Stupid jQuery Table Sort ======================== This is a stupid jQuery table sorting plugin. Nothing fancy, nothing really impressive. Overall, stupidly simple. [View the demo here][0] See the example.html document to see how to implement it. Example Usage ------------- The JS: $("table").stupidtable(); The HTML: <table> <thead> <tr> <th data-sort="int">int</th> <th data-sort="float">float</th> <th data-sort="string">string</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>15</td> <td>-.18</td> <td>banana</td> </tr> ... ... ... The thead and tbody tags must be used. Add a `data-sort` attribute of "DATATYPE" to the th elements to make them sortable by that data type. If you don't want that column to be sortable, just omit the `data-sort` attribute. Predefined data types --------------------- Our aim is to keep this plugin as lightweight as possible. Consequently, the only predefined datatypes that you can pass to the th elements are * `int` * `float` * `string` (case-sensitive) * `string-ins` (case-insensitive) These data types will be sufficient for many simple tables. However, if you need different data types for sorting, you can easily create your own! Creating your own data types ---------------------------- Creating your own data type for sorting purposes is easy as long as you are comfortable using custom functions for sorting. Consult [Mozilla's Docs][1] if you're not. Let's create an alphanum datatype for a User ID that takes strings in the form "D10", "A40", and sorts them based on the number. <thead> <tr> <th data-sort="string">Name</th> <th data-sort="int">Age</th> <th data-sort="alphanum">UserID</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Joseph McCullough</td> <td>20</td> <td>D10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Justin Edwards</td> <td>29</td> <td>A40</td> </tr> ... ... ... Now we need to specify how the **alphanum** type will be sorted. To do that, we do the following: $("table").stupidtable({ "alphanum":function(a,b){ var pattern = "^[A-Z](\\d+)$"; var re = new RegExp(pattern); var aNum = re.exec(a).slice(1); var bNum = re.exec(b).slice(1); return parseInt(aNum,10) - parseInt(bNum,10); } }); This extracts the integers from the cell and compares them in the style that sort functions use. Callbacks --------- To execute a callback function after a table column has been sorted, you can bind on `aftertablesort`. var table = $("table").stupidtable(); table.bind('aftertablesort', function (event, data) { // data.column - the index of the column sorted after a click // data.direction - the sorting direction (either asc or desc) // $(this) - this table object console.log("The sorting direction: " + data.direction); console.log("The column index: " + data.column); }); Similarly, to execute a callback before a table column has been sorted, you can bind on `beforetablesort`. See the complex_example.html file. Data with multiple representations/predefined order --------------------------------------------------- Often we find two distinct ways of offering data: In a machine friendly way, and a Human-friendly way. A clear example is a Timestamp. Additionally, arbitrary data values may already have a predefined sort order. In either case, it's to our advantage to have a way to store the "sortable data" while letting the viewer see the Human-friendly representation of that data. While the purpose of the custom sort methods is to take data and make it sortable (machine friendly), sometimes this is too hard or too expensive, computationally speaking. To solve this problem, you can specify a `data-sort-value` attribute to table cells, and the attribute value will be the basis of the sort as opposed to the text value of the table cell. See the complex_example.html file, where we sort a column of letters based not on their alphabetical order, but by their frequency in the English language. You'll still need to specify a sort type or come up with your own custom sort function, but the presence of the `data-sort-value` attribute tells the plugin to use the value of the attribute as the basis of the sort. License ------- The Stupid jQuery Plugin is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for full details. [0]: [1]: