{ "trains": { "*": { "announcer": "en-GB-SoniaNeural", "messages": { "AFTER_STATION": [ "This tram is for, $end. The next stop is, $next, $next_extra." ], "PRE_TERMINUS_AFTER_STATION": [ "The next stop is, $next, $next_extra, which is the last stop." ], "AT_STATION": [ "This is, $current. This tram is for, $end. The next stop is, $next, $next_extra." ], "PRE_TERMINUS_AT_STATION": [ "This is, $current. The next stop is, $next, $next_extra, which is the last stop." ], "AT_TERMINUS": [ "This is, $current. This tram terminates here." ] } } }, "stations": { "*": { "alias": null, "extra": null, "announcer": "en-GB-SoniaNeural", "messages": { "WITH_PLATFORM": [ "The next train to arrive at platform $platform will be a $train_name service to $destination." ], "WITHOUT_PLATFORM": [ "The next train to arrive will be a $train_name service to $destination." ] } } } }