Prefer alias to abbr

After working with fish for a few weeks, I've decided that I prefer aliases to

Why? When I reverse search through my command history, I search for the
what I typed and not what it expanded to. Some of my aliases wrap existing
tools encoding my preference for tool A if tool B isn't available. For example I
alias vim to neovim. When nvim isn't available on $PATH, typing vim will
expand to nvim, which will in turn fail.
This commit is contained in:
William Carroll 2020-02-12 18:08:31 +00:00
parent 1a484b4b91
commit 1f19080c7c

View file

@ -44,13 +44,6 @@
# Ideally a file like this would be either unnecessary in the case of a fully # Ideally a file like this would be either unnecessary in the case of a fully
# embraced Emacs workflow or compiled from some high-level language like # embraced Emacs workflow or compiled from some high-level language like
# Elisp. # Elisp.
# Most of this was ported from my aliases.zsh file, which I accumulated over a
# two to three year period. If some of the fish code herein is not idiomatic, it
# is most likely because I'm new to the ecosystem.
# TODO: Decide if I prefer `abbr` or `alias` for fish. `abbr` is a new concept
# for me.
# Remove the default greeting from fish # Remove the default greeting from fish
set fish_greeting "" set fish_greeting ""
@ -93,236 +86,112 @@ source (nix_find autojump)/share/autojump/
source (direnv hook fish) source (direnv hook fish)
# Miscellaneous # Miscellaneous
abbr --add c xclip -selection clipboard -i alias c='xclip -selection clipboard -i'
abbr --add p xclip -selection clipboard -o alias p='xclip -selection clipboard -o'
# TODO: Depend on `cp_dwim`. alias lorem='echo "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."'
abbr --add cp cp_dwim alias cat='bat --theme=TwoDark'
abbr --add lorem echo "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." alias vim=nvim
alias rg='rg --ignore-case'
# TODO: Ensure this works as expect with current EXWM setup. alias rgh='rg --hidden' # By default, rg skips hidden files
abbr --add e emacsclient --no-wait --create-frame alias fdh='fd --hidden' # By default, fd skips hidden files
alias tpr='tput reset'
abbr --add cat bat --theme=TwoDark alias define=sdcv # uses stardict to lookup a word
# TODO: Support this once `fasd` works. alias perms='ls -ld' # list the permissions of a directory
# abbr --add j fasd_cd -d # Use j to emulate autojump; my muscle memory is hardened here alias rmrf='rm -rf' # sometimes the space and dash are too much...
abbr --add vim nvim alias open=xdg-open
alias stopx='sudo service lightdm stop' # stop X server session
# TODO: Support `blutetoothctl` with Nix. alias please='eval sudo $history[1]'
abbr --add btctl bluetoothctl alias chrome=google-chrome
abbr --add rg rg --ignore-case
abbr --add rgh rg --hidden # By default, rg skips hidden files
abbr --add fdh fd --hidden # By default, rg skips hidden files
abbr --add define sdcv # uses stardict to lookup a word
abbr --add intellij nohup /opt/intellij-ce-stable/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &
abbr --add tpr tput reset
abbr --add nordvpn sudo openvpn /etc/openvpn/ovpn_tcp/ # connects to the nordvpn servers in USA
abbr --add perms ls -ld # list the permissions of a directory
abbr --add rmrf rm -rf # sometimes the space and dash are too much...
abbr --add open xdg-open
abbr --add o open
abbr --add stopx sudo service lightdm stop # stop X server session
abbr --add please 'eval sudo $history[1]'
abbr --add plz please
# TODO: Package this with Nix.
abbr --add simple_vim vim -u ~/.config/nvim/simple.vim
# Filesystem # Filesystem
# TODO: Depend on `mkdir_cd`. # TODO: Depend on `mkdir_cd`.
abbr --add mdd mkdir_cd alias mdd=mkdir_cd
abbr --add mdp mkdir --parents alias ls='exa --sort=type'
abbr --add ls exa --sort=type alias ll='exa --long --sort=type'
abbr --add ll exa --long --sort=type alias la='exa --long --all --sort=type'
abbr --add la exa --long --all --sort=type
# TODO: Depend on these functions once they're defined. # TODO: Depend on these functions once they're defined.
abbr --add files laf alias files=laf
abbr --add dirs lad alias dirs=lad
abbr --add links lal alias links=lal
# Device and power management # Device and power management
abbr --add off shutdown now alias off='shutdown now'
abbr --add suspend systemctl suspend alias suspend='systemctl suspend'
abbr --add hibernate systemctl hibernate alias hibernate='systemctl hibernate'
