["Create Railways Navigator Config"] #Display Time Format. (Default: Hours 24) #Allowed Values: TICKS, HOURS_24, HOURS_12 time_format = "HOURS_24" #The language that should be used for announcements of the navigator. Can be different from the game's language settings. (Default: Default) #Allowed Values: DEFAULT, ENGLISH, GERMAN, DUTCH, POLISH, CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED, SAXON, BAVARIAN, SPANISH, RUSSIAN, FRENCH, KOREAN, SWEDISH, PORTUGUESE, BASQUE, ITALIAN, JAPANESE, PORTUGUESE_brazilian, UKRAINIAN language = "DEFAULT" #The unit to be used to represent speed. (Default: KMH) #Allowed Values: MS, KMH, MPH, FTS, KT, CMS speed_unit = "KMH" ["Create Railways Navigator Config".general] #[in Ticks] #The next stop or information about the start of the journey is announced in the specified number of ticks before the scheduled arrival at the next station. (Default: 600, 30 real life seconds) #Range: 100 ~ 1000 next_stop_announcement = 600 #[in Ticks] #How early a train should be shown on the display. (Default: 1200, 1 real life minute) #Range: 100 ~ 24000 display_lead_time = 1200 #[in Ticks] #This value indicates how accurately the real-time data should be displayed. By default, only deviations above 10 in-game minutes (167 ticks, approx. 8 real life seconds) are displayed. The lower the value, the more accurate the real-time data but also the more often deviations from the schedule occur. (Default: 167, 10 in-game minutes) #Range: 1 ~ 1000 realtime_precision_threshold = 167 ["Create Railways Navigator Config".route_overlay] #Scale of the route overlay UI. (Default: 0.75) #Range: 0.25 ~ 2.0 scale = 0.75 #The position on your screen where you want the overlay to appear. (Default: Top Left) #Allowed Values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT position = "TOP_LEFT" #If active, you will receive short toasts about important events on your trip, e.g. delays, changes, ... (Default: ON) notifications = true