/*! * jquery-confirm v2.5.1 (http://craftpip.github.io/jquery-confirm/) * Author: Boniface Pereira * Website: www.craftpip.com * Contact: hey@craftpip.com * * Copyright 2013-2015 jquery-confirm * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/craftpip/jquery-confirm/blob/master/LICENSE) * * Modifié par: Aurélien Delobelle * Contact: aure.delo@gmail.com * Contenu des modifications: * Cas où il y a un input avec autofocus dans 'content' -> Fix */ if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') { throw new Error('jquery-confirm requires jQuery'); } var jconfirm, Jconfirm; (function ($) { "use strict"; $.fn.confirm = function (options, option2) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof options === 'string') options = { content: options, title: (option2) ? option2 : false }; /* * Alias of $.confirm to emulate native confirm() */ $(this).each(function () { var $this = $(this); $this.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var jcOption = $.extend({}, options); if ($this.attr('data-title')) jcOption['title'] = $this.attr('data-title'); if ($this.attr('data-content')) jcOption['content'] = $this.attr('data-content'); jcOption['$target'] = $this; if ($this.attr('href') && !options['confirm']) jcOption['confirm'] = function () { location.href = $this.attr('href'); }; $.confirm(jcOption); }); }); return $(this); }; $.confirm = function (options, option2) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof options === 'string') options = { content: options, title: (option2) ? option2 : false }; /* * Alias of jconfirm */ return jconfirm(options); }; $.alert = function (options, option2) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof options === 'string') options = { content: options, title: (option2) ? option2 : false }; /* * Alias of jconfirm */ options.cancelButton = false; return jconfirm(options); }; $.dialog = function (options, option2) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; if (typeof options === 'string') options = { content: options, title: (option2) ? option2 : false }; /* * Alias of jconfirm */ options.cancelButton = false; options.confirmButton = false; options.confirmKeys = [13]; return jconfirm(options); }; jconfirm = function (options) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; /* * initial function for calling. */ if (jconfirm.defaults) { /* * Merge global defaults with plugin defaults */ $.extend(jconfirm.pluginDefaults, jconfirm.defaults); } /* * merge options with plugin defaults. */ var options = $.extend({}, jconfirm.pluginDefaults, options); return new Jconfirm(options); }; Jconfirm = function (options) { /* * constructor function Jconfirm, * options = user options. */ $.extend(this, options); this._init(); }; Jconfirm.prototype = { _init: function () { var that = this; this._rand = Math.round(Math.random() * 99999); this._buildHTML(); this._bindEvents(); setTimeout(function () { that.open(); that._watchContent(); }, 0); }, _buildHTML: function () { var that = this; /* * Prefixing animations. */ this.animation = 'anim-' + this.animation.toLowerCase(); this.closeAnimation = 'anim-' + this.closeAnimation.toLowerCase(); this.theme = 'jconfirm-' + this.theme.toLowerCase(); if (this.animation == 'anim-none') this.animationSpeed = 0; this._lastFocused = $('body').find(':focus'); /* * Append html. */ this.$el = $(this.template).appendTo(this.container).addClass(this.theme); this.$el.find('.jconfirm-box-container').addClass(this.columnClass); this.$el.find('.jconfirm-bg').css(this._getCSS(this.animationSpeed, 1)); this.$el.find('.jconfirm-bg').css('opacity', this.opacity); this.$b = this.$el.find('.jconfirm-box').css(this._getCSS(this.animationSpeed, this.animationBounce)).addClass(this.animation); this.$body = this.$b; // alias /* * Add rtl class if rtl option has selected */ if (this.rtl) this.