/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Felix Fietkau * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include "libubus.h" static struct blob_buf b; static int timeout = 30; static bool simple_output = false; static int verbose = 0; static int monitor_dir = -1; static uint32_t monitor_mask; static const char * const monitor_types[] = { [UBUS_MSG_HELLO] = "hello", [UBUS_MSG_STATUS] = "status", [UBUS_MSG_DATA] = "data", [UBUS_MSG_PING] = "ping", [UBUS_MSG_LOOKUP] = "lookup", [UBUS_MSG_INVOKE] = "invoke", [UBUS_MSG_ADD_OBJECT] = "add_object", [UBUS_MSG_REMOVE_OBJECT] = "remove_object", [UBUS_MSG_SUBSCRIBE] = "subscribe", [UBUS_MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE] = "unsubscribe", [UBUS_MSG_NOTIFY] = "notify", }; static const char *format_type(void *priv, struct blob_attr *attr) { static const char * const attr_types[] = { [BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT8] = "\"Boolean\"", [BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT32] = "\"Integer\"", [BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING] = "\"String\"", [BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY] = "\"Array\"", [BLOBMSG_TYPE_TABLE] = "\"Table\"", }; const char *type = NULL; int typeid; if (blob_id(attr) != BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT32) return NULL; typeid = blobmsg_get_u32(attr); if (typeid < ARRAY_SIZE(attr_types)) type = attr_types[typeid]; if (!type) type = "\"(unknown)\""; return type; } static void receive_list_result(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_object_data *obj, void *priv) { struct blob_attr *cur; char *s; int rem; if (simple_output || !verbose) { printf("%s\n", obj->path); return; } printf("'%s' @%08x\n", obj->path, obj->id); if (!obj->signature) return; blob_for_each_attr(cur, obj->signature, rem) { s = blobmsg_format_json_with_cb(cur, false, format_type, NULL, -1); printf("\t%s\n", s); free(s); } } static void receive_call_result_data(struct ubus_request *req, int type, struct blob_attr *msg) { char *str; if (!msg) return; str = blobmsg_format_json_indent(msg, true, simple_output ? -1 : 0); printf("%s\n", str); free(str); } static void receive_event(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_event_handler *ev, const char *type, struct blob_attr *msg) { char *str; str = blobmsg_format_json(msg, true); printf("{ \"%s\": %s }\n", type, str); fflush(stdout); free(str); } static int ubus_cli_list(struct ubus_context *ctx, int argc, char **argv) { const char *path = NULL; if (argc > 1) return -2; if (argc == 1) path = argv[0]; return ubus_lookup(ctx, path, receive_list_result, NULL); } static int ubus_cli_call(struct ubus_context *ctx, int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t id; int ret; if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) return -2; blob_buf_init(&b, 0); if (argc == 3 && !blobmsg_add_json_from_string(&b, argv[2])) { if (!simple_output) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse message data\n"); return -1; } ret = ubus_lookup_id(ctx, argv[0], &id); if (ret) return ret; return ubus_invoke(ctx, id, argv[1], b.head, receive_call_result_data, NULL, timeout * 1000); } struct cli_listen_data { struct uloop_timeout timeout; struct ubus_event_handler ev; bool timed_out; }; static void listen_timeout(struct uloop_timeout *timeout) { struct cli_listen_data *data = container_of(timeout, struct cli_listen_data, timeout); data->timed_out = true; uloop_end(); } static int ubus_cli_listen(struct ubus_context *ctx, int argc, char **argv) { struct cli_listen_data data = { .timeout.cb = listen_timeout, .ev.cb = receive_event, .timed_out = false, }; const char *event; int ret = 0; if (argc > 0) { event = argv[0]; } else { event = "*"; argc = 1; } do { ret = ubus_register_event_handler(ctx, &data.ev, event); if (ret) break; argv++; argc--; if (argc <= 0) break; event = argv[0]; } while (1); if (ret) { if (!simple_output) fprintf(stderr, "Error while registering for event '%s': %s\n", event, ubus_strerror(ret)); return -1; } uloop_init(); ubus_add_uloop(ctx); uloop_timeout_set(&data.timeout, timeout * 1000); uloop_run(); uloop_done(); return 0; } static int ubus_cli_send(struct ubus_context *ctx, int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) return -2; blob_buf_init(&b, 0); if (argc == 2 && !blobmsg_add_json_from_string(&b, argv[1])) { if (!simple_output) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse message data\n"); return -1; } return ubus_send_event(ctx, argv[0], b.head); } struct cli_wait_data { struct uloop_timeout timeout; struct ubus_event_handler ev; char **pending; int n_pending; }; static void wait_check_object(struct cli_wait_data *data, const char *path) { int i; for (i = 0; i < data->n_pending; i++) { if (strcmp(path, data->pending[i]) != 0) continue; data->n_pending--; if (i == data->n_pending) break; memmove(&data->pending[i], &data->pending[i + 1], (data->n_pending - i) * sizeof(*data->pending)); i--; } if (!data->n_pending) uloop_end(); } static void wait_event_cb(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_event_handler *ev, const char *type, struct blob_attr *msg) { static const struct blobmsg_policy policy = { "path", BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }; struct cli_wait_data *data = container_of(ev, struct cli_wait_data, ev); struct blob_attr *attr; const char *path; if (strcmp(type, "ubus.object.add") != 0) return; blobmsg_parse(&policy, 1, &attr, blob_data(msg), blob_len(msg)); if (!attr) return; path = blobmsg_data(attr); wait_check_object(data, path); } static void wait_list_cb(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_object_data *obj, void *priv) { struct cli_wait_data *data = priv; wait_check_object(data, obj->path); } static void wait_timeout(struct uloop_timeout *timeout) { uloop_end(); } static int ubus_cli_wait_for(struct ubus_context *ctx, int argc, char **argv) { struct cli_wait_data data = { .timeout.cb = wait_timeout, .ev.cb = wait_event_cb, .pending = argv, .n_pending = argc, }; int ret; if (argc < 1) return -2; uloop_init(); ubus_add_uloop(ctx); ret = ubus_lookup(ctx, NULL, wait_list_cb, &data); if (ret) return ret; if (!data.n_pending) return ret; ret = ubus_register_event_handler(ctx, &data.ev, "ubus.object.add"); if (ret) return ret; uloop_timeout_set(&data.timeout, timeout * 1000); uloop_run(); uloop_done(); if (data.n_pending) return UBUS_STATUS_TIMEOUT; return ret; } static const char * ubus_cli_msg_type(uint32_t type) { const char *ret = NULL; static char unk_type[16]; if (type < ARRAY_SIZE(monitor_types)) ret = monitor_types[type]; if (!ret) { snprintf(unk_type, sizeof(unk_type), "%d", type); ret = unk_type; } return ret; } static char * ubus_cli_get_monitor_data(struct blob_attr *data) { static const struct blob_attr_info policy[UBUS_ATTR_MAX] = { [UBUS_ATTR_STATUS] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_INT32 }, [UBUS_ATTR_OBJPATH] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_STRING }, [UBUS_ATTR_OBJID] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_INT32 }, [UBUS_ATTR_METHOD] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_STRING }, [UBUS_ATTR_OBJTYPE] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_INT32 }, [UBUS_ATTR_SIGNATURE] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_NESTED }, [UBUS_ATTR_DATA] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_NESTED }, [UBUS_ATTR_ACTIVE] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_INT8 }, [UBUS_ATTR_NO_REPLY] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_INT8 }, [UBUS_ATTR_USER] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_STRING }, [UBUS_ATTR_GROUP] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_STRING }, }; static const char * const names[UBUS_ATTR_MAX] = { [UBUS_ATTR_STATUS] = "status", [UBUS_ATTR_OBJPATH] = "objpath", [UBUS_ATTR_OBJID] = "objid", [UBUS_ATTR_METHOD] = "method", [UBUS_ATTR_OBJTYPE] = "objtype", [UBUS_ATTR_SIGNATURE] = "signature", [UBUS_ATTR_DATA] = "data", [UBUS_ATTR_ACTIVE] = "active", [UBUS_ATTR_NO_REPLY] = "no_reply", [UBUS_ATTR_USER] = "user", [UBUS_ATTR_GROUP] = "group", }; struct blob_attr *tb[UBUS_ATTR_MAX]; int i; blob_buf_init(&b, 0); blob_parse(data, tb, policy, UBUS_ATTR_MAX); for (i = 0; i < UBUS_ATTR_MAX; i++) { const char *n = names[i]; struct blob_attr *v = tb[i]; if (!tb[i] || !n) continue; switch(policy[i].type) { case BLOB_ATTR_INT32: blobmsg_add_u32(&b, n, blob_get_int32(v)); break; case BLOB_ATTR_STRING: blobmsg_add_string(&b, n, blob_data(v)); break; case BLOB_ATTR_INT8: blobmsg_add_u8(&b, n, !!blob_get_int8(v)); break; case BLOB_ATTR_NESTED: