/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Felix Fietkau * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include "libubus.h" #include "libubus-internal.h" struct ubus_pending_data { struct list_head list; int type; struct blob_attr data[]; }; static void req_data_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int type, struct blob_attr *data) { struct blob_attr **attr; if (req->raw_data_cb) req->raw_data_cb(req, type, data); if (!req->data_cb) return; attr = ubus_parse_msg(data); req->data_cb(req, type, attr[UBUS_ATTR_DATA]); } static void __ubus_process_req_data(struct ubus_request *req) { struct ubus_pending_data *data; while (!list_empty(&req->pending)) { data = list_first_entry(&req->pending, struct ubus_pending_data, list); list_del(&data->list); if (!req->cancelled) req_data_cb(req, data->type, data->data); free(data); } } int __hidden ubus_start_request(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_request *req, struct blob_attr *msg, int cmd, uint32_t peer) { memset(req, 0, sizeof(*req)); if (msg && blob_pad_len(msg) > UBUS_MAX_MSGLEN) return -1; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&req->list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&req->pending); req->ctx = ctx; req->peer = peer; req->seq = ++ctx->request_seq; return ubus_send_msg(ctx, req->seq, msg, cmd, peer, -1); } void ubus_abort_request(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_request *req) { if (list_empty(&req->list)) return; req->cancelled = true; __ubus_process_req_data(req); list_del_init(&req->list); } void ubus_complete_request_async(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_request *req) { if (!list_empty(&req->list)) return; list_add(&req->list, &ctx->requests); } static void ubus_req_complete_cb(struct ubus_request *req) { ubus_complete_handler_t cb = req->complete_cb; if (!cb) return; req->complete_cb = NULL; cb(req, req->status_code); } static void ubus_set_req_status(struct ubus_request *req, int ret) { if (!list_empty(&req->list)) list_del_init(&req->list); req->status_msg = true; req->status_code = ret; if (!req->blocked) ubus_req_complete_cb(req); } static void ubus_sync_req_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int ret) { req->status_msg = true; req->status_code = ret; uloop_end(); } static int64_t get_time_msec(void) { struct timespec ts; int64_t val; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); val = (int64_t) ts.tv_sec * 1000LL; val += ts.tv_nsec / 1000000LL; return val; } int ubus_complete_request(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_request *req, int req_timeout) { ubus_complete_handler_t complete_cb = req->complete_cb; bool registered = ctx->sock.registered; int status = UBUS_STATUS_NO_DATA; int64_t timeout = 0, time_end = 0; if (!registered) { uloop_init(); ubus_add_uloop(ctx); } if (req_timeout) time_end = get_time_msec() + req_timeout; ubus_complete_request_async(ctx, req); req->complete_cb = ubus_sync_req_cb; ctx->stack_depth++; while (!req->status_msg) { bool cancelled = uloop_cancelled; uloop_cancelled = false; if (req_timeout) { timeout = time_end - get_time_msec(); if (timeout <= 0) { ubus_set_req_status(req, UBUS_STATUS_TIMEOUT); uloop_cancelled = cancelled; break; } } ubus_poll_data(ctx, (unsigned int) timeout); uloop_cancelled = cancelled; } ctx->stack_depth--; if (ctx->stack_depth) uloop_cancelled = true; if (req->status_msg) status = req->status_code; req->complete_cb = complete_cb; if (req->complete_cb) req->complete_cb(req, status); if (!registered) { uloop_fd_delete(&ctx->sock); if (!ctx->stack_depth) ctx->pending_timer.cb(&ctx->pending_timer); } return status; } void ubus_complete_deferred_request(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_request_data *req, int ret) { blob_buf_init(&b, 0); blob_put_int32(&b, UBUS_ATTR_STATUS, ret); blob_put_int32(&b, UBUS_ATTR_OBJID, req->object); ubus_send_msg(ctx, req->seq, b.head, UBUS_MSG_STATUS, req->peer, req->fd); } int ubus_send_reply(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_request_data *req, struct blob_attr *msg) { int ret; blob_buf_init(&b, 0); blob_put_int32(&b, UBUS_ATTR_OBJID, req->object); blob_put(&b, UBUS_ATTR_DATA, blob_data(msg), blob_len(msg)); ret = ubus_send_msg(ctx, req->seq, b.head, UBUS_MSG_DATA, req->peer, -1); if (ret < 0) return UBUS_STATUS_NO_DATA; return 0; } int ubus_invoke_async(struct ubus_context *ctx, uint32_t obj, const char *method, struct blob_attr *msg, struct ubus_request *req) { blob_buf_init(&b, 0); blob_put_int32(&b, UBUS_ATTR_OBJID, obj); blob_put_string(&b, UBUS_ATTR_METHOD, method); if (msg) blob_put(&b, UBUS_ATTR_DATA, blob_data(msg), blob_len(msg)); if (ubus_start_request(ctx, req, b.head, UBUS_MSG_INVOKE, obj) < 0) return UBUS_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; return 0; } int ubus_invoke(struct ubus_context *ctx, uint32_t obj, const char *method, struct blob_attr *msg, ubus_data_handler_t cb, void *priv, int timeout) { struct ubus_request req; int rc; rc = ubus_invoke_async(ctx, obj, method, msg, &req); if (rc) return rc; req.data_cb = cb; req.priv = priv; return