd3e4657 rl/gitweb-blame-prev-fix later to maint). diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.1.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18104850f --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.1.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Git v2.24.1 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges up the fixes that appear in v2.14.6, v2.15.4, +v2.17.3, v2.20.2 and in v2.21.1, addressing the security issues +CVE-2019-1348, CVE-2019-1349, CVE-2019-1350, CVE-2019-1351, +CVE-2019-1352, CVE-2019-1353, CVE-2019-1354, CVE-2019-1387, and +CVE-2019-19604; see the release notes for those versions for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.2.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0049f6550 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.24.2 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.4; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5302e0f73 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.24.3 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.5; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.0.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91ceb3492 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.0.txt @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +Git 2.25 Release Notes +====================== + +Updates since v2.24 +------------------- + +Backward compatibility notes + + +UI, Workflows & Features + + * A tutorial on object enumeration has been added. + + * The branch description ("git branch --edit-description") has been + used to fill the body of the cover letters by the format-patch + command; this has been enhanced so that the subject can also be + filled. + + * "git rebase --preserve-merges" has been marked as deprecated; this + release stops advertising it in the "git rebase -h" output. + + * The code to generate multi-pack index learned to show (or not to + show) progress indicators. + + * "git apply --3way" learned to honor merge.conflictStyle + configuration variable, like merges would. + + * The custom format for "git log --format=" learned the l/L + placeholder that is similar to e/E that fills in the e-mail + address, but only the local part on the left side of '@'. + + * Documentation pages for "git shortlog" now list commit limiting + options explicitly. + + * The patterns to detect function boundary for Elixir language has + been added. + + * The completion script (in contrib/) learned that the "--onto" + option of "git rebase" can take its argument as the value of the + option. + + * The userdiff machinery has been taught that "async def" is another + way to begin a "function" in Python. + + * "git range-diff" learned to take the "--notes=" and the + "--no-notes" options to control the commit notes included in the + log message that gets compared. + + * "git rev-parse --show-toplevel" run outside of any working tree did + not error out, which has been corrected. + + * A few commands learned to take the pathspec from the standard input + or a named file, instead of taking it as the command line + arguments, with the "--pathspec-from-file" option. + + * "git submodule" learned a subcommand "set-url". + + * "git log" family learned "--pretty=reference" that gives the name + of a commit in the format that is often used to refer to it in log + messages. + + * The interaction between "git clone --recurse-submodules" and + alternate object store was ill-designed. The documentation and + code have been taught to make more clear recommendations when the + users see failures. + + * Management of sparsely checked-out working tree has gained a + dedicated "sparse-checkout" command. + + * Miscellaneous small UX improvements on "git-p4". + + * "git sparse-checkout list" subcommand learned to give its output in + a more concise form when the "cone" mode is in effect. + + +Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc. + + * Debugging support for lazy cloning has been a bit improved. + + * Move the definition of a set of bitmask constants from 0ctal + literal to (1U< macros that must + appear in C99 systems have been removed. + + * Recently we have declared that GIT_TEST_* variables take the + usual boolean values (it used to be that some used "non-empty + means true" and taking GIT_TEST_VAR=YesPlease as true); make + sure we notice and fail when non-bool strings are given to + these variables. + + * Users of oneway_merge() (like "reset --hard") learned to take + advantage of fsmonitor to avoid unnecessary lstat(2) calls. + + * Performance tweak on "git push" into a repository with many refs + that point at objects we have never heard of. + + * PerfTest fix to avoid stale result mixed up with the latest round + of test results. + + * Hide lower-level verify_signed-buffer() API as a pure helper to + implement the public check_signature() function, in order to + encourage new callers to use the correct and more strict + validation. + + * Unnecessary reading of state variables back from the disk during + sequencer operation has been reduced. + + * The code has been made to avoid gmtime() and localtime() and prefer + their reentrant counterparts. + + * In a repository with many packfiles, the cost of the procedure that + avoids registering the same packfile twice was unnecessarily high + by using an inefficient search algorithm, which has been corrected. + + * Redo "git name-rev" to avoid recursive calls. + + * FreeBSD CI support via Cirrus-CI has been added. + + +Fixes since v2.24 +----------------- + + * "rebase -i" ceased to run post-commit hook by mistake in an earlier + update, which has been corrected. + + * "git notes copy $original" ought to copy the notes attached to the + original object to HEAD, but a mistaken tightening to command line + parameter validation made earlier disabled that feature by mistake. + + * When all files from some subdirectory were renamed to the root + directory, the directory rename heuristics would fail to detect that + as a rename/merge of the subdirectory to the root directory, which has + been corrected. + + * Code clean-up and a bugfix in the logic used to tell worktree local + and repository global refs apart. + (merge f45f88b2e4 sg/dir-trie-fixes later to maint). + + * "git stash save" in a working tree that is sparsely checked out + mistakenly removed paths that are outside the area of interest. + (merge 4a58c3d7f7 js/update-index-ignore-removal-for-skip-worktree later to maint). + + * "git rev-parse --git-path HEAD.lock" did not give the right path + when run in a secondary worktree. + (merge 76a53d640f js/git-path-head-dot-lock-fix later to maint). + + * "git merge --no-commit" needs "--no-ff" if you do not want to move + HEAD, which has been corrected in the manual page for "git bisect". + (merge 8dd327b246 ma/bisect-doc-sample-update later to maint). + + * "git worktree add" internally calls "reset --hard" that should not + descend into submodules, even when submodule.recurse configuration + is set, but it was affected. This has been corrected. + (merge 4782cf2ab6 pb/no-recursive-reset-hard-in-worktree-add later to maint). + + * Messages from die() etc. can be mixed up from multiple processes + without even line buffering on Windows, which has been worked + around. + (merge 116d1fa6c6 js/vreportf-wo-buffering later to maint). + + * HTTP transport had possible allocator/deallocator mismatch, which + has been corrected. + + * The watchman integration for fsmonitor was racy, which has been + corrected to be more conservative. + (merge dd0b61f577 kw/fsmonitor-watchman-fix later to maint). + + * Fetching from multiple remotes into the same repository in parallel + had a bad interaction with the recent change to (optionally) update + the commit-graph after a fetch job finishes, as these parallel + fetches compete with each other. Which has been corrected. + + * Recent update to "git stash pop" made the command empty the index + when run with the "--quiet" option, which has been corrected. + + * "git fetch" codepath had a big "do not lazily fetch missing objects + when I ask if something exists" switch. This has been corrected by + marking the "does this thing exist?" calls with "if not please do not + lazily fetch it" flag. + + * Test update to avoid wasted cycles. + (merge e0316695ec sg/skip-skipped-prereq later to maint). + + * Error handling after "git push" finishes sending the packdata and + waits for the response to the remote side has been improved. + (merge ad7a403268 jk/send-pack-remote-failure later to maint). + + * Some codepaths in "gitweb" that forgot to escape URLs generated + based on end-user input have been corrected. + (merge a376e37b2c jk/gitweb-anti-xss later to maint). + + * CI jobs for macOS has been made less chatty when updating perforce + package used during testing. + (merge 0dbc4a0edf jc/azure-ci-osx-fix-fix later to maint). + + * "git unpack-objects" used to show progress based only on the number + of received and unpacked objects, which stalled when it has to + handle an unusually large object. It now shows the throughput as + well. + (merge bae60ba7e9 sg/unpack-progress-throughput later to maint). + + * The sequencer machinery compared the HEAD and the state it is + attempting to commit to decide if the result would be a no-op + commit, even when amending a commit, which was incorrect, and + has been corrected. + + * The code to parse GPG output used to assume incorrectly that the + finterprint for the primary key would always be present for a valid + signature, which has been corrected. + (merge 67a6ea6300 hi/gpg-optional-pkfp-fix later to maint). + + * "git submodule status" and "git submodule status --cached" show + different things, but the documentation did not cover them + correctly, which has been corrected. + (merge 8d483c8408 mg/doc-submodule-status-cached later to maint). + + * "git reset --patch $object" without any pathspec should allow a + tree object to be given, but incorrectly required a committish, + which has been corrected. + + * "git submodule status" that is run from a subdirectory of the + superproject did not work well, which has been corrected. + (merge 1f3aea22c7 mg/submodule-status-from-a-subdirectory later to maint). + + * The revision walking machinery uses resources like per-object flag + bits that need to be reset before a new iteration of walking + begins, but the resources related to topological walk were not + cleared correctly, which has been corrected. + (merge 0aa0c2b2ec mh/clear-topo-walk-upon-reset later to maint). + + * TravisCI update. + (merge 176441bfb5 sg/osx-force-gcc-9 later to maint). + + * While running "revert" or "cherry-pick --edit" for multiple + commits, a recent regression incorrectly detected "nothing to + commit, working tree clean", instead of replaying the commits, + which has been corrected. + (merge befd4f6a81 sg/assume-no-todo-update-in-cherry-pick later to maint). + + * Work around a issue where a FD that is left open when spawning a + child process and is kept open in the child can interfere with the + operation in the parent process on Windows. + + * One kind of progress messages were always given during commit-graph + generation, instead of following the "if it takes more than two + seconds, show progress" pattern, which has been corrected. + + * "git rebase" did not work well when format.useAutoBase + configuration variable is set, which has been corrected. + + * The "diff" machinery learned not to lose added/removed blank lines + in the context when --ignore-blank-lines and --function-context are + used at the same time. + (merge 0bb313a552 rs/xdiff-ignore-ws-w-func-context later to maint). + + * The test on "fast-import" used to get stuck when "fast-import" died + in the middle. + (merge 0d9b0d7885 sg/t9300-robustify later to maint). + + * "git format-patch" can take a set of configured format.notes values + to specify which notes refs to use in the log message part of the + output. The behaviour of this was not consistent with multiple + --notes command line options, which has been corrected. + (merge e0f9095aaa dl/format-patch-notes-config-fixup later to maint). + + * "git p4" used to ignore lfs.storage configuration variable, which + has been corrected. + (merge ea94b16fb8 rb/p4-lfs later to maint). + + * Assorted