/* Paragraphs & Other Typo Formats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module p { margin: 0; padding: 5px 0; } fieldset.module label + p { font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px; } /* Modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module { margin: 0 0 7px; } .form-container .module { min-width: 938px; } #changelist .span-flexible .module + ul.submit-row { margin-top: 10px; } /* Empty breaks in Chrome 11+: Elements are not displayed initially even if they are not empty */ /*.module:empty { padding: 0; height: 0; border: 0; visibility: hidden; }*/ /* Nested Modules Basics ......................................... */ .module .module, .module fielset.module { margin: 0; } /* Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .group { margin: 0 -4px 7px; padding: 2px; } .form-container .group { min-width: 940px; } /* Elements in Modules & Groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* 1st Level Elements ......................................... */ .group h2, .module h2 { padding: 6px 10px; } .group h2+.tools+* { margin-top: 2px; } /* 2nd Level Elements (Dark/Bright) ......................................... */ .group h3, .module h3 { margin: 0; padding: 5px 10px; } /* 3rd Level Elements ......................................... */ .group h4, .module h4 { margin: 0; padding: 4px 10px 4px 10px; } .module .description { padding: 8px 10px; font-size: 11px; } /* Modules & Groups Overrides ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module:first-child { margin-top: 0 !important; } .group .module:first-child { margin-top: 2px !important; } .group:first-child { margin-top: -4px; } .group .module { margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 0; } .group .module .module { margin-top: 0; } .group:last-child, .module:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } /* Collapsible Structures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .collapse.closed *, .collapse.closed .module.table, .collapse.closed .module.table * { display: none; } .collapse-handler { cursor: pointer; } .collapse.closed .collapse-handler, .collapse.closed .tools, .collapse.closed .tools * { display: block !important; } .collapse.closed h3+.tools, .collapse.closed h4+.tools { margin-top: 1px !important; } /* Row ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .row { padding: 5px 10px; font-weight: bold; } fieldset.module .row + .module { margin-top: -1px !important; } /* Cell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .row .cell { display: inline-block; margin-top: -5px; margin-bottom: -5px; padding: 5px 10px; width: auto; } .row .cell + .cell { padding-left: 18px; } /* Fieldset Row ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ fieldset.module .row { padding: 8px 10px; line-height: 18px; font-weight: normal; } fieldset.module .row.cells { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } /* Fieldset Cell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ fieldset.module .cell { margin: -8px 0 -1000px 0; padding: 8px 18px 1000px 0; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; height: 100%; } fieldset.module .cell:last-child, fieldset.module .cell.last { margin-right: -20px; } /* Tabular Modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module.table { display: table; margin: 0 0 -2px; width: 100%; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0 2px; } h2 + .module.table, h2 + * + .module.table, h2 + * + * + .module.table { margin-top: 0 !important; } @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { .module.table { margin-bottom: -1px; border-spacing: 0 1px !important; } } .module.thead { display: table-header-group; } .module.tfoot { display: table-footer-group; } .module.thead, .module.tfoot { font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; } .module.table .tr { display: table-row; } .module.tbody { display: table-row-group; } .module.table .th, .module.table .td { display: table-cell; float: none; overflow: hidden; margin-right: 0; padding: 1px 20px; height: 100%; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; } .module.tbody .th, .module.tbody .td { padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; } .module.table .th:first-of-type, .module.table .td:first-of-type { padding-left: 10px; } .module.tbody .th.tools, .module.tbody .td.tools { padding-left: 0; width: 100%; } .empty-form { display: none !important; } /* Add Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module.add-item { height: 28px; } .module.add-item>a { position: relative; top: 6px; padding: 5px 10px; font-weight: bold; } /* Selectors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .selector { position: relative; float: left; overflow: hidden; width: 758px; } .selector-available, .selector-chosen { float: left; width: 366px; } .selector.stacked .selector-available, .selector.stacked .selector-chosen { width: 756px; } .selector h2, .inline-group .selector h2, .inline-related fieldset .selector-available h2, .inline-related fieldset .selector-chosen h2 { padding: 7px 5px 6px 7px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 13px; font-weight: bold; } .selector .selector-filter { padding: 3px 5px 2px 2px; min-height: 25px; font-weight: bold; /*line-height: 25px;*/ /*text-indent: 25px;*/ /*background: url('../img/icons/icon-searchbox.png') 6px 50% no-repeat;*/ } .selector .selector-available .selector-filter { line-height: 25px; text-indent: 25px; background: url('../img/icons/icon-searchbox.png') 6px 50% no-repeat; } .selector .selector-chosen .selector-filter { margin: 0 0 -3px; padding: 6px 5px 2px 26px; /*line-height: 25px;*/ /*text-indent: 25px;*/ background: url('../img/icons/icon-searchbox.png') 6px 8px no-repeat; } .selector .selector-filter input[type=text] { position: relative; margin: 0; width: 326px !important; max-width: 326px !important; } .selector.stacked .selector-filter