Thu Sep 22 00:12:42 BST 2022

Making quite reasonable progress, though only running under emulation.
Since almost everything so far has been a recap of nixwrt, that's to
be expected.

The example config starts some services at boot, or at least attempts
to. Next we shoud

 - add some network config to run-qemu
 - implement udhcp and odhcp properly to write outputs
  and create resolv.conf and all that
 - write some kind of test so we can refactor the crap
 - not let the tests write random junk everywhere

Thu Sep 22 12:46:36 BST 2022

We can store outputs in the s6 scan directory, it seems:

> There is, however, a guarantee that s6-supervise will never touch subdirectories named data or env. So if you need to store user information in the service directory with the guarantee that it will never be mistaken for a configuration file, no matter the version of s6, you should store that information in the data or env subdirectories of the service directory.

> process 'store/pj0b27l5728cypa5mmagz0q8ibzpik0h-execline-mips-unknown-linux-musl-' started with executable stack

Thu Sep 22 16:14:49 BST 2022

what network peers do we want to model for testing?

- wan: pppoe
- wan: ip over ethernet, w/ dhcp service provided
- wan: l2tp over (ip over ethernet, w/ dhcp service provided)
- lan: something with a dhcp client could use this for testing
pppoe and l2tp?

Thu Sep 22 22:57:47 BST 2022

To build a nixos vm with accel-ppp installed (not yet configured)

  nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A vm -I nixos-config=./tests/ppp-server-configuration.nix -o ppp-server
  QEMU_OPTS="-display none -serial mon:stdio -nographic" ./ppp-server/bin/run-nixos-vm

To test it's configured I thought I'd run it against an OpenWrt qemu
install, so, fun with qemu networking ensues. This config in ../openwrt-qemu
is using two multicast socket networks -

nix-shell -p qemu --run "./ ./openwrt-22.03.0-x86-64-generic-kernel.bin openwrt-22.03.0-x86-64-generic-ext4-rootfs.img "

so hopefully we can spin up other VMs connected either to its lan or
its wan: *however* we do first need to configure its wan to use pppoe

uci set network.wan=interface
uci set network.wan.device='eth1'
uci set network.wan.proto='pppoe'
uci set network.wan.username='db123@a.1'
uci set network.wan.password='NotReallyTheSecret'

(it's ext4 so this will probably stick)

Fri Sep 23 10:27:22 BST 2022

* mcast=  : access (interconnect between router and isp)
* mcast=  : lan
* mcast=  : world (the internet)

Sun Sep 25 20:56:28 BST 2022

TODO - bugs, missing bits, other infelicities as they occur to me:

DONE 1) shutdown doesn't work as its using the busybox one not s6.

2) perhaps we shouldn't have process-based services like dhcp, ppp
implement "address provider interface" - instead have a separate
service for interface address that depends on the service and uses its

* ppp is not like dhcp because dhcp finds addresses for an existing
  interface but ppp makes a new one

3) when I killed ppp it restarted, but I don't think it reran
defaultroute which is supposed to depend on it. (Might be important
e.g. if we'd been assigned a different IP address). Investigate
semantics of s6-rc service dependencies

DONE 4) make the pppoe test run unattended

5) write a test for udhcp

6) squashfs size is ~ 14MB for a configuration with not much in it,
look for obvious wastes of space

7) some of the pppoe config should be moved into a ppp service

8) some of configuration.nix (e.g. defining routes) should be moved into

DONE 9) split tools up instead of having it all one file

10) is it OK to depend on squashfs pseudofiles if we might want to
switch to ubifs? will there always be a squashfs underneath? might
we want to change the pseudofiles in an overlay?

11) haven't done (overlayfs) overlays at all

12) overlay.nix needs splitting up

13) upgrade ppp to something with an ipv6-up-script option

14) add ipv6 support generally

15) "ip address add" seems to magically recognise v4 vs v6 but
is that specified or fluke?

16) tighten up the module specs. (DONE) should be a s6-rc
service, (DONE) kernel config should be checked in some way

DONE 17) rename nixwrt references in kernel builder

18) maybe stop suffixing all the service names with .service

19) syslogd - use busybox or s6?

chat -s -S ogin:--ogin: root / "ip address show dev ppp0 | grep ppp0"  "/nix/store/*-s6-linux-init-*/bin/s6-linux-init-hpr -p"

Working towards a general goal of having a derivation we can
usefully run `nix path-info` on - or some other tool that will
tell us what's making the images big. The squashfs doesn't
have this information.

Towards that end (really? can't remember how ...) what would be a
way for packages to declare "I want to add files to /etc"? Is that
even a good idea?

Thinking we should turn s6-init-files back into a real derivation.

Tue Sep 27 00:31:45 BST 2022

> Thinking we should turn s6-init-files back into a real derivation.

This turns out to be Not That Simple, because it contains weird shit
(sticky bits and fifos).

Tue Sep 27 09:50:44 BST 2022

* allow modules to register activation scripts that are run on the
root filesystem once all packages are installed

  - do they run on build or on host? if we're upgrading in place
  how do we ship filesystem changes to the host?


* allow modules to declare environment.*, use pseudofile on build and
create real files on host. will need to keep the implementation on
  host faily simple because restricted environment

Tue Sep 27 16:14:18 BST 2022

TODO list is getting both longer and shorter, though longer on

2) perhaps we shouldn't use process-based services like [ou]dhcp as
queryable endpoint for interface addresses (e.g. when adding routes).
Instead have a separate service for interface address that depends on
the *dhcp and uses its output

3) when I killed ppp it restarted, but I don't think it reran
defaultroute which is supposed to depend on it. (Might be important
e.g. if we'd been assigned a different IP address). Investigate
semantics of s6-rc service dependencies

4) figure out a nice way to fit ppp into this model as it actually
creates the interface instead of using an existing unconfigured one

5) write a test for udhcp

7) some of the pppoe config should be moved into a ppp service

11) haven't done (overlayfs) overlays at all

13) upgrade ppp to something with an ipv6-up-script option, move ppp and pppoe derivations into their own files

14) add ipv6 support generally

15) "ip address add" seems to magically recognise v4 vs v6 but
is that specified or fluke?

19) ship logs somehow to log collection system

21) dhcp, dns, hostap service for lan

22) support real hardware

Tue Sep 27 22:00:36 BST 2022

Found the cause of huge image size: rp-pppoe ships with scripts that
reference build-time packages, so we have x86-64 glibc in there

We don't need syslog just to accommodate ppp, there's an underdocumented
option for it to log to a file descriptor

Wed Sep 28 16:04:02 BST 2022

Based on if we can forge
ethernet packets we might be able to write tests for e.g. "is the vm
running a dhcp server"

Wed Sep 28 21:29:05 BST 2022

We can use Python "scapy" to generate dhcp request packets, and Python
'socket' model to send them encapsulated in UDP. Win

It's extremely janky python

Thu Sep 29 15:24:37 BST 2022

Two points to ponder

1) where service config depends on outputs of other services, we
do that rather ugly "$(cat ${output ....})" construct. Can we improve on
that? Maybe we could have some kind of tooling to read them as environment
variables ...

2) we have given no consideration yet to secrets. we want the secrets to
be not in the store; we want some way of refreshing them when they change

Sat Oct  1 14:24:21 BST 2022

The MAC80211_HWSIM kernel config creates virtual wlan[01] devices
which hostapd will work with, and a hwsim0 which we can use to monitor
(though not inject) trafic. Could we use this for wifi tests? How do
we make the guest hwsim0 visible to the host?

Sat Oct  1 18:41:31 BST 2022

virtual serial ports: I struggled with qemu for ages to get this to work.
You also need the unhelpfully named CONFIG_VIRTIO_CONSOLE option in

QEMU_OPTIONS="-nodefaults  -chardev socket,path=/tmp/wlan,server=on,wait=off,id=wlan  -device virtio-serial-pci -device virtserialport,name=wlan,chardev=wlan"

Sun Oct  2 09:34:48 BST 2022

We could implement the secrets store as a service, then the secrets
are outputs.

Things we can do in qemu

1) make interface address service that depends on dhcp, instead of
  being set by it directly
2) check out restart behaviour of dependent services when depended-on
  service dies
3) pppd _creates_ an interface, work out how to fit it into this model
5) add bridge support for lan
8) upgrade ppp to something with an ipv6-up-script option, move ppp and pppoe derivations into their own files
9) get ipv6 address from pppoe
10) get ipv6 delegation from pppoe and add prefix to lan
11) support dhcp6 in dnsmasq, and advertise prefix on lan
12) firewalling and nat
 - default deny or zero trust?
14) write secrets holder as a service with outputs
20) should we check that references to outputs actually correspond with
  those provided by a service

Things we probably do on hardware

6) writable filesystem (ubifs?)
7) overlay with squashfs/ubifs - useful? think about workflows for
how this thing is installed
16) gl-ar750
17) mediatek device - gl-mt300 or whatever I have lying around
18) some kind of arm (banana pi router?)
19) should we give routeros a hardware ethernet and maybe an l2tp upstream,
 then we could dogfood the hardware devices.  we could run an l2tp service
 at mythic-beasts, got a /48 there looks like a handy thing
we hope we'll never have to use

Sun Oct  2 22:22:17 BST 2022

> make interface address service that depends on dhcp, instead of being set by it directly

We can do this for dhcp, but we can't do it for ppp. Running the ppp service
creates a ppp[012n] interface and assigns it an ipv4 address and there's not
a whole lot we can easily do to unbundle that.


