{ writeScriptBin , writeScript , systemconfig , stdenv , execline , lib , config ? {} , liminix , pseudofile , pkgs } : let inherit (pseudofile) dir symlink; inherit (liminix.services) oneshot; paramConfig = config; newRoot = "/run/maintenance"; sysconfig = let doChroot = writeScript "exec" '' #!${execline}/bin/execlineb -P cd ${newRoot} foreground { mount --move ${newRoot} / } redirfd -r 0 /dev/console redirfd -w 1 /dev/console fdmove -c 2 1 emptyenv chroot . /bin/init ''; base = {...} : { config = { services = { banner = oneshot { name = "banner"; up = "cat /etc/banner > /dev/console"; down = "true"; }; }; filesystem = dir { exec = symlink doChroot; etc = dir { banner = symlink (pkgs.writeText "banner" '' LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE ARE FLOATING IN SPACE Most services are disabled. The system is operating with a ram-based root filesystem, making it safe to overwrite the flash devices in order to perform upgrades and maintenance. Don't forget to reboot when you have finished. ''); }; }; }; }; eval = lib.evalModules { modules = [ ../../modules/base.nix ../../modules/users.nix ../../modules/busybox.nix ../../modules/hostname.nix ../../modules/misc/assertions.nix ../../modules/nixpkgs.nix base { # Inherit from that target system host platform. nixpkgs.hostPlatform = stdenv.hostPlatform; # Force our own package set. nixpkgs.pkgs = lib.mkForce pkgs; } ({ ... } : paramConfig) ../../modules/s6 ]; }; in systemconfig eval.config.filesystem.contents eval.config.hostname; in writeScriptBin "levitate" '' #!/bin/sh destdir=${newRoot} mkdir -p $destdir $destdir/nix/store for path in $(cat ${sysconfig}/etc/nix-store-paths) ; do (cd $destdir && cp -a $path .$path) done ${sysconfig}/bin/activate $destdir ''