2024-05-06 15:56:22 +02:00

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describe 'The user' do
let(:password) { SECURE_PASSWORD }
let!(:user) { create(:user, password: password) }
let!(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, :with_all_champs_mandatory) }
let(:user_dossier) { user.dossiers.first }
let!(:dossier_to_link) { create(:dossier) }
scenario 'fill a dossier', js: true, vcr: true do
log_in(user, procedure)
# fill data
fill_in('text', with: 'super texte', match: :first)
fill_in('textarea', with: 'super textarea')
fill_in('date', with: '12-12-2012', match: :first)
fill_in('datetime', with:'2023-01-06T07:05'))
find("input[type=datetime-local]").send_keys(:arrow_up).send_keys(:arrow_down) # triggers onChange
# fill_in('number', with: '42'), deadchamp, should be migrated to textchamp
fill_in('decimal_number', with: '17')
fill_in('integer_number', with: '12')
scroll_to(find_field('checkbox'), align: :center)
find('label', text: 'checkbox').click
find('label', text: 'Madame').click
fill_in('email', with: '')
fill_in('phone', with: '0123456789')
scroll_to(find_field('Non'), align: :center)
find('label', text: 'Non').click
find('.fr-radio-group label', text: 'val2').click
find('.fr-checkbox-group label', text: 'val1').click
find('.fr-checkbox-group label', text: 'val3').click
select('bravo', from: form_id_for('simple_choice_drop_down_list_long'))
select('alpha', from: form_id_for('multiple_choice_drop_down_list_long'))
select('charly', from: form_id_for('multiple_choice_drop_down_list_long'))
select('Australie', from: form_id_for('pays'))
select('Martinique', from: form_id_for('regions'))
select('02 Aisne', from: form_id_for('departements'))
fill_in('communes', with: '60400')
find('li', text: 'Brétigny (60400)').click
wait_until { champ_value_for('communes') == "Brétigny" }
fill_in('address', with: '78 Rue du Grés 30310 Vergè')
find('li', text: '78 Rue du Grés 30310 Vergèze').click
wait_until { champ_value_for('address') == '78 Rue du Grés 30310 Vergèze' }
wait_until { champ_for('address').full_address? }
expect(champ_for('address').departement_code_and_name).to eq('30 Gard')
fill_in('dossier_link', with: '123')
find('.editable-champ-piece_justificative input[type=file]').attach_file(Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/file.pdf')
expect(page).to have_css('span', text: 'Votre brouillon est automatiquement enregistré', visible: true)
# check data on the dossier
expect(user_dossier.brouillon?).to be true
expect(champ_value_for('text')).to eq('super texte')
expect(champ_value_for('textarea')).to eq('super textarea')
expect(champ_value_for('date')).to eq('2012-12-12')
expect(champ_value_for('datetime')).to eq('2023-01-06T07:05:00').iso8601)
# expect(champ_value_for('number')).to eq('42'), deadchamp, should be migrated to textchamp
expect(champ_value_for('decimal_number')).to eq('17')
expect(champ_value_for('integer_number')).to eq('12')
expect(champ_value_for('checkbox')).to eq('true')
expect(champ_value_for('civilite')).to eq('Mme')
expect(champ_value_for('email')).to eq('')
expect(champ_value_for('phone')).to eq('0123456789')
expect(champ_value_for('yes_no')).to eq('false')
expect(champ_value_for('simple_drop_down_list')).to eq('val2')
expect(champ_value_for('simple_choice_drop_down_list_long')).to eq('bravo')
expect(JSON.parse(champ_value_for('multiple_choice_drop_down_list_long'))).to match(['alpha', 'charly'])
expect(JSON.parse(champ_value_for('multiple_drop_down_list'))).to match(['val1', 'val3'])
expect(champ_value_for('pays')).to eq('Australie')
expect(champ_value_for('regions')).to eq('Martinique')
expect(champ_value_for('departements')).to eq('Aisne')
expect(champ_value_for('communes')).to eq('Brétigny')
expect(champ_value_for('dossier_link')).to eq('123')
expect(champ_value_for('piece_justificative')).to be_nil # antivirus hasn't approved the file yet
## check data on the gui
expect(page).to have_field('text', with: 'super texte')
expect(page).to have_field('textarea', with: 'super textarea')
expect(page).to have_field('date', with: '2012-12-12')
expect(page).to have_field('datetime', with: '2023-01-06T07:05')
# expect(page).to have_field('number', with: '42'), deadchamp, should be migrated to textchamp
expect(page).to have_checked_field('checkbox')
expect(page).to have_checked_field('Madame')
expect(page).to have_field('email', with: '')
expect(page).to have_field('phone', with: '0123456789')
expect(page).to have_checked_field('Non')
expect(page).to have_checked_field('val2')