fixes to the directory traversal API. + (merge 6836d2fe06 en/fill-directory-fixes later to maint). + + * Forbid pathnames that the platform's filesystem cannot represent on + MinGW. + (merge 4dc42c6c18 js/mingw-reserved-filenames later to maint). + + * "git rebase --signoff" stopped working when the command was written + in C, which has been corrected. + (merge 4fe7e43c53 en/rebase-signoff-fix later to maint). + + * An earlier update to Git for Windows declared that a tree object is + invalid if it has a path component with backslash in it, which was + overly strict, which has been corrected. The only protection the + Windows users need is to prevent such path (or any path that their + filesystem cannot check out) from entering the index. + (merge 224c7d70fa js/mingw-loosen-overstrict-tree-entry-checks later to maint). + + * The code to write split commit-graph file(s) upon fetching computed + bogus value for the parameter used in splitting the resulting + files, which has been corrected. + (merge 63020f175f ds/commit-graph-set-size-mult later to maint). + + * Other code cleanup, docfix, build fix, etc. + (merge 80736d7c5e jc/am-show-current-patch-docfix later to maint). + (merge 8b656572ca sg/commit-graph-usage-fix later to maint). + (merge 6c02042139 mr/clone-dir-exists-to-path-exists later to maint). + (merge 44ae131e38 sg/blame-indent-heuristics-is-now-the-default later to maint). + (merge 0115e5d929 dl/doc-diff-no-index-implies-exit-code later to maint). + (merge 270de6acbe en/t6024-style later to maint). + (merge 14c4776d75 ns/test-desc-typofix later to maint). + (merge 68d40f30c4 dj/typofix-merge-strat later to maint). + (merge f66e0401ab jk/optim-in-pack-idx-conversion later to maint). + (merge 169bed7421 rs/parse-options-dup-null-fix later to maint). + (merge 51bd6be32d rs/use-copy-array-in-mingw-shell-command-preparation later to maint). + (merge b018719927 ma/t7004 later to maint). + (merge 932757b0cc ar/install-doc-update-cmds-needing-the-shell later to maint). + (merge 46efd28be1 ep/guard-kset-tar-headers later to maint). + (merge 9e5afdf997 ec/fetch-mark-common-refs-trace2 later to maint). + (merge f0e58b3fe8 pb/submodule-update-fetches later to maint). + (merge 2a02262078 dl/t5520-cleanup later to maint). + (merge a4fb016ba1 js/pkt-line-h-typofix later to maint). + (merge 54a7a64613 rs/simplify-prepare-cmd later to maint). + (merge 3eae30e464 jk/lore-is-the-archive later to maint). + (merge 14b7664df8 dl/lore-is-the-archive later to maint). + (merge 0e40a73a4c po/bundle-doc-clonable later to maint). + (merge e714b898c6 as/t7812-missing-redirects-fix later to maint). + (merge 528d9e6d01 jk/perf-wo-git-dot-pm later to maint). + (merge fc42f20e24 sg/test-squelch-noise-in-commit-bulk later to maint). + (merge c64368e3a2 bc/t9001-zsh-in-posix-emulation-mode later to maint). + (merge 11de8dd7ef dr/branch-usage-casefix later to maint). + (merge e05e8cf074 rs/archive-zip-code-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 147ee35558 rs/commit-export-env-simplify later to maint). + (merge 4507ecc771 rs/patch-id-use-oid-to-hex later to maint). + (merge 51a0a4ed95 mr/bisect-use-after-free later to maint). + (merge cc2bd5c45d pb/submodule-doc-xref later to maint). + (merge df5be01669 ja/doc-markup-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 7c5cea7242 mr/bisect-save-pointer-to-const-string later to maint). + (merge 20a67e8ce9 js/use-test-tool-on-path later to maint). + (merge 4e61b2214d ew/packfile-syscall-optim later to maint). + (merge ace0f86c7f pb/clarify-line-log-doc later to maint). + (merge 763a59e71c en/merge-recursive-oid-eq-simplify later to maint). + (merge 4e2c4c0d4f do/gitweb-typofix-in-comments later to maint). + (merge 421c0ffb02 jb/doc-multi-pack-idx-fix later to maint). + (merge f8740c586b pm/am-in-body-header-doc-update later to maint). + (merge 5814d44d9b tm/doc-submodule-absorb-fix later to maint). diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.1.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd869b02b --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.1.txt @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +Git 2.25.1 Release Notes +======================== + +Fixes since v2.25 +----------------- + + * "git commit" gives output similar to "git status" when there is + nothing to commit, but without honoring the advise.statusHints + configuration variable, which has been corrected. + + * has_object_file() said "no" given an object registered to the + system via pretend_object_file(), making it inconsistent with + read_object_file(), causing lazy fetch to attempt fetching an + empty tree from promisor remotes. + + * The code that tries to skip over the entries for the paths in a + single directory using the cache-tree was not careful enough + against corrupt index file. + + * Complete an update to tutorial that encourages "git switch" over + "git checkout" that was done only half-way. + + * Reduce unnecessary round-trip when running "ls-remote" over the + stateless RPC mechanism. + + * "git restore --staged" did not correctly update the cache-tree + structure, resulting in bogus trees to be written afterwards, which + has been corrected. + + * The code recently added to move to the entry beyond the ones in the + same directory in the index in the sparse-cone mode did not count + the number of entries to skip over incorrectly, which has been + corrected. + + * Work around test breakages caused by custom regex engine used in + libasan, when address sanitizer is used with more recent versions + of gcc and clang. + + * "git fetch --refmap=" option has got a better documentation. + + * Corner case bugs in "git clean" that stems from a (necessarily for + performance reasons) awkward calling convention in the directory + enumeration API has been corrected. + + * "git grep --no-index" should not get affected by the contents of + the .gitmodules file but when "--recurse-submodules" is given or + the "submodule.recurse" variable is set, it did. Now these + settings are ignored in the "--no-index" mode. + + * Technical details of the bundle format has been documented. + + * Unhelpful warning messages during documentation build have been + squelched. + +Also contains various documentation updates, code clean-ups and minor fixups. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.2.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..303c53a17 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +Git 2.25.2 Release Notes +======================== + +Fixes since v2.25.1 +------------------- + + * Minor bugfixes to "git add -i" that has recently been rewritten in C. + + * An earlier update to show the location of working tree in the error + message did not consider the possibility that a git command may be + run in a bare repository, which has been corrected. + + * The "--recurse-submodules" option of various subcommands did not + work well when run in an alternate worktree, which has been + corrected. + + * Running "git rm" on a submodule failed unnecessarily when + .gitmodules is only cache-dirty, which has been corrected. + + * "git rebase -i" identifies existing commits in its todo file with + their abbreviated object name, which could become ambigous as it + goes to create new commits, and has a mechanism to avoid ambiguity + in the main part of its execution. A few other cases however were + not covered by the protection against ambiguity, which has been + corrected. + + * The index-pack code now diagnoses a bad input packstream that + records the same object twice when it is used as delta base; the + code used to declare a software bug when encountering such an + input, but it is an input error. + + * The code to automatically shrink the fan-out in the notes tree had + an off-by-one bug, which has been killed. + + * "git check-ignore" did not work when the given path is explicitly + marked as not ignored with a negative entry in the .gitignore file. + + * The merge-recursive machinery failed to refresh the cache entry for + a merge result in a couple of places, resulting in an unnecessary + merge failure, which has been fixed. + + * Fix for a bug revealed by a recent change to make the protocol v2 + the default. + + * "git merge signed-tag" while lacking the public key started to say + "No signature", which was utterly wrong. This regression has been + reverted. + + * MinGW's poll() emulation has been improved. + + * "git show" and others gave an object name in raw format in its + error output, which has been corrected to give it in hex. + + * Both "git ls-remote -h" and "git grep -h" give short usage help, + like any other Git subcommand, but it is not unreasonable to expect + that the former would behave the same as "git ls-remote --head" + (there is no other sensible behaviour for the latter). The + documentation has been updated in an attempt to clarify this. + +Also contains various documentation updates, code clean-ups and minor fixups. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.3.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15f7f21f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.25.3 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.4; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.4.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0dbb5daee --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.25.4.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.25.4 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.5; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.26.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.26.0.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a7a734c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.26.0.txt @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ +Git 2.26 Release Notes +====================== + +Updates since v2.25 +------------------- + +Backward compatibility notes + + * "git rebase" uses a different backend that is based on the 'merge' + machinery by default. There are a few known differences in the + behaviour from the traditional machinery based on patch+apply. + + If your workflow is negatively affected by this change, please + report it to git@vger.kernel.org so that we can take a look into + it. After doing so, you can set the 'rebase.backend' configuration + variable to 'apply', in order to use the old default behaviour in + the meantime. + + +UI, Workflows & Features + + * Sample credential helper for using .netrc has been updated to work + out of the box. + + * gpg.minTrustLevel configuration variable has been introduced to + tell various signature verification codepaths the required minimum + trust level. + + * The command line completion (in contrib/) learned to complete + subcommands and arguments to "git worktree". + + * Disambiguation logic to tell revisions and pathspec apart has been + tweaked so that backslash-escaped glob special characters do not + count in the "wildcards are pathspec" rule. + + * One effect of specifying where the GIT_DIR is (either with the + environment variable, or with the "git --git-dir= cmd" + option) is to disable the repository discovery. This has been + placed a bit more stress in the documentation, as new users often + get confused. + + * Two help messages given when "git add" notices the user gave it + nothing to add have been updated to use advise() API. + + * A new version of fsmonitor-watchman hook has been introduced, to + avoid races. + + * "git config" learned to show in which "scope", in addition to in + which file, each config setting comes from. + + * The basic 7 colors learned the brighter counterparts + (e.g. "brightred"). + + * "git sparse-checkout" learned a new "add" subcommand. + + * A configuration element used for credential subsystem can now use + wildcard pattern to specify for which set of URLs the entry + applies. + + * "git clone --recurse-submodules --single-branch" now uses the same + single-branch option when cloning the submodules. + + * "git rm" and "git stash" learns the new "--pathspec-from-file" + option. + + * "git am --show-current-patch" is a way to show the piece of e-mail + for the stopped step, which is not suitable to directly feed "git + apply" (it is designed to be a good "git am" input). It learned a + new option to show only the patch