$el.addClass("rtl"); this._contentReady = $.Deferred(); this._modalReady = $.Deferred(); /* * Setup title contents */ this.$title = this.$el.find('.title'); this.contentDiv = this.$el.find('div.content'); this.$content = this.contentDiv; // alias this.$contentPane = this.$el.find('.content-pane'); this.$icon = this.$el.find('.icon-c'); this.$closeIcon = this.$el.find('.closeIcon'); this.$contentPane.css(this._getCSS(this.animationSpeed, 1)); this.setTitle(); this.setIcon(); this._setButtons(); if (this.closeIconClass) this.$closeIcon.html('<i class="' + this.closeIconClass + '"></i>'); that._contentHash = this._hash(that.$content.html()); $.when(this._contentReady, this._modalReady).then(function () { that.setContent(); that.setTitle(); that.setIcon(); }); this._getContent(); this._imagesLoaded(); if (this.autoClose) this._startCountDown(); }, _unwatchContent: function () { clearInterval(this._timer); }, _hash: function () { return btoa((encodeURIComponent(this.$content.html()))); }, _watchContent: function () { var that = this; this._timer = setInterval(function () { var now = that._hash(that.$content.html()); if (that._contentHash != now) { that._contentHash = now; that.setDialogCenter(); that._imagesLoaded(); } }, this.watchInterval); }, _bindEvents: function () { var that = this; var boxClicked = false; this.$el.find('.jconfirm-scrollpane').click(function (e) { // ignore propagated clicks if (!boxClicked) { // background clicked if (that.backgroundDismiss) { that.cancel(); that.close(); } else { that.$b.addClass('hilight'); setTimeout(function () { that.$b.removeClass('hilight'); }, 800); } } boxClicked = false; }); this.$el.find('.jconfirm-box').click(function (e) { boxClicked = true; }); if (this.$confirmButton) { this.$confirmButton.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var r = that.confirm(that.$b); that._stopCountDown(); that.onAction('confirm'); if (typeof r === 'undefined' || r) that.close(); }); } if (this.$cancelButton) { this.$cancelButton.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var r = that.cancel(that.$b); that._stopCountDown(); that.onAction('cancel'); if (typeof r === 'undefined' || r) that.close(); }); } if (this.$closeButton) { this.$closeButton.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); that._stopCountDown(); that.cancel(); that.onAction('close'); that.close(); }); } if (this.keyboardEnabled) { setTimeout(function () { $(window).on('keyup.' + this._rand, function (e) { that.reactOnKey(e); }); }, 500); } $(window).on('resize.' + this._rand, function () { that.setDialogCenter(true); }); }, _getCSS: function (speed, bounce) { return { '-webkit-transition-duration': speed / 1000 + 's', 'transition-duration': speed / 1000 + 's', '-webkit-transition-timing-function': 'cubic-bezier(.36,1.1,.2, ' + bounce + ')', 'transition-timing-function': 'cubic-bezier(.36,1.1,.2, ' + bounce + ')' }; }, _imagesLoaded: function () { var that = this; $.each(this.$content.find('img:not(.loaded)'), function (i, a) { var interval = setInterval(function () { var h = $(a).css('height'); if (h !== '0px') { $(a).addClass('loaded'); that.setDialogCenter(); clearInterval(interval); } }, 40); }) }, _setButtons: function () { /* * Settings up buttons */ this.$btnc = this.$el.find('.buttons'); if (this.confirmButton && $.trim(this.confirmButton) !== '') { this.$confirmButton = $('<button type="button" class="btn">' + this.confirmButton + '</button>').appendTo(this.$btnc).addClass(this.confirmButtonClass); } if (this.cancelButton && $.trim(this.cancelButton) !== '') { this.$cancelButton = $('<button type="button" class="btn">' + this.cancelButton + '</button>').appendTo(this.$btnc).addClass(this.cancelButtonClass); } if (!this.confirmButton && !this.cancelButton) { this.$btnc.hide(); } if (!this.confirmButton && !this.cancelButton && this.closeIcon === null) { this.$closeButton = this.$b.find('.closeIcon').show(); } if (this.closeIcon === true) { this.