- the ppp service needs to behave as if it were a "link" service
- either it *also* needs to behave as an address service, or we could
  have an address service that subscribes to it and does nothing other than
  translate output formats

Note regarding that second bullet: at the moment the static address
service has no outputs anyway!

Tue Oct  4 22:43:02 BST 2022

While trying to make the TFTP workflow not awful I seem to have written
a TFTP server.

Thu Oct  6 19:26:40 BST 2022

We have a booting kernel on gl-ar750, but we aren't at a point that it can
find a root filesystem

I'd *like* to be able to use the same delivery mechanism (kernel uimage
concatenated monolithic

Sat Oct  8 11:12:09 BST 2022

We have it booting on hardware, mounting root fs, running getty :-)

For NixWRT TFTP boots we used a single image with both kernel and squashfs, and
relied on CONFIG_MTD_SPLIT_FIRMWARE to identify where the boundary was and create
/dev/mdtn devices at the right offsets so that the kernel could find the

For Liminix we're not going to do that.

* CONFIG_MTD_SPLIT_FIRMWARE is only available in OpenWrt patches
* it's an uncomfortable level of automagic just to save us doing two TFTPs
  instea of one
* the generated image is anyway not the one we'd write to flash (has unneeded
   PHRAM support)
* it means we need to memmap out enough ram for the whole image inc kernel when really
  all we need to reserve is the rootfs bit

Sat Oct  8 11:23:08 BST 2022

"halt" and "reboot" don't work on gl-ar750

Sat Oct  8 13:10:00 BST 2022

Where do we go with this ar750?

- wired networking
- wifi

Sun Oct  9 09:57:35 BST 2022

We want to be able to package kernel modules as regular derivations, so that
they get added to the filesystem

This means they need access to kernel.modulesupport

This means  kernel.modulesupport needs to be in pkgs too?

This is fine, probably, but we'd like to avoid closing over vmlinux because
there's no need for it to be in the filesystem

Mon Oct 10 22:57:23 BST 2022

The problem is that kernel kconfig options are manipulated in the
liminix modules, which means that data must be (transitively) available
to modules, so they can't be regular packages as they're tied so tightly
to the exact config. Unless we define a second overlay that references
the configuration object, but my head hurts when I start to think about that
so maybe not.

Tue Oct 11 00:00:13 BST 2022

Building ag71xx (ethernet driver) as a module doesn't work because
it references a symbol ath79_pll_base in the kernel that hasn't been
marked with EXPORT_SYMBOL.

We could forge an object file that "declares" it with a gross and disgusting hack like this

$ echo > empty # not actually "empty", objcopy complains about that
$ grep ath79_pll_base /nix/store/jcc114cd13xa8aa4mil35rlnmxnlmv09-vmlinux-mips-unknown-linux-musl-modulesupport/
ffffffff807b2094 B ath79_pll_base
$ mips-unknown-linux-musl-objcopy   -I binary -O elf32-big --add-section .bss=empty  --add-symbol ath79_pll_base=.bss:0x807b2094  empty f.o

I don't claim this is a good idea, just an idea. Thought was that we would not
have to declare its type this way. Also it might not work with kaslr

Backstory: why are we trying to build this as a module? because the
openwrt fork of it seems to be a bit more advanced than the mainline,
and I *suspect* that the mainline version doesn't work with our
openwrt-based device tree which ahs the mdio as a nested node inside
the ag71xx node - in mainline the driver seems to have all the mdio
stuff inline. So, could we build the openwrt driver without patching
the crap out of our kernel

Sun Oct 16 15:25:33 BST 2022

Executive decision: let's use the openwrt kernel (at least for
gl-ar750).  Mainline kernel doesn’t have devicetree support for this
device or the SoC it’s based on, and the OpenWrt dts for it doesn’t
have the same "compatible"s, which makes me think that an indefinite
amount of patching will be necessary to make dts/modules for one of
them work with a kernel for the other

As a result: now we have eth0 appearing, but not eth1?  Guessing we
need to add some kconfig for the switch

Mon Oct 17 21:23:37 BST 2022

we are spending ridiculous amounts of cpu/io time copying kernel source
trees from place to place, because we have kernel tree preparation
and actual building as two separate derivations.

I think the answer is to have a generic kernel build derivation
in the overlay, and then have the device overlays override it with
an additional phase to do openwrt patching or whatever else they
need to do.

Tue Oct 18 23:02:43 BST 2022

* previous TODO list is Aug 02, need to review
* dts is hardcoded to gl-ar750, that needs cleaning up
* figure out persistent addresses for ethernet
* fix halt/reboot
* "link" services have a "device" attribute, would much rather
  have everything referenced using outputs than having two
  different mechanisms for reading similar things
* Kconfig.local do we still need it?
* check all config instead of differentiating config/checkedConfig

Sun Feb  5 18:14:02 GMT 2023

We have resumed.
commit eb4efab6a215bf03cf5aab10d4ac909e83e9c148
Author: Daniel Barlow <>
Date:   Sat Jan 28 23:18:28 2023 +0000

* find out what works
* add that stuff to hydra
* fix the rest
* add that stuff to hydra
* convert to flake
* check if routeros can be run interactively
* some per-device docs in a form that can be transcluded for website

ci builds

* each of the tests has hardcoded device/config/etc
* build an "empty" configuration for each target device
* build an unstable configuration for qemu

Wed Feb  8 16:52:22 GMT 2023

We have hydra builds for all the previously-working devices, though we
don't yet know if any of those builds actually boots or does anything

[DONE] Would be nice to clean up the run-qemu and connect-qemu scripts
and put them in the buildEnv

Some thought needed about how to hook up the gl-ar750 to the internets,
ideally in a way that mirrors typical real uses. AAISP have an L2TP
service, but I would prefer to use pppoe on the device, so how to
translate one to t'other on an intermediary/gateway machine? exists
as an RFC but I can't find anything that actually implements it

Actual Documentation (e.g.  user and developer manuals) should live in
the liminix repo so it corresponds with the code, and can be rsynced
from there to the web site, maybe with a deploy hook or something.
Haven't decided what a good doc format is yet

If we create a flake for Hydra to run on, that _more or less_ means we
don't have any manual hydra jobset configuration to document.

There are still some tests that need adding to CI

[DONE] Should the per-device config be a module not an overlay? Given that
half of what's in it is kernel config (a module could set this)
and the rest is source tarball download specs (needs nixpkgs,
a module has this and could set it too) I wonder why it isn't already

[ALREADY DOES] Can we make Hydra report output sizes so we can plot closure size
trends and see if it all goes awful?

Thu Feb  9 08:14:39 GMT 2023

For better developer experience, I am thinking that either (1)
swap tasks 2 and 3 (writable filesystem before module system)
or (2) add NBD support so I can iterate on a real device without
full rebuilds every time

Fri Feb 10 06:18:25 PM GMT 2023

did the overlay->module thing

[DONE] Need to fix all the configuration around PHRAM, I can't see how it
would ever work

Sat Feb 11 14:37:45 GMT 2023

Consolidated TODO

* figure out persistent addresses for ethernet (?)
[SEEMS DONE] * fix halt/reboot
[DONE, NO] * Kconfig.local do we still need it?
[DONE] * check all config instead of differentiating config/checkedConfig

Things we can do in qemu

* "link" services have a "device" attribute, would much rather
  have everything referenced using outputs than having two
  different mechanisms for reading similar things
1) make interface address service that depends on dhcp, instead of
  being set by it directly
2) check out restart behaviour of dependent services when depended-on
  service dies
3) pppd _creates_ an interface, work out how to fit it into this model
5) add bridge support for lan
8) upgrade ppp to something with an ipv6-up-script option, move ppp and pppoe derivations into their own files
9) get ipv6 address from pppoe
10) get ipv6 delegation from pppoe and add prefix to lan
11) support dhcp6 in dnsmasq, and advertise prefix on lan
12) firewalling and nat
 - default deny or zero trust?
14) write secrets holder as a service with outputs
20) should we check that references to outputs actually correspond with
  those provided by a service
* Actual Documentation (e.g.  user and developer manuals)
* make a flake
* There are still some tests that need adding to CI

Things we probably do on hardware

[DONE] * dts is hardcoded to gl-ar750, that needs cleaning up
6) writable filesystem (ubifs?)
7) overlay with squashfs/ubifs - useful? think about workflows for
how this thing is installed
16) gl-ar750
[DONE] * decide how to hook up the gl-ar750 to the internets
17) mediatek device - gl-mt300 or whatever I have lying around
18) some kind of arm (banana pi router?)
[DONE DIFERENTLY] 19) should we give routeros a hardware ethernet and maybe an l2tp upstream,
 then we could dogfood the hardware devices.  we could run an l2tp service
 at mythic-beasts, got a /48 there

Sat Feb 11 15:57:31 GMT 2023

The reason we would like to run PPPoE instead of L2TP on the "rotuer" device is

- closer to real world scenario
- means no need to run dhcp client on the wan interface before we
   even get to start the l2tpd

Sun Feb 12 14:57:28 GMT 2023

Mon Feb 13 04:44:09 PM GMT 2023

if the gl-ar750 is connected to an ethernet card that linux is ignoring,
we're going to have to set up _some_ qemu thing just to run tftp from.