part. + + * Handling of conflicting renames in merge-recursive have further + been made consistent with how existing codepaths try to mimic what + is done to add/add conflicts. + + +Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc. + + * Tell .editorconfig that in this project, *.txt files are indented + with tabs. + + * The test-lint machinery knew to check "VAR=VAL shell_function" + construct, but did not check "VAR= shell_function", which has been + corrected. + + * Replace "git config --bool" calls with "git config --type=bool" in + sample templates. + + * The effort to move "git-add--interactive" to C continues. + + * Improve error message generation for "git submodule add". + + * Preparation of test scripts for the day when the object names will + use SHA-256 continues. + + * Warn programmers about pretend_object_file() that allows the code + to tentatively use in-core objects. + + * The way "git pack-objects" reuses objects stored in existing pack + to generate its result has been improved. + + * The transport protocol version 2 becomes the default one. + + * Traditionally, we avoided threaded grep while searching in objects + (as opposed to files in the working tree) as accesses to the object + layer is not thread-safe. This limitation is getting lifted. + + * "git rebase -i" (and friends) used to unnecessarily check out the + tip of the branch to be rebased, which has been corrected. + + * A low-level API function get_oid(), that accepts various ways to + name an object, used to issue end-user facing error messages + without l10n, which has been updated to be translatable. + + * Unneeded connectivity check is now disabled in a partial clone when + fetching into it. + + * Some rough edges in the sparse-checkout feature, especially around + the cone mode, have been cleaned up. + + * The diff-* plumbing family of subcommands now pay attention to the + diff.wsErrorHighlight configuration, which has been ignored before; + this allows "git add -p" to also show the whitespace problems to + the end user. + + * Some codepaths were given a repository instance as a parameter to + work in the repository, but passed the_repository instance to its + callees, which has been cleaned up (somewhat). + + * Memory footprint and performance of "git name-rev" has been + improved. + + * The object reachability bitmap machinery and the partial cloning + machinery were not prepared to work well together, because some + object-filtering criteria that partial clones use inherently rely + on object traversal, but the bitmap machinery is an optimization + to bypass that object traversal. There however are some cases + where they can work together, and they were taught about them. + + * "git rebase" has learned to use the merge backend (i.e. the + machinery that drives "rebase -i") by default, while allowing + "--apply" option to use the "apply" backend (e.g. the moral + equivalent of "format-patch piped to am"). The rebase.backend + configuration variable can be set to customize. + + * Underlying machinery of "git bisect--helper" is being refactored + into pieces that are more easily reused. + + +Fixes since v2.25 +----------------- + + * "git commit" gives output similar to "git status" when there is + nothing to commit, but without honoring the advise.statusHints + configuration variable, which has been corrected. + + * has_object_file() said "no" given an object registered to the + system via pretend_object_file(), making it inconsistent with + read_object_file(), causing lazy fetch to attempt fetching an + empty tree from promisor remotes. + + * Complete an update to tutorial that encourages "git switch" over + "git checkout" that was done only half-way. + + * C pedantry ;-) fix. + + * The code that tries to skip over the entries for the paths in a + single directory using the cache-tree was not careful enough + against corrupt index file. + + * Reduce unnecessary round-trip when running "ls-remote" over the + stateless RPC mechanism. + + * "git restore --staged" did not correctly update the cache-tree + structure, resulting in bogus trees to be written afterwards, which + has been corrected. + + * The code recently added to move to the entry beyond the ones in the + same directory in the index in the sparse-cone mode did not count + the number of entries to skip over incorrectly, which has been + corrected. + + * Rendering by "git log --graph" of ancestry lines leading to a merge + commit were made suboptimal to waste vertical space a bit with a + recent update, which has been corrected. + + * Work around test breakages caused by custom regex engine used in + libasan, when address sanitizer is used with more recent versions + of gcc and clang. + + * Minor bugfixes to "git add -i" that has recently been rewritten in C. + + * "git fetch --refmap=" option has got a better documentation. + + * "git checkout X" did not correctly fail when X is not a local + branch but could name more than one remote-tracking branches + (i.e. to be dwimmed as the starting point to create a corresponding + local branch), which has been corrected. + (merge fa74180d08 am/checkout-file-and-ref-ref-ambiguity later to maint). + + * Corner case bugs in "git clean" that stems from a (necessarily for + performance reasons) awkward calling convention in the directory + enumeration API has been corrected. + + * A fetch that is told to recursively fetch updates in submodules + inevitably produces reams of output, and it becomes hard to spot + error messages. The command has been taught to enumerate + submodules that had errors at the end of the operation. + (merge 0222540827 es/fetch-show-failed-submodules-atend later to maint). + + * The "--recurse-submodules" option of various subcommands did not + work well when run in an alternate worktree, which has been + corrected. + + * Futureproofing a test not to depend on the current implementation + detail. + + * Running "git rm" on a submodule failed unnecessarily when + .gitmodules is only cache-dirty, which has been corrected. + + * C pedantry ;-) fix. + + * "git grep --no-index" should not get affected by the contents of + the .gitmodules file but when "--recurse-submodules" is given or + the "submodule.recurse" variable is set, it did. Now these + settings are ignored in the "--no-index" mode. + + * Technical details of the bundle format has been documented. + + * Unhelpful warning messages during documentation build have been squelched. + + * "git rebase -i" identifies existing commits in its todo file with + their abbreviated object name, which could become ambiguous as it + goes to create new commits, and has a mechanism to avoid ambiguity + in the main part of its execution. A few other cases however were + not covered by the protection against ambiguity, which has been + corrected. + + * Allow the rebase.missingCommitsCheck configuration to kick in when + "rebase --edit-todo" and "rebase --continue" restarts the procedure. + (merge 5a5445d878 ag/edit-todo-drop-check later to maint). + + * The way "git submodule status" reports an initialized but not yet + populated submodule has not been reimplemented correctly when a + part of the "git submodule" command was rewritten in C, which has + been corrected. + (merge f38c92452d pk/status-of-uncloned-submodule later to maint). + + * The code to automatically shrink the fan-out in the notes tree had + an off-by-one bug, which has been killed. + + * The index-pack code now diagnoses a bad input packstream that + records the same object twice when it is used as delta base; the + code used to declare a software bug when encountering such an + input, but it is an input error. + + + * The code to compute the commit-graph has been taught to use a more + robust way to tell if two object directories refer to the same + thing. + (merge a7df60cac8 tb/commit-graph-object-dir later to maint). + + * "git remote rename X Y" needs to adjust configuration variables + (e.g. branch..remote) whose value used to be X to Y. + branch..pushRemote is now also updated. + + * Update to doc-diff. + + * Doc markup fix. + + * "git check-ignore" did not work when the given path is explicitly + marked as not ignored with a negative entry in the .gitignore file. + + * The merge-recursive machinery failed to refresh the cache entry for + a merge result in a couple of places, resulting in an unnecessary + merge failure, which has been fixed. + + * Fix for a bug revealed by a recent change to make the protocol v2 + the default. + + * In rare cases "git worktree add " could think that + was already a registered worktree even when it wasn't and refuse + to add the new worktree. This has been corrected. + (merge bb69b3b009 es/worktree-avoid-duplication-fix later to maint). + + * "git push" should stop from updating a branch that is checked out + when receive.denyCurrentBranch configuration is set, but it failed + to pay attention to checkouts in secondary worktrees. This has + been corrected. + (merge 4d864895a2 hv/receive-denycurrent-everywhere later to maint). + + * "git rebase BASE BRANCH" rebased/updated the tip of BRANCH and + checked it out, even when the BRANCH is checked out in a different + worktree. This has been corrected. + (merge b5cabb4a96 es/do-not-let-rebase-switch-to-protected-branch later to maint). + + * "git describe" in a repository with multiple root commits sometimes + gave up looking for the best tag to describe a given commit with + too early, which has been adjusted. + + * "git merge signed-tag" while lacking the public key started to say + "No signature", which was utterly wrong. This regression has been + reverted. + + * MinGW's poll() emulation has been improved. + + * "git show" and others gave an object name in raw format in its + error output, which has been corrected to give it in hex. + + * "git fetch" over HTTP walker protocol did not show any progress + output. We inherently do not know how much work remains, but still + we can show something not to bore users. + (merge 7655b4119d rs/show-progress-in-dumb-http-fetch later to maint). + + * Both "git ls-remote -h" and "git grep -h" give short usage help, + like any other Git subcommand, but it is not unreasonable to expect + that the former would behave the same as "git ls-remote --head" + (there is no other sensible behaviour for the latter). The + documentation has been updated in an attempt to clarify this. + + * Other code cleanup, docfix, build fix, etc. + (merge d0d0a357a1 am/update-pathspec-f-f-tests later to maint). + (merge f94f7bd00d am/test-pathspec-f-f-error-cases later to maint). + (merge c513a958b6 ss/t6025-modernize later to maint). + (merge b441717256 dl/test-must-fail-fixes later to maint). + (merge d031049da3 mt/sparse-checkout-doc-update later to maint). + (merge 145136a95a jc/skip-prefix later to maint). + (merge 5290d45134 jk/alloc-cleanups later to maint). + (merge 7a9f8ca805 rs/parse-options-concat-dup later to maint). + (merge 517b60564e rs/strbuf-insertstr later to maint). + (merge f696a2b1c8 jk/mailinfo-cleanup later to maint). + (merge de26f02db1 js/test-avoid-pipe later to maint). + (merge a2dc43414c es/doc-mentoring later to maint). + (merge 02bbbe9df9 es/worktree-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 2ce6d075fa rs/micro-cleanups later to maint). + (merge 27f182b3fc rs/blame-typefix-for-fingerprint later to maint). + (merge 3c29e21eb0 ma/test-cleanup later to maint). + (merge 240fc04f81 ag/rebase-remove-redundant-code later to maint). + (merge d68ce906c7 rs/commit-graph-code-simplification later to maint). + (merge a51d9e8f07 rj/t1050-use-test-path-is-file later to maint). + (merge fd0bc17557 kk/complete-diff-color-moved later to maint). + (merge 65bf820d0e en/test-cleanup later to maint). diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.26.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.26.1.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b4ecb3fd --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.26.1.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.26.1 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.4; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.26.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.26.2.