***** Setup ***** Clone the repository and go to the directory containing this file. If it is the first time you start the example website, run these commands:: # Create a virtual env. $ virtualenv -p python3 venv $ . venv/bin/activate # Install dependencies (django-allauth-ens is installed from local copy). $ pip install -r requirements.txt # Initialize the database (sqlite). $ ./manage.py migrate Start the server with:: $ ./manage.py runserver Then, open your browser at `<http://localhost:8000/>`_. ***** Usage ***** Pre-existing users ================== You can try to login using one of the existing users: * a "normal" user (username: 'user', password: 'user') * a superuser (username: 'root', password: 'root') Auth Providers ============== Facebook and Google are activated but they won't work unless you provide valid API credentials in the Django Admin at `<http://localhost:8060/admin/socialaccount/socialapp/>`_. Clipper is available (which requires valid credentials). For auto-signup, the new user is populated with the clipper identifier as username (plus a suffix if not available) and ``<clipper id>@clipper.ens.fr`` as email. Adapters ======== ``ACCOUNT_ADAPTER`` and ``SOCIALACCOUNT_ADAPTER`` can be customized in ``adapter.py``.