# Test cases for VHT operations with hostapd
# Copyright (c) 2014, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2013, Intel Corporation
# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# See README for more details.

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
import os
import subprocess, time

import hwsim_utils
import hostapd
from wpasupplicant import WpaSupplicant
from utils import *
from test_dfs import wait_dfs_event

def test_ap_vht80(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80 MHz channel width"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
        sig = dev[0].request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
        if "FREQUENCY=5180" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(1): " + str(sig))
        if "WIDTH=80 MHz" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(2): " + str(sig))
        est = dev[0].get_bss(bssid)['est_throughput']
        if est != "390001":
            raise Exception("Unexpected BSS est_throughput: " + est)
        status = dev[0].get_status()
        if status["ieee80211ac"] != "1":
            raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211ac value (STA)")
        status = hapd.get_status()
        logger.info("hostapd STATUS: " + str(status))
        if status["ieee80211n"] != "1":
            raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211n value")
        if status["ieee80211ac"] != "1":
            raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211ac value")
        if status["secondary_channel"] != "1":
            raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS secondary_channel value")
        if status["vht_oper_chwidth"] != "1":
            raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS vht_oper_chwidth value")
        if status["vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx"] != "42":
            raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx value")
        if "vht_caps_info" not in status:
            raise Exception("Missing vht_caps_info")

        sta = hapd.get_sta(dev[0].own_addr())
        logger.info("hostapd STA: " + str(sta))
        if "[HT]" not in sta['flags']:
            raise Exception("Missing STA flag: HT")
        if "[VHT]" not in sta['flags']:
            raise Exception("Missing STA flag: VHT")
        if 'supp_op_classes' not in sta or len(sta['supp_op_classes']) < 2:
            raise Exception("No Supported Operating Classes information for STA")
        opclass = int(sta['supp_op_classes'][0:2], 16)
        if opclass != 128:
            raise Exception("Unexpected Current Operating Class from STA: %d" % opclass)
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht_wifi_generation(dev, apdev):
    """VHT and wifi_generation"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180")
        status = dev[0].get_status()
        if 'wifi_generation' not in status:
            # For now, assume this is because of missing kernel support
            raise HwsimSkip("Association Request IE reporting not supported")
            #raise Exception("Missing wifi_generation information")
        if status['wifi_generation'] != "5":
            raise Exception("Unexpected wifi_generation value: " + status['wifi_generation'])

        wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
        wpas.interface_add("wlan5", drv_params="force_connect_cmd=1")
        wpas.connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180")
        status = wpas.get_status()
        if 'wifi_generation' not in status:
            # For now, assume this is because of missing kernel support
            raise HwsimSkip("Association Request IE reporting not supported")
            #raise Exception("Missing wifi_generation information (connect)")
        if status['wifi_generation'] != "5":
            raise Exception("Unexpected wifi_generation value (connect): " + status['wifi_generation'])
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def vht80_test(apdev, dev, channel, ht_capab):
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": str(channel),
                  "ht_capab": ht_capab,
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev, params)
        bssid = apdev['bssid']

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE",
                       scan_freq=str(5000 + 5 * channel))
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht80b(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80 MHz channel width (HT40- channel 40)"""
    vht80_test(apdev[0], dev, 40, "[HT40-]")

def test_ap_vht80c(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80 MHz channel width (HT40+ channel 44)"""
    vht80_test(apdev[0], dev, 44, "[HT40+]")

def test_ap_vht80d(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80 MHz channel width (HT40- channel 48)"""
    vht80_test(apdev[0], dev, 48, "[HT40-]")

def test_ap_vht80_params(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80 MHz channel width and number of optional features enabled"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+][SHORT-GI-40][DSS_CCK-40]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_capab": "[MAX-MPDU-11454][RXLDPC][SHORT-GI-80][TX-STBC-2BY1][RX-STBC-1][MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP0]",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42",
                  "require_vht": "1"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)

        dev[1].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180",
                       disable_vht="1", wait_connect=False)
        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180")
        dev[2].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180",
        ev = dev[1].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT"])
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("Association rejection timed out")
        if "status_code=104" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected rejection status code")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
        sta0 = hapd.get_sta(dev[0].own_addr())
        sta2 = hapd.get_sta(dev[2].own_addr())
        capab0 = int(sta0['vht_caps_info'], base=16)
        capab2 = int(sta2['vht_caps_info'], base=16)
        if capab0 & 0x60 == 0:
            raise Exception("dev[0] did not support SGI")
        if capab2 & 0x60 != 0:
            raise Exception("dev[2] claimed support for SGI")
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev, count=3)

def test_ap_vht80_invalid(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with invalid 80 MHz channel configuration (seg1)"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg1_idx": "155",
                  'ieee80211d': '1',
                  'ieee80211h': '1'}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params, wait_enabled=False)
        # This fails due to unexpected seg1 configuration
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-DISABLED"], timeout=5)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("AP-DISABLED not reported")
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80/160 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht80_invalid2(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with invalid 80 MHz channel configuration (seg0)"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "46",
                  'ieee80211d': '1',
                  'ieee80211h': '1'}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params, wait_enabled=False)
        # This fails due to invalid seg0 configuration
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-DISABLED"], timeout=5)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("AP-DISABLED not reported")
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80/160 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht_20(devs, apdevs):
    """VHT and 20 MHz channel"""
    dev = devs[0]
    ap = apdevs[0]
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "test-vht20",
                  "country_code": "DE",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "ht_capab": "",
                  "vht_capab": "",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "0",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "0",
                  "supported_rates": "60 120 240 360 480 540",
                  "require_vht": "1"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(ap, params)
        dev.connect("test-vht20", scan_freq="5180", key_mgmt="NONE")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev, hapd)

        sta = hapd.get_sta(dev.own_addr())
        if 'supp_op_classes' not in sta or len(sta['supp_op_classes']) < 2:
            raise Exception("No Supported Operating Classes information for STA")
        opclass = int(sta['supp_op_classes'][0:2], 16)
        if opclass != 115:
            raise Exception("Unexpected Current Operating Class from STA: %d" % opclass)
        clear_regdom(hapd, devs)

def test_ap_vht_40(devs, apdevs):
    """VHT and 40 MHz channel"""
    dev = devs[0]
    ap = apdevs[0]
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "test-vht40",
                  "country_code": "DE",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "vht_capab": "",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "0",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "0"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(ap, params)
        dev.connect("test-vht40", scan_freq="5180", key_mgmt="NONE")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev, hapd)

        sta = hapd.get_sta(dev.own_addr())
        if 'supp_op_classes' not in sta or len(sta['supp_op_classes']) < 2:
            raise Exception("No Supported Operating Classes information for STA")
        opclass = int(sta['supp_op_classes'][0:2], 16)
        if opclass != 116:
            raise Exception("Unexpected Current Operating Class from STA: %d" % opclass)
        clear_regdom(hapd, devs)

def test_ap_vht_capab_not_supported(dev, apdev):
    """VHT configuration with driver not supporting all vht_capab entries"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+][SHORT-GI-40][DSS_CCK-40]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42",
                  "require_vht": "1"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params, wait_enabled=False)
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-DISABLED"], timeout=5)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("Startup failure not reported")
        for i in range(1, 7):
            if "OK" not in hapd.request("SET vht_capab [MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP%d]" % i):
                raise Exception("Unexpected SET failure")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht160(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width (1)"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "vht_capab": "[VHT160]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "2",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "50",
                  'ieee80211d': '1',
                  'ieee80211h': '1'}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params, wait_enabled=False)
        bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']

        ev = wait_dfs_event(hapd, "DFS-CAC-START", 5)
        if "DFS-CAC-START" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected DFS event")

        state = hapd.get_status_field("state")
        if state != "DFS":
            if state == "DISABLED" and not os.path.exists("dfs"):
                # Not all systems have recent enough CRDA version and
                # wireless-regdb changes to support 160 MHz and DFS. For now,
                # do not report failures for this test case.
                raise HwsimSkip("CRDA or wireless-regdb did not support 160 MHz")
            raise Exception("Unexpected interface state: " + state)

        logger.info("Waiting for CAC to complete")

        ev = wait_dfs_event(hapd, "DFS-CAC-COMPLETED", 70)
        if "success=1" not in ev:
            raise Exception("CAC failed")
        if "freq=5180" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected DFS freq result")

        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED"], timeout=5)
        if not ev:
            raise Exception("AP setup timed out")

        state = hapd.get_status_field("state")
        if state != "ENABLED":
            raise Exception("Unexpected interface state")