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d434d0c69 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.26.2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Git v2.26.2 Release Notes +========================= + +This release merges the security fix that appears in v2.17.5; see +the release notes for that version for details. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.3.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.3.3.txt index 5ef12644c..850dc68ed 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.3.3.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.3.3.txt @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Fixes since v2.3.2 * Description given by "grep -h" for its --exclude-standard option was phrased poorly. - * Documentaton for "git remote add" mentioned "--tags" and + * Documentation for "git remote add" mentioned "--tags" and "--no-tags" and it was not clear that fetch from the remote in the future will use the default behaviour when neither is given to override it. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.3.7.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.3.7.txt index fc95812cb..576918408 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.3.7.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.3.7.txt @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Git v2.3.7 Release Notes Fixes since v2.3.6 ------------------ - * An earlier update to the parser that disects a URL broke an + * An earlier update to the parser that dissects a URL broke an address, followed by a colon, followed by an empty string (instead of the port number), e.g. ssh://example.com:/path/to/repo. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.4.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.4.3.txt index 914d2c186..422e930aa 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.4.3.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.4.3.txt @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Fixes since v2.4.3 * Some time ago, "git blame" (incorrectly) lost the convert_to_git() call when synthesizing a fake "tip" commit that represents the state in the working tree, which broke folks who record the history - with LF line ending to make their project portabile across + with LF line ending to make their project portable across platforms while terminating lines in their working tree files with CRLF for their platform. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.5.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.5.0.txt index 87044504c..84723f912 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.5.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.5.0.txt @@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc. incorrect patch text to "git apply". Add tests to demonstrate this. - I have a slight suspicion that this may be $gmane/87202 coming back + I have a slight suspicion that this may be + cf. <7vtzf77wjp.fsf@gitster.siamese.dyndns.org> coming back and biting us (I seem to have said "let's run with this and see what happens" back then). diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.0.txt index 563dadc57..e3cbf3a73 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.0.txt @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ UI, Workflows & Features * "git interpret-trailers" can now run outside of a Git repository. - * "git p4" learned to reencode the pathname it uses to communicate + * "git p4" learned to re-encode the pathname it uses to communicate with the p4 depot with a new option. * Give progress meter to "git filter-branch". diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt index 6553d69e3..6323feaf6 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Fixes since v2.7 setting GIT_WORK_TREE environment themselves. * The "exclude_list" structure has the usual "alloc, nr" pair of - fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_exclude_list() forgot + fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_pattern_list() forgot to reset 'alloc' to 0 when it cleared 'nr' to discard the managed array. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.3.txt index 6adf03891..f618d71ef 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.3.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.3.txt @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Fixes since v2.7.2 tests. * "git show 'HEAD:Foo[BAR]Baz'" did not interpret the argument as a - rev, i.e. the object named by the the pathname with wildcard + rev, i.e. the object named by the pathname with wildcard characters in a tree object. * "git rev-parse --git-common-dir" used in the worktree feature diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt index 25079710f..27320b6a9 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc. * Some calls to strcpy(3) triggers a false warning from static analyzers that are less intelligent than humans, and reducing the number of these false hits helps us notice real issues. A few - calls to strcpy(3) in a couple of protrams that are already safe + calls to strcpy(3) in a couple of programs that are already safe has been rewritten to avoid false warnings. * The "name_path" API was an attempt to reduce the need to construct @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ notes for details). setting GIT_WORK_TREE environment themselves. * The "exclude_list" structure has the usual "alloc, nr" pair of - fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_exclude_list() forgot + fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_pattern_list() forgot to reset 'alloc' to 0 when it cleared 'nr' to discard the managed array. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.3.txt index fedd9968e..a63825ed8 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.3.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.3.txt @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ Fixes since v2.8.2 This is necessary to use Git on Windows shared directories, and is already enabled for the MinGW and plain Windows builds. It also has been used in Cygwin packaged versions of Git for quite a while. - See http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/291853 - and http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/275680. + See https://lore.kernel.org/git/20160419091055.GF2345@dinwoodie.org/ + and https://lore.kernel.org/git/20150811100527.GW14466@dinwoodie.org/. * "git replace -e" did not honour "core.editor" configuration. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.9.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.9.0.txt index b61d36712..991640119 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.9.0.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.9.0.txt @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ notes for details). This is necessary to use Git on Windows shared directories, and is already enabled for the MinGW and plain Windows builds. It also has been used in Cygwin packaged versions of Git for quite a while. - See http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/291853 + See https://lore.kernel.org/git/20160419091055.GF2345@dinwoodie.org/ * "merge-octopus" strategy did not ensure that the index is clean when merge begins. diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.9.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.9.3.txt index 695b86f61..305e08062 100644 --- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.9.3.txt +++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.9.3.txt @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Fixes since v2.9.2 * One part of "git am" had an oddball helper function that called stuff from outside "his" as opposed to calling what we have "ours", which was not gender-neutral and also inconsistent with the rest of - the system where outside stuff is usuall called "theirs" in + the system where outside stuff is usually called "theirs" in contrast to "ours". * The test framework learned a new helper test_match_signal to diff --git a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches index 6d589e118..4515cab51 100644 --- a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches +++ b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches @@ -142,19 +142,25 @@ archive, summarize the relevant points of the discussion. [[commit-reference]] If you want to reference a previous commit in the history of a stable -branch, use the format "abbreviated sha1 (subject, date)", -with the subject enclosed in a pair of double-quotes, like this: +branch, use the format "abbreviated hash (subject, date)", like this: .... - Commit f86a374 ("pack-bitmap.c: fix a memleak", 2015-03-30) + Commit f86a374 (pack-bitmap.c: fix a memleak, 2015-03-30) noticed that ... .... The "Copy commit summary" command of gitk can be used to obtain this -format, or this invocation of `git show`: +format (with the subject enclosed in a pair of double-quotes), or this +invocation of `git show`: .... - git show -s --date=short --pretty='format:%h ("%s", %ad)' + git show -s --pretty=reference +.... + +or, on an older version of Git without support for --pretty=reference: + +.... + git show -s --date=short --pretty='format:%h (%s, %ad)' .... [[git-tools]] @@ -372,9 +378,9 @@ such as "Thanks-to:", "Based-on-patch-by:", or "Mentored-by:". Some parts of the system have dedicated maintainers with their own repositories. -- `git-gui/` comes from git-gui project, maintained by Pat Thoyts: +- `git-gui/` comes from git-gui project, maintained by Pratyush Yadav: - git://repo.or.cz/git-gui.git + https://github.com/prati0100/git-gui.git - `gitk-git/` comes from Paul Mackerras's gitk project: diff --git a/Documentation/asciidoc.conf b/Documentation/asciidoc.conf index 2c16c536b..8fc4b6708 100644 --- a/Documentation/asciidoc.conf +++ b/Documentation/asciidoc.conf @@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ template::[header-declarations] {mantitle} {manvolnum} -Git -{git_version} -Git Manual +{mansource} +{manversion} +{manmanual} {manname} diff --git a/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb b/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb index 0089e0cfb..d906a0080 100644 --- a/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb +++ b/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb @@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ module Git named :chrome def process(parent, target, attrs) - if parent.document.basebackend? 'html' - prefix = parent.document.attr('git-relative-html-prefix') + prefix = parent.document.attr('git-relative-html-prefix') + if parent.document.doctype == 'book' + "" \ + "#{target}(#{attrs[1]})" + elsif parent.document.basebackend? 'html' %(#{target}(#{attrs[1]})) elsif parent.document.basebackend? 'docbook' "\n" \ @@ -20,9 +23,26 @@ module Git end end end + + class DocumentPostProcessor < Asciidoctor::Extensions::Postprocessor + def process document, output + if document.basebackend? 