Version française

École normale supérieure : students' server

Personal pages

If you wish to contact a student via e-mail, all ENS addresses are written as firstname . surname @

Index of personnal pages Students' directory Administration's directory

Life at the ENS

Many pages of this section have a restricted access.


The BOcal Administration news


Webmail portal Collective e-mails Mailing lists @ens


COF (sudents' association) COF clubs Arts Bureau Sports Bureau SFthèque DGNum

Students' representatives

Délégation Générale CA-CS representatives


Intranet ExperiENS NextCloud Students' calendar

Computer tools

PDF Tools Shared documents Shared spreadsheets ENS blogs Internal Git server File sharing Plan a meeting Rooms reservation Pegasus : indicating courses taken Mattermost Students' wiki

Other resources

SPI Tuteurs (Unix help and docs) Setup wired internet in the dormitories Manage your webpage

Other servers

Administration, enseignement, recherche

Main website Libraries Conferences

Élèves et anciens

Archicubes and friends of the ENS