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
        sig = dev[0].request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
        if "FREQUENCY=5180" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(1): " + str(sig))
        if "WIDTH=160 MHz" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(2): " + str(sig))

        est = dev[0].get_bss(bssid)['est_throughput']
        if est != "780001":
            raise Exception("Unexpected BSS est_throughput: " + est)

        sta = hapd.get_sta(dev[0].own_addr())
        if 'supp_op_classes' not in sta or len(sta['supp_op_classes']) < 2:
            raise Exception("No Supported Operating Classes information for STA")
        opclass = int(sta['supp_op_classes'][0:2], 16)
        if opclass != 129:
            raise Exception("Unexpected Current Operating Class from STA: %d" % opclass)
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80/160 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        if hapd:
        subprocess.call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])
        dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE"], timeout=0.5)

def test_ap_vht160b(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width (2)"""
        hapd = None

        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "104",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40-]",
                  "vht_capab": "[VHT160]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "2",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "114",
                  'ieee80211d': '1',
                  'ieee80211h': '1'}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params, wait_enabled=False)

        ev = wait_dfs_event(hapd, "DFS-CAC-START", 5)
        if "DFS-CAC-START" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected DFS event(2)")

        state = hapd.get_status_field("state")
        if state != "DFS":
            if state == "DISABLED" and not os.path.exists("dfs"):
                # Not all systems have recent enough CRDA version and
                # wireless-regdb changes to support 160 MHz and DFS. For now,
                # do not report failures for this test case.
                raise HwsimSkip("CRDA or wireless-regdb did not support 160 MHz")
            raise Exception("Unexpected interface state: " + state)

        logger.info("Waiting for CAC to complete")

        ev = wait_dfs_event(hapd, "DFS-CAC-COMPLETED", 70)
        if "success=1" not in ev:
            raise Exception("CAC failed(2)")
        if "freq=5520" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected DFS freq result(2)")

        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED"], timeout=5)
        if not ev:
            raise Exception("AP setup timed out(2)")

        state = hapd.get_status_field("state")
        if state != "ENABLED":
            raise Exception("Unexpected interface state(2)")

        freq = hapd.get_status_field("freq")
        if freq != "5520":
            raise Exception("Unexpected frequency(2)")

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5520")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
        sig = dev[0].request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
        if "FREQUENCY=5520" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(1): " + str(sig))
        if "WIDTH=160 MHz" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(2): " + str(sig))
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80/160 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        if hapd:
        subprocess.call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])
        dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE"], timeout=0.5)

def test_ap_vht160_no_dfs_100_plus(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width and no DFS (100 plus)"""
    run_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev, "100", "[HT40+]")

def test_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width and no DFS (104 minus)"""
    run_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev, "104", "[HT40-]")

def test_ap_vht160_no_dfs_108_plus(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width and no DFS (108 plus)"""
    run_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev, "108", "[HT40+]")

def test_ap_vht160_no_dfs_112_minus(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width and no DFS (112 minus)"""
    run_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev, "112", "[HT40-]")

def test_ap_vht160_no_dfs_116_plus(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width and no DFS (116 plus)"""
    run_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev, "116", "[HT40+]")

def test_ap_vht160_no_dfs_120_minus(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width and no DFS (120 minus)"""
    run_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev, "120", "[HT40-]")

def test_ap_vht160_no_dfs_124_plus(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width and no DFS (124 plus)"""
    run_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev, "124", "[HT40+]")

def test_ap_vht160_no_dfs_128_minus(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width and no DFS (128 minus)"""
    run_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev, "128", "[HT40-]")

def run_ap_vht160_no_dfs(dev, apdev, channel, ht_capab):
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "ZA",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": channel,
                  "ht_capab": ht_capab,
                  "vht_capab": "[VHT160]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "2",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "114",
                  'ieee80211d': '1',
                  'ieee80211h': '1'}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params, wait_enabled=False)
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED"], timeout=2)
        if not ev:
            cmd = subprocess.Popen(["iw", "reg", "get"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            reg = cmd.stdout.readlines()
            for r in reg:
                if b"5490" in r and b"DFS" in r:
                    raise HwsimSkip("ZA regulatory rule did not have DFS requirement removed")
            raise Exception("AP setup timed out")

