import unicodecsv import uuid from datetime import timedelta from icalendar import Calendar, Event as Vevent from custommail.shortcuts import send_custom_mail from django.shortcuts import redirect, get_object_or_404, render from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse, HttpResponseForbidden from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.views import ( login as django_login_view, logout as django_logout_view, redirect_to_login, ) from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy from django.views.generic import FormView from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib import messages from django_cas_ng.views import logout as cas_logout_view from utils.views.autocomplete import Select2QuerySetView from gestioncof.models import Survey, SurveyAnswer, SurveyQuestion, \ SurveyQuestionAnswer from gestioncof.models import Event, EventRegistration, EventOption, \ EventOptionChoice from gestioncof.models import EventCommentField, EventCommentValue, \ CalendarSubscription from gestioncof.models import CofProfile, Club from gestioncof.decorators import buro_required, cof_required from gestioncof.forms import ( UserForm, ProfileForm, EventStatusFilterForm, SurveyForm, SurveyStatusFilterForm, RegistrationUserForm, RegistrationProfileForm, EventForm, CalendarForm, EventFormset, RegistrationPassUserForm, ClubsForm, GestioncofConfigForm ) from bda.models import Tirage, Spectacle @login_required def home(request): data = {"surveys": Survey.objects.filter(old=False).all(), "events": Event.objects.filter(old=False).all(), "open_surveys": Survey.objects.filter(survey_open=True, old=False).all(), "open_events": Event.objects.filter(registration_open=True, old=False).all(), "active_tirages": Tirage.objects.filter(active=True).all(), "open_tirages": Tirage.objects.filter(active=True,, "now":} return render(request, "home.html", data) def login(request): if request.user.is_authenticated: return redirect("home") context = {} if request.method == "GET" and 'next' in request.GET: context['next'] = request.GET['next'] return render(request, "login_switch.html", context) def login_ext(request): if request.method == "POST" and "username" in request.POST: try: user = User.objects.get(username=request.POST["username"]) if not user.has_usable_password() or user.password in ("", "!"): profile, created = CofProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=user) if profile.login_clipper: return render(request, "error.html", {"error_type": "use_clipper_login"}) else: return render(request, "error.html", {"error_type": "no_password"}) except User.DoesNotExist: pass context = {} if request.method == "GET" and 'next' in request.GET: context['next'] = request.GET['next'] if request.method == "POST" and 'next' in request.POST: context['next'] = request.POST['next'] return django_login_view(request, template_name='login.html', extra_context=context) @login_required def logout(request, next_page=None): if next_page is None: next_page = request.GET.get('next', None) profile = getattr(request.user, 'profile', None) if profile and profile.login_clipper: msg = _('Déconnexion de GestioCOF et CAS réussie. À bientôt {}.') logout_view = cas_logout_view else: msg = _('Déconnexion de GestioCOF réussie. À bientôt {}.') logout_view = django_logout_view messages.success(request, msg.format(request.user.get_short_name())) return logout_view(request, next_page=next_page) @login_required def survey(request, survey_id): survey = get_object_or_404( Survey.objects.prefetch_related('questions', 'questions__answers'), id=survey_id, ) if not survey.survey_open or survey.old: raise Http404 success = False deleted = False if request.method == "POST": form = SurveyForm(request.POST, survey=survey) if request.POST.get('delete'): try: current_answer = SurveyAnswer.objects.get(user=request.user, survey=survey) current_answer.delete() current_answer = None except SurveyAnswer.DoesNotExist: current_answer = None form = SurveyForm(survey=survey) success = True deleted = True else: if form.is_valid(): all_answers = [] for question_id, answers_ids in form.answers(): question = get_object_or_404(SurveyQuestion, id=question_id, survey=survey) if type(answers_ids) != list: answers_ids = [answers_ids] if not question.multi_answers and len(answers_ids) > 1: raise Http404 for answer_id in answers_ids: if not answer_id: continue answer_id = int(answer_id) answer = SurveyQuestionAnswer.objects.get( id=answer_id, survey_question=question) all_answers.append(answer) try: current_answer = SurveyAnswer.objects.get( user=request.user, survey=survey) except SurveyAnswer.DoesNotExist: current_answer = SurveyAnswer(user=request.user, survey=survey) current_answer.answers = all_answers success = True else: try: current_answer = SurveyAnswer.objects.get(user=request.user, survey=survey) form = SurveyForm(survey=survey, current_answers=current_answer.answers) except SurveyAnswer.DoesNotExist: current_answer = None form = SurveyForm(survey=survey) # Messages if success: if deleted: messages.success(request, "Votre réponse a bien été supprimée") else: messages.success(request, "Votre réponse a bien été enregistrée ! Vous " "pouvez cependant la modifier jusqu'à la fin " "du sondage.") return render(request, "gestioncof/survey.html", { "survey": survey, "form": form, "current_answer": current_answer }) def get_event_form_choices(event, form): all_choices = [] for option_id, choices_ids in form.choices(): option = get_object_or_404(EventOption, id=option_id, event=event) if type(choices_ids) != list: choices_ids = [choices_ids] if not option.multi_choices and len(choices_ids) > 1: raise Http404 for choice_id in choices_ids: if not choice_id: continue choice_id = int(choice_id) choice = EventOptionChoice.objects.get( id=choice_id, event_option=option) all_choices.append(choice) return all_choices def update_event_form_comments(event, form, registration): for commentfield_id, value in form.comments(): field = get_object_or_404(EventCommentField, id=commentfield_id, event=event) if value == field.default: continue (storage, _) = EventCommentValue.objects.get_or_create( commentfield=field, registration=registration) storage.content = value @login_required def event(request, event_id): event = get_object_or_404(Event, id=event_id) if (not event.registration_open) or event.old: raise Http404 success = False if request.method == "POST": form = EventForm(request.POST, event=event) if form.is_valid(): all_choices = get_event_form_choices(event, form) (current_registration, _) = \ EventRegistration.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user, event=event) current_registration.options = all_choices success = True else: try: current_registration = \ EventRegistration.objects.get(user=request.user, event=event) form = EventForm(event=event, current_choices=current_registration.options) except EventRegistration.DoesNotExist: form = EventForm(event=event) # Messages if success: messages.success(request, "Votre inscription a bien été enregistrée ! " "Vous pouvez cependant la modifier jusqu'à " "la fin des inscriptions.") return render(request, "gestioncof/event.html", {"event": event, "form": form}) def clean_post_for_status(initial): d = initial.copy() for k, v in d.items(): if k.startswith("id_"): del d[k] d[k[3:]] = v return d @buro_required def event_status(request, event_id): event = get_object_or_404(Event, id=event_id) registrations_query = EventRegistration.objects.filter(event=event) post_data = clean_post_for_status(request.POST) form = EventStatusFilterForm(post_data or None, event=event) if form.is_valid(): for option_id, choice_id, value in form.filters(): if option_id == "has_paid": if value == "yes": registrations_query = registrations_query.filter(paid=True) elif value == "no": registrations_query = registrations_query.filter( paid=False) continue choice = get_object_or_404(EventOptionChoice, id=choice_id, event_option__id=option_id) if value == "none": continue if value == "yes": registrations_query = registrations_query.filter( elif value == "no": registrations_query = registrations_query.exclude( user_choices = registrations_query.prefetch_related("user").all() options = EventOption.objects.filter(event=event).all() choices_count = {} for option in options: for choice in option.choices.all(): choices_count[] = 0 for user_choice in user_choices: for choice in user_choice.options.all(): choices_count[] += 1 return render(request, "event_status.html", {"event": event, "user_choices": user_choices, "options": options, "choices_count": choices_count, "form": form}) @buro_required def survey_status(request, survey_id): survey = get_object_or_404(Survey, id=survey_id) answers_query = SurveyAnswer.objects.filter(survey=survey) post_data = clean_post_for_status(request.POST) form = SurveyStatusFilterForm(post_data or None, survey=survey) if form.is_valid(): for question_id, answer_id, value in form.filters(): answer = get_object_or_404(SurveyQuestionAnswer, id=answer_id, survey_question__id=question_id) if value == "none": continue if value == "yes": answers_query = answers_query.filter( elif value == "no": answers_query = answers_query.exclude( user_answers = answers_query.prefetch_related("user").all() questions = SurveyQuestion.objects.filter(survey=survey).all() answers_count = {} for question in questions: for answer in question.answers.all(): answers_count[] = 0 for user_answer in user_answers: for answer in user_answer.answers.all(): answers_count[] += 1 return render(request, "survey_status.html", {"survey": survey, "user_answers": user_answers, "questions": questions, "answers_count": answers_count, "form": form}) @cof_required def profile(request): user = request.user data = request.POST if request.method == "POST" else None user_form = UserForm(data=data, instance=user, prefix="u") profile_form = ProfileForm(data=data, instance=user.profile, prefix="p") if request.method == "POST": if user_form.is_valid() and profile_form.is_valid(): messages.success( request, _("Votre profil a été mis à jour avec succès !") ) context = {"user_form": user_form, "profile_form": profile_form} return render(request, "gestioncof/profile.html", context) def registration_set_ro_fields(user_form, profile_form): user_form.fields['username'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True profile_form.fields['login_clipper'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True @buro_required def registration_form2(request, login_clipper=None, username=None, fullname=None): events = Event.objects.filter(old=False).all() member = None if login_clipper: try: # check if the given user is already registered member = User.objects.get(username=login_clipper) username = member.username login_clipper = None except