abbr --add pscp pass show --clip
# TODO: Debug `Error: No interface specified.`. # TODO: Debug `Error: No interface specified.`.
abbr --add wfls nmcli device wifi alias wfls='nmcli device wifi'
abbr --add wfls nmcli device connect alias wfc='nmcli device connect'
# Tmux # Tmux
abbr --add tls tmux list-sessions alias tls='tmux list-sessions'
abbr --add ta tmux attach alias ta ='tmux attach'
abbr --add td tmux detach alias td ='tmux detach'
# Chrome
abbr --add chrome google-chrome
abbr --add cssh chrome --app-id=pnhechapfaindjhompbnflcldabbghjo # Secure Shell
abbr --add crd chrome --app-id=gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp # Chrome Remote Desktop
# Dropbox # Dropbox
abbr --add drst status alias drst=' status'
# Docker
abbr --add dk docker
abbr --add dkps docker ps
abbr --add dkpsa docker ps -a
abbr --add dkrm docker rm
abbr --add dkrmi docker rmi
abbr --add dkrd docker run -d
abbr --add dki docker images
# Java
# TODO: Consider packaging this idea with Nix instead
abbr --add jvsh env CLASSPATH=(fd '\\.jar$' ~/Dropbox/programming/jars | tr \\n :) jshell
# Elixir
abbr --add m mix
abbr --add mc mix compile
abbr --add mcf mix compile --force
abbr --add ism iex -S mix
abbr --add tism MIX_ENV=test iex -S mix
abbr --add mdg mix deps.get
abbr --add mdu mix deps.update
abbr --add mdup mix docker.up
# TODO: Support `repl_ex` and company as Nix-built programs.
abbr --add repl_ex dkish elixir iex
# Clojure
abbr --add cljsh dkish clojure lein repl
abbr --add gpged gpg --edit-key alias gpged='gpg --edit-key'
abbr --add gpge gpg --encrypt alias gpge='gpg --encrypt'
abbr --add gpgd gpg --decrypt alias gpgd='gpg --decrypt'
abbr --add gpgls gpg --list-keys alias gpgls='gpg --list-keys'
# Git # Git
abbr --add glp git log --graph --pretty='format:"%Cred%h%Creset -%Cblue %an %Creset - %C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative' alias glp='git log --graph --pretty="format:"%Cred%h%Creset -%Cblue %an %Creset - %C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative'
abbr --add g hub alias g=hub
abbr --add git hub alias git=hub
abbr --add ga git add alias ga='git add'
abbr --add gc git commit alias gc='git commit'
abbr --add gco git checkout alias gco='git checkout'
abbr --add gd git diff alias gd='git diff'
abbr --add gp git push alias gp='git push'
abbr --add grbi git rebase --interactive alias grbi='git rebase --interactive'
abbr --add grba git rebase --abort alias grba='git rebase --abort'
abbr --add grbc git rebase --continue alias grbc='git rebase --continue'
abbr --add gprom git pull --rebase origin master alias gprom='git pull --rebase origin master'
abbr --add gca git commit --amend alias gca='git commit --amend'
abbr --add gcan git commit --amend --no-edit alias gcan='git commit --amend --no-edit'
abbr --add gpf git push --force alias gpf='git push --force'
abbr --add gpff git push --force --no-verify alias gpff='git push --force --no-verify'
abbr --add gds git diff --staged alias gds='git diff --staged'
abbr --add gfx git commit --fixup alias gfx='git commit --fixup'
abbr --add gsh git show alias gsh='git show'
abbr --add gwip 'git add . && git commit -m wip' alias gwip='git add . && git commit -m wip'
abbr --add gpr git pull-request alias gpr='git pull-request'
abbr --add gst 'git status && hub pr list' alias gst='git status && hub pr list'
# Mercurial # Mercurial
# The attempt here is to map my well-known, existing `git` aliases to their # The attempt here is to map my well-known, existing `git` aliases to their
# Mercurial counterparts. Some may map 1:1, others may be like putting a square # Mercurial counterparts. Some may map 1:1, others may be like putting a square
# peg into a round hole. I will try and use my best judgement in these cases # peg into a round hole. I will try and use my best judgement in these cases