        freq = str(int(channel) * 5 + 5000)
        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq=freq)
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
        sig = dev[0].request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
        if "FREQUENCY=" + freq not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(1): " + str(sig))
        if "WIDTH=160 MHz" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(2): " + str(sig))
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80/160 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht160_no_ht40(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 160 MHz channel width and HT40 disabled"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "ZA",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "108",
                  "ht_capab": "",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "2",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "114",
                  'ieee80211d': '1',
                  'ieee80211h': '1'}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params, wait_enabled=False)
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED", "AP-DISABLED"], timeout=2)
        if not ev:
            cmd = subprocess.Popen(["iw", "reg", "get"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            reg = cmd.stdout.readlines()
            for r in reg:
                if "5490" in r and "DFS" in r:
                    raise HwsimSkip("ZA regulatory rule did not have DFS requirement removed")
            raise Exception("AP setup timed out")
        if "AP-ENABLED" in ev:
            # This was supposed to fail due to sec_channel_offset == 0
            raise Exception("Unexpected AP-ENABLED")
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80/160 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht80plus80(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80+80 MHz channel width"""
        hapd = None
        hapd2 = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "52",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "vht_capab": "[VHT160-80PLUS80]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "3",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "58",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg1_idx": "155",
                  'ieee80211d': '1',
                  'ieee80211h': '1'}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params, wait_enabled=False)
        # This will actually fail since DFS on 80+80 is not yet supported
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-DISABLED"], timeout=5)
        # ignore result to avoid breaking the test once 80+80 DFS gets enabled

        params = {"ssid": "vht2",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "vht_capab": "[VHT160-80PLUS80]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "3",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg1_idx": "155"}
        hapd2 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params, wait_enabled=False)

        ev = hapd2.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED", "AP-DISABLED"], timeout=5)
        if not ev:
            raise Exception("AP setup timed out(2)")
        if "AP-DISABLED" in ev:
            # Assume this failed due to missing regulatory update for now
            raise HwsimSkip("80+80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")

        state = hapd2.get_status_field("state")
        if state != "ENABLED":
            raise Exception("Unexpected interface state(2)")

        dev[1].connect("vht2", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[1], hapd2)
        sig = dev[1].request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
        if "FREQUENCY=5180" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(1): " + str(sig))
        if "WIDTH=80+80 MHz" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(2): " + str(sig))
        if "CENTER_FRQ1=5210" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(3): " + str(sig))
        if "CENTER_FRQ2=5775" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(4): " + str(sig))

        sta = hapd2.get_sta(dev[1].own_addr())
        if 'supp_op_classes' not in sta or len(sta['supp_op_classes']) < 2:
            raise Exception("No Supported Operating Classes information for STA")
        opclass = int(sta['supp_op_classes'][0:2], 16)
        if opclass != 130:
            raise Exception("Unexpected Current Operating Class from STA: %d" % opclass)
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80/160 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        if hapd:
        if hapd2:
        subprocess.call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])

def test_ap_vht80plus80_invalid(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with invalid 80+80 MHz channel"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "3",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg1_idx": "0",
                  'ieee80211d': '1',
                  'ieee80211h': '1'}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params, wait_enabled=False)
        # This fails due to missing(invalid) seg1 configuration
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-DISABLED"], timeout=5)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("AP-DISABLED not reported")
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80/160 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht80_csa(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80 MHz channel width and CSA"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "149",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "155"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5745")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5180 ht vht blocktx center_freq1=5210 sec_channel_offset=1 bandwidth=80")
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-STARTED-CHANNEL-SWITCH"], timeout=10)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("Channel switch start event not seen")
        if "freq=5180" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CS started")
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CHANNEL-SWITCH"], timeout=10)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("Channel switch completion event not seen")
        if "freq=5180" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CS completed")
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=10)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("CSA finished event timed out")
        if "freq=5180" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CSA finished event")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5745")
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=10)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("CSA finished event timed out")
        if "freq=5745" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CSA finished event")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        # This CSA to same channel will fail in kernel, so use this only for
        # extra code coverage.
        hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5745")
        hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=1)
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht_csa_vht80p80(dev, apdev):
    """VHT CSA with VHT80+80 getting enabled"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "149",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "0"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = hapd.own_addr()