blobmsg_add_field(&b, BLOBMSG_TYPE_TABLE, n, blobmsg_data(v), blobmsg_data_len(v)); break; } } return blobmsg_format_json(b.head, true); } static void ubus_cli_monitor_cb(struct ubus_context *ctx, uint32_t seq, struct blob_attr *msg) { static const struct blob_attr_info policy[UBUS_MONITOR_MAX] = { [UBUS_MONITOR_CLIENT] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_INT32 }, [UBUS_MONITOR_PEER] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_INT32 }, [UBUS_MONITOR_SEND] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_INT8 }, [UBUS_MONITOR_TYPE] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_INT32 }, [UBUS_MONITOR_DATA] = { .type = BLOB_ATTR_NESTED }, }; struct blob_attr *tb[UBUS_MONITOR_MAX]; uint32_t client, peer, type; bool send; char *data; blob_parse(msg, tb, policy, UBUS_MONITOR_MAX); if (!tb[UBUS_MONITOR_CLIENT] || !tb[UBUS_MONITOR_PEER] || !tb[UBUS_MONITOR_SEND] || !tb[UBUS_MONITOR_TYPE] || !tb[UBUS_MONITOR_DATA]) { printf("Invalid monitor msg\n"); return; } send = blob_get_int32(tb[UBUS_MONITOR_SEND]); client = blob_get_int32(tb[UBUS_MONITOR_CLIENT]); peer = blob_get_int32(tb[UBUS_MONITOR_PEER]); type = blob_get_int32(tb[UBUS_MONITOR_TYPE]); if (monitor_mask && type < 32 && !(monitor_mask & (1 << type))) return; if (monitor_dir >= 0 && send != monitor_dir) return; data = ubus_cli_get_monitor_data(tb[UBUS_MONITOR_DATA]); printf("%s %08x #%08x %14s: %s\n", send ? "->" : "<-", client, peer, ubus_cli_msg_type(type), data); free(data); fflush(stdout); } static int ubus_cli_monitor(struct ubus_context *ctx, int argc, char **argv) { int ret; uloop_init(); ubus_add_uloop(ctx); ctx->monitor_cb = ubus_cli_monitor_cb; ret = ubus_monitor_start(ctx); if (ret) return ret; uloop_run(); uloop_done(); ubus_monitor_stop(ctx); return 0; } static int add_monitor_type(const char *type) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(monitor_types); i++) { if (!monitor_types[i] || strcmp(monitor_types[i], type) != 0) continue; monitor_mask |= 1 << i; return 0; } return -1; } static int usage(const char *prog) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [] [arguments...]\n" "Options:\n" " -s : Set the unix domain socket to connect to\n" " -t : Set the timeout (in seconds) for a command to complete\n" " -S: Use simplified output (for scripts)\n" " -v: More verbose output\n" " -m : (for monitor): include a specific message type\n" " (can be used more than once)\n" " -M (for monitor): only capture received or transmitted traffic\n" "\n" "Commands:\n" " - list [] List objects\n" " - call [] Call an object method\n" " - listen [...] Listen for events\n" " - send [] Send an event\n" " - wait_for [...] Wait for multiple objects to appear on ubus\n" " - monitor Monitor ubus traffic\n" "\n", prog); return 1; } static struct { const char *name; int (*cb)(struct ubus_context *ctx, int argc, char **argv); } commands[] = { { "list", ubus_cli_list }, { "call", ubus_cli_call }, { "listen", ubus_cli_listen }, { "send", ubus_cli_send }, { "wait_for", ubus_cli_wait_for }, { "monitor", ubus_cli_monitor }, }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *progname, *ubus_socket = NULL; struct ubus_context *ctx; char *cmd; int ret = 0; int i, ch; progname = argv[0]; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "m:M:vs:t:S")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 's': ubus_socket = optarg; break; case 't': timeout = atoi(optarg); break; case 'S': simple_output = true; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'm': if (add_monitor_type(optarg)) return usage(progname); break; case 'M': switch (optarg[0]) { case 'r': monitor_dir = 0; break; case 't': monitor_dir = 1; break; default: return usage(progname); } break; default: return usage(progname); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; cmd = argv[0]; if (argc < 1) return usage(progname); ctx = ubus_connect(ubus_socket); if (!ctx) { if (!simple_output) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to ubus\n"); return -1; } argv++; argc--; ret = -2; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(commands); i++) { if (strcmp(commands[i].name, cmd) != 0) continue; ret = commands[i].cb(ctx, argc, argv); break; } if (ret > 0 && !simple_output) fprintf(stderr, "Command failed: %s\n", ubus_strerror(ret)); else if (ret == -2) usage(progname); ubus_free(ctx); return ret; }