Tue Feb 14 17:59:34 GMT 2023

We should do a derivation that creates an ISO image and a qemu shell
script based on a configuration.nix, and put it in buildEnv. We'll
call it "borderNetVm" :

> A broadband remote access server (BRAS, B-RAS or BBRAS) routes
  traffic to and from broadband remote access devices such as digital
  subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAM) on an Internet service
  provider's (ISP) network.[1][2] BRAS can also be referred to as a
  broadband network gateway or border network gateway (BNG).[3]

(for consistency we should rename the "access" qemu socket network to
match whatever we call this)

 rm border.qcow2 ; nix-shell --argstr liminix `pwd`  --argstr nixpkgs `pwd`/../nixpkgs  --argstr unstable `pwd`/../unstable-nixpkgs/ ci.nix -A buildEnv --run "run-border-vm"

Wed Feb 15 22:56:59 GMT 2023

configuration for border vm needs to come from somewhere so it's good
for more people than just me

- pci device for setting up the ethernet
- lns address
- uid so it can do 9p shares? do we need to map things here?

also need to document the host-side bits so that people can set up
their spare ethernet as vfio

next step for hacking is to figure out what I was doing with pppoe

Wed Feb 15 22:59:56 GMT 2023

docs ...

* introduction

* user guide
** how to build it
** how to flash it on your device
** what to put in configuration.nix
** modules

* developer guide
** building/running with qemu
*** emulated upstream
** building/running on hardware
*** run in place with TFTP
*** emulated upstream
** CI
** Roadmap
** Contributing

 nix-shell -p sphinx --run "make -C doc html" contains information about avahi reflector

Fri Feb 17 00:09:34 GMT 2023

   29 11.282085831 →      ICMP 106 Echo (ping) request  id=0x0187, seq=2/512, 4
   30 11.286314642 → ICMP 78 Destination unreachable (Communication admin)

We're getting packets over the pppoe-l2tp relay thing. Just have to
work out now why we're not routing

Fri Feb 17 16:54:41 GMT 2023

Haha.  We weren't routing because we'd used the wrong CHAP password

Fri Feb 17 16:58:27 GMT 2023

This TODO is for nlnet task 1 and for bits of subsequent tasks that
are annoying enough that I might poke at them anyway:

1) gl-ar750, why do we get "ag71xx 19000000.eth: invalid MAC address, using random address"
2) gl-ar750, wifi
3) document services so I can remember how they work. Refer back to Oct 18 for notes that no longer make sense
4) check out restart behaviour of dependent services when depended-on service dies
5) pppd _creates_ an interface, work out how to fit it into this model
6) add bridge support for lan
7) upgrade ppp to something with an ipv6-up-script option, move ppp and pppoe derivations into their own files
8) get ipv6 address from pppoe
9) get ipv6 delegation from pppoe and add prefix to lan
10) support dhcp6 in dnsmasq, and advertise prefix on lan
11) firewalling and nat - default deny or zero trust?
13) should we check that references to outputs actually correspond with
14) make a flake?
15) see if there are other tests that need adding to CI
15a) is bordervm derivation tested?
18) gl-mt300a
19) gl-mt300n-v2
20) publish the manual using CI

12) write secrets holder as a service with outputs
16) writable filesystem (ubifs?)
17) overlay with squashfs/ubifs - useful? think about workflows for how this thing is installed

I could plug tninkpad into the gl-ar750 LAN port to dogfood the wired

Sat Feb 18 14:26:45 GMT 2023

Apparently we're not currently doing anything special with busybox,
just using the default nixos build with the default applets.

We'd like to be able to say in modules which applets they need,
so that we build all necessary applets but don't waste any space.
But we don't want to build a busybox for each module because that
would be a big waste of space.

One option:
- add busybox configuration to `config` so that modules can maul it
- add a busybox module that builds it with union of all config and
 adds link in /bin
- make everything else look in /bin instead of referencing pkgs.busybox

It would be good if services could assert somehow that their required
config is present

Sat Feb 18 23:45:13 GMT 2023

# lsmod

cd /lib/modules/mac80211
insmod ./compat/compat.ko
insmod ./net/wireless/cfg80211.ko
insmod ./net/mac80211/mac80211.ko
insmod ./drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath.ko
insmod ./drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k_hw.ko
insmod ./drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k_common.ko
insmod ./drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k.ko
insmod ./drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/ath10k_core.ko
insmod ./drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/ath10k_pci.ko

[21.344930] ath9k 18100000.wmac: failed to load calibration data from mtd device
[21.352728] ath: phy0: parsing configuration from OF node
[21.362576] ath: phy0: serialize_regmode is 0
[21.367092] ath: phy0: UNDEFINED -> AWAKE
[21.372051] ath: phy0: Trying EEPROM access at Address 0x03ff
[21.377999] ath: phy0: Trying EEPROM access at Address 0x0fff
[21.383940] ath: phy0: Trying EEPROM access at Address 0x01ff
[21.389879] ath: phy0: Trying OTP access at Address 0x03ff
[21.400396] Data bus error, epc == 8027964c, ra == 83125880
[21.406156] Oops[#1]:

Sun Feb 19 18:15:27 GMT 2023

We have ath9k listening for packets. To make this ready to use:

- need to load the modules
- enable bridging lan with wlan
- packet forwarding
- firewall

Mon Feb 20 20:41:17 GMT 2023

need to fix all the other broken ci jobs :-(

The wlan test is failing because we moved mac80211 to a module and
there's nothing running to insmod it

Wed Feb 22 18:17:17 GMT 2023

bridge is e2b3738d0f8c3f2fd76ebcef65612de502a7b121 but it's the wrong
way around: the master interface needs to be up whether or not all
of its children are, so members depend on master not vice versa

Next steps:
- re-implement bridge, enable bridging lan with wlan
- packet forwarding
- firewall
- ath10k
- ipv6

Fri Feb 24 23:37:56 GMT 2023

bridging wlan was made complex because can't add a device to a bridge
until it's operational, and wlan0 is not operational until hostapd
has churned awhile. Therefore, "waitup" listens for netlink messages
and notifies s6 readiness stuff

we have a firewall nft script but we're not running it on boot

we have forwarding but no dns, maybe because we haven't told
dnsmasq about any upstream servers

Sun Feb 26 21:08:47 GMT 2023

to add firmware we need to put files in /lib/firmware, which means
a module

i guess we should do that in the device module

we can create the firmware files as packages

for the cal data we would like to get it from the device MTD "art"
partition at
boot time.

====from openwrt

case "$FIRMWARE" in
        case $board in
                caldata_extract "art" 0x5000 0x844
                ath10k_patch_mac $(macaddr_add $(mtd_get_mac_binary art 0x0) 2)

caldata_extract part offset count
      caldata_dd $mtd /lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE $count $offset || \
                caldata_die "failed to extract calibration data from $mtd"
        dd if=$source of=$target iflag=skip_bytes,fullblock bs=$count skip=$offset count=1 2>/dev/null


part=$(basename $(dirname $(grep -l art /sys/class/mtd/*/name)))
dd if=/dev/$part \
  of=/run/cal-pci-0000:00:00.0.bin iflag=skip_bytes,fullblock \
  bs=0x844 skip=0x5000 count=1

Mon Feb 27 22:46:37 GMT 2023

Found and fixed a bunchg of things that were stopping ath10k from
working. The remaining problem is (I think) that insmod is not
synchronous, so "ip link set up dev wlan1" doesn't work immediately
after the module is inserted. Maybe we need another netlink thing
to wait until the interface is present.