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5745")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        #if "OK" not in hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5765 sec_channel_offset=-1 center_freq1=5775 center_freq2=5210 bandwidth=80 vht"):
        if "OK" not in hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5180 sec_channel_offset=1 center_freq1=5210 center_freq2=5775 bandwidth=80 vht"):
            raise Exception("CHAN_SWITCH command failed")
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=10)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("CSA finished event timed out")
        if "freq=5180" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CSA finished event")
        ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CHANNEL-SWITCH"], timeout=5)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("Channel switch event not seen")
        if "freq=5180" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Channel mismatch: " + ev)
        ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED"], timeout=0.5)
        if ev is not None:
            raise Exception("Unexpected disconnection event from station")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        dev[1].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[1], hapd)

        if dev[1].get_status_field("ieee80211ac") != '1':
            raise Exception("VHT not enabled as part of channel switch")
        sig = dev[1].request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
        logger.info("SIGNAL_POLL(1): " + str(sig))
        if "FREQUENCY=5180" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Correct FREQUENCY missing from SIGNAL_POLL")
        if "WIDTH=80+80 MHz" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Correct WIDTH missing from SIGNAL_POLL")
        if "CENTER_FRQ1=5210" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Correct CENTER_FRQ1 missing from SIGNAL_POLL")
        if "CENTER_FRQ2=5775" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Correct CENTER_FRQ1 missing from SIGNAL_POLL")

        sig = dev[0].request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
        logger.info("SIGNAL_POLL(0): " + str(sig))
        if hapd:
        subprocess.call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])

def test_ap_vht_csa_vht40(dev, apdev):
    """VHT CSA with VHT40 getting enabled"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "149",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "0"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = hapd.own_addr()

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5745")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5765 sec_channel_offset=-1 center_freq1=5755 bandwidth=40 vht")
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=10)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("CSA finished event timed out")
        if "freq=5765" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CSA finished event")
        ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CHANNEL-SWITCH"], timeout=5)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("Channel switch event not seen")
        if "freq=5765" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Channel mismatch: " + ev)
        ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED"], timeout=0.5)
        if ev is not None:
            raise Exception("Unexpected disconnection event from station")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        dev[1].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5765")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[1], hapd)

        if dev[1].get_status_field("ieee80211ac") != '1':
            raise Exception("VHT not enabled as part of channel switch")
        if hapd:
        subprocess.call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])

def test_ap_vht_csa_vht20(dev, apdev):
    """VHT CSA with VHT20 getting enabled"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "149",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "0"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = hapd.own_addr()

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5745")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5200 center_freq1=5200 bandwidth=20 vht")
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=10)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("CSA finished event timed out")
        if "freq=5200" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CSA finished event")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        dev[1].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5200")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[1], hapd)

        if dev[1].get_status_field("ieee80211ac") != '1':
            raise Exception("VHT not enabled as part of channel switch")
        if hapd:
        subprocess.call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])

def test_ap_vht_csa_vht40_disable(dev, apdev):
    """VHT CSA with VHT40 getting disabled"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "149",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_capab": "",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "0",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "0"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = hapd.own_addr()

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5200 5745")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5200 center_freq1=5210 sec_channel_offset=1 bandwidth=40 ht")
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=10)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("CSA finished event timed out")
        if "freq=5200" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Unexpected channel in CSA finished event")
        ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CHANNEL-SWITCH"], timeout=5)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("Channel switch event not seen")
        if "freq=5200" not in ev:
            raise Exception("Channel mismatch: " + ev)
        ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED"], timeout=5)
        if ev:
            # mac80211 does not support CSA to disable VHT, so the channel
            # switch will be followed by disconnection and attempt to reconnect.
            # Wait for that here to avoid failing the test case based on how
            # example the connectivity test would get timed compared to getting
            # disconnected or reconnected.
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)

        dev[1].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5200")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[1], hapd)

        if dev[1].get_status_field("ieee80211ac") == '1':
            raise Exception("VHT not disabled as part of channel switch")
        if hapd:
        subprocess.call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])

def test_ap_vht_on_24ghz(dev, apdev):
    """Subset of VHT features on 2.4 GHz"""
    hapd = None
    params = {"ssid": "test-vht-2g",
              "hw_mode": "g",
              "channel": "1",
              "ieee80211n": "1",
              "vendor_vht": "1",
              "vht_capab": "[MAX-MPDU-11454]",
              "vht_oper_chwidth": "0",
              "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "1"}
    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        if "OK" not in dev[0].request("VENDOR_ELEM_ADD 13 dd1300904c0400bf0c3240820feaff0000eaff0000"):
            raise Exception("Failed to add vendor element")
        dev[0].connect("test-vht-2g", scan_freq="2412", key_mgmt="NONE")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
        sta = hapd.get_sta(dev[0].own_addr())
        if '[VENDOR_VHT]' not in sta['flags']:
            raise Exception("No VENDOR_VHT STA flag")

