{% extends "kfet/base.html" %} {% load widget_tweaks %} {% load staticfiles %} {% block extra_head %} {{ negative_form.media }} {% endblock %} {% block title %} {% if account.user == request.user %} Modification de mes informations {% else %} {{ account.trigramme }} - Édition {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content-header-title %} {% if account.user == request.user %} Modification de mes informations {% else %} Édition du compte {{ account.trigramme }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% include "kfet/base_messages.html" %}
{% csrf_token %} {% include 'kfet/form_snippet.html' with form=user_form %} {% include 'kfet/form_snippet.html' with form=cof_form %} {% include 'kfet/form_snippet.html' with form=account_form %} {% include 'kfet/form_snippet.html' with form=group_form %} {% include 'kfet/form_snippet.html' with form=pwd_form %} {% include 'kfet/form_snippet.html' with form=negative_form %} {% if perms.kfet.is_team %} {% include 'kfet/form_authentication_snippet.html' %} {% endif %} {% include 'kfet/form_submit_snippet.html' with value="Mettre à jour" %}
{% endblock %}