expect(page).to have_checked_field('val1')
expect(page).to have_checked_field('val3')
expect(page).to have_selected_value('simple_choice_drop_down_list_long', selected: 'bravo')
expect(page).to have_selected_value('pays', selected: 'Australie')
expect(page).to have_selected_value('regions', selected: 'Martinique')
expect(page).to have_selected_value('departements', selected: '02 Aisne')
within("##{champ_for('multiple_choice_drop_down_list_long').input_group_id}") do
expect(page).to have_button('alpha')
expect(page).to have_button('charly')
expect(page).to have_field('communes', with: 'Brétigny (60400)')
expect(page).to have_selected_value('pays', selected: 'Australie')
expect(page).to have_field('dossier_link', with: '123')
expect(page).to have_text('file.pdf')
scenario 'fill nothing and every error anchor links points to an existing element', js: true do
log_in(user, procedure)
click_on 'Déposer le dossier'
expect(page).to have_selector("#sumup-errors")
all('.error-anchor').map do |link_element|
error_anchor = URI(link_element['href'])
expect(page).to have_selector("##{error_anchor.fragment}")
let(:procedure_with_repetition) do
create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :repetition, mandatory: true, children: [{ libelle: 'sub type de champ' }] }])
scenario 'fill a dossier with repetition', js: true do
log_in(user, procedure_with_repetition)
fill_in('sub type de champ', with: 'super texte')
expect(page).to have_field('sub type de champ', with: 'super texte')
# first repetition have a destroy hidden
expect(page).to have_selector(".repetition .row .utils-repetition-required-destroy-button", count: 1, visible: false)
expect(page).to have_selector(".repetition .row", count: 1)
# adding an element means we can ddestroy last item
click_on 'Ajouter un élément pour'
expect(page).to have_selector(".repetition .row:first-child .utils-repetition-required-destroy-button", count: 1, visible: false)
expect(page).to have_selector(".repetition .row", count: 2)
expect(page).to have_selector(".repetition .row:last-child .utils-repetition-required-destroy-button", count: 1, visible: true)
within '.repetition .row:first-child' do
fill_in('sub type de champ', with: 'un autre texte')
expect do
within '.repetition .row:last-child' do
click_on 'Supprimer lélément'
wait_until { page.all(".row").size == 1 }
# removing a repetition means one child only, thus its button destroy is not visible
expect(page).to have_selector(".repetition .row:first-child .utils-repetition-required-destroy-button", count: 1, visible: false) change { Champ.count }
let(:simple_procedure) {
create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [
{ mandatory: true, libelle: 'texte obligatoire' }, { mandatory: false, libelle: 'texte optionnel' },
{ mandatory: false, libelle: "nombre entier", type: :integer_number },
{ mandatory: false, libelle: "nombre décimal", type: :decimal_number },
{ mandatory: false, libelle: 'address', type: :address },
{ mandatory: false, libelle: 'IBAN', type: :iban }
scenario 'save an incomplete dossier as draft but cannot not submit it', js: true do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
# Check an incomplete dossier can be saved as a draft, even when mandatory fields are missing
fill_in('texte optionnel', with: 'ça ne suffira pas')
expect(page).to have_current_path(brouillon_dossier_path(user_dossier))
fill_in('IBAN', with: 'FR')
wait_until { champ_value_for('IBAN') == 'FR' }
expect(page).not_to have_content 'nest pas au format IBAN'
expect(page).to have_content 'nest pas au format IBAN'
fill_in('IBAN', with: 'FR7630006000011234567890189')
wait_until { champ_value_for('IBAN') == 'FR76 3000 6000 0112 3456 7890 189' }
expect(page).not_to have_content 'nest pas au format IBAN'
# Check an incomplete dossier cannot be submitted when mandatory fields are missing
click_on 'Déposer le dossier'
expect(user_dossier.reload.brouillon?).to be(true)
expect(page).to have_current_path(brouillon_dossier_path(user_dossier))
# Check a dossier can be submitted when all mandatory fields are filled
fill_in('texte obligatoire', with: 'super texte')
wait_until { champ_value_for('texte obligatoire') == 'super texte' }
click_on 'Déposer le dossier'
wait_until { user_dossier.reload.en_construction? }
expect(page).to have_current_path(merci_dossier_path(user_dossier))
scenario 'fill address not in BAN', js: true do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
fill_in('address', with: '2 rue de