'docbook' + mansource = document.attributes['mansource'] + manversion = document.attributes['manversion'] + manmanual = document.attributes['manmanual'] + new_tags = "" \ + "#{mansource}\n" \ + "#{manversion}\n" \ + "#{manmanual}\n" + output = output.sub(/<\/refmeta>/, new_tags + "") + end + output + end + end end end Asciidoctor::Extensions.register do inline_macro Git::Documentation::LinkGitProcessor, :linkgit + postprocessor Git::Documentation::DocumentPostProcessor end diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt index e3f5bc339..08b13ba72 100644 --- a/Documentation/config.txt +++ b/Documentation/config.txt @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ refer to linkgit:gitignore[5] for details. For convenience: `gitdir/i`:: This is the same as `gitdir` except that matching is done - case-insensitively (e.g. on case-insensitive file sytems) + case-insensitively (e.g. on case-insensitive file systems) `onbranch`:: The data that follows the keyword `onbranch:` is taken to be a @@ -178,47 +178,49 @@ to either specify only the realpath version, or both versions. Example ~~~~~~~ - # Core variables - [core] - ; Don't trust file modes - filemode = false +---- +# Core variables +[core] + ; Don't trust file modes + filemode = false - # Our diff algorithm - [diff] - external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper - renames = true +# Our diff algorithm +[diff] + external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper + renames = true - [branch "devel"] - remote = origin - merge = refs/heads/devel +[branch "devel"] + remote = origin + merge = refs/heads/devel - # Proxy settings - [core] - gitProxy="ssh" for "kernel.org" - gitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest +# Proxy settings +[core] + gitProxy="ssh" for "kernel.org" + gitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest - [include] - path = /path/to/foo.inc ; include by absolute path - path = foo.inc ; find "foo.inc" relative to the current file - path = ~/foo.inc ; find "foo.inc" in your `$HOME` directory +[include] + path = /path/to/foo.inc ; include by absolute path + path = foo.inc ; find "foo.inc" relative to the current file + path = ~/foo.inc ; find "foo.inc" in your `$HOME` directory - ; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git - [includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git"] - path = /path/to/foo.inc +; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git +[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git"] + path = /path/to/foo.inc - ; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group - [includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] - path = /path/to/foo.inc +; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group +[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] + path = /path/to/foo.inc - ; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group - [includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"] - path = /path/to/foo.inc +; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group +[includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"] + path = /path/to/foo.inc - ; relative paths are always relative to the including - ; file (if the condition is true); their location is not - ; affected by the condition - [includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] - path = foo.inc +; relative paths are always relative to the including +; file (if the condition is true); their location is not +; affected by the condition +[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] + path = foo.inc +---- ; include only if we are in a worktree where foo-branch is ; currently checked out @@ -261,7 +263,9 @@ color:: + The basic colors accepted are `normal`, `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan` and `white`. The first color given is the -foreground; the second is the background. +foreground; the second is the background. All the basic colors except +`normal` have a bright variant that can be speficied by prefixing the +color with `bright`, like `brightred`. + Colors may also be given as numbers between 0 and 255; these use ANSI 256-color mode (but note that not all terminals may support this). If @@ -345,6 +349,8 @@ include::config/difftool.txt[] include::config/fastimport.txt[] +include::config/feature.txt[] + include::config/fetch.txt[] include::config/format.txt[] diff --git a/Documentation/config/add.txt b/Documentation/config/add.txt index 4d753f006..c9f748f81 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/add.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/add.txt @@ -5,3 +5,8 @@ add.ignore-errors (deprecated):: option of linkgit:git-add[1]. `add.ignore-errors` is deprecated, as it does not follow the usual naming convention for configuration variables. + +add.interactive.useBuiltin:: + [EXPERIMENTAL] Set to `true` to use the experimental built-in + implementation of the interactive version of linkgit:git-add[1] + instead of the Perl script version. Is `false` by default. diff --git a/Documentation/config/advice.txt b/Documentation/config/advice.txt index 6aaa36020..bdd37c3ea 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/advice.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/advice.txt @@ -107,4 +107,13 @@ advice.*:: editor input from the user. nestedTag:: Advice shown if a user attempts to recursively tag a tag object. + submoduleAlternateErrorStrategyDie:: + Advice shown when a submodule.alternateErrorStrategy option + configured to "die" causes a fatal error. + addIgnoredFile:: + Advice shown if a user attempts to add an ignored file to + the index. + addEmptyPathspec:: + Advice shown if a user runs the add command without providing + the pathspec parameter. -- diff --git a/Documentation/config/branch.txt b/Documentation/config/branch.txt index a592d522a..cc5f3249f 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/branch.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/branch.txt @@ -81,15 +81,16 @@ branch..rebase:: "git pull" is run. See "pull.rebase" for doing this in a non branch-specific manner. + -When `merges`, pass the `--rebase-merges` option to 'git rebase' +When `merges` (or just 'm'), pass the `--rebase-merges` option to 'git rebase' so that the local merge commits are included in the rebase (see linkgit:git-rebase[1] for details). + -When `preserve` (deprecated in favor of `merges`), also pass +When `preserve` (or just 'p', deprecated in favor of `merges`), also pass `--preserve-merges` along to 'git rebase' so that locally committed merge commits will not be flattened by running 'git pull'. + -When the value is `interactive`, the rebase is run in interactive mode. +When the value is `interactive` (or just 'i'), the rebase is run in interactive +mode. + *NOTE*: this is a possibly dangerous operation; do *not* use it unless you understand the implications (see linkgit:git-rebase[1] diff --git a/Documentation/config/core.txt b/Documentation/config/core.txt index 75538d27e..74619a9c0 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/core.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/core.txt @@ -68,6 +68,17 @@ core.fsmonitor:: avoiding unnecessary processing of files that have not changed. See the "fsmonitor-watchman" section of linkgit:githooks[5]. +core.fsmonitorHookVersion:: + Sets the version of hook that is to be used when calling fsmonitor. + There are currently versions 1 and 2. When this is not set, + version 2 will be tried first and if it fails then version 1 + will be tried. Version 1 uses a timestamp as input to determine + which files have changes since that time but some monitors + like watchman have race conditions when used with a timestamp. + Version 2 uses an opaque string so that the monitor can return + something that can be used to determine what files have changed + without race conditions. + core.trustctime:: If false, the ctime differences between the index and the working tree are ignored; useful when the inode change time @@ -86,7 +97,9 @@ core.untrackedCache:: it will automatically be removed, if set to `false`. Before setting it to `true`, you should check that mtime is working properly on your system. - See linkgit:git-update-index[1]. `keep` by default. + See linkgit:git-update-index[1]. `keep` by default, unless + `feature.manyFiles` is enabled which sets this setting to + `true` by default. core.checkStat:: When missing or is set to `default`, many fields in the stat @@ -557,6 +570,12 @@ core.unsetenvvars:: Defaults to `PERL5LIB` to account for the fact that Git for Windows insists on using its own Perl interpreter. +core.restrictinheritedhandles:: + Windows-only: override whether spawned processes inherit only standard + file handles (`stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr`) or all handles. Can be + `auto`, `true` or `false`. Defaults to `auto`, which means `true` on + Windows 7 and later, and `false` on older Windows versions. + core.createObject:: You can set this to 'link', in which case a hardlink followed by a delete of the source are used to make sure that object creation @@ -577,7 +596,7 @@ the `GIT_NOTES_REF` environment variable. See linkgit:git-notes[1]. core.commitGraph:: If true, then git will read the commit-graph file (if it exists) - to parse the graph structure of commits. Defaults to false. See + to parse the graph structure of commits. Defaults to true. See linkgit:git-commit-graph[1] for more information. core.useReplaceRefs:: @@ -591,8 +610,14 @@ core.multiPackIndex:: multi-pack-index design document]. core.sparseCheckout:: - Enable "sparse checkout" feature. See section "Sparse checkout" in - linkgit:git-read-tree[1] for more information. + Enable "sparse checkout" feature. See linkgit:git-sparse-checkout[1] + for more information. + +core.sparseCheckoutCone:: + Enables the "cone mode" of the sparse checkout feature. When the + sparse-checkout file contains a limited set of patterns, then this + mode provides significant performance advantages. See + linkgit:git-sparse-checkout[1] for more information. core.abbrev:: Set the length object names are abbreviated to. If diff --git a/Documentation/config/diff.txt b/Documentation/config/diff.txt index 5afb5a2cb..ff09f1cf7 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/diff.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/diff.txt @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ diff.guitool:: include::../mergetools-diff.txt[] diff.indentHeuristic:: - Set this option to `true` to enable experimental heuristics + Set this option to `false` to disable the default heuristics that shift diff hunk boundaries to make patches easier to read. diff.algorithm:: diff --git a/Documentation/config/feature.txt b/Documentation/config/feature.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..875f8c8a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/config/feature.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +feature.*:: + The config settings that start with `feature.` modify the defaults of + a group of other config settings. These groups are created by the Git + developer community as recommended defaults and are subject to change. + In particular, new config options may be added with different defaults. + +feature.experimental:: + Enable config options that are new to Git, and are being considered for + future defaults. Config settings included here may be added or removed + with each release, including minor version updates. These settings may + have unintended interactions since they are so new. Please enable this + setting if you are interested in providing feedback on experimental + features. The new default values are: ++ +* `pack.useSparse=true` uses a new algorithm when constructing a pack-file +which can improve `git push` performance in repos with many files. ++ +* `fetch.negotiationAlgorithm=skipping` may improve fetch negotiation times by +skipping more commits at a time, reducing the number of round trips. ++ +* `fetch.writeCommitGraph=true` writes a commit-graph after every `git fetch` +command that downloads a pack-file from a remote. Using the `--split` option, +most executions will create a very small commit-graph file on top of the +existing commit-graph file(s). Occasionally, these files will merge and the +write may take longer. Having an updated commit-graph file helps performance +of many Git commands, including `git merge-base`, `git push -f`, and +`git log --graph`. + +feature.manyFiles:: + Enable config options that optimize for repos with many files in the + working directory. With many files, commands such as `git status` and + `git checkout` may be slow and these new defaults improve performance: ++ +* `index.version=4` enables path-prefix compression in the index. ++ +* `core.untrackedCache=true` enables the untracked cache. This setting assumes +that mtime is working on your machine. diff --git a/Documentation/config/fetch.txt b/Documentation/config/fetch.txt index ba890b588..f11940280 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/fetch.