from unittest import mock from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import QueryDict from django.test import Client from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.functional import cached_property from .utils import create_root, create_team, create_user class TestCaseMixin: """Extends TestCase for kfet application tests.""" def assertForbidden(self, response): """ Test that the response (retrieved with a Client) is a denial of access. The response should verify one of the following: - its HTTP response code is 403, - it redirects to the login page with a GET parameter named 'next' whose value is the url of the requested page. """ request = response.wsgi_request try: try: # Is this an HTTP Forbidden response ? self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403) except AssertionError: # A redirection to the login view is fine too. # Let's build the login url with the 'next' param on current # page. full_path = request.get_full_path() querystring = QueryDict(mutable=True) querystring['next'] = full_path login_url = '/login?' + querystring.urlencode(safe='/') # We don't focus on what the login view does. # So don't fetch the redirect. self.assertRedirects( response, login_url, fetch_redirect_response=False, ) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError( "%(http_method)s request at %(path)s should be forbidden for " "%(username)s user.\n" "Response isn't 403, nor a redirect to login view. Instead, " "response code is %(code)d." % { 'http_method': request.method, 'path': request.get_full_path(), 'username': ( "'{}'".format(request.user) if request.user.is_authenticated else 'anonymous' ), 'code': response.status_code, } ) def assertForbiddenKfet(self, response, form_ctx='form'): """ Test that a response (retrieved with a Client) contains error due to lack of kfet permissions. It checks that 'Permission refusée' is present in the non-field errors of the form of response context at key 'form_ctx', or present in messages. This should be used for pages which can be accessed by the kfet team members, but require additionnal permission(s) to make an operation. """ try: self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) try: form = response.context[form_ctx] self.assertIn("Permission refusée", form.non_field_errors()) except (AssertionError, AttributeError, KeyError): messages = [str(msg) for msg in response.context['messages']] self.assertIn("Permission refusée", messages) except AssertionError: request = response.wsgi_request raise AssertionError( "%(http_method)s request at %(path)s should raise an error " "for %(username)s user.\n" "Cannot find any errors in non-field errors of form " "'%(form_ctx)s', nor in messages." % { 'http_method': request.method, 'path': request.get_full_path(), 'username': ( "'%s'" % request.user if request.user.is_authenticated else 'anonymous' ), 'form_ctx': form_ctx, } ) def assertInstanceExpected(self, instance, expected): """ Test that the values of the attributes and without-argument methods of 'instance' are equal to 'expected' pairs. """ for attr, expected_value in expected.items(): value = getattr(instance, attr) if callable(value): value = value() self.assertEqual(value, expected_value) def assertUrlsEqual(self, actual, expected): """ Test that the url 'actual' is as 'expected'. Arguments: actual (str): Url to verify. expected: Two forms are accepted. * (str): Expected url. Strings equality is checked. * (dict): Its keys must be attributes of 'urlparse(actual)'. Equality is checked for each present key, except for 'query' which must be a dict of the expected query string parameters. """ if type(expected) == dict: parsed = urlparse(actual) for part, expected_part in expected.items(): if part == 'query': self.assertDictEqual( parse_qs(parsed.query), expected.get('query', {}), ) else: self.assertEqual(getattr(parsed, part), expected_part) else: self.assertEqual(actual, expected) class ViewTestCaseMixin(TestCaseMixin): """ TestCase extension to ease tests of kfet views. Urls concerns ------------- # Basic usage Attributes: url_name (str): Name of view under test, as given to 'reverse' function. url_args (list, optional): Will be given to 'reverse' call. url_kwargs (dict, optional): Same. url_expcted (str): What 'reverse' should return given previous attributes. View url can then be accessed at the 'url' attribute. # Advanced usage If multiple combinations of url name, args, kwargs can be used for a view, it is possible to define 'urls_conf' attribute. It must be a list whose each item is a dict