["Server Configs"] #Maximum width of Oil Barrels "Max Oil Barrel Width" = 3 #Canister Capacity in mB "Capacity of Canisters" = 4000 #Canister Capacity Enchantment Capacity Addition in mB "Capacity Addition of Capacity Enchantment in Canisters" = 1000 #Canister can be filled by spouts "Canister can be filled by spouts" = true #Capacity of Tools requiring Fluids in mB "Capacity of Tools requiring Fluids" = 200 #Tool Capacity Enchantment Capacity Addition in mB "Capacity Addition of Tools with Capacity Enchantment" = 10 #Combustibles do boom boom when on fire "Combustibles blow up" = true ["Server Configs"."Diesel Engines"] #Turbocharged Diesel Engine Speed Multiplier "Turbocharged Diesel Engine Speed Multiplier" = 2.0 #Turbocharged Diesel Engine Burn Rate Multiplier "Turbocharged Diesel Engine Burn Rate Multiplier" = 1.0 #Whenever Normal Diesel Engines are enabled "Normal Diesel Engines" = true #Whenever Modular Diesel Engines are enabled "Modular Diesel Engines" = true #Whenever Huge Diesel Engines are enabled "Huge Diesel Engines" = true #Whenever Diesel Engines can be filled with an Item "Engines can be filled with a bucket" = false ["Server Configs"."Oil Config"] #Whenever crude oil deposits are infinite "Infinite oil deposits" = false #Normal oil chunks oil amount multiplier "Normal oil chunks oil amount multiplier" = 1.0 #High oil chunks oil amount multiplier "High oil chunks oil amount multiplier" = 1.0 #Max Oil Scanner Level "Max Oil Scanner Level" = 10000 #Normal oil chunks percentage #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 "Normal oil chunks percentage" = 10.0 #High oil chunks percentage #Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 "High oil chunks percentage" = 10.0 ["Server Configs"."Oil Config".Distillation] #Whenever wide Distillation Towers go faster than the thin ones "Wide Distillation Tower Distill Faster" = true #Height of Distillation Tower level #Range: 1 ~ 3 "Height of Distillation Tower level" = 1