User.DoesNotExist: # new user, but prefill # user user_form = RegistrationUserForm(initial={ 'username': login_clipper, 'email': "" % login_clipper}) if fullname: bits = fullname.split(" ") user_form.fields['first_name'].initial = bits[0] if len(bits) > 1: user_form.fields['last_name'].initial = " ".join(bits[1:]) # profile profile_form = RegistrationProfileForm(initial={ 'login_clipper': login_clipper}) registration_set_ro_fields(user_form, profile_form) # events & clubs event_formset = EventFormset(events=events, prefix='events') clubs_form = ClubsForm() if username: member = get_object_or_404(User, username=username) (profile, _) = CofProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=member) # already existing, prefill user_form = RegistrationUserForm(instance=member) profile_form = RegistrationProfileForm(instance=profile) registration_set_ro_fields(user_form, profile_form) # events current_registrations = [] for event in events: try: current_registrations.append( EventRegistration.objects.get(user=member, event=event)) except EventRegistration.DoesNotExist: current_registrations.append(None) event_formset = EventFormset( events=events, prefix='events', current_registrations=current_registrations) # Clubs clubs_form = ClubsForm(initial={'clubs': member.clubs.all()}) elif not login_clipper: # new user user_form = RegistrationPassUserForm() profile_form = RegistrationProfileForm() event_formset = EventFormset(events=events, prefix='events') clubs_form = ClubsForm() return render(request, "gestioncof/registration_form.html", {"member": member, "login_clipper": login_clipper, "user_form": user_form, "profile_form": profile_form, "event_formset": event_formset, "clubs_form": clubs_form}) @buro_required def registration(request): if request.POST: request_dict = request.POST.copy() member = None login_clipper = None # ----- # Remplissage des formulaires # ----- if 'password1' in request_dict or 'password2' in request_dict: user_form = RegistrationPassUserForm(request_dict) else: user_form = RegistrationUserForm(request_dict) profile_form = RegistrationProfileForm(request_dict) clubs_form = ClubsForm(request_dict) events = Event.objects.filter(old=False).all() event_formset = EventFormset(events=events, data=request_dict, prefix='events') if "user_exists" in request_dict and request_dict["user_exists"]: username = request_dict["username"] try: member = User.objects.get(username=username) user_form = RegistrationUserForm(request_dict, instance=member) if member.profile.login_clipper: login_clipper = member.profile.login_clipper except User.DoesNotExist: pass else: pass # ----- # Validation des formulaires # ----- if user_form.is_valid(): member = profile, _ = CofProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=member) was_cof = profile.is_cof # Maintenant on remplit le formulaire de profil profile_form = RegistrationProfileForm(request_dict, instance=profile) if (profile_form.is_valid() and event_formset.is_valid() and clubs_form.is_valid()): # Enregistrement du profil profile = if profile.is_cof and not was_cof: send_custom_mail( "welcome", "", [], context={'member': member}, ) # Enregistrement des inscriptions aux événements for form in event_formset: if 'status' not in form.cleaned_data: form.cleaned_data['status'] = 'no' if form.cleaned_data['status'] == 'no': try: current_registration = EventRegistration.objects \ .get(user=member, event=form.event) current_registration.delete() except EventRegistration.DoesNotExist: pass continue all_choices = get_event_form_choices(form.event, form) (current_registration, created_reg) = \ EventRegistration.objects.get_or_create( user=member, event=form.event) update_event_form_comments(form.event, form, current_registration) current_registration.options = all_choices current_registration.paid = \ (form.cleaned_data['status'] == 'paid') # if form.event.title == "Mega 15" and created_reg: # field = EventCommentField.objects.get( # event=form.event, name="Commentaires") # try: # comments = EventCommentValue.objects.get( # commentfield=field, # registration=current_registration).content # except EventCommentValue.DoesNotExist: # comments = field.default # FIXME : il faut faire quelque chose de propre ici, # par exemple écrire un mail générique pour # l'inscription aux événements et/ou donner la # possibilité d'associer un mail aux événements # send_custom_mail(...) # Enregistrement des inscriptions aux clubs member.clubs.clear() for club in clubs_form.cleaned_data['clubs']: club.membres.add(member) # --- # Success # --- msg = ("L'inscription de {:s} ({:s}) a été " "enregistrée avec succès." .format(member.get_full_name(), if profile.is_cof: msg += "\nIl est désormais membre du COF n°{:d} !".format( messages.success(request, msg, extra_tags='safe') return render(request, "gestioncof/registration_post.html", {"user_form": user_form, "profile_form": profile_form, "member": member, "login_clipper": login_clipper, "event_formset": event_formset, "clubs_form": clubs_form}) else: return render(request, "registration.html") # ----- # Clubs # ----- @login_required def membres_club(request, name): # Vérification des permissions : l'utilisateur doit être membre du burô # ou respo du club. user = request.user club = get_object_or_404(Club, name=name) if not request.user.profile.is_buro \ and club not in user.clubs_geres.all(): return HttpResponseForbidden('