$closeButton = this.$b.find('.closeIcon').show(); } }, setTitle: function (string) { this.title = (typeof string !== 'undefined') ? string : this.title; this.$title.html(this.title || ''); }, setIcon: function (iconClass) { this.title = (typeof string !== 'undefined') ? iconClass : this.title; this.$icon.html(this.icon ? '<i class="' + this.icon + '"></i>' : ''); }, setContent: function (string) { // only set the content on the modal. var that = this; this.content = (typeof string == 'undefined') ? this.content : string; if (this.content == '') { this.$content.html(this.content); this.$contentPane.hide(); } else { this.$content.html(this.content); this.$contentPane.show(); } if (this.$content.hasClass('loading')) { this.$content.removeClass('loading');// it was loading via ajax. this.$btnc.find('button').prop('disabled', false); } }, _getContent: function (string) { // get content from remote & stuff. var that = this; string = (string) ? string : this.content; this._isAjax = false; /* * Set content. */ if (!this.content) { // if the content is falsy this.content = ''; this.setContent(this.content); this._contentReady.reject(); } else if (typeof this.content === 'string') { if (this.content.substr(0, 4).toLowerCase() === 'url:') { this._isAjax = true; this.$content.addClass('loading'); this.$btnc.find('button').prop('disabled', true); var url = this.content.substring(4, this.content.length); $.get(url).done(function (html) { that.content = html; that._contentReady.resolve(); }).always(function (data, status, xhr) { if (typeof that.contentLoaded === 'function') that.contentLoaded(data, status, xhr); }); } else { this.setContent(this.content); this._contentReady.reject(); } } else if (typeof this.content === 'function') { this.$content.addClass('loading'); this.$btnc.find('button').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); var promise = this.content(this); if (typeof promise !== 'object') { console.error('The content function must return jquery promise.'); } else if (typeof promise.always !== 'function') { console.error('The object returned is not a jquery promise.'); } else { this._isAjax = true; promise.always(function (data, status) { that._contentReady.resolve(); }); } } else { console.error('Invalid option for property content, passed: ' + typeof this.content); } this.setDialogCenter(); }, _stopCountDown: function () { clearInterval(this.timerInterval); if (this.$cd) this.$cd.remove(); }, _startCountDown: function () { var opt = this.autoClose.split('|'); if (/cancel/.test(opt[0]) && this.type === 'alert') { return false; } else if (/confirm|cancel/.test(opt[0])) { this.$cd = $('<span class="countdown">').appendTo(this['$' + opt[0] + 'Button']); var that = this; that.$cd.parent().click(); var time = opt[1] / 1000; this.timerInterval = setInterval(function () { that.$cd.html(' (' + (time -= 1) + ')'); if (time === 0) { that.$cd.html(''); that.$cd.parent().trigger('click'); clearInterval(that.timerInterval); } }, 1000); } else { console.error('Invalid option ' + opt[0] + ', must be confirm/cancel'); } }, reactOnKey: function key(e) { /* * prevent keyup event if the dialog is not last! */ var a = $('.jconfirm'); if (a.eq(a.length - 1)[0] !== this.$el[0]) return false; var key = e.which; // Do not react if Enter/Space is pressed on input elements if (this.contentDiv.find(':input').is(':focus') && /13|32/.test(key)) return false; if ($.inArray(key, this.cancelKeys) !== -1) { /* * Cancel key pressed. */ if (this.$cancelButton) { this.$cancelButton.click(); } else { this.close(); } }/* if ($.inArray(key, this.confirmKeys) !== -1) { */ /* * Confirm key pressed. */ /* if (this.$confirmButton) { this.$confirmButton.click(); } }*/ }, setDialogCenter: function () { if (this.$contentPane.css('display') == 'none') { var contentHeight = 0; var paneHeight = 0; } else { var contentHeight = this.