import json import random from typing import Dict from import BaseCommand from kfet.models import Account, Article, Operation def gen_anonymisation_table() -> Dict[int, str]: random.seed() hashes = {} for account_id in Account.objects.values_list("id", flat=True): h = random.getrandbits(128) hashes[account_id] = "{:032x}".format(h) return hashes def dump_articles(filename: str) -> None: articles = [ { "id":, "name":, "price": str(article.price), "category":, "box_type": article.box_type, "box_capacity": article.box_capacity, } for article in Article.objects.all() ] with open(filename, "w") as file: json.dump(articles, file, indent=4) def dump_operations(filename: str, accounts_hashes: Dict[int, str]) -> None: not_canceled_purchases = ( Operation.objects.filter(type=Operation.PURCHASE) .filter(canceled_at__isnull=True) .values_list( "amount", "article__id", "article_nb", "group__at", "group__is_cof", "group__on_acc__id", ) ) operations = [ { "amount": str(amount), "article": article_id, "number": nb, "date": str(at), "is_cof": is_cof, "on_account": accounts_hashes[on_acc], } for amount, article_id, nb, at, is_cof, on_acc in not_canceled_purchases ] with open(filename, "w") as file: json.dump(operations, file, indent=4) class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Dump un historique "anonymisé".' def handle(self, *args, **options): # XXX. This is not great for privacy. accounts_hashes = gen_anonymisation_table() article_file = "article.dump.json" self.stdout.write('Dumping articles to "{}"'.format(article_file)) dump_articles(article_file) operation_file = "operation.dump.json" self.stdout.write('Dumping operations to "{}"'.format(operation_file)) dump_operations(operation_file, accounts_hashes)