/** * GRAPPELLI AUTOCOMPLETE M2M * many-to-many lookup with autocomplete */ (function($){ var methods = { init: function(options) { options = $.extend({}, $.fn.grp_autocomplete_m2m.defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); // build autocomplete wrapper $this.next().after(loader).after(remove_link($this.attr('id'))); $this.parent().wrapInner("
"); //$this.parent().prepend("").prepend(""); $this.parent().prepend(""); // defaults options = $.extend({ wrapper_autocomplete: $this.parent(), wrapper_repr: $this.parent().find("ul.grp-repr"), wrapper_search: $this.parent().find("li.grp-search"), remove_link: $this.next().next().hide(), loader: $this.next().next().next().hide() }, $.fn.grp_autocomplete_m2m.defaults, options); // move errorlist outside the wrapper if ($this.parent().find("ul.errorlist")) { $this.parent().find("ul.errorlist").detach().appendTo($this.parent().parent()); } // lookup lookup_id($this, options); // lookup when loading page lookup_autocomplete($this, options); // autocomplete-handler $this.bind("change focus keyup blur", function() { // id-handler lookup_id($this, options); }); // labels $("label[for='"+$this.attr('id')+"']").each(function() { $(this).attr("for", $this.attr("id")+"-autocomplete"); }); // click on div > focus input options.wrapper_autocomplete.bind("click", function() { options.wrapper_search.find("input:first").focus(); }); }); } }; $.fn.grp_autocomplete_m2m = function(method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else if (typeof method === 'object' || ! method) { return methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.grp_autocomplete_m2m'); } return false; }; var value_add = function(elem, value, options) { var values = []; if (elem.val()) values = elem.val().split(","); values.push(value); elem.val(values.join(",")); return values.join(","); }; var value_remove = function(elem, position, options) { var values = []; if (elem.val()) values = elem.val().split(","); values.splice(position,1); elem.val(values.join(",")); return values.join(","); }; var loader = function() { var loader = $('
'); return loader; }; var remove_link = function(id) { var removelink = $(''); removelink.attr('id', 'remove_'+id); removelink.attr('href', 'javascript://'); removelink.attr('onClick', 'return removeRelatedObject(this);'); removelink.hover(function() { $(this).parent().toggleClass("grp-autocomplete-preremove"); }); return removelink; }; var repr_add = function(elem, label, options) { var repr = $('
  • '); var removelink = $('' + label + ''); repr.append(removelink); repr.insertBefore(options.wrapper_search); removelink.bind("click", function(e) { // remove-handler var pos = $(this).parent().parent().children("li").index($(this).parent()); value_remove(elem, pos, options); $(this).parent().remove(); elem.val() ? $(options.remove_link).show() : $(options.remove_link).hide(); e.stopPropagation(); // prevent focus on input }); removelink.hover(function() { $(this).parent().toggleClass("grp-autocomplete-preremove"); }); }; var lookup_autocomplete = function(elem, options) { options.wrapper_search.find("input:first") .bind("keydown", function(event) { // don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item if (event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB && $(this).data("autocomplete").menu.active) { event.preventDefault(); } }) .bind("focus", function() { options.wrapper_autocomplete.addClass("grp-state-focus"); }) .bind("blur", function() { options.wrapper_autocomplete.removeClass("grp-state-focus"); }) .autocomplete({ minLength: 1, delay: 1000, position: {my: "left top", at: "left bottom", of: options.wrapper_autocomplete}, open: function(event, ui) { $(".ui-menu").width(options.wrapper_autocomplete.outerWidth()-6); }, source: function(request, response) { $.ajax({ url: options.autocomplete_lookup_url, dataType: 'json', data: "term=" + request.term + "&app_label=" + grappelli.get_app_label(elem) + "&model_name=" + grappelli.get_model_name(elem) + "&query_string=" + grappelli.get_query_string(elem), beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) { options.loader.show(); }, success: function(data){ response($.map(data, function(item) { return {label: item.label, value: item.value}; })); }, complete: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { options.loader.hide(); } }); }, focus: function() { // prevent value inserted on focus return false; }, select: function(event, ui) { // add repr, add value repr_add(elem, ui.item.label, options); value_add(elem, ui.item.value, options); elem.val() ? $(options.remove_link).show() : $(options.remove_link).hide(); $(this).val("").focus(); return false; } }) .data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function(ul,item) { return $("
  • ") .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .append( "" + item.label + " (" + item.value + ")") .appendTo(ul); }; }; var lookup_id = function(elem, options) { $.getJSON(options.lookup_url, { object_id: elem.val(), app_label: grappelli.get_app_label(elem), model_name: grappelli.get_model_name(elem) }, function(data) { options.wrapper_repr.find("li.grp-repr").remove(); options.wrapper_search.find("input").val(""); $.each(data, function(index) { repr_add(elem, data[index].label, options); }); elem.val() ? $(options.remove_link).show() : $(options.remove_link).hide(); }); }; })(grp.jQuery);