{ "maximumStacks": { // Range: 1 - 32 "leather": 4, // Range: 1 - 32 "winged": 4, // Range: 1 - 32 "metal": 7, // Range: 1 - 8 "ender": 4, // Range: 1 - 128 | 0 to disable "pot": 128, // Range: 1 - 128 | 0 to disable "cauldron": 24 }, "clientConfig": { // HIDDEN / HIDE_ABLE / SHOWN "menuVisibility": "HIDE_ABLE", "hiddenHelpTabs": "", "instantPlace": false, // VANILLA / COMPACT / INTEGRATED "tooltipType": "COMPACT" }, // Players may still change these values on a per-world basis "gamerules": { // Equipped backpacks are locked to other players if hotkey isn't pressed "lockBackpackNoKey": false, // Lock placed Backpacks if a player did not place it "lockBackpackNotOwner": false, // Lock placed Backpacks while their owner is offline "lockBackpackOffline": false, // Lock Ender Backpacks while their owner is offline "lockEnderOffline": false, // Unbind an equipped Ender Backpack when the player dies "unbindEnderOnDeath": false, // Does the player keep their Back Slot on death "keepBackSlot": false } }