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/fetch.txt @@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ fetch.negotiationAlgorithm:: effort to converge faster, but may result in a larger-than-necessary packfile; The default is "default" which instructs Git to use the default algorithm that never skips commits (unless the server has acknowledged it or one - of its descendants). + of its descendants). If `feature.experimental` is enabled, then this + setting defaults to "skipping". Unknown values will cause 'git fetch' to error out. + See also the `--negotiation-tip` option for linkgit:git-fetch[1]. @@ -68,3 +69,23 @@ fetch.showForcedUpdates:: Set to false to enable `--no-show-forced-updates` in linkgit:git-fetch[1] and linkgit:git-pull[1] commands. Defaults to true. + +fetch.parallel:: + Specifies the maximal number of fetch operations to be run in parallel + at a time (submodules, or remotes when the `--multiple` option of + linkgit:git-fetch[1] is in effect). ++ +A value of 0 will give some reasonable default. If unset, it defaults to 1. ++ +For submodules, this setting can be overridden using the `submodule.fetchJobs` +config setting. + +fetch.writeCommitGraph:: + Set to true to write a commit-graph after every `git fetch` command + that downloads a pack-file from a remote. Using the `--split` option, + most executions will create a very small commit-graph file on top of + the existing commit-graph file(s). Occasionally, these files will + merge and the write may take longer. Having an updated commit-graph + file helps performance of many Git commands, including `git merge-base`, + `git push -f`, and `git log --graph`. Defaults to false, unless + `feature.experimental` is true. diff --git a/Documentation/config/format.txt b/Documentation/config/format.txt index 414a5a8a9..45c7bd5a8 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/format.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/format.txt @@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ format.subjectPrefix:: The default for format-patch is to output files with the '[PATCH]' subject prefix. Use this variable to change that prefix. +format.coverFromDescription:: + The default mode for format-patch to determine which parts of + the cover letter will be populated using the branch's + description. See the `--cover-from-description` option in + linkgit:git-format-patch[1]. + format.signature:: The default for format-patch is to output a signature containing the Git version number. Use this variable to change that default. @@ -77,10 +83,11 @@ format.coverLetter:: A boolean that controls whether to generate a cover-letter when format-patch is invoked, but in addition can be set to "auto", to generate a cover-letter only when there's more than one patch. + Default is false. format.outputDirectory:: Set a custom directory to store the resulting files instead of the - current working directory. + current working directory. All directory components will be created. format.useAutoBase:: A boolean value which lets you enable the `--base=auto` option of @@ -99,4 +106,20 @@ If one wishes to use the ref `ref/notes/true`, please use that literal instead. + This configuration can be specified multiple times in order to allow -multiple notes refs to be included. +multiple notes refs to be included. In that case, it will behave +similarly to multiple `--[no-]notes[=]` options passed in. That is, a +value of `true` will show the default notes, a value of `` will +also show notes from that notes ref and a value of `false` will negate +previous configurations and not show notes. ++ +For example, ++ +------------ +[format] + notes = true + notes = foo + notes = false + notes = bar +------------ ++ +will only show notes from `refs/notes/bar`. diff --git a/Documentation/config/gc.txt b/Documentation/config/gc.txt index 02b92b18b..00ea0a678 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/gc.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/gc.txt @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ gc.writeCommitGraph:: If true, then gc will rewrite the commit-graph file when linkgit:git-gc[1] is run. When using `git gc --auto` the commit-graph will be updated if housekeeping is - required. Default is false. See linkgit:git-commit-graph[1] + required. Default is true. See linkgit:git-commit-graph[1] for details. gc.logExpiry:: diff --git a/Documentation/config/gpg.txt b/Documentation/config/gpg.txt index cce2c8924..d94025cb3 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/gpg.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/gpg.txt @@ -18,3 +18,18 @@ gpg..program:: chose. (see `gpg.program` and `gpg.format`) `gpg.program` can still be used as a legacy synonym for `gpg.openpgp.program`. The default value for `gpg.x509.program` is "gpgsm". + +gpg.minTrustLevel:: + Specifies a minimum trust level for signature verification. If + this option is unset, then signature verification for merge + operations require a key with at least `marginal` trust. Other + operations that perform signature verification require a key + with at least `undefined` trust. Setting this option overrides + the required trust-level for all operations. Supported values, + in increasing order of significance: ++ +* `undefined` +* `never` +* `marginal` +* `fully` +* `ultimate` diff --git a/Documentation/config/http.txt b/Documentation/config/http.txt index 5a32f5b0a..e806033aa 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/http.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/http.txt @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ http.saveCookies:: http.version:: Use the specified HTTP protocol version when communicating with a server. If you want to force the default. The available and default version depend - on libcurl. Actually the possible values of + on libcurl. Currently the possible values of this option are: - HTTP/2 @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ http.sslVersion:: particular configuration of the crypto library in use. Internally this sets the 'CURLOPT_SSL_VERSION' option; see the libcurl documentation for more details on the format of this option and - for the ssl version supported. Actually the possible values of + for the ssl version supported. Currently the possible values of this option are: - sslv2 @@ -199,6 +199,14 @@ http.postBuffer:: Transfer-Encoding: chunked is used to avoid creating a massive pack file locally. Default is 1 MiB, which is sufficient for most requests. ++ +Note that raising this limit is only effective for disabling chunked +transfer encoding and therefore should be used only where the remote +server or a proxy only supports HTTP/1.0 or is noncompliant with the +HTTP standard. Raising this is not, in general, an effective solution +for most push problems, but can increase memory consumption +significantly since the entire buffer is allocated even for small +pushes. http.lowSpeedLimit, http.lowSpeedTime:: If the HTTP transfer speed is less than 'http.lowSpeedLimit' diff --git a/Documentation/config/index.txt b/Documentation/config/index.txt index f18150304..7cb50b37e 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/index.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/index.txt @@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ index.threads:: index.version:: Specify the version with which new index files should be initialized. This does not affect existing repositories. + If `feature.manyFiles` is enabled, then the default is 4. diff --git a/Documentation/config/pack.txt b/Documentation/config/pack.txt index 9cdcfa732..0dac58058 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/pack.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/pack.txt @@ -27,6 +27,13 @@ Note that changing the compression level will not automatically recompress all existing objects. You can force recompression by passing the -F option to linkgit:git-repack[1]. +pack.allowPackReuse:: + When true, and when reachability bitmaps are enabled, + pack-objects will try to send parts of the bitmapped packfile + verbatim. This can reduce memory and CPU usage to serve fetches, + but might result in sending a slightly larger pack. Defaults to + true. + pack.island:: An extended regular expression configuring a set of delta islands. See "DELTA ISLANDS" in linkgit:git-pack-objects[1] @@ -112,7 +119,8 @@ pack.useSparse:: objects. This can have significant performance benefits when computing a pack to send a small change. However, it is possible that extra objects are added to the pack-file if the included - commits contain certain types of direct renames. + commits contain certain types of direct renames. Default is `false` + unless `feature.experimental` is enabled. pack.writeBitmaps (deprecated):: This is a deprecated synonym for `repack.writeBitmaps`. diff --git a/Documentation/config/protocol.txt b/Documentation/config/protocol.txt index bfccc0749..756591d77 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/protocol.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/protocol.txt @@ -45,11 +45,10 @@ The protocol names currently used by git are: -- protocol.version:: - Experimental. If set, clients will attempt to communicate with a - server using the specified protocol version. If unset, no - attempt will be made by the client to communicate using a - particular protocol version, this results in protocol version 0 - being used. + If set, clients will attempt to communicate with a server + using the specified protocol version. If the server does + not support it, communication falls back to version 0. + If unset, the default is `2`. Supported versions: + -- diff --git a/Documentation/config/pull.txt b/Documentation/config/pull.txt index b87cab31b..540483060 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/pull.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/pull.txt @@ -14,15 +14,16 @@ pull.rebase:: pull" is run. See "branch..rebase" for setting this on a per-branch basis. + -When `merges`, pass the `--rebase-merges` option to 'git rebase' +When `merges` (or just 'm'), pass the `--rebase-merges` option to 'git rebase' so that the local merge commits are included in the rebase (see linkgit:git-rebase[1] for details). + -When `preserve` (deprecated in favor of `merges`), also pass +When `preserve` (or just 'p', deprecated in favor of `merges`), also pass `--preserve-merges` along to 'git rebase' so that locally committed merge commits will not be flattened by running 'git pull'. + -When the value is `interactive`, the rebase is run in interactive mode. +When the value is `interactive` (or just 'i'), the rebase is run in interactive +mode. + *NOTE*: this is a possibly dangerous operation; do *not* use it unless you understand the implications (see linkgit:git-rebase[1] diff --git a/Documentation/config/push.txt b/Documentation/config/push.txt index 0a0e00056..0a7aa322a 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/push.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/push.txt @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ push.default:: Defines the action `git push` should take if no refspec is - explicitly given. Different values are well-suited for + given (whether from the command-line, config, or elsewhere). + Different values are well-suited for specific workflows; for instance, in a purely central workflow (i.e. the fetch source is equal to the push destination), `upstream` is probably what you want. Possible values are: @@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ push.default:: -- * `nothing` - do not push anything (error out) unless a refspec is - explicitly given. This is primarily meant for people who want to + given. This is primarily meant for people who want to avoid mistakes by always being explicit. * `current` - push the current branch to update a branch with the same @@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ higher priority configuration file (e.g. `.git/config` in a repository) to clear the values inherited from a lower priority configuration files (e.g. `$HOME/.gitconfig`). + --- +---- Example: @@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ repo/.git/config This will result in only b (a and c are cleared). --- +---- push.recurseSubmodules:: Make sure all submodule commits used by the revisions to be pushed diff --git a/Documentation/config/rebase.txt b/Documentation/config/rebase.txt index d98e32d81..7f7a07d22 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/rebase.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/rebase.txt @@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ rebase.useBuiltin:: is always used. Setting this will emit a warning, to alert any remaining users that setting this now does nothing. +rebase.backend:: + Default backend to use for rebasing. Possible choices are + 'apply' or 'merge'. In the future, if the merge backend gains + all remaining capabilities of the apply backend, this setting + may become unused. + rebase.stat:: Whether to show a diffstat of what changed upstream since the last rebase. False by default. diff --git a/Documentation/config/remote.txt b/Documentation/config/remote.txt index 6c4cad83a..a8e6437a9 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/remote.