# uptime-kuma-api A wrapper for the Uptime Kuma WebSocket API --- uptime-kuma-api is a Python wrapper for the Uptime Kuma WebSocket API. Installation --- uptime-kuma-api is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI). You can install it using pip: ``` pip install uptime_kuma_api ``` Examples --- Once you have installed the python package, you can use it to communicate with an Uptime Kuma instance. To do so, import `UptimeKumaApi` from the library and specify the Uptime Kuma server url, username and password to initialize the connection. ```python >>> from uptime_kuma_api import UptimeKumaApi >>> api = UptimeKumaApi('INSERT_URL') >>> api.login('INSERT_USERNAME', 'INSERT_PASSWORD') ``` Now you can call one of the existing methods of the instance. For example create a new monitor: ```python >>> result = api.add_monitor(type_=MonitorType.HTTP, name="new monitor", url="") >>> print(result) {'msg': 'Added Successfully.', 'monitor_id': 1} ```