defining arguments for 'reverse' call ('name', 'args', 'kwargs' keys) and its expected result ('expected' key). The reversed urls can be accessed at the 't_urls' attribute. Users concerns -------------- During setup, three users are created with their kfet account: - 'user': a basic user without any permission, account trigramme: 000, - 'team': a user with kfet.is_team permission, account trigramme: 100, - 'root': a superuser, account trigramme: 200. Their password is their username. One can create additionnal users with 'get_users_extra' method, or prevent these 3 users to be created with 'get_users_base' method. See these two methods for further informations. By using 'register_user' method, these users can then be accessed at 'users' attribute by their label. Similarly, their kfet account is registered on 'accounts' attribute. A user label can be given to 'auth_user' attribute. The related user is then authenticated on self.client during test setup. Its value defaults to 'None', meaning no user is authenticated. Automated tests --------------- # Url reverse Based on url-related attributes/properties, the test 'test_urls' checks that expected url is returned by 'reverse' (once with basic url usage and each for advanced usage). # Forbidden responses The 'test_forbidden' test verifies that each user, from labels of 'auth_forbidden' attribute, can't access the url(s), i.e. response should be a 403, or a redirect to login view. Tested HTTP requests are given by 'http_methods' attribute. Additional data can be given by defining an attribute '_data'. """ url_name = None url_expected = None http_methods = ['GET'] auth_user = None auth_forbidden = [] def setUp(self): """ Warning: Do not forget to call super().setUp() in subclasses. """ # Signals handlers on login/logout send messages. # Due to the way the Django' test Client performs login, this raise an # error. As workaround, we mock the Django' messages module. patcher_messages = mock.patch('cof.signals.messages') patcher_messages.start() self.addCleanup(patcher_messages.stop) # A test can mock '' and give this as return # value. E.g. it is useful if the test checks values of 'auto_now' or # 'auto_now_add' fields. = # These attributes register users and accounts instances. self.users = {} self.accounts = {} for label, user in dict(self.users_base, **self.users_extra).items(): self.register_user(label, user) if self.auth_user: self.client.force_login(self.users[self.auth_user]) def tearDown(self): del self.users_base del self.users_extra def get_users_base(self): """ Dict of . Note: Don't access yourself this property. Use 'users_base' attribute which cache the returned value from here. It allows to give functions calls, which creates users instances, as values here. """ # Format desc: username, password, trigramme return { # user, user, 000 'user': create_user(), # team, team, 100 'team': create_team(), # root, root, 200 'root': create_root(), } @cached_property def users_base(self): return self.get_users_base() def get_users_extra(self): """ Dict of . Note: Don't access yourself this property. Use 'users_base' attribute which cache the returned value from here. It allows to give functions calls, which create users instances, as values here. """ return {} @cached_property def users_extra(self): return self.get_users_extra() def register_user(self, label, user): self.users[label] = user if hasattr(user.profile, 'account_kfet'): self.accounts[label] = user.profile.account_kfet def get_user(self, label): if self.auth_user is not None: return self.auth_user return self.auth_user_mapping.get(label) @property def urls_conf(self): return [{ 'name': self.url_name, 'args': getattr(self, 'url_args', []), 'kwargs': getattr(self, 'url_kwargs', {}), 'expected': self.url_expected, }] @property def t_urls(self): return [ reverse( url_conf['name'], args=url_conf.get('args', []), kwargs=url_conf.get('kwargs', {}), ) for url_conf in self.urls_conf] @property def url(self): return self.t_urls[0] def test_urls(self): for url, conf in zip(self.t_urls, self.urls_conf): self.assertEqual(url, conf['expected']) def test_forbidden(self): for method in self.http_methods: for user in self.auth_forbidden: for url in self.t_urls: self.check_forbidden(method, url, user) def check_forbidden(self, method, url, user=None): method = method.lower() client = Client() if user is not None: client.login(username=user, password=user) send_request = getattr(client, method) data = getattr(self, '{}_data'.format(method), {}) r = send_request(url, data) self.assertForbidden(r)