$content.outerHeight(); var paneHeight = this.$contentPane.height(); if (paneHeight == 0) paneHeight = contentHeight; } var off = 100; var w = this.$content.outerWidth(); //var s = '-clip-path: inset(0px 0px '+contentHeight+'px 0px);' + // 'clip-path: inset(0px 0px '+contentHeight+'px 0px)'; this.$content.css({ 'clip': 'rect(0px ' + (off + w) + 'px ' + contentHeight + 'px -' + off + 'px)' }); this.$contentPane.css({ 'height': contentHeight }); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var boxHeight = this.$b.outerHeight() - paneHeight + contentHeight; var topMargin = (windowHeight - boxHeight) / 2; var minMargin = 100; if (boxHeight > (windowHeight - minMargin)) { var style = { 'margin-top': minMargin / 2, 'margin-bottom': minMargin / 2 } $('body').addClass('jconfirm-noscroll'); } else { var style = { 'margin-top': topMargin } $('body').removeClass('jconfirm-noscroll'); } this.$b.css(style); }, close: function () { var that = this; if (this.isClosed()) return false; if (typeof this.onClose === 'function') this.onClose(); this._unwatchContent(); that._lastFocused.focus(); //this.observer.disconnect(); /* unbind the window resize & keyup event. */ $(window).unbind('resize.' + this._rand); if (this.keyboardEnabled) $(window).unbind('keyup.' + this._rand); that.$el.find('.jconfirm-bg').removeClass('seen'); $('body').removeClass('jconfirm-noscroll'); this.$b.addClass(this.closeAnimation); var closeTimer = (this.closeAnimation == 'anim-none') ? 0 : this.animationSpeed; setTimeout(function () { that.$el.remove(); }, closeTimer * 25 / 100); jconfirm.record.closed += 1; jconfirm.record.currentlyOpen -= 1; return true; }, open: function () { var that = this; if (this.isClosed()) return false; that.$el.find('.jconfirm-bg').addClass('seen'); this.$b.removeClass(this.animation); jconfirm.record.opened += 1; jconfirm.record.currentlyOpen += 1; if (typeof this.onOpen === 'function') this.onOpen(); var jcr = 'jconfirm-box' + this._rand; this.$b.attr('aria-labelledby', jcr).attr('tabindex', -1).focus(); this.$b.find('input[autofocus]:visible:first').focus(); if (this.$title) this.$title.attr('id', jcr); else if (this.$content) this.$content.attr('id', jcr); setTimeout(function () { that.$b.css({ 'transition-property': that.$b.css('transition-property') + ', margin' }); that._modalReady.resolve(); }, this.animationSpeed); return true; }, isClosed: function () { return this.$el.css('display') === ''; } }; jconfirm.pluginDefaults = { template: '<div class="jconfirm"><div class="jconfirm-bg"></div><div class="jconfirm-scrollpane"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="jconfirm-box-container"><div class="jconfirm-box" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="labelled" tabindex="-1"><div class="closeIcon">×</div><div class="title-c"><span class="icon-c"></span><span class="title"></span></div><div class="content-pane"><div class="content"></div></div><div class="buttons"></div><div class="jquery-clear"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>', title: 'Hello', content: 'Are you sure to continue?', contentLoaded: function () { }, icon: '', opacity: 0.2, confirmButton: 'Okay', cancelButton: 'Close', confirmButtonClass: 'btn-default', cancelButtonClass: 'btn-default', theme: 'white', animation: 'zoom', closeAnimation: 'scale', animationSpeed: 500, animationBounce: 1.2, keyboardEnabled: false, rtl: false, confirmKeys: [13], // ENTER key cancelKeys: [27], // ESC key container: 'body', confirm: function () { }, cancel: function () { }, backgroundDismiss: false, autoClose: false, closeIcon: null, closeIconClass: false, watchInterval: 100, columnClass: 'col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3 col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1', onOpen: function () { }, onClose: function () { }, onAction: function () { } }; jconfirm.record = { opened: 0, closed: 0, currentlyOpen: 0 }; })(jQuery);