input[type=text] { width: 716px !important; max-width: 716px !important; } .selector .selector-filter img { display: none; } .selector .selector-chosen .selector-filter:after { content: " " url('../img/icons/icon-selector_filter.png'); opacity: .75; } .selector.stacked .selector-chosen .selector-filter:after { content: " " url('../img/icons/icon-selector_add-m2m_vertical-hover.png'); } .selector select[multiple=multiple] { margin: 0; padding-left: 3px; max-width: 367px !important; width: 367px !important; height: 200px; } .selector.stacked select[multiple=multiple] { width: 757px !important; max-width: 757px !important; } .selector h2 + select { /*display: none;*/ position: relative; top: -1px; } .selector ul.selector-chooser { float: left; margin: 110px 2px 0; padding: 0; width: 18px; } .selector.stacked ul.selector-chooser { margin: 4px 0 0 356px; width: 36px; } .selector.stacked ul.selector-chooser li { float: left; } a.selector-add, a.selector-remove { display: block; width: 18px; height: 18px; color: transparent !important; background-position: 50% 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; } a.selector-add:link, a.selector-add:visited { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-selector_add-m2m_horizontal.png'); } a.selector-add:hover, a.selector-add:active { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-selector_add-m2m_horizontal-hover.png'); } a.selector-remove:link, a.selector-remove:visited { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-selector_remove-m2m_horizontal.png'); } a.selector-remove:hover, a.selector-remove:active { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-selector_remove-m2m_horizontal-hover.png'); } .selector.stacked a.selector-add:link, .selector.stacked a.selector-add:visited { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-selector_add-m2m_vertical.png'); } .selector.stacked a.selector-add:hover, .selector.stacked a.selector-add:active { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-selector_add-m2m_vertical-hover.png'); } .selector.stacked a.selector-remove:link, .selector.stacked a.selector-remove:visited { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-selector_remove-m2m_vertical.png'); } .selector.stacked a.selector-remove:hover, .selector.stacked a.selector-remove:active { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-selector_remove-m2m_vertical-hover.png'); } a.selector-chooseall, a.selector-clearall { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 2px 7px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 13px; font-weight: bold; } /* Link-List, Actions, Feed, Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .link-list ul li, .feed ul li, .table-of-contents ul li { padding: 0; font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px; font-weight: bold; } .link-list ul li a, .feed ul li a, .feed ul li span, .table-of-contents ul li a { display: block; padding: 5px 10px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 13px; background-color: transparent; background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .actions p, .link-list p, .feed p { color: #999; font-size: 11px; padding: 3px 10px; } .link-list ul li a, .feed ul li a { padding-left: 25px; } a.internal, a.external { background-repeat: no-repeat; } .dashboard a.internal { background-position: 12px 7px; } .dashboard a.external { background-position: 10px 8px; } .documentation a.external { padding-left: 12px; background-position: 1px 3px; } a.internal:link, a.internal:visited { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-navigation-internal.png'); } a.internal:hover, a.internal:active { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-navigation-internal-hover.png'); } a.external:link, a.external:visited { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-navigation-external.png'); } a.external:hover, a.external:active { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-navigation-external-hover.png'); } .feed ul li a, .feed ul li span { line-height: 13px; } .feed ul li span.date { float: right; padding: 5px 5px 0 5px; } /* Basic Actions & Module Actions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ ul.actions { position: relative; float: right; clear: both; } ul.actions li { position: relative; float: left; } ul.actions li + li { margin-left: 20px; } ul.actions li a { padding-left: 15px; font-size: 11px; background-position: 0 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .actions ul li { padding: 4px 5px 4px 25px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 12px; } .actions ul li a { margin-left: -15px; padding-left: 15px; font-weight: bold; background-position: 0 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .actions li.add-link a:link, .actions li.add-link a:visited { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-actions-add-link.png'); } .actions li.add-link a:hover, .actions li.add-link a:active { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-actions-add-link-hover.png'); } .actions li.change-link a:link, .actions li.change-link a:visited { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-actions-change-link.png'); } .actions li.change-link a:hover, .actions li.change-link a:active { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-actions-change-link-hover.png'); } .actions li.delete-link { text-decoration: line-through; background: url('../img/icons/icon-actions-delete-link.png') 10px 7px no-repeat; } /* Module Search & Module Filter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module.search, .module.filter { position: relative; float: right; z-index: 1001; padding: 8px 10px; } .module.filter + .module.search { padding-right: 0; } .module.filter .pulldown-container { position: absolute; width: inherit; } .module.search .tooltip { position: absolute; } .module.search .tooltip.search-fields { top: 25px; } .module.search .tooltip .tooltip-pointer { position: relative; z-index: 1000; display: block; width: 30px; height: 8px; background: transparent url('../img/backgrounds/tooltip-pointer.png') 10px 100% no-repeat scroll; } .module.search .tooltip .tooltip-content { position: relative; z-index: 990; top: -1px; padding: 8px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 15px; } a.button.toggle-filters { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 4px 20px 4px 8px; } a.button.toggle-filters:link, a.button.toggle-filters:visited { background: transparent url('../img/icons/icon-dropdown.png') 100% 3px no-repeat; } .selected a.button.toggle-filters:link, .selected a.button.toggle-filters:visited { background: url('../img/icons/icon-dropdown-hover.png') 100% 3px no-repeat; } .open a.button.toggle-filters, .selected a.button.toggle-filters, .selected a.button.toggle-filters:hover, .selected a.button.toggle-filters:active, a.button.toggle-filters:hover, a.button.toggle-filters:active { background: url('../img/icons/icon-dropdown-hover.png') 100% 3px no-repeat; } .selected a.button.toggle-filters:link, .selected a.button.toggle-filters:visited { background: url('../img/icons/icon-dropdown-hover.png') 100% 3px no-repeat; } .open a.button.toggle-filters, .open.selected a.button.toggle-filters, .selected a.button.toggle-filters:hover, .selected a.button.toggle-filters:active, a.button.toggle-filters:hover, a.button.toggle-filters:active { background: url('../img/icons/icon-dropdown-hover.png') 100% 3px no-repeat; } .filter-pulldown { display: none; position: relative; z-index: 1000; margin: -1px 0; padding: 0 10px 10px; } .filter-pulldown .filter { position: relative; padding: 7px 0 0; width: 100%; } .filter-pulldown select { width: 100% !important; } .filter-pulldown label { margin: 0 0 -2px; padding: 0; width: 100% !important; line-height: 12px; font-weight: bold; } /* Module Date Hierarchy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module + .module.date-hierarchy { margin-top: -8px; } .date-hierarchy ul { position: relative; float: left; clear: both; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .date-hierarchy ul li { position: relative; float: left; margin-right: 10px; } .module.date-hierarchy ul a, .module.date-hierarchy ul span { padding: 2px 5px 1px; font-weight: normal; } .date-hierarchy ul li a.date-hierarchy-back { padding-left: 10px; background: 0 50% no-repeat scroll; } .date-hierarchy a.date-hierarchy-back:link, .date-hierarchy a.date-hierarchy-back:visited { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-date-hierarchy-back.png'); } .date-hierarchy a.date-hierarchy-back:hover, .date-hierarchy a.date-hierarchy-back:active { background-image: url('../img/icons/icon-date-hierarchy-back-hover.png'); } /* Pagination ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module.pagination { padding: 8px 10px; } .module .module.pagination { position: relative; float: left; } ul.pagination { position: relative; clear: both; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: auto; font-weight: bold; } ul.pagination li { position: relative; float: left; display: block; margin-right: 3px; } ul.pagination li.results { margin-right: 10px; } ul.pagination li.separator { border-color: transparent; } ul.pagination li:last-child { clear: right; } ul.pagination span, ul.pagination a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 8px 4px; min-width: 25px; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; } ul.pagination li.separator span { padding: 4px 0; min-width: 10px; font-size: 14px; } ul.pagination li.showall { margin-left: 7px; } .submit-row ul.pagination li, .submit-row ul.pagination li.results { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; } /* Module Changelist-Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module.changelist-results { background: url('../img/backgrounds/changelist-results.png') repeat scroll !important; } .changelist-actions + .changelist-results, .changelist-results + .changelist-actions { margin-top: -1px; } /* Module Changelist Actions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .changelist-actions { position: relative; margin-bottom: 0; } .changelist-actions ul { position: relative; float: left; display: inline; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: -1px 10px -1px 0; } .changelist-actions ul li { position: relative; float: left; display: block; margin-right: 3px; } .changelist-actions ul a, .changelist-actions ul span { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 8px 3px; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; } .changelist-actions ul span span { padding: 0; } .changelist-actions #action-toggle { display: none; } .changelist-actions select { float: left; margin: 0 10px 0 0; width: 278px; } .changelist-actions li.all, .changelist-actions li.clear-selection, .changelist-actions li.question { display: none; } /* Submit Row ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module.submit-row { width: 100%; } ul.submit-row { position: relative; float: left; clear: both; width: 100%; } .pagination + ul.submit-row { float: right; clear: none; width: 25%; } ul.submit-row li { float: right; margin-left: 10px; } ul.submit-row li.left { float: left; } ul.submit-row li.left:first-child { margin-left: 0; } /* Module Footer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .module.footer { position: fixed; z-index: 1000; bottom: 0; margin: 0 -20px; padding: 12px 20px; min-width: 100px; width: 100%; opacity: 1; box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; } .module.footer .changelist-actions { position: relative; float: left; clear: none; width: 75%; padding: 2px 0 0; } .change-list .module.footer ul.submit-row { position: relative; float: right; clear: none; width: 25%; } /* Sortable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ .sortablehelper, sortablehelper * { display: none; }