# 1. Copy this file and rename it to .env.local # 2. Update the enviroment variables below. # API key and secret. If you use LiveKit Cloud this can be generated via the cloud dashboard. LIVEKIT_API_KEY=devkey LIVEKIT_API_SECRET=secret # URL pointing to the LiveKit server. LIVEKIT_URL=wss://my-livekit-project.livekit.cloud ## PUBLIC NEXT_PUBLIC_LK_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=/api/token # Uncomment settings menu when using a LiveKit Cloud, it'll enable Krisp noise filters. # NEXT_PUBLIC_SHOW_SETTINGS_MENU=true # Optional, to pipe logs to datadog # NEXT_PUBLIC_DATADOG_CLIENT_TOKEN=client-token # NEXT_PUBLIC_DATADOG_SITE=datadog-site