#. #These values affect the extent of cannon failure. [failure] #. #. #If true, cannons cannot fail whatsoever. Equivalent to setting all the chances below to zero. disableAllCannonFailure = false #. #Chance that a fired projectile will get stuck in a barrel after exceeding the squib ratio. 0 is 0%, 1 is 100%. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 squibChance = 0.25 #. #Chance that a cannon will fail if a Powder Charge is ignited in a "barrel"-type cannon block. 0 is 0%, 1 is 100%. #This chance can be affected by stronger and weaker charge blocks. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 barrelChargeBurstChance = 0.20000000298023224 #. #How strong the explosion of a catastrophic failure is. Scaled by the amount of charges used in the shot. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 failureExplosionPower = 2.0 #. #Chance that a cannon loaded with more Powder Charges that it can handle will fail. 0 is 0%, 1 is 100%. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 overloadBurstChance = 0.5 #. #Chance that a load with gaps between the loaded Powder Charges will not completely combust. 0 is 0%, 1 is 100%. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 interruptedIgnitionChance = 0.33000001311302185 #. #These values affect the characteristics of cannon munitions. [munitions] #. #. #If projectiles can bounce, ricochet, and be deflected. projectilesCanBounce = true #. #[in Meters per Tick] #The minimum velocity necessary to activate the penetration bonus. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 minimumVelocityForPenetrationBonus = 1.0 #. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 penetrationBonusScale = 0.10000000149011612 #. #The extent to which cannon projectiles can damage surrounding blocks. #All Damage - projectiles will destroy anything they hit, if applicable. Explosive projectiles will destroy blocks on detonation. #No Explosive Damage - projectiles will destroy anything they hit, if applicable. Explosive projectiles will only harm entities on detonation. #No Damage - projectiles will not destroy anything they hit, and will only deal entity damage. Explosive projectiles will only harm entities on detonation. #Allowed Values: ALL_DAMAGE, NO_EXPLOSIVE_DAMAGE, NO_DAMAGE damageRestriction = "ALL_DAMAGE" #. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 baseProjectileBounceChance = 0.33000001311302185 #. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 baseProjectileFluidBounceChance = 0.8999999761581421 #. projectilesChangeSurroundings = true #. #Projectile Fuzes [munitions.fuzes] #. #Chance that the Impact Fuze/Delayed Impact Fuze will detonate on hitting something. 0 is 0% (never), 1 is 100% (always). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 impactFuzeDetonationChance = 0.6700000166893005 #. #How many blocks the Impact Fuze/Delayed Impact Fuze can hit before breaking. Set to -1 to never break. #Range: > -1 impactFuzeDurability = 3 #. #[in Ticks] #Time it takes for a proximity fuze to arm itself. #After the fuze has been in the air for the specified arming time, it will detonate when it gets close enough to a block or entity. #Range: > 0 proximityFuzeArmingTime = 20 #. #Grouped Munitions [munitions.groupedMunitions] #. #The chance of a fluid blob affecting a block in its area of effect (AOE). 0 is 0% (never), 1 is 100% (always). #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 fluidBlobBlockEffectChance = 0.5 #. #Autocannon Munitions [munitions.autocannonMunitions] #. #Makes all shot autocannon projectiles tracers regardless if the item had a tracer tip applied. Emulates legacy behavior. allAutocannonProjectilesAreTracers = false #. #How many autocannon rounds the Autocannon Ammo Container can store. #Range: 1 ~ 128 autocannonAmmoContainerAutocannonRoundCapacity = 16 #. #How many machine gun rounds the Autocannon Ammo Container can store. #Range: 1 ~ 128 autocannonAmmoContainerMachineGunRoundCapacity = 64 #. #Allowed Values: NONE, LONG, SHORT trailType = "SHORT" #. #Chunkloading [munitions.chunkloading] #. projectilesCanChunkload = true #. smokeCloudsCanChunkload = true #. #Big Cannon Munitions [munitions.bigCannonMunitions] #. #Allowed Values: NONE, LONG, SHORT trailType = "SHORT" #. #Makes all shot big cannon projectiles tracers regardless if the item had a tracer tip applied. allBigCannonProjectilesAreTracers = false #. #[in Ticks] #Range: 0 ~ 100 quickFiringBreechItemPickupDelay = 20 #. quickFiringBreechItemGoesToInventory = false #. #These values affect the characteristics of cannon materials and cannon structures [cannons] #. #. #Maximum length of cannons that can be built. #Range: > 3 maxCannonLength = 64 #. #Time when the Quickfiring Breech cannot be loaded by Mechanical Arms. #Range: > 0 quickfiringBreechLoadingCooldown = 40 #. #Time it takes for the Quickfiring Breech to fully open/close, during which it cannot be loaded. #Range: > 0 quickfiringBreechOpeningCooldown = 5 #. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 bigCannonRecoilScale = 4.0 #. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 autocannonRecoilScale = 0.5 #. #Drop Mortar [cannons.dropMortar] #. #Time in ticks between inserting a munition into a drop mortar and the drop mortar firing it. There are 20 ticks in 1 second. #Range: > 0 dropMortarDelay = 5 #. #Length in ticks that the player has to wait for before inserting the same munition type into a drop mortar again. There are 20 ticks in 1 second. #Range: > 0 dropMortarItemCooldown = 40 #. #Loading Tools [cannons.loadingTools] #. #If deployers can use loading tools. deployersCanUseLoadingTools = false #. #How many blocks inside a cannon a Ram Rod can reach. #Range: > 1 ramRodReach = 5 #. #Maximum amount of munition blocks a Ram Rod can push. #Range: > 1 ramRodStrength = 3 #. #How many blocks inside a cannon a Worm can reach. #Range: > 1 wormReach = 5 #. #How many hunger/saturation points it takes to move one munition block a distance of one block using loading tools. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 loadingToolHungerConsumption = 2.5 #. #How many ticks before a player can use a manual loading tool again. There are 20 ticks in 1 second. #Range: > 0 loadingToolCooldown = 20 #. #Cannon Carriages [cannons.carriage] #. #How fast the carriage is, in blocks per tick. #Range: 0.03999999910593033 ~ 1.0 carriageSpeed = 0.03999999910593033 #. #How fast the carriage turns, in degrees per tick. #Range: 0.10000000149011612 ~ 10.0 carriageTurnRate = 1.0 #. cannonWeightAffectsCarriageSpeed = true #. #Display Link Info [cannons.displayLink] #. shouldDisplayCannonRotation = true #. shouldDisplayContainedMunitions = true #. #Big Cannon Screen Shake [cannons.bigCannonScreenShake] #. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 blastDistanceMultiplier = 8.0 #. #These values affect various miscellaneous contraptions. [kinetics] #. #. #Maximum length of cannon loaders that can be built. #Range: > 3 maxLoaderLength = 64 #. #When enabled, Cannon Loaders will not break if another contraption is placed on them. Enables legacy behavior. enableIntersectionLoading = false [kinetics.stressValues] #. #These values affect the stress of Create Big Cannons' mechanical blocks. [kinetics.stressValues.v2] #. # #[in Stress Units] #Configure the individual stress impact of mechanical blocks. Note that this cost is doubled for every speed increase it receives. [kinetics.stressValues.v2.impact] bronze_sliding_breech = 12.0 cannon_loader = 8.0 steel_screw_breech = 16.0 cannon_drill = 8.0 cast_iron_sliding_breech = 16.0 steel_sliding_breech = 32.0 nethersteel_screw_breech = 40.0 cannon_builder = 8.0 #. #These values affect cannon crafting properties. [crafting] #. #. #Maximum height of a single cannon cast that can be built. #Range: > 1 maxCannonCastHeight = 32 #. #Maximum length of a Cannon Drill that can be built. #Range: > 1 maxCannonDrillLength = 32 #. #Maximum length of a Cannon Builder that can be built. #Range: > 1 maxCannonBuilderLength = 32 #. #Maximum reach of a Cannon Builder. #Range: > 2 maxCannonBuilderRange = 32 #. #[in Ticks] #Time a built-up cannon block needs to be heated for until it transforms into its finished form. #Range: > 0 builtUpCannonHeatingTime = 6000