ubus_complete_request(ctx, &req, timeout); } static void ubus_notify_complete_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int ret) { struct ubus_notify_request *nreq; nreq = container_of(req, struct ubus_notify_request, req); if (!nreq->complete_cb) return; nreq->complete_cb(nreq, 0, 0); } static int __ubus_notify_async(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_object *obj, const char *type, struct blob_attr *msg, struct ubus_notify_request *req, bool reply) { memset(req, 0, sizeof(*req)); blob_buf_init(&b, 0); blob_put_int32(&b, UBUS_ATTR_OBJID, obj->id); blob_put_string(&b, UBUS_ATTR_METHOD, type); if (!reply) blob_put_int8(&b, UBUS_ATTR_NO_REPLY, true); if (msg) blob_put(&b, UBUS_ATTR_DATA, blob_data(msg), blob_len(msg)); if (ubus_start_request(ctx, &req->req, b.head, UBUS_MSG_NOTIFY, obj->id) < 0) return UBUS_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* wait for status message from ubusd first */ req->req.notify = true; req->pending = 1; req->id[0] = obj->id; req->req.complete_cb = ubus_notify_complete_cb; return 0; } int ubus_notify_async(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_object *obj, const char *type, struct blob_attr *msg, struct ubus_notify_request *req) { return __ubus_notify_async(ctx, obj, type, msg, req, true); } int ubus_notify(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_object *obj, const char *type, struct blob_attr *msg, int timeout) { struct ubus_notify_request req; int ret; ret = __ubus_notify_async(ctx, obj, type, msg, &req, timeout >= 0); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (timeout < 0) { ubus_abort_request(ctx, &req.req); return 0; } return ubus_complete_request(ctx, &req.req, timeout); } static bool ubus_get_status(struct ubus_msghdr_buf *buf, int *ret) { struct blob_attr **attrbuf = ubus_parse_msg(buf->data); if (!attrbuf[UBUS_ATTR_STATUS]) return false; *ret = blob_get_u32(attrbuf[UBUS_ATTR_STATUS]); return true; } static int ubus_process_req_status(struct ubus_request *req, struct ubus_msghdr_buf *buf) { int ret = UBUS_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; ubus_get_status(buf, &ret); req->peer = buf->hdr.peer; ubus_set_req_status(req, ret); return ret; } static void ubus_process_req_data(struct ubus_request *req, struct ubus_msghdr_buf *buf) { struct ubus_pending_data *data; int len; if (!req->blocked) { req->blocked = true; req_data_cb(req, buf->hdr.type, buf->data); __ubus_process_req_data(req); req->blocked = false; if (req->status_msg) ubus_req_complete_cb(req); return; } len = blob_raw_len(buf->data); data = calloc(1, sizeof(*data) + len); if (!data) return; data->type = buf->hdr.type; memcpy(data->data, buf->data, len); list_add(&data->list, &req->pending); } static int ubus_find_notify_id(struct ubus_notify_request *n, uint32_t objid) { uint32_t pending = n->pending; int i; for (i = 0; pending; i++, pending >>= 1) { if (!(pending & 1)) continue; if (n->id[i] == objid) return i; } return -1; } static struct ubus_request * ubus_find_request(struct ubus_context *ctx, uint32_t seq, uint32_t peer, int *id) { struct ubus_request *req; list_for_each_entry(req, &ctx->requests, list) { struct ubus_notify_request *nreq; nreq = container_of(req, struct ubus_notify_request, req); if (seq != req->seq) continue; if (req->notify) { if (!nreq->pending) continue; *id = ubus_find_notify_id(nreq, peer); if (*id < 0) continue; } else if (peer != req->peer) continue; return req; } return NULL; } static void ubus_process_notify_status(struct ubus_request *req, int id, struct ubus_msghdr_buf *buf) { struct ubus_notify_request *nreq; struct blob_attr **tb; struct blob_attr *cur; int rem, idx = 1; int ret = 0; nreq = container_of(req, struct ubus_notify_request, req); nreq->pending &= ~(1 << id); if (!id) { /* first id: ubusd's status message with a list of ids */ tb = ubus_parse_msg(buf->data); if (tb[UBUS_ATTR_SUBSCRIBERS]) { blob_for_each_attr(cur, tb[UBUS_ATTR_SUBSCRIBERS], rem) { if (!blob_check_type(blob_data(cur), blob_len(cur), BLOB_ATTR_INT32)) continue; nreq->pending |= (1 << idx); nreq->id[idx] = blob_get_int32(cur); idx++; if (idx == UBUS_MAX_NOTIFY_PEERS + 1) break; } } } else { ubus_get_status(buf, &ret); if (nreq->status_cb) nreq->status_cb(nreq, id, ret); } if (!nreq->pending) ubus_set_req_status(req, 0); } void __hidden ubus_process_req_msg(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_msghdr_buf *buf, int fd) { struct ubus_msghdr *hdr = &buf->hdr; struct ubus_request *req; int id = -1; switch(hdr->type) { case UBUS_MSG_STATUS: req = ubus_find_request(ctx, hdr->seq, hdr->peer, &id); if (!req) break; if (fd >= 0) { if (req->fd_cb) req->fd_cb(req, fd); else close(fd); } if (id >= 0) ubus_process_notify_status(req, id, buf); else ubus_process_req_status(req, buf); break; case UBUS_MSG_DATA: req = ubus_find_request(ctx, hdr->seq, hdr->peer, &id); if (req && (req->data_cb || req->raw_data_cb)) ubus_process_req_data(req, buf); break; } } int __ubus_monitor(struct ubus_context *ctx, const char *type) { blob_buf_init(&b, 0); return ubus_invoke(ctx, UBUS_SYSTEM_OBJECT_MONITOR, type, b.head, NULL, NULL, 1000); }