Wed Mar  1 18:26:44 GMT 2023

ath10k works, but the wlan module loading stuff is quite kludgey

I wonder if wlan0, wlan1, eth0, eth1 etc should be defined per-device
- how does the aplication config know which devices exist? If we
decide to switch to some form of persistent device naming, the names
will differ from one device to the next. Perhaps the device should
also provide standard names where possible? = {
  lan = interface { ... };
  wan = interface { ... };
  wlan_24 = interface { ... };
  wlan_5 = interface { ... };

Thu Mar  2 22:45:11 GMT 2023

We have a flashable image!

Now we can use the gl-ar750 for internet access in the shed, we can
apppropriate the other device that's in there and try Liminix on it

Fri Mar  3 23:08:58 GMT 2023

If we're going to unplug serial console from the gl-ar750 maybe we
should install an ssh server first.

0) set a root password
1) allow setting a root password from configuration.nix
(means defining config.users properly)
2) allow authorizedKeys per user
3) dropbear service
4) see if the wired lan works! :-)

Sat Mar  4 12:31:07 GMT 2023

To improve logging, each service should have its own s6-log service
which prefixes the service name onto the log line and then sends to

As far as I can tell, the `log` directory inside the service
directory should itself be a service directory for the s6-log
process that does this

.... hahaha no that doesn't work

s6-rc, for some reason, ignores the `log` directory and requires
that loggers be done with consumer-for and producer-for instead

Sat Mar  4 23:27:00 GMT 2023

notes for this week's news update

* ath10k kernel support and and firmware

- 5GHz wifi works

- need to retrieve the firmware from a special - partition on the
  device itself, so we do that using a service that - the wlan
  interface depends on

* replace waitup with more generally useful ifwait

to make the ath10k load at boot, we need to insert the module and then
wait for it to do something or other in the background before we can
configure the interface. so we need something like waitup but
for presence not operational state

it turns out that a program that just waits for a particular interface
state and then exits is quite simple to add into run scripts and
we don't need all that notification-fd stuff anyway

* move FW_LOADER* config to modules/base

* rejig config a bit.
- device hardware characteristics are now under
  the `hardware` key and include the available network interfaces.
- options for users and groups are now defined a bit more
  specifically than "attrset", making it possible to e.g. set a
  root password
- dts is moved from `boot` to `hardware`

* now producing flashable images, so you can generate a liminix config
and write it to the device instead of having to boot using TFTP and
a serial console every time

* ssh support

* prefix logs with the service name

Sun Mar  5 22:51:21 GMT 2023

Added swconfig: it was a straight copy from nixwrt and hasn't changed
upstream since. But don't need it, because the lan port works fine
without it (I assume both lan ports and the cpu are all connected

Mon Mar  6 09:42:33 GMT 2023

Today I plugged in the mt300a.

echo 17 >/sys/class/gpio/export
echo out >/sys/class/gpio/gpio17/direction

why are our images getting big

- lua links ncurses
- hostapd links openssl and sqlite
- nftables needs
  - iptables?
  - jansson? what is that?
  - libedit/readline
- ifwait needs bash

  File: result/squashfs
  Size: 10371072        Blocks: 20256      IO Block: 4096   regular file

with smaller nftables:    9617408        Blocks: 18784

hostapd wqithout sqlite   9003008        Blocks: 17584

without bash:             8622080         Blocks: 16840      IO Block: 4096   regular file

without lua readline: bigger?!  8769536         Blocks: 17128      IO Block: 4096   regular file

Mon Mar  6 20:57:49 GMT 2023

[    0.539992] mtk_soc_eth 10100000.ethernet: mdio-bus disabled
[   10.493918] platform regulatory.0: Direct firmware load for regulatory.db fail
ed with error -2
[   10.502828] cfg80211: failed to load regulatory.db

Check in morning, but whichever port the ethernet cable is plugged into,
is considered by the kernel as port 0 - which I think we should treat as

        vid: 1
        ports: 1 2 3 4 5 6t
        vid: 2
        ports: 0 6t

ip link add link eth0 name lan type vlan id 1
ip link add link eth0 name wan type vlan id 2

figure out how to add these to gl-mt300a device config
then extedner.nix can add a bridge

Tue Mar  7 20:13:15 GMT 2023

We need NTP or some other way to get accurate time

[done] Need to add regulatory.db somewhere standard, maybe modules/wlan?

Tue Mar  7 21:43:56 GMT 2023

When we get to phase 2, need to review how network interfaces and
their addresses interplay. It should be possible to have a network
interface and interrogate the addresses associated with it - esp
with ipv6 where there are multiple addresses for the device

This thought prompted by looking at the loopback interface, which is
a bundle of addresses and therefore we can't see what any of them are

Tue Mar  7 22:05:44 GMT 2023

[phase 1]
20) publish the manual using CI
30) document flashing process
31) go through all the unexpected dmesg and triage it
25) ntp or some other accurate time source

[phase 1.5]
26) ssh keys
8) get ipv6 address from pppoe
9) get ipv6 delegation from pppoe and add prefix to lan
10) support dhcp6 in dnsmasq, and advertise prefix on lan
11) firewalling and nat - default deny or zero trust?
7) upgrade ppp to something with an ipv6-up-script option, move ppp and pppoe derivations into their own files
32) set up iperf and do some performance measurement
35) also we need to check our wireless country code

[phase 2]
3) document services so I can remember how they work. Refer back to Oct 18 for notes that no longer make sense
4) check out restart behaviour of dependent services when depended-on service dies
13) check that references to outputs correspond with declared outputs
33) network interfaces vs the services that manage their addresses
34) write a short guide explaining how to use s6-svc

[phase n]
12) write secrets holder as a service with outputs
16) writable filesystem (ubifs?)
17) overlay with squashfs/ubifs - useful? think about workflows for how this thing is installed

dmesg lines to investigate for gl-mt300a:
[    0.467314] OF: Bad cell count for /palmbus@10000000/spi@b00/flash@0/partition
[    0.539709] mtk_soc_eth 10100000.ethernet: mdio-bus disabled  ?
[    8.778513] compat: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
[   17.686561] ieee80211 phy0: rt2800_wait_bbp_rf_ready: Error - BBP/RF register access failed, aborting
[   17.696025] ieee80211 phy0: rt2800_loft_iq_calibration: Warning - RF RX busy in LOFT IQ calibration
[   17.875147] ieee80211 phy0: rt2800_rxiq_calibration: Warning - Timeout waiting for MAC status in RXIQ calibration

for gl-ar750:
[    0.000000] Unknown kernel command line parameters "earlyprintk=serial,ttyS0", will be passed to user space.
[    0.416679] OF: Bad cell count for /ahb/spi@1f000000/flash@0/partitions
[    0.825495] ag71xx 19000000.eth: Could not connect to PHY device. Deferring probe.
[    1.632700] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x10000000-0x13ffffff]
[    1.639824] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000]
[    1.645601] pci_bus 0000:00: No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus 00-ff]
[   32.032326] ath10k_pci 0000:00:00.0: pdev param 0 not supported by firmware
[   36.627844] ath10k_pci 0000:00:00.0: failed to receive initialized event from target: 00000000

Fri Mar 10 13:17:56 GMT 2023

Lunchtime notes on images for real devices, vs ci.nix

* successfully building an image doesn't mean that the image boots
or does anything useful

* don't want to faff with serial wires on every device every time
to test it. so

* ideally, build ram-based images of rotuer, extneder, arhcive in CI
with a watchdog timer that will reboot if it can't see the network

* figure out how to boot into the new image from an ssh connection.  I
assume the challenging bit here is grabbing x MB of contiguous phys
mem after boot: I think we'd have to reserve it at _first_ boot and
then somehow copy into it before rebooting

An easier first goal might be a tool to flash from the shell command line,
but that runs a greater risk of bricking

Fri Mar 10 14:35:40 GMT 2023

programs.busybox = {
  enable = true;
  applets = [... ];
  config = {

Fri Mar 10 23:49:04 GMT 2023

Well, we have the backup host config up and running - though haven't
plugged it back into its disk yet.

For task 1 what remains is

1) ntp sync
2) write up the flashing procedure
3) a video?

