# This is not part of Liminix per se. This is a "scratchpad" # configuration for a device I'm testing with. # # Parts of it do do things that Liminix eventually needs to do, but # don't look in here for solutions - just for identifying the # problems. { config, pkgs, lib, modulesPath, ... }: let secrets = import ./extneder-secrets.nix; in rec { boot = { tftp = { serverip = ""; ipaddr = ""; }; }; imports = [ "${modulesPath}/profiles/wap.nix" "${modulesPath}/vlan" ]; hostname = "extneder"; profile.wap = { interfaces = with config.hardware.networkInterfaces; [ lan wlan ]; wireless = { networks.${secrets.ssid} = { interface = config.hardware.networkInterfaces.wlan; inherit (secrets) channel wpa_passphrase; country_code = "GB"; hw_mode = "g"; wmm_enabled = 1; ieee80211n = 1; }; }; }; users.root.passwd = lib.mkForce secrets.root.passwd; defaultProfile.packages = with pkgs; [nftables strace tcpdump swconfig]; }