        dev[1].connect("test-vht-2g", scan_freq="2412", key_mgmt="NONE")
        sta = hapd.get_sta(dev[1].own_addr())
        if '[VENDOR_VHT]' in sta['flags']:
            raise Exception("Unexpected VENDOR_VHT STA flag")

        status = dev[0].get_status()
        if 'wifi_generation' in status:
            if status['wifi_generation'] != "4":
                raise Exception("Unexpected wifi_generation value: " + status['wifi_generation'])

        status = dev[1].get_status()
        if 'wifi_generation' in status:
            if status['wifi_generation'] != "4":
                raise Exception("Unexpected wifi_generation value(2): " + status['wifi_generation'])
        dev[0].request("VENDOR_ELEM_REMOVE 13 *")

def test_ap_vht_on_24ghz_2(dev, apdev):
    """Subset of VHT features on 2.4 GHz (2)"""
    hapd = None
    params = {"ssid": "test-vht-2g",
              "hw_mode": "g",
              "channel": "1",
              "ieee80211n": "1",
              "ieee80211ac": "1",
              "vendor_vht": "1",
              "vht_capab": "[MAX-MPDU-11454]",
              "vht_oper_chwidth": "0",
              "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "1"}
    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        if "OK" not in dev[0].request("VENDOR_ELEM_ADD 13 bf0cfa048003aaaa0000aaaa0000dd1300904c0400bf0c3240820feaff0000eaff0000"):
            raise Exception("Failed to add vendor element")
        dev[0].connect("test-vht-2g", scan_freq="2412", key_mgmt="NONE")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
        sta = hapd.get_sta(dev[0].own_addr())
        if '[VHT]' not in sta['flags']:
            raise Exception("No VHT STA flag")

        dev[1].connect("test-vht-2g", scan_freq="2412", key_mgmt="NONE")
        sta = hapd.get_sta(dev[1].own_addr())
        if '[VENDOR_VHT]' in sta['flags']:
            raise Exception("Unexpected VENDOR_VHT STA flag")
        if '[VHT]' in sta['flags']:
            raise Exception("Unexpected VHT STA flag")

        status = dev[0].get_status()
        if 'wifi_generation' in status:
            if status['wifi_generation'] != "4":
                raise Exception("Unexpected wifi_generation value: " + status['wifi_generation'])

        status = dev[1].get_status()
        if 'wifi_generation' in status:
            if status['wifi_generation'] != "4":
                raise Exception("Unexpected wifi_generation value(2): " + status['wifi_generation'])
        dev[0].request("VENDOR_ELEM_REMOVE 13 *")

def test_prefer_vht40(dev, apdev):
    """Preference on VHT40 over HT40"""
        hapd = None
        hapd2 = None

        params = {"ssid": "test",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']

        params = {"ssid": "test",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "vht_capab": "",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "0",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "0"}
        hapd2 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params)
        bssid2 = apdev[1]['bssid']

        dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=5180)
        dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid2, freq=5180)
        dev[0].connect("test", scan_freq="5180", key_mgmt="NONE")
        if dev[0].get_status_field('bssid') != bssid2:
            raise Exception("Unexpected BSS selected")

        est = dev[0].get_bss(bssid)['est_throughput']
        if est != "135000":
            raise Exception("Unexpected BSS0 est_throughput: " + est)

        est = dev[0].get_bss(bssid2)['est_throughput']
        if est != "180001":
            raise Exception("Unexpected BSS1 est_throughput: " + est)

def test_ap_vht80_pwr_constraint(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80 MHz channel width and local power constraint"""
    hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211d": "1",
                  "local_pwr_constraint": "3",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180")
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        if hapd:
        subprocess.call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])
        dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE"], timeout=0.5)