Sat Mar 11 13:58:20 GMT 2023

================== for video

what is liminix
- nix-based system for creating OS images for routers
- not "nixos on your router"
  - nixos-like module system,
  - musl for libc
  - s6/s6-rc for services
  - entirely cross-compiled

why am i making a video?
- unless you have a suitable spare device to install on,
  and you want to take it apart, it's currently hard to
  take liminix for a spin
- I have these things, so I can give you a tour

let's have a look at how the hardware's hooked up

web site & manual

a config file:
- observe the comments:
  - not going to spend ages on this because it's not in its final form.
  - as we get more configs for more use cases, we will
    get a better feel for what can be abstracted
  - that will come later: work so far has been on the
    hardware support side

to show that it builds, we're going to add a package. otherwise,
everything from this build is probably already cached

build the config

tftpboot on hardware

flash on hardware

show ci

show a qemu target

Mon Mar 13 22:46:46 GMT 2023

1) rsync on arhcive is failing because no nogroup group

  "/nix/store/gfzzl157r8xyp38lpcfxydkiiy6zrs3c-rsync-3.2.6/bin/rsync" "--verbose" "--stats" "--password-file" "/etc/nixos/secrets/arhcive-rsync" "-rltgoDz" "/var/spool/backup" "backup@arhcive.lan::srv/"
@ERROR: invalid gid nogroup
rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1837) [sender=3.2.6]

2) we can run findfs in a loop until the disk appears

3) still haven't decided how to do ntp but maybe we should just use
the busybox one

4) some way to do upgrades over the wire

- boot with reserved mem and a phram device at 110-128MB even in the
  flashable version

- watchdog timer in kernel

- kexec in kernel

- userland service to feed the dog as long as local network is up
 (may need to start it a couple of minutes after boot, how do we
  do that?)

- can we use flashcp on a phram mtd?

5) maybe setup a vhost for hydra or something

[nix-shell:~/t]$ wget --reject-regex '\?' -D localhost -N -r --exclude-directories=/api --level=2 --convert-links -e robots=off http://localhost:3003/jobset/liminix/build/

is almost a mirror

Tue Mar 14 20:17:35 GMT 2023

- do we have a phram mtd? need config for size and location

- how do we set the boot device
 - for first boot need to boot real flash, use  dtb, ignore bootloader args
 - for kexec, boot phram, specify args somehow (could rewrite dtb)

 => can use same kernel for both if we can give kexec a dtb with
    different params, which seems to be possible

so we need a module for the initial kernel to say
- create phram mtd
- boot from real mtd (will be index + 1)
- enable KEXEC in kernel
- add kexec-tools

and for the kernel we boot into
- most of the above
- except for the boot device
- create an output with objects that kexec(8) can parse

Could be same module for both with different outputs

what do we call this thing? "revertable"

Wed Mar 15 19:11:09 GMT 2023

"revertable" implies mtd support for the rootfs and a ramdisk at
defined location

"tftpboot" implies "revertable", because it will use the same ramdisk

Fri Mar 17 11:44:40 GMT 2023

- patch the kernel kexec code to pass DTB to new kernel unconditionally
- unpatch pernel to pass command line to kexec (breaks DTB passing)
- decide how we specify rootfs. doing it by number is awkward
  - may be phram
  - may be real mtd root
  - may be real mtd root but renumbered becuase phram exists

Wild idea: we could probably get rid of the need for declaring a phram
device in the first kernel, if we can use kexec to copy the squashfs into
physical ram. As far as I can see this is a simple(sic) matter of
specifying it as a segment, but we would have to extend kexec-tools
to do this and it's quite a niche option if we make it do all the
mtd setup.

kexec --dtb=foo.dtb --map-file=squashfs@0x120000

Sat Mar 18 18:02:26 GMT 2023
What if: we added derivations for "apply openwrt changes" as packages,
which could then be called from the kernel derivation's extraPatchPhase?
There could be one for generic and one for each openwrt targetop

Mon Mar 20 18:40:53 GMT 2023

- kexec patch is sent to mailing list, keep an eye for replies
- watchdog
- ntp
- rebuild images for live devices
- can we build a static busybox with flashcp applet and scp it
 to arhcive etc?
- [DONE] install mailman and hyperkitty on myhtic, create mailing list

Tue Mar 21 22:59:54 GMT 2023

I haven't found a way to arm the watchdog before userland runs, which
would be really nice: although there's WATCHDOG_HANDLE_BOOT_ENABLED
and WATCHDOG_OPEN_TIMEOUT it doesn't seem to be sufficient, Maybe
those options work only when the hardware watchdog is already
armed. It might not be completely awful insofar as any failure to
mount root usually results in panic anyway, so provided we start
watching early in boot then there's not a big window for anything
to go wrong

What should the watchdog service do?  Ideally we want something that
"ratchets" : can be started in early boot and signals health as long
as the system is starting up, then once the system is in "steady
state" it stops pinging as soon as any part of that steady state
becomes unhealthy. This feels like a refinement for a much later
phase though.

Maybe the health criteria might be
(sshd and lan services are running) or (time since boot < 120s)

Thu Mar 23 00:11:23 GMT 2023

tftpboot and (kexecboot || flashable) have incompatible DTB-finding
strategies which is painful if you add both modules and then
expect tftp booting to still work

Maybe we could patch the kernel to use some better strategy for when
to use/ignore the bootloader command line: e.g "only if it
contains the string 'liminix'". Could do this by patching
arch/mips/kernel/setup.c bootcmdline_init to

if(strstr(arcs_cmdline, "liminix") == NULL) arcs_cmdline[0] = '\0'
bootloader command line then needs to specify only the
_additional_ parameters that weren't in the DTB

(later: that turned out to be quite straighforward)

Fri Mar 24 23:45:12 GMT 2023

- add ntp support
- [DONE] expose hydra to internet
- check MAC address weirdness?
- call Task 1 "done"

Sun Mar 26 00:19:15 GMT 2023

Would be nice to have a built in outputs.flashable

Sun Mar 26 15:27:14 BST 2023

Let's think about services and modules.

+ can change global config
  * add users, groups etc
  * change kernel config
  * change busybox config
+ well-typed parameters
- is a "singleton": can't have the same module included twice
  with different config. e.g. can't have two hostap modules running on
  different wlan radios.
- can't express dependencies: a depends on b


* modules add service functions to the config? then there's no
way to define a service while forgetting to import the module

* we use the lib.types stuff for service function arguments

* maybe we stop naming for every damn thing

* but remember, s6 services do need unique names

imports = [ ../modules/dhcp4 ];

services.dhcp4 = {
  interface = lan.device;
  options = {
    foo = true;
    bar = 42;
  depends = [ services.some_other_thing ];

modules/dhcp4 udhcp fn needs to define a type for its argument, then
use something like

  if arg_type.check def.value then res
            else throw "The option value `${showOption loc}' in `${def.file}' is not a ${}.")

(where def comes from I don't know yet)

Tue Mar 28 10:44:40 BST 2023

we should reserve the name "service" for actual instantiated
services. This means we need a name for the functions that
make services. "class", "template", "fn", "maker", "factory"?
And a namespace name so they're not interleaved with real
services, which sort of suggests they are packages

if we want to do services = {
 foo = longrun { ... };
 bar = longrun { ... };

without repeating the `name` as an attribute of the longrun,
then longrun can't return a derivation: it has to return some
function that accepts `name` as a parameter.

where services.a depends on services.b, at the time its builder is run
it needs to know what name s6-rc will use for service b

maybe an s6 service definition should be an attrset not a derivation.

maybe this is outside scope for phase 2

Tue Mar 28 13:22:06 BST 2023

Reading nixos/doc/manual/development/ it
suggests to me that we should rename config.outputs to
config.system.outputs. The more general question here is whether it's
good to be augmenting a variable called "config" with all this
generated stuff that is patently not configuration - perhaps putting
it under a "system" key will keep it all in one place

Tue Mar 28 13:32:30 BST 2023

how should we handle filesystem state? e.g. resolvconf service

if a service provides a file at a known global pathname, it can't be
parametrised - it must be a singleton.

Tue Mar 28 20:25:20 BST 2023

wondering if we should swap phases 2 and 3. We can't really address
modules without addressing services, which is phase +n, whereas we
can tackle overlay/ubi whenever

nand flash may have bad blocks
nor flash (supposedly) doesn't

ubi provides erase counts and bad block remapping on top of the mtd
interface. this means we should avoid flashcp of a ubi image straight
onto (nand) mtd as we will lose the erase counts and bad block information
that UBI tracks.

overlayfs works on a filename basis, so might not be very effective :
any change that results in a new store path will mean the entire package
appears in two places. I think it's reasonable to offer squashfs or
ubifs without overlay.

open questions:

1) if uboot doesn't support UBI, we can't boot a kernel on a ubifs
so we need reserved space for the kernel.

- unless we add some padding after the kernel, every new kernel
that's bigger than its predecessor will trash the start of the
ubi space (and wipe out its erase count)
- This suggests we should build more stuff as modules and less as

2) once a device has had a ubi volume created on it, probably we want
to use ubi-aware tools to update that volume in future instead of a
whole new flash, because we wish to preserve erase counts. This means
running ubiformat --image-file=foo.ubi on the device instead of flashcp

we can add a "ubi-flashable" output that creates a .ubi image and
a flashcp image that wraps it, with instructions on which to use.

Fri Mar 31 22:13:54 BST 2023

Error: too small LEB size 3968, minimum is 15360

> This error means that you are trying to mount too small UBI
volume. Probably because your flash is too small? Try to use JFFS2,
then, because it suits small flashes better since it has much lower
space overhead. Indeed, UBIFS stores much more indexing information on
the flash media than JFFS2, so it has much higher overhead. Also, UBI
has some overhead (see here). Thus, if you have a small flash device
(e.g., about 64MiB), it makes sense to consider using JFFS2.

