This script enables TextWidget, a widget for CharField that supports
autocomplete for comma-separated values.

It's organization is not final, there are a couple of things that are also used
in widget.js that will be re-factored probably in a script called lib.js.

The API however, is consistent with widget.js, and is not meant to change.

For now, the script is composed of these parts:

- a handful of jQuery extensions to ease treatment of comma separated values in
  an input,
- yourlabs.TextWidget is stripped version of yourlabs.Widget, to handle the
  behavior of a comma separated autocompleted input,
- yourlabsTextWidget jQuery extension which role is to manage TextWidget instances,
- yourlabsTextWidget initialization system, which supports dynamically added
  autocompletes (ie. admin inlines)

jQuery.fn.getSelectionStart = function(){
    // Written by jQuery4U
    // http://www.jquery4u.com/snippets/6-jquery-cursor-functions/#.UDPQ9xXtFw8
    if(this.lengh == 0) return -1;
    input = this[0];
    var pos = input.value.length;
    if (input.createTextRange) {
        if (window.getSelection) {
            var r = window.getSelection(); //IE11
        } else {
            var r = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
            r.moveEnd('character', input.value.length);
        if (r.text == '')
            pos = input.value.length;
        pos = input.value.lastIndexOf(r.text);
    } else if(typeof(input.selectionStart)!="undefined")
    pos = input.selectionStart;
    return pos;

jQuery.fn.getCursorPosition = function(){
    // Written by jQuery4U
    if(this.lengh == 0) return -1;
    return $(this).getSelectionStart();

// Return the word on which the cursor is on.
// Consider the pipe "|" as an ASCII representation of the cursor, with such an
// input value::
//     foo, bar|, baz
// getCursorWord would return 'bar'.
jQuery.fn.getCursorWord = function() {
    var value = $(this).val();
    var positions = $(this).getCursorWordPositions();
    return value.substring(positions[0], positions[1]);

// Return the offsets of the word on which the cursor is on.
// Consider the pipe "|" as an ASCII representation of the cursor, with such an
// input value::
//     foo, bar|, baz
// getCursorWord would return [6, 8].
jQuery.fn.getCursorWordPositions = function() {
    var position = $(this).getCursorPosition();
    var value = $(this).val();
    var word = '';

    // find start of word
    for(var start=position - 1; start >= 0; start--) {
        if (value[start] == ',') {
    start = start < 0 ? 0 : start;

    // find end of word
    for(var end=position; end <= value.length - 1; end++) {
        if (value[end] == ',') {

    while(value[start] == ',' || value[start] == ' ') start++;
    while(value[end] == ',' || value[end] == ' ') end--;

    return [start, end + 1];

// TextWidget ties an input with an autocomplete.
yourlabs.TextWidget = function(input) {
    this.input = input;
    this.autocompleteOptions = {
        getQuery: function() {
            return this.input.getCursorWord();

// The widget is in charge of managing its Autocomplete.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.initializeAutocomplete = function() {
    this.autocomplete = this.input.yourlabsAutocomplete(

    // Add a class to ease css selection of autocompletes for widgets

// Bind Autocomplete.selectChoice signal to TextWidget.selectChoice()
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.bindSelectChoice = function() {
    this.input.bind('selectChoice', function(e, choice) {
        if (!choice.length)
            return // placeholder: create choice here


// Called when a choice is selected from the Autocomplete.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.selectChoice = function(choice) {
    var inputValue = this.input.val();
    var choiceValue = this.getValue(choice);
    var positions = this.input.getCursorWordPositions();

    var newValue = inputValue.substring(0, positions[0]);
    newValue += choiceValue;
    newValue += inputValue.substring(positions[1]);


// Return the value of an HTML choice, used to fill the input.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.getValue = function(choice) {
    return $.trim(choice.html().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""));

// Initialize the widget.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.initialize = function() {

// Destroy the widget. Takes a widget element because a cloned widget element
// will be dirty, ie. have wrong .input and .widget properties.
yourlabs.TextWidget.prototype.destroy = function(input) {

// TextWidget factory, registry and destroyer, as jQuery extension.
$.fn.yourlabsTextWidget = function(overrides) {
    var overrides = overrides ? overrides : {};

    if (overrides == 'destroy') {
        var widget = this.data('widget');
        if (widget) {

    if (this.data('widget') == undefined) {
        // Instanciate the widget
        var widget = new yourlabs.TextWidget(this);

        // Pares data-*
        var data = this.data();
        var dataOverrides = {
            autocompleteOptions: {
                // workaround a display bug
                minimumCharacters: 0,
                getQuery: function() {
                    // Override getQuery since we need the autocomplete to filter
                    // choices based on the word the cursor is on, rather than the full
                    // input value.
                    return this.input.getCursorWord();
        for (var key in data) {
            if (!key) continue;

            if (key.substr(0, 12) == 'autocomplete') {
                if (key == 'autocomplete') continue;

                var newKey = key.replace('autocomplete', '');
                newKey = newKey.replace(newKey[0], newKey[0].toLowerCase())
                dataOverrides['autocompleteOptions'][newKey] = data[key];
            } else {
                dataOverrides[key] = data[key];

        // Allow attribute overrides
        widget = $.extend(widget, dataOverrides);

        // Allow javascript object overrides
        widget = $.extend(widget, overrides);

        this.data('widget', widget);

        // Setup for usage

        // Widget is ready
        widget.input.attr('data-widget-ready', 1);

    return this.data('widget');

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('body').on('initialize', 'input[data-widget-bootstrap=text]', function() {
        Only setup autocompletes on inputs which have
        data-widget-bootstrap=text, if you want to initialize some
        autocompletes with custom code, then set
        data-widget-boostrap=yourbootstrap or something like that.

    // Solid initialization, usage::
    //      $(document).bind('yourlabsTextWidgetReady', function() {
    //          $('body').on('initialize', 'input[data-widget-bootstrap=text]', function() {
    //              $(this).yourlabsTextWidget({
    //                  yourCustomArgs: // ...
    //              })
    //          });
    //      });

    $('.autocomplete-light-text-widget:not([id*="__prefix__"])').each(function() {

    $(document).bind('DOMNodeInserted', function(e) {
        var widget = $(e.target).find('.autocomplete-light-text-widget');

        if (!widget.length) {
            widget = $(e.target).is('.autocomplete-light-text-widget') ? $(e.target) : false;

            if (!widget) {

        // Ignore inserted autocomplete box elements.
        if (widget.is('.yourlabs-autocomplete')) {

        // Ensure that the newly added widget is clean, in case it was cloned.