def test_ap_vht_use_sta_nsts(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80 MHz channel width and use_sta_nsts=1"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42",
                  "use_sta_nsts": "1"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="5180")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht_tkip(dev, apdev):
    """VHT and TKIP"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "wpa": "1",
                  "wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK",
                  "wpa_pairwise": "TKIP",
                  "wpa_passphrase": "12345678",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']

        dev[0].connect("vht", psk="12345678", scan_freq="5180")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd)
        sig = dev[0].request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines()
        if "FREQUENCY=5180" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(1): " + str(sig))
        if "WIDTH=20 MHz (no HT)" not in sig:
            raise Exception("Unexpected SIGNAL_POLL value(2): " + str(sig))
        status = hapd.get_status()
        logger.info("hostapd STATUS: " + str(status))
        if status["ieee80211n"] != "0":
            raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211n value")
        if status["ieee80211ac"] != "0":
            raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS ieee80211ac value")
        if status["secondary_channel"] != "0":
            raise Exception("Unexpected STATUS secondary_channel value")
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht_40_fallback_to_20(devs, apdevs):
    """VHT and 40 MHz channel configuration falling back to 20 MHz"""
    dev = devs[0]
    ap = apdevs[0]
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "test-vht40",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "basic_rates": "60 120 240",
                  "channel": "161",
                  "ieee80211d": "1",
                  "ieee80211h": "1",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+][SHORT-GI-20][SHORT-GI-40][DSSS_CCK-40]",
                  "vht_capab": "[RXLDPC][SHORT-GI-80][TX-STBC-2BY1][RX-STBC1][MAX-MPDU-11454][MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP7]",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "0",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "155"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(ap, params)
        dev.connect("test-vht40", scan_freq="5805", key_mgmt="NONE")
        hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev, hapd)
        clear_regdom(hapd, devs)

def test_ap_vht80_to_24g_ht(dev, apdev):
    """VHT with 80 MHz channel width reconfigured to 2.4 GHz HT"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "FI",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "36",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "1",
                  "vht_oper_chwidth": "1",
                  "vht_capab": "[MAX-MPDU-11454]",
                  "vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": "42"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
        bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']

        hapd.set("ieee80211ac", "0")
        hapd.set("hw_mode", "g")
        hapd.set("channel", "1")
        hapd.set("ht_capab", "")
        hapd.set("vht_capab", "")

        dev[0].connect("vht", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="2412")
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, Exception) and str(e) == "AP startup failed":
            if not vht_supported():
                raise HwsimSkip("80 MHz channel not supported in regulatory information")
        clear_regdom(hapd, dev)

def test_ap_vht_csa_invalid(dev, apdev):
    """VHT CSA with invalid parameters"""
        hapd = None
        params = {"ssid": "vht",
                  "country_code": "US",
                  "hw_mode": "a",
                  "channel": "149",
                  "ht_capab": "[HT40+]",
                  "ieee80211n": "1",
                  "ieee80211ac": "0"}
        hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)

        tests = ["5 5765 center_freq1=5180",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=40",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=40 center_freq2=5180",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=40 sec_channel_offset=1 center_freq1=5180",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=40 sec_channel_offset=-1 center_freq1=5180",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=40 sec_channel_offset=2 center_freq1=5180",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=80",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=80 sec_channel_offset=-1",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=80 center_freq1=5755",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=80 sec_channel_offset=1 center_freq1=5180",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=80 sec_channel_offset=-1 center_freq1=5180",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=80 sec_channel_offset=2 center_freq1=5180",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=80 sec_channel_offset=-1 center_freq1=5775 center_freq2=5775",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=160",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=160 center_freq1=5755",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=160 center_freq1=5755 center_freq2=5755",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=160 center_freq1=5755 center_freq2=5755 sec_channel_offset=-1",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=160 center_freq1=5754 sec_channel_offset=1",
                 "5 5765 bandwidth=160 center_freq1=5755 sec_channel_offset=2",
                 "5 5765 sec_channel_offset=-1"]
        for t in tests:
            if "FAIL" not in hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH " + t):
                raise Exception("Invalid CHAN_SWITCH accepted: " + t)

        hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5765 bandwidth=160 center_freq1=5755 sec_channel_offset=1")
        ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=10)
        if ev is None:
            raise Exception("Timeout on AP-CSA-FINISHED")

        hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 5765 bandwidth=160 center_freq1=5775 sec_channel_offset=-1")
        if hapd:
        subprocess.call(['iw', 'reg', 'set', '00'])