Argh. Oh well,

Sat Apr  1 15:27:39 BST 2023

There's limited value in recreating pseudofiles for jffs2 because
the system is writable - changes made to /bin, /dev etc in config.filesystem
should take effect on a running system.

Can we take inspiration from ?

in early boot:
 mount ramfs on /
 mount the writeable filesystem on /persist/
 bind mount /persist/nix on /nix
 run script to populate rootfs from pseudofiles

on a router, do we need _anything_ persistent that's outside the store?

 - state for dhcp leases and stuff
 - secrets
 - maybe, files that the user has downloaded

this will probably require initramfs. if just use jffs2 as the rootfs and
don't worry about /persist, we can skip that step.

[ aside: I think we may be putting two busyboxes in the image:
see modules/s6/default.nix s6-init-scripts has buildInputs = [busybox];  ]

Mon Apr  3 18:34:26 BST 2023

- we boot the system with systemConfig=/nix/store/eeeeee-system
- the early-init script runs /target/$systemConfig/create-root /target
  after mounting /target
- then it runs chroot /target $systemConfig/bin/init "$@"

or maybe we could combine those steps?
or maybe it doesn't matter too much ...

Thu Apr  6 21:25:41 BST 2023

what now?

- put a jffs2 onto some hardware device
  - what do we do with uboot?
  - should we pad the kernel?
  - maybe kernel module support would be good if we're making it
    hard to do kernel updates
- try the nix-copy-closure thing and work out what else we don't know
- [done] detect endian correctly

to ask a different question, what else do we need to dogfood a router?

Sun Apr  9 10:06:08 BST 2023

- rename outputs.flashable to outputs.flashimage
- rename modules/flashable to modules/flashable_ro
- create outputs.flashable in modules/jffs2
- rename modules/jffs2 to modules/flashable_rw
- add enable config to both?
- enable kernel module compilation

Mon Apr 10 23:50:41 BST 2023

- initramfs parses /proc/cmdline to find root fs, might not play
nice with defaulting

- how to build kernel modules

- look at closure size, is it this big because we've broken it
or is jffs2 usually this much bigger than squashfs

- maybe squashfs with overlay might be better if we could
ensure hardlinks?

- maybe there's something like overlayfs but content-addressable?

Sat Apr 15 18:57:46 BST 2023

for the same configuration:

-r--r--r-- 1 root root 6066176 Jan  1  1970 /nix/store/0x271rg45mcjjgbma9wi31h1yd109fpy-frob-squashfs
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 12255232 Jan  1  1970 /nix/store/zx11adagcbzqsnqkyz5kgvr392vhlrpr-make-jffs2

may want to reconsider not using squashfs with overlay

Wed Apr 19 22:22:48 BST 2023

Where next?

Sun Apr 23 18:24:34 BST 2023

- we are down to ~ 11MB image for a barely functional (IPV4) router
  this is by avoiding all dependencies on openssl or gnutls
- rotuer is not recognising when  I set the hostname
- I may have forgotten the root password :-(
- why is hello world 70K unless hardeningDisable?

Fri Apr 28 20:51:52 BST 2023

To do nix-copy-closure we need nix-store, which is a symlink to nix,
which is

-rwxr-xr-x 1 dan users 2.3M Apr 28 21:08 nix

(stripped). This is a lot bigger than, say, a simple script to
loop through the closure of a derivation and copy only the store
folders that don't exist already.

* we'd like to only transmit the packages that aren't already present

* we'd like to use a single ssh connection

S: here is a list of package names
C: these are the names of the packages I want
S: here are the packages

while read $f ; do
  test -d $f || echo $f

Tue May  2 21:53:08 BST 2023

1) we have a script that runs on the receiver, which

 - accepts a list of store paths
 - prints the missing store paths
 - runs cpio -i < stdio

2) we need a script for the sender that

 - refs=$(nix-store -q --references $1 && echo end)
 - opens ssh connection
 - print ssh $refs
 - needed= capture result until "end" received
 - find needed | cpio -o  > ssh-connection
 - close connection

3) to have a reasonable hope of testing this we should do it with qemu. It would be nice
if we could connect without faff to the qemu lan interface : either we do this by bringing up
another qemu vm (preferably with the host store shared, otherwise it has to build a mips cross
compiler/libc) or maybe we could do something unholy with ssh ProxyCommand

ssh -o ProxyCommand "socat - UDP4-DATAGRAM:,sourceport=1234,reuseaddr,ip-add-membership="

4) we haven't solved garbage collection, though I think "remove everything not in
nix-path-registration" might be what's needed there

Wed May  3 22:01:19 BST 2023

Something weird is going on with qemu net device enumeration: when I
run it interactively I'm getting the access network (mac ending :02)
on eth0 and the lan (mac ending :01) on eth1, and if it's behaving the
same in CI then how come any of the tests work? vanilla-confinguration.nix
definitely assumes lan=eth0

By switching from  -device virtio-net-pci to     -device virtio-net then
I get the desired behaviour back

Sat May  6 18:42:28 BST 2023


- package min-copy-closure
- see if we can use it on some output to copy the whole system closure
- post-copying symlink munging
- try it on a real device, see if it works for config file updates
- collect-garbage/delete-old-generation

Sun May  7 23:03:03 BST 2023

Shortly after all the work to reduce system closure size last time, I
tried adding the necessary packages to support nix-copy-closure and
saw it start building a complete C++ system with Boost. My fears that
this would lead to quite a large increase in the system size were, it
turned out, entirely founded.

So I wrote my own - or at least, a quite minimal substitute. The core
logic is simple - on the sender, we get the list of required packages,
then we check for the existence of `/nix/store/eeeeeee-foo` for
each of them on the target, and whatever's missing we send across the
link using cpio.

It sounds simple, and it should be simple, and in retrospect it _was_
simple. Along the way I went on a bit of a Qemu networking tangent and
learned quite a lot about the bash `coproc` command

Tue May  9 21:06:53 BST 2023

General direction of my thoughts:

- get a baseline working rotuer system
- prove that min-copy-closure works with it
- refactor the crap out of it
- configurablise the bordervm usb ethernet setup
- when we have a good idea of how/whether min-copy-closure *actually*
 works, declare "writeable filesystem" to be done
- start to get more of a feel for how the services/config hang together

? why does rotuer not have a hostname?

? how can we get a device hooked up to rotuer's lan port that we can
control remotely

Sun May 14 23:25:46 BST 2023

the outputs.systemConfiguration attribute builds a derivation
containing a single file bin/activate

_Presumably_, copying its closure will copy all the things, as
we already use it as the roots for jffs2 creation. However, there
is also a symlink created from /init at jffs2 creation

Mon May 15 21:32:38 BST 2023

Had a neat idea about uing an overlayfs combining jffs2 and ramfs
to do upgrades that would otherwise be larger than the flash.
Could use "overlay merge" from

Wed May 17 15:18:55 BST 2023

liminix-rebuild doesn't collect garbage (this is a mising feature, not
a bug). We think we can fix this using nix-path-registration: specifically,
by deleting anything not in it.

What we're going to do: build a fresh system image for rotuer, then
dogfood liminix-rebuild until we've succeeded in getting it to
change its hostname

Also wondering if we should drop outputs.default, but maybe not

* systemConfiguration: used for updates
* vmroot: used for qemu
* flashimage: used for flashing
* tftproot: used for dev/test

As long as we're consistently setting the default output to whichever
is the appropriate "full production image" I think we're good.

Wed May 17 22:45:40 BST 2023

Random thought: when we bind mount /target/persist/nix to /target/nix
we could make it read-only. worth doing?

Thu May 18 10:59:39 BST 2023

- liminix-rebuild can't find reboot: probably the PATH is just
  generally wrong for ssh sessions (maybe all non-login sessions?)

- need to copy path registration file somewhere useful and
  delete stuff not in it at the appropriate time. Would be safest
  to do that either late in the shutdown process before rebooting,
  or during boot.

Fri May 19 15:18:13 BST 2023

If we make min-collect-garbage - just a command you can run whenever -
that will be fine for current capabilities.  It won't work with the
theoretical overlayfs system, though: we need to copy-down from the
ramfs to real flash before rebooting, and that can't happen until
there's disk space to do it

Sat May 20 22:35:25 BST 2023

We have a working min-collect-garbage (seems to, anyway ...)

- having ssh host key wiped on reboot is sucky. maybe we can have
/persist/secrets and a service that looks there?

