import json import logging import sys import click import click_log from uptime_kuma_api import UptimeKumaApi from .hydratation import hydrate_http_probes from .tree_gen import from_dict from .uptime_kuma import Manager logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) click_log.basic_config() def cli(): pass @cli.command() @click_log.simple_verbosity_option() @click.option( "--file", "-f", help="File to import probes data from", type=click.File("r"), default=sys.stdin, ) @click.option( "--scrape-http-keywords", "-s", is_flag=True, help="Scrape keywords for http probe", default=False, ) @click.option( "--keywords-fallback/--no-keywords-fallback", help="When scrapping keywords, fallback to http if no keywords found", default=True, ) @click.option( "--no-autocreate-tags", "-t", is_flag=True, help="Don't automatically create tags if not in tags section of input", default=False, ) @click.option( "--username", prompt=True, ) @click.option( "--host", prompt=True, ) @click.option( "--password", prompt=True, hide_input=True, ) def apply_json( file, scrape_http_keywords, no_autocreate_tags, keywords_fallback, username, password, host, ): """ Apply json probes """ logger.debug( f"Flags value:\n - scrape_http_keywords: {scrape_http_keywords}\n - no_autocreate_tags: {no_autocreate_tags}\n - keywords_fallback: {keywords_fallback}" ) with UptimeKumaApi(host) as api: logging.debug("Reading json") data = json.load(file) logging.debug("Parsing json") tree = from_dict(api, data, not no_autocreate_tags) if scrape_http_keywords: hydrate_http_probes(tree) logging.debug("Sync probes") api.login(username, password) Manager(api, tree).process() if __name__ == "__main__": cli(auto_envvar_prefix="STATELESS_UPTIME_KUMA")