import unittest from uptime_kuma_api import UptimeKumaException, IncidentStyle from uptime_kuma_test_case import UptimeKumaTestCase class TestStatusPage(UptimeKumaTestCase): def test_status_page(self): monitor_id = self.add_monitor() slug = "slug1" expected_status_page = { "slug": slug, "title": "status page 1", "description": "description 1", "showPoweredBy": False, "publicGroupList": [ { 'name': 'Services', 'weight': 1, 'monitorList': [ { "id": monitor_id } ] } ] } # slug must be unique try: self.api.delete_status_page(slug) except UptimeKumaException: pass # add status page r = self.api.add_status_page(slug, expected_status_page["title"]) self.assertEqual(r["msg"], "OK!") # save status page self.api.save_status_page(**expected_status_page) # get status page status_page = self.api.get_status_page(slug), expected_status_page) # get status pages status_pages = self.api.get_status_pages() status_page = self.find_by_id(status_pages, slug, "slug") self.assertIsNotNone(status_page) # publicGroupList and incident is not available in status pages expected_status_page_config = {i: expected_status_page[i] for i in expected_status_page if i != "publicGroupList"}, expected_status_page_config) # edit status page expected_status_page["title"] = "status page 1 new" expected_status_page["theme"] = "dark" self.api.save_status_page(**expected_status_page) status_page = self.api.get_status_page(slug), expected_status_page) # pin incident incident_expected = { "title": "title 1", "content": "content 1", "style": IncidentStyle.DANGER } incident = self.api.post_incident(slug, **incident_expected), incident_expected) # unpin incident self.api.unpin_incident(slug) # delete status page self.api.delete_status_page(slug) with self.assertRaises(UptimeKumaException): self.api.get_status_page(slug) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()