- find out what files ash sources on non-login shell startup
  [ set ENV=/etc/ashrc in parent process env ]

- services.default is suboptimal as there is no way to add to it
without wiping it

- decide whether to use liminix- or min- as our prefix for nixy

- should we move config.outputs  -> config.system.outputs ? see Mar 28

- less crap firewall

- add ipv6 support to rotuer

- create an l2tp configuration

- iperf and tuning

- wlan country code

dropbear weak hashes?

Sun May 21 11:48:07 BST 2023

dropbear will generate host keys on first connection. It's (probably) good that the
key is generated on-device and also that we wait until there's some randomness.
It's not so good that it will only write the key to DSS_PRIV_FILENAME which is
hardcoded to /run

Sun May 21 17:27:31 BST 2023

What do we need for ipv6?

-  upgrade ppp to something with an ipv6-up-script option, move ppp and pppoe derivations into their own files
-  get ipv6 address from pppoe
-  get ipv6 delegation from DHCPv6
-  support dhcp6 in dnsmasq, and advertise prefix on lan
-  firewall settings

Sun May 21 21:30:17 BST 2023

Making hydra build the docs is straightforward, but making it
_publish_ the docs is outside scope, really. It can serve the files
but they're all text/plain

Should hydra push the docs to or should

TODO-at-some-point: assign uids and gids dynamically, somehow

Tue May 23 22:56:33 BST 2023

following the guidance at

we run odhcp6c to do router solicitation/advertisement dance

odhcp6c environment variables:

RDNSS=2001:8b0::2020 2001:8b0::2021

# ip -6 route |grep default
default via fe80::203:97ff:fed6:0 dev ppp0  metric 1024  expires 65211sec

presumably from RA_ROUTES but why is the metric appaently doubled?

Tue May 30 21:25:37 BST 2023

We have an odhcpc script that preserves the prefix delegation from the
ISP.  We need a service that notices whenever the state is
available/has changed, and updates the LAN IPv6 address.

The service can depend on odhcp

add inotify to packages
use writeFennelScript with that dep
see if it works

Wed May 31 23:33:00 BST 2023

We have a thing that sets ipv6 address on lan interface, yay us

A firewall would be a very good idea

Thu Jun  1 18:46:59 BST 2023

TODO for now:

- services.default is suboptimal as there is no way to add to it
without wiping it

- decide whether to use liminix- or min- as our prefix for nixy

- should we move config.outputs  -> config.system.outputs ? see Mar 28

- less crap firewall

- create an l2tp configuration

- iperf and tuning

- wlan country code

Thu Jun  1 21:26:37 BST 2023

how can a client machine "opt out" of using the firewall, to allow
incoming connections?  Most convenient would be to have a separate SSID
for grownups. Assuming it shows up as a separate wlan device, we can
write firewall rules to allow incoming connections on that interface
(can we? only if the packet is identifiable as destined for that interface)

We could block incoming for slaac and dhcp addresses and permit it for
stable private addresses. If we were fairly sure that devices won't
ask for stable private addresses just for funsies.

Fri Jun  2 14:42:43 BST 2023

I found a handy guide to nftables at

Mon Jun  5 16:56:44 BST 2023

How are we going to do this firewall thing then?
I can see no reason to have more than one table per family, so lets
just name the tables after families

There is nothing in nftables for functionally grouping rules by
requirement that may touch multiple hooks/chains, so we need our own
abstraction - and we can't call it any name that nftables uses already
(so, not "ruleset"). rulegroup?

"policy" would be a good name except that it's already taken

"concern"? "requirement"? "feature"?

Mon Jun 19 20:45:48 BST 2023

why is chrony using libedit?

Thu Jun 22 09:52:57 BST 2023

- There is a lot more lua being installed (luac, docs, static
  libraries etc) than we really need.

- update User docs to include a list of supported  targets

Thu Jun 22 23:43:06 BST 2023

- is there a sysfs to enable ipv6 forwarding?
- we haven't an ipv4 firewall yet

PATH=`echo /nix/store/*nftables*/bin`:$PATH
nft list ruleset

Thu Jun 22 23:58:58 BST 2023

Looks like we're missing at least one kernel config setting for
nftables. Would this be a good time to do a derivation for building
kernel modules?

Sun Jul  9 21:21:17 BST 2023

Tue Jul 11 22:10:17 BST 2023

- s6 cheatsheet, find or write
- could we have > 1 module add to services.default?
- odhcp should parse values from environ and write more files, to save readers
 from parsing it
- pkgs.liminix, who knows what thats for any more?
- interface.device, as a  general rule, doesn't work because the
  device name may be known only at runtime (e.g. for ppp)
- iperf
- figure out wifi regdomain

Tue Jul 11 23:01:59 BST 2023

We can make services depend on kernel modules, however not on bakedin
kernel config

[from March: "Let's think about services and modules."]

+ can change global config
  * add users, groups etc
  * change kernel config
  * change busybox config
+ well-typed parameters
- is a "singleton": can't have the same module included twice
  with different config. e.g. can't have two hostap modules running on
  different wlan radios.
- can't express dependencies: a depends on b

thought I had then was: modules provide services. requiring the
ppp module causes to exist, so you can

services.default = [
  ( {
    tty = "17";
    baud = "57600";
    secrets = blah;

this might work. also though we should find out how to do type checking on
service params

Wed Jul 12 23:23:02 BST 2023 // why mobile nixos uses
mobile.outputs instead of

  suggests that may not be a thing to blindly emulate

if a service is a derivation should we expect to want to be able to call
it with .override? maybe we want to override the package containing the
daemon it runs. How do we best pass service config as well?

Maybe a service template is a function that returns a derivation

imports = [ ./modules/pqmud.nix ];
services.mud = {
  realm = "A deep cavern";
  port = 4067;
  users = import ./allowed-users.nix;
  # etc etc
services.mudBeta = let mud = {
    realm = "A very deep cavern";
    port = 4068;
    users = import ./allowed-users.nix;
  in mud.overrideAttrs { pqmud = pkgs.pkmudLatest; };

so we have # services provided by modules
config.system.outputs  # build artefacts of various types

the services provided by a module must be introspectable in some way
so that we can compile a list of service options per module

service parameters are defined using the module type system.
Something like this?

# mud.nix = args :
  let t = {
    name = mkOption { type = types.str; };
    realm = mkOption { type = types.str; };
    port = mkOption { type = types.port; default = 12345; };
    users = mkOption { type = types.any; };
  in assert isType (submodule { options = t; }) args; longrun {
     inherit (args) name;
     run = "${pkgs.pqmud}/bin/pqmud --port ${port} ....."

Fri Jul 14 19:07:59 BST 2023

It works for pppoe, though typechecking error messages could be

- We need to find a good place to keep the typeCheck function so that
everyone can use it.

- also the type_service type defn exists only locally in modules.nix,
and we would like to refer to it elsewhere

Thu Aug 10 21:46:36 BST 2023

to finish service/modules milestone

[done] there are some modules not using serviceDefn
- modules included by standard.nix should have all their options
  grouped together in docs
  how can we determine which they are? or maybe "modules that
   don't contain services" is an acceptable criterion
  maybe this is not actually an issue, if the modules are
   reasonably coherent. It looks odd now because base.nix is a mess
[done] print the module pathname so people know what to import
[done] docs don't print the examples
[check?] and seem to be getting the default wrong too
- decide what we deem to be "internal" (if anything)
   is `filesystem` internal, for example? or `busybox`? they're
   both mostly _used_ internally but may still be valuable to expose
[done] maybe document outputs separately or not at all?
[done] bridge to be one service instead of two?
[done] get rid of services/
- anything else in rotuer.nix that we should servicify
- services for liminix.networking
- a nice way to specify service dependencies
[done] - do another video

Mon Aug 21 20:02:55 BST 2023

a nice way to do dependencies would be somethng like

services.thething =
  let s = svc.thing { .... };
  in addDependencies s (with; [otherthing yetanother]);

except that addDependencies is a really klunky name. dependsOn is very
slightly better? or maybe it could be a function of the derivation?

services.thething =
  svc.thing { .... }.depends (with; [otherthing yetanother]);


what does it mean to be dependent on an interface? that's it up? running?
has an address? has a collection of addresses?

  services.defaultroute4 = route {
    name = "defaultroute4";
    via = "$(output ${services.wan} address)";
    target = "default";
    dependencies = [ services.wan ];

- this route requires the interface to have an address (if wan is an
  interface, anyway ...)

- but otoh a dhcp client doesn't want to wait for an address, because
   it is assigning the address.

should an address provider have "interface name" as an output?
is there a set of outputs that every address provider should have -
whether static, dhcp, pppoe?

maybe we're in decision paralysis and should just move forward with
what we know

Wed Aug 23 18:56:08 BST 2023

We may want to change the hardware device files to specify network
interface names not services. Otherwise hardware devices (boards)
depend on module-based-services, which is a bit weird.