# while erring on the side of unifying the two APIs. # while erring on the side of unifying the two APIs.
abbr --add hgst PAGER="" hg status alias hgst='hg status'
abbr --add hglp hg xl alias hglp'=hg xl'
abbr --add hgp hg uploadchain # this is like `git push` alias hgp='hg uploadchain'
abbr --add hga hg add alias hga='hg add'
abbr --add hgc hg commit alias hgc='hg commit'
abbr --add hgcan hg amend # like `git commit --amend --no-edit' alias hgcan='hg amend'
abbr --add hgpr hg mail -r . -m # this may be similar to `hub pull-request` alias hgpr='hg mail -r . -m'
abbr --add hgd hg diff alias hgd='hg diff'
abbr --add hgsh hg export alias hgsh='hg export'
abbr --add hgco hg update alias hgco='hg update'
abbr --add hgls hg citc --list # should have different output from `pils` alias hgls='hg citc --list'
abbr --add hgrc hg rebase --continue alias hgrc='hg rebase --continue'
abbr --add hgra hg rebase --abort alias hgra='hg rebase --abort'
abbr --add hgrm hg citc -d # delete a CitC client created with Fig alias hgrm='hg citc -d'
abbr --add hgconflicts hg resolve --list 'set:unresolved()' # much like `gconflicts` alias hgconflicts='hg resolve --list "set:unresolved()"'
# Haskell
abbr --add sb stack build
abbr --add se stack exec --
abbr --add sc stack clean
abbr --add st stack test
abbr --add haddocks open (stack path --local-doc-root)/index.html
# TODO: Remove `dkish` in favor of a Nix-built solution.
abbr --add hksh 'dkish haskell ghci'
# Kubernetes
abbr --add kc kubectl
abbr --add kpods kubectl get pods
abbr --add knodes kubectl get nodes
abbr --add kdeploys kubectl get deployments
abbr --add kdns kubectl get ing
abbr --add kedit kubectl edit deployments
abbr --add kswitch gcloud container clusters get-credentials
# Nix
# TODO: Ensure that this depends on `nix_introspect` as defined in
abbr --add nq nix_introspect
abbr --add nsh nix-shell
abbr --add nshp nix-shell --pure
abbr --add nr nix repl
abbr --add ni nix-env --install
abbr --add nrm nix-env --uninstall
abbr --add nls nix-env --query
abbr --add nrs sudo nixos-rebuild switch
# Aptitude (apt) # Aptitude (apt)
abbr --add apti sudo apt-get install --assume-yes alias apti='sudo apt-get install --assume-yes'
abbr --add aptrm sudo apt remove alias aptrm='sudo apt remove'
# Pacman
abbr --add pmi sudo pacman -S --noconfirm
abbr --add pms pacman -Ss
abbr --add pmrm sudo pacman -Rs
# Couple the e* aliases to the <leader>e* kbds in vim.
abbr --add ev e ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
abbr --add ee e ~/.emacs.d/init.el
abbr --add ez e ~/.zshrc
abbr --add ea e ~/aliases.zsh
abbr --add ef e ~/functions.zsh
abbr --add el e ~/variables.zsh
abbr --add ex e ~/.Xresources
abbr --add em e ~/.tmux.conf
abbr --add er e $BRIEFCASE/
# TODO: consider DRYing this up with `e`. Unfortunately, `sudo` won't support
# aliases.
abbr --add en sudo ALTERNATE_EDITOR=nvim emacsclient --no-wait --create-frame /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
# Couple the s* aliases to the <leader>s* kbds in vim.
abbr --add sz source ~/.zshrc
abbr --add sa source ~/aliases.zsh
abbr --add sf source ~/functions.zsh
abbr --add sl source ~/variables.zsh
abbr --add sx xrdb ~/.Xresources
abbr --add sm tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
abbr --add sn sudo nixos-rebuild switch
# CircleCI
abbr --add cci circleci local
abbr --add ccijob circleci local execute --job
# Google stuff # Google stuff
abbr --add bzb blaze build alias bzb='blaze build'
abbr --add bzt blaze test --test_output=all alias bzt='blaze test --test_output=all'
abbr --add br borgcfg alias br=borgcfg
abbr --add pils p4 listclients alias pils='p4 listclients'
abbr --add pirm p4 citc -d alias pirm='p4 citc -d'
abbr --add ppls 'g4 listclients | sed \'s/^Client wpcarro://\' | sed \'s/:[0-9]*:citc.*$//g\'' alias ppls='g4 listclients | sed \'s/^Client wpcarro://\' | sed \'s/:[0-9]*:citc.*$//g\''
abbr --add pprm p4 citc -d -f # WARNING: This will forcefully delete a CitC client even if contains pending changes. alias pprm='p4 citc -d -f' # WARNING: This will forcefully delete a CitC client even if contains pending changes.
abbr --add flagpick /google/data/ro/users/sk/skaushik/www/public-tools/flagpick alias aclcheck=/google/data/ro/projects/ganpati/aclcheck
abbr --add jaze /google/data/ro/projects/devtools/javascript/jaze
abbr --add aclcheck /google/data/ro/projects/ganpati/aclcheck
abbr --add g3python /google/data/ro/projects/g3python/g3python
abbr --add pb /google/src/head/depot/eng/tools/pastebin
abbr --add pbc 'pb --private --title $(date +$date_fmt)| tee >(c && chrome (p))' # create a private gPaste from your clipboard's content; open the result in a browser
abbr --add pbcp 'p | pb --private --title (date +$date_fmt)| tee >(c && chrome (p))' # create a private gPaste from your clipboard's content; open the result in a browser
abbr --add pbls $BROWSER