import subprocess class Dmidecode(): def __init__(self): self.types = { 0: 'bios', 1: 'system', 2: 'base board', 3: 'chassis', 4: 'processor', 7: 'cache', 8: 'port connector', 9: 'system slot', 10: 'on board device', 11: 'OEM strings', #13: 'bios language', 15: 'system event log', 16: 'physical memory array', 17: 'memory device', 19: 'memory array mapped address', 24: 'hardware security', 25: 'system power controls', 27: 'cooling device', 32: 'system boot', 41: 'onboard device', } self.content = self._get_output() = self.parse_dmi() def parse_dmi(self): """ Parse the whole dmidecode output. Returns a list of tuples of (type int, value dict). """ = [] lines = iter(self.content.strip().splitlines()) while True: try: line = next(lines) except StopIteration: break if line.startswith('Handle 0x'): typ = int(line.split(',', 2)[1].strip()[len('DMI type'):]) if typ in self.types: (self.types[typ], self._parse_handle_section(lines)) ) return def _parse_handle_section(self, lines): """ Parse a section of dmidecode output * 1st line contains address, type and size * 2nd line is title * line started with one tab is one option and its value * line started with two tabs is a member of list """ data = { '_title': next(lines).rstrip(), } for line in lines: line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('\t\t'): if isinstance(data[k], list): data[k].append(line.lstrip()) elif line.startswith('\t'): k, v = [i.strip() for i in line.lstrip().split(':', 1)] if v: data[k] = v else: data[k] = [] else: break return data def _get_output(self): try: output = subprocess.check_output( 'PATH=$PATH:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin ' 'sudo dmidecode', shell=True) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) if str(e).find("command not found") == -1: print("please install dmidecode", file=sys.stderr) print("e.g. sudo apt install dmidecode",file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return output.decode() def get(self, i): return [v for j, v in if j == i]