Thu Aug 24 18:54:03 BST 2023

- we want network and bridge to be separate modules, because bridge
introduces extra kernel config

- bridge/service wants to create a network device ("ip link"),
using quite similar code as network/link.nix

- but bridge/service is a derivation: it has sight of pkgs but not

offtopic: useful s6-rc commands at

Fri Aug 25 23:37:57 BST 2023

where we left off: bridge is a bundle, and bundles can't have outputs,
so how do we set the ifname of the bridge?

- ifname of the primary is set
- actually, most things that depend on the bridge really just depend
  on the primary anyway (it's OK if 1 <= n < #members are down)
- but *something* should depeond on all the members

turns out maybe we needed two services after all?

Sun Aug 27 23:50:18 BST 2023

I've done enough to make rotuer build, but in the process
trashed vanilla-configuration as I entirely forgot we don't have
a dhcpv4 client service. Need to fix that ...

- anything else in rotuer.nix that we should servicify
- anything in vanilla-configuration ditto
- and arhcive (rsync, watchdog)
- services for liminix.networking
- tidy up the dependency handling in serviceDefn build
   (interface is fine, implementation is a bit brutal)
- write a blog entry

Mon Aug 28 16:58:49 BST 2023

- [done] ntp is not setting the time
- nftables syntax error

Thu Aug 31 23:53:54 BST 2023

- anything else in rotuer.nix that we should servicify
 [done] - packet forwarding
  - dhcp6 client
  - what to do with acquire-{wan,lan} scripts?
  - resolvconf
- [done] anything in vanilla-configuration ditto
  - packet forwarding
- and arhcive
  - [not doing] rsync
  - [done] watchdog
  - [done] mount
- nftables syntax error
- tidy up the dependency handling in serviceDefn build
   (interface is fine, implementation is a bit brutal)
- [done] services for liminix.networking
- [done] write a blog entry
- [done] ntp is not setting the time
- [done] static dhcp(6) lease support reqd for dogfooding

Sat Sep  2 21:35:41 BST 2023

Considerations for "mount" service: each filesystem needs to depend on
any mount points for its parent directories, and maybe also on other
services (e.g. filesystem modules, network devices, routes)

mountpoints = {
 mnt = {
   media = {
     fstype = "msdos";
     device = "/dev/sda1";
     options = [ ...];
   archive = {
     fstype = "ext4";
     device = "/dev/sda2";
     options = [ ...];
     mountpoints = {
       remote = {
         fstype = "nfs";
	 device = "";

services.somethingelse = {
  # ...
  dependencies = [ mountpoints.mnt.archive ];

what don't we like about this? we have to walk the nested attrset in a
weird way, because the services may contain other mountpoints. Maybe
just keep it simple and do

services.mountpoints = bundle {
 name = "mountpoints";
 contents = [ {
     device = "/dev/sda2"; fstype = "ext4"; directory = "/mnt/isos";
   }; {
     device = "/dev/sdb1"; fstype = "msdos"; directory = "/mnt/backup";
     dependencies = [ load-vfat-module ];

Sun Sep  3 17:34:36 BST 2023

how to dogfood

DHCP6 server: static lease support
DHCP client and acquire-{lan-prefix,wan-address}

The emergency boot thingy in glinet u-boot won't help because it
expects to flash from its tftp request instead of booting it. So we
could use kexec instead except that the openwrt install doesn't have
it.  So we could swap the hardware devices, the only downside of that
being that then I don't have a test system any more. Or we could YOLO it.

Sun Sep  3 22:11:02 BST 2023

I think we should rejigger the documentation ...

- "getting started": worked example, building and installing Liminix
with a very simple config (wifi AP with ssh daemon)

- using modules
  - link to module reference

- creating custom services
  - longrun or oneshot
  - dependencies
  - outputs

- creating your own modules

- hacking on Liminix itself

- contributing

- external links and resources

- module reference

- hardware device reference


I think we might rename wlan_24 to wlan and wlan_5 to wlan1.
This is on the assumption that almost no device is 5GHz only, so
would make it easier to write a basic wlan example that works
both on 2.4GHz boards and dual radio boards

Mon Sep  4 23:15:26 BST 2023

If dhcpcd parsed the update-script output into separate files, half
the complexity of acquire-lan-prefix would go away. The other half is
because it subscribes to changes in the outputs instead of just
running once. Perhaps there's a better way to do that?

Could separate prefixes and addresses something like this...


the directory name is arbitrary as long as it's unique. Might even be better to
remove the colons


or we could adopt the MS convention and replace with hyphens


Also: we should write some kind of test for this...

Tue Sep  5 21:36:39 BST 2023

How do we set the cpu governor?

Fri Sep  8 21:26:36 BST 2023

We want a fennel thing that reads a filesystem tree into a nested
table. And a thing to diff two tables

Sat Sep  9 22:40:50 BST 2023

Subscribers to odhcp6c outputs need to be able to tell which addresses
are new and which have been removed since the last run, which now we
have ohdcp-script  producing parsed data means they need to compare
tables by value. Which is a faff.

What if the directory name were a hash of all the relevant fields
such that clients could just say "new directory, must be new address"

We can have literal prefix, then need to encode
length,preferred,valid,extra space-efficiently. I cannot currently see
any way to use whatever hashing Lua uses for its table lookups,
which is a bit disapppointing, so we might have to make our own
this is DJBHash, though doesn't appear to deal with integer overflow

function hash(str)
    h = 5381;

    for c in str:gmatch"." do
        h = ((h << 5) + h) + string.byte(c)
    return h

Mon Sep 11 20:31:25 BST 2023

acquire-lan/wan-foo have no tests, and the test setup is a bit of a
faff as they are both waiting on the filesystem

also, testing lua scripts is a faff without splitting them into

am wondering if we could do some kind of convention that we only write
modules not scripts but something in the fennel->lua can call the
module's `run` method.


Here is a working shebang for write-fennel:

#!/nix/store/5iwv3h2jjbk2vib2bpwx3g9knpb02x3y-lua-5.3.6/bin/lua -e dofile(arg[0]).run()

Tue Sep 12 20:47:52 BST 2023

We don't handle unbound or stopped states in odhcp consumers. I think
probably we should do this in odhcp-script by deleting the outputs,
rather than making each consumer do it.

... turns out that odhcp6c itself unsets ADDRESSES and PREFIXES before
calling the script with "unbound", so maybe we don't need to do
anything special.

Wed Sep 13 17:55:33 BST 2023

@400000000000001f2723b3cb Script /nix/store/nyks8zl86dcp44k5sjcc76digrnfgm17-ip-up finished (pid 403), status = 0x0
@400000000000001f27b2db3b Script /nix/store/ds0lc4qd1zfiyxsva87rpplyr21awjh1-ip6-up finished (pid 404), status = 0x1

@400000000000001f30a7c5c5 /nix/store/v9ijgyywizqbbd9y73r2wifkxc0d1jjm-route-default-1a22c69d0e1f-up: line 4: input: not found
@400000000000001f31abf9b5 ip: command line is not complete, try "help"
@400000000000001f31ca1395 s6-rc: warning: unable to start service route-default-1a22c69d0e1f: command exited 1
@400000000000001f31f236b4 s6-rc: info: service route-default-d2586cf00da0 successfully started

Wed Sep 13 18:05:38 BST 2023


- service for dhcp6 client
- move acquire-{wan,lan} scripts out of examples/
- service for resolvconf
- nftables syntax error
- tidy up the dependency handling in serviceDefn build
   (interface is fine, implementation is a bit brutal)
- docs


1) in some ways, we should be able to specify acquire-{wan,lan} as if
they were just additional addresses on the respective
interfaces. However, they're longruns so the implementation of
"address" doesn't really fit.

2) should they be bundled into a dhcp client service? I think the
answer is "no" because which of the dhcp config we want to
honour locally (and how) is policy not mechainmsm { interface = wan; }; {
  inherit client;
  interface = lan;
}; {
  inherit client;
  interface = wan;
}; {
  inherit client;
  interface = lan;
  index = 1;			# default to first interface
}; {
  inherit client;
  interface = vpn;
  index = 2;

Fri Sep 15 12:04:25 BST 2023

Qemu worked example provides dhcp and ssh service

Hardware worked example needs to be plugged into same lan as build
machine if we are going to tftp the image onto it - so it might be
awkward if we run dhcp on it

The device I have lying around is the A

How do we do the actual flash step? Assuming the device is running
stock firmware, from a laptop we can wifi to it and use the web ui to

we can't build the hellonet config because it requires tftp

plug in mt300a
put stock firmware on it

Sun Sep 17 00:08:03 BST 2023

I don't think the user manual needs a full justification of why we
have the module/service split. Maybe we should have "decision records"
in the git tree instead

Sun Sep 17 16:44:31 BST 2023

Can we figure out which bits of the old doc are missing from the new
one and just transplant those? Then we can merge it sooner
instead of blocking on writig all the new stuff