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/remote.txt @@ -76,3 +76,11 @@ remote..pruneTags:: + See also `remote..prune` and the PRUNING section of linkgit:git-fetch[1]. + +remote..promisor:: + When set to true, this remote will be used to fetch promisor + objects. + +remote..partialclonefilter:: + The filter that will be applied when fetching from this + promisor remote. diff --git a/Documentation/config/submodule.txt b/Documentation/config/submodule.txt index 0a1293b05..b33177151 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/submodule.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/submodule.txt @@ -79,4 +79,6 @@ submodule.alternateLocation:: submodule.alternateErrorStrategy:: Specifies how to treat errors with the alternates for a submodule as computed via `submodule.alternateLocation`. Possible values are - `ignore`, `info`, `die`. Default is `die`. + `ignore`, `info`, `die`. Default is `die`. Note that if set to `ignore` + or `info`, and if there is an error with the computed alternate, the + clone proceeds as if no alternate was specified. diff --git a/Documentation/config/tag.txt b/Documentation/config/tag.txt index ef5adb3f4..6d9110d84 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/tag.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/tag.txt @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ tag.gpgSign:: Use of this option when running in an automated script can result in a large number of tags being signed. It is therefore convenient to use an agent to avoid typing your gpg passphrase - several times. Note that this option doesn't affects tag signing + several times. Note that this option doesn't affect tag signing behavior enabled by "-u " or "--local-user=" options. tar.umask:: diff --git a/Documentation/config/trace2.txt b/Documentation/config/trace2.txt index 2edbfb02f..4ce0b9a6d 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/trace2.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/trace2.txt @@ -54,3 +54,9 @@ trace2.destinationDebug:: By default, these errors are suppressed and tracing is silently disabled. May be overridden by the `GIT_TRACE2_DST_DEBUG` environment variable. + +trace2.maxFiles:: + Integer. When writing trace files to a target directory, do not + write additional traces if we would exceed this many files. Instead, + write a sentinel file that will block further tracing to this + directory. Defaults to 0, which disables this check. diff --git a/Documentation/config/user.txt b/Documentation/config/user.txt index 0557cbbce..59aec7c3a 100644 --- a/Documentation/config/user.txt +++ b/Documentation/config/user.txt @@ -13,7 +13,12 @@ committer.email:: Also, all of these can be overridden by the `GIT_AUTHOR_NAME`, `GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL`, `GIT_COMMITTER_NAME`, `GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL` and `EMAIL` environment variables. - See linkgit:git-commit-tree[1] for more information. ++ +Note that the `name` forms of these variables conventionally refer to +some form of a personal name. See linkgit:git-commit[1] and the +environment variables section of linkgit:git[1] for more information on +these settings and the `credential.username` option if you're looking +for authentication credentials instead. user.useConfigOnly:: Instruct Git to avoid trying to guess defaults for `user.email` diff --git a/Documentation/diff-format.txt b/Documentation/diff-format.txt index 4d846d734..fbbd410a8 100644 --- a/Documentation/diff-format.txt +++ b/Documentation/diff-format.txt @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Possible status letters are: - R: renaming of a file - T: change in the type of the file - U: file is unmerged (you must complete the merge before it can -be committed) + be committed) - X: "unknown" change type (most probably a bug, please report it) Status letters C and R are always followed by a score (denoting the diff --git a/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt b/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt index f10ca410a..e8ed6470f 100644 --- a/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt +++ b/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ -Generating patches with -p --------------------------- +Generating patch text with -p +----------------------------- -When "git-diff-index", "git-diff-tree", or "git-diff-files" are run -with a `-p` option, "git diff" without the `--raw` option, or -"git log" with the "-p" option, they -do not produce the output described above; instead they produce a -patch file. You can customize the creation of such patches via the +Running +linkgit:git-diff[1], +linkgit:git-log[1], +linkgit:git-show[1], +linkgit:git-diff-index[1], +linkgit:git-diff-tree[1], or +linkgit:git-diff-files[1] +with the `-p` option produces patch text. +You can customize the creation of patch text via the `GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF` and the `GIT_DIFF_OPTS` environment variables. What the -p option produces is slightly different from the traditional @@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ similarity index value of 100% is thus reserved for two equal files, while 100% dissimilarity means that no line from the old file made it into the new one. + -The index line includes the SHA-1 checksum before and after the change. +The index line includes the blob object names before and after the change. The is included if the file mode does not change; otherwise, separate lines indicate the old and the new mode. @@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ separate lines indicate the old and the new mode. rename to a -combined diff format +Combined diff format -------------------- Any diff-generating command can take the `-c` or `--cc` option to @@ -80,7 +84,7 @@ linkgit:git-show[1]. Note also that you can give the `-m` option to any of these commands to force generation of diffs with individual parents of a merge. -A 'combined diff' format looks like this: +A "combined diff" format looks like this: ------------ diff --combined describe.c @@ -113,11 +117,11 @@ index fabadb8,cc95eb0..4866510 ------------ 1. It is preceded with a "git diff" header, that looks like - this (when `-c` option is used): + this (when the `-c` option is used): diff --combined file + -or like this (when `--cc` option is used): +or like this (when the `--cc` option is used): diff --cc file @@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ parents. 4. Chunk header format is modified to prevent people from accidentally feeding it to `patch -p1`. Combined diff format was created for review of merge commit changes, and was not - meant for apply. The change is similar to the change in the + meant to be applied. The change is similar to the change in the extended 'index' header: @@@ @@@ diff --git a/Documentation/diff-options.txt b/Documentation/diff-options.txt index 09faee3b4..bb31f0c42 100644 --- a/Documentation/diff-options.txt +++ b/Documentation/diff-options.txt @@ -567,13 +567,13 @@ To illustrate the difference between `-S --pickaxe-regex` and file: + ---- -+ return !regexec(regexp, two->ptr, 1, ®match, 0); ++ return frotz(nitfol, two->ptr, 1, 0); ... -- hit = !regexec(regexp, mf2.ptr, 1, ®match, 0); +- hit = frotz(nitfol, mf2.ptr, 1, 0); ---- + -While `git log -G"regexec\(regexp"` will show this commit, `git log --S"regexec\(regexp" --pickaxe-regex` will not (because the number of +While `git log -G"frotz\(nitfol"` will show this commit, `git log +-S"frotz\(nitfol" --pickaxe-regex` will not (because the number of occurrences of that string did not change). + Unless `--text` is supplied patches of binary files without a textconv diff --git a/Documentation/doc-diff b/Documentation/doc-diff index 3355be479..1694300e5 100755 --- a/Documentation/doc-diff +++ b/Documentation/doc-diff @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ asciidoc use asciidoc with both commits to-asciidoc use asciidoc with the 'to'-commit to-asciidoctor use asciidoctor with the 'to'-commit asciidoctor use asciidoctor with both commits -cut-header-footer cut away header and footer +cut-footer cut away footer " SUBDIRECTORY_OK=1 . "$(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup" @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ force= clean= from_program= to_program= -cut_header_footer= +cut_footer= while test $# -gt 0 do case "$1" in @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ do --asciidoc) from_program=-asciidoc to_program=-asciidoc ;; - --cut-header-footer) - cut_header_footer=-cut-header-footer ;; + --cut-footer) + cut_footer=-cut-footer ;; --) shift; break ;; *) @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ construct_makemanflags () { from_makemanflags=$(construct_makemanflags "$from_program") && to_makemanflags=$(construct_makemanflags "$to_program") && -from_dir=$from_oid$from_program$cut_header_footer && -to_dir=$to_oid$to_program$cut_header_footer && +from_dir=$from_oid$from_program$cut_footer && +to_dir=$to_oid$to_program$cut_footer && # generate_render_makefile generate_render_makefile () { @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ generate_render_makefile () { while read src do dst=$2/${src#$1/} - printf 'all:: %s\n' "$dst" + printf 'all: %s\n' "$dst" printf '%s: %s\n' "$dst" "$src" printf '\t@echo >&2 " RENDER $(notdir $@)" && \\\n' printf '\tmkdir -p $(dir $@) && \\\n' @@ -169,12 +169,11 @@ render_tree () { make -j$parallel -f - && mv "$tmp/rendered/$dname+" "$tmp/rendered/$dname" - if test "$cut_header_footer" = "-cut-header-footer" + if test "$cut_footer" = "-cut-footer" then for f in $(find "$tmp/rendered/$dname" -type f) do - tail -n +3 "$f" | head -n -2 | - sed -e '1{/^$/d}' -e '${/^$/d}' >"$f+" && + head -n -2 "$f" | sed -e '${/^$/d}' >"$f+" && mv "$f+" "$f" || return 1 done diff --git a/Documentation/fetch-options.txt b/Documentation/fetch-options.txt index 3c9b4f9e0..a115a1ae0 100644 --- a/Documentation/fetch-options.txt +++ b/Documentation/fetch-options.txt @@ -92,6 +92,10 @@ ifndef::git-pull[] Run `git gc --auto` at the end to perform garbage collection if needed. This is enabled by default. +--[no-]write-commit-graph:: + Write a commit-graph after fetching. This overrides the config + setting `fetch.writeCommitGraph`. + -p:: --prune:: Before fetching, remove any remote-tracking references that no @@ -135,7 +139,10 @@ ifndef::git-pull[] specified refspec (can be given more than once) to map the refs to remote-tracking branches, instead of the values of `remote.*.fetch` configuration variables for the remote - repository. See section on "Configured Remote-tracking + repository. Providing an empty `` to the + `--refmap` option causes Git to ignore the configured + refspecs and rely entirely on the refspecs supplied as + command-line arguments. See section on "Configured Remote-tracking Branches" for details. -t:: @@ -160,15 +167,27 @@ ifndef::git-pull[] -j:: --jobs=:: - Number of parallel children to be used for fetching submodules. - Each will fetch from different submodules, such that fetching many - submodules will be faster. By default submodules will be fetched - one at a time. + Number of parallel children to be used for all forms of fetching. ++ +If the `--multiple` option was specified, the different remotes will be fetched +in parallel. If multiple submodules are fetched, they will be fetched in +parallel. To control them independently, use the config settings +`fetch.parallel` and `submodule.fetchJobs` (see linkgit:git-config[1]). ++ +Typically, parallel recursive and multi-remote fetches will be faster. By +default fetches are performed sequentially, not in parallel. --no-recurse-submodules:: Disable recursive fetching of submodules (this has the same effect as using the `--recurse-submodules=no` option). +--set-upstream:: + If the remote is fetched successfully, pull and add upstream + (tracking) reference, used by argument-less + linkgit:git-pull[1] and other commands. For more information, + see `branch..merge` and `branch..remote` in + linkgit:git-config[1]. + --submodule-prefix=:: Prepend to paths printed in informative messages such as "Fetching submodule foo". This option is used diff --git a/Documentation/git-add.txt b/Documentation/git-add.txt index 8b0e4c7fa..be5e3ac54 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-add.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-add.txt @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ SYNOPSIS 'git add' [--verbose | -v] [--dry-run | -n] [--force | -f] [--interactive | -i] [--patch | -p] [--edit | -e] [--[no-]all | --[no-]ignore-removal | [--update | -u]] [--intent-to-add | -N] [--refresh] [--ignore-errors] [--ignore-missing] [--renormalize] - [--chmod=(+|-)x] [--] [...] + [--chmod=(+|-)x] [--pathspec-from-file= [--pathspec-file-nul]] + [--] [...] DESCRIPTION ----------- @@ -187,6 +188,19 @@ for "git add --no-all ...", i.e. ignored removed files. bit is only changed in the index, the files on disk are left unchanged. +--pathspec-from-file=:: + Pathspec is passed in `` instead of commandline args. If + `` is exactly `-` then standard input is used. Pathspec + elements are separated by LF or CR/LF. Pathspec elements can be + quoted as explained for the configuration variable `core.quotePath` + (see linkgit:git-config[1]). See also `--pathspec-file-nul` and + global `--literal-pathspecs`. + +--pathspec-file-nul:: + Only meaningful with `--pathspec-from-file`. Pathspec elements are + separated with NUL character and all other characters are taken + literally (including newlines and quotes). + \--:: This option can be used to separate command-line options from the list of files, (useful when filenames might be mistaken diff --git a/Documentation/git-am.txt b/Documentation/git-am.txt index fc3b993c3..ab5754e05 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-am.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-am.txt @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ SYNOPSIS [--exclude=] [--include=] [--reject] [-q | --quiet] [--[no-]scissors] [-S[]] [--patch-format=] [( | )...] -'git am' (--continue | --skip | --abort | --quit | --show-current-patch) +'git am' (--continue | --skip | --abort | --quit | --show-current-patch[=(diff|raw)]) DESCRIPTION ----------- @@ -176,9 +176,11 @@ default. You can use `--no-utf8` to override this. Abort the patching operation but keep HEAD and the index untouched. ---show-current-patch:: - Show the patch being applied when "git am" is stopped because - of conflicts. +--show-current-patch[=(diff|raw)]:: + Show the message at which `git am` has stopped due to + conflicts. If `raw` is specified, show the raw contents of + the e-mail message; if `diff`, show the diff portion only. + Defaults to `raw`. DISCUSSION ---------- @@ -190,8 +192,8 @@ the commit, after stripping common prefix "[PATCH ]". The "Subject: " line is supposed to concisely describe what the commit is about in one line of text. -"From: " and "Subject: " lines starting the body override the respective -commit author name and title values taken from the headers. +"From: ", "Date: ", and "Subject: " lines starting the body override the +respective commit author name and title values taken from the headers. The commit message is formed by the title taken from the "Subject: ", a blank line and the body of the message up to diff --git a/Documentation/git-bisect-lk2009.txt b/Documentation/git-bisect-lk2009.txt index e99925184..3ba49e85b 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-bisect-lk2009.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-bisect-lk2009.txt @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Test suites are very nice. But when they are used alone, they are supposed to be used so that all the tests are checked after each commit. This means that they are not very efficient, because many tests are run for no interesting result, and they suffer from -combinational explosion. +combinatorial explosion. In fact the problem is that big software often has many different configuration options and that each test case should pass for each @@ -1350,9 +1350,9 @@ References - [[[1]]] https://www.nist.gov/sites/default/files/documents/director/planning/report02-3.pdf['The Economic Impacts of Inadequate Infratructure for Software Testing'. Nist Planning Report 02-3], see Executive Summary and Chapter 8. - [[[2]]] http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/codeconvtoc-136057.html['Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language'. Sun Microsystems.] - [[[3]]] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_maintenance['Software maintenance'. Wikipedia.] -- [[[4]]] https://public-inbox.org/git/7vps5xsbwp.fsf_-_@assigned-by-dhcp.cox.net/[Junio C Hamano. 'Automated bisect success story'.] +- [[[4]]] https://lore.kernel.org/git/7vps5xsbwp.fsf_-_@assigned-by-dhcp.cox.net/[Junio C Hamano. 'Automated bisect success story'.] - [[[5]]] https://lwn.net/Articles/317154/[Christian Couder. 'Fully automated bisecting with "git bisect run"'. LWN.net.] - [[[6]]] https://lwn.net/Articles/277872/[Jonathan Corbet. 'Bisection divides users and developers'. LWN.net.] -- [[[7]]] http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=119702753411680&w=2[Ingo Molnar. 'Re: BUG 2.6.23-rc3 can't see sd partitions on Alpha'. Linux-kernel mailing list.] +- [[[7]]] https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20071207113734.GA14598@elte.hu/[Ingo Molnar. 'Re: BUG 2.6.23-rc3 can't see sd partitions on Alpha'. Linux-kernel mailing list.] - [[[8]]] https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-bisect.html[Junio C Hamano and the git-list. 'git-bisect(1) Manual Page'. Linux Kernel Archives.] - [[[9]]] https://github.com/Ealdwulf/bbchop[Ealdwulf. 'bbchop'. GitHub.] diff --git a/Documentation/git-bisect.txt b/Documentation/git-bisect.txt index 4b45d837a..7586c5a84 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-bisect.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-bisect.txt @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ $ cat ~/test.sh # tweak the working tree by merging the hot-fix branch # and then attempt a build -if git merge --no-commit hot-fix && +if git merge --no-commit --no-ff hot-fix && make then # run project specific test and report its status diff --git a/Documentation/git-bundle.txt b/Documentation/git-bundle.txt index 7d6c9dcd1..d34b0964b 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-bundle.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-bundle.txt @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ git-bundle - Move objects and refs by archive SYNOPSIS -------- [verse] -'git bundle' create -'git bundle' verify +'git bundle' create [-q | --quiet | --progress | --all-progress] [--all-progress-implied] +'git bundle' verify [-q | --quiet] 'git bundle' list-heads [...] 'git bundle' unbundle [...] @@ -20,11 +20,14 @@ DESCRIPTION Some workflows require that one or more branches of development on one machine be replicated on another machine, but the two machines cannot be directly connected, and therefore the interactive Git protocols (git, -ssh, http) cannot be used. This command provides support for -'git fetch' and 'git pull' to operate by packaging objects and references -in an archive at the originating machine, then importing those into -another repository using 'git fetch' and 'git pull' -after moving the archive by some means (e.g., by sneakernet). As no +ssh, http) cannot be used. + +The 'git bundle' command packages objects and references in an archive +at the originating machine, which can then be imported into another +repository using 'git fetch', 'git pull', or 'git clone', +after moving the archive by some means (e.g., by sneakernet). + +As no direct connection between the repositories exists, the user must specify a basis for the bundle that is held by the destination repository: the bundle assumes that all objects in the basis are already in the @@ -33,9 +36,11 @@ destination repository. OPTIONS ------- -create :: +create [options] :: Used to create a bundle named 'file'. This requires the - 'git-rev-list-args' arguments to define the bundle contents. + '' arguments to define the bundle contents. + 'options' contains the options specific to the 'git bundle create' + subcommand. verify :: Used to check that a bundle file is valid and will apply @@ -75,6 +80,33 @@ unbundle :: necessarily everything in the pack (in this case, 'git bundle' acts like 'git fetch-pack'). +--progress:: + Progress status is reported on the standard error stream + by default when it is attached to a terminal, unless -q + is specified. This flag forces progress status even if + the standard error stream is not directed to a terminal. + +--all-progress:: + When --stdout is specified then progress report is + displayed during the object count and compression phases + but inhibited during the write-out phase. The reason is + that in some cases the output stream is directly linked + to another command which may wish to display progress + status of its own as it processes incoming pack data. + This flag is like --progress except that it forces progress + report for the write-out phase as well even if --stdout is + used. + +--all-progress-implied:: + This is used to imply --all-progress whenever progress display + is activated. Unlike --all-progress this flag doesn't actually + force any progress display by itself. + +-q:: +--quiet:: + This flag makes the command not to report its progress + on the standard error stream. + SPECIFYING REFERENCES --------------------- @@ -92,6 +124,14 @@ It is okay to err on the side of caution, causing the bundle file to contain objects already in the destination, as these are ignored when unpacking at the destination. +`git clone` can use any bundle created without negative refspecs +(e.g., `new`, but not `old..new`). +If you want to match `git clone --mirror`, which would include your +refs such as `refs/remotes/*`, use `--all`. +If you want to provide the same set of refs that a clone directly +from the source repository would get, use `--branches --tags` for +the ``. + EXAMPLES -------- diff --git a/Documentation/git-check-attr.txt b/Documentation/git-check-attr.txt index 3c0578217..84f41a8e8 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-check-attr.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-check-attr.txt @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ OPTIONS instead of from the command-line. -z:: - The output format is modified to be machine-parseable. + The output format is modified to be machine-parsable. If `--stdin` is also given, input paths are separated with a NUL character instead of a linefeed character. diff --git a/Documentation/git-check-ignore.txt b/Documentation/git-check-ignore.txt index 8b42cb3fb..0c3924a63 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-check-ignore.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-check-ignore.txt @@ -30,16 +30,22 @@ OPTIONS valid with a single pathname. -v, --verbose:: - Also output details about the matching pattern (if any) - for each given pathname. For precedence rules within and - between exclude sources, see linkgit:gitignore[5]. + Instead of printing the paths that are excluded, for each path + that matches an exclude pattern, print the exclude pattern + together with the path. (Matching an exclude pattern usually + means the path is excluded, but if the pattern begins with '!' + then it is a negated pattern and matching it means the path is + NOT excluded.) ++ +For precedence rules within and between exclude sources, see +linkgit:gitignore[5]. --stdin:: Read pathnames from the standard input, one per line, instead of from the command-line. -z:: - The output format is modified to be machine-parseable (see + The output format is modified to be machine-parsable (see below). If `--stdin` is also given, input paths are separated with a NUL character instead of a linefeed character. diff --git a/Documentation/git-checkout.txt b/Documentation/git-checkout.txt index cf3cac0a2..c8fb995fa 100644 --- a/Documentation/git-checkout.txt +++ b/Documentation/git-checkout.txt @@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ SYNOPSIS 'git checkout' [-q] [-f] [-m] --detach [] 'git checkout' [-q] [-f] [-m] [--detach] 'git checkout' [-q] [-f] [-m] [[-b|-B|--orphan] ] [] -'git checkout' [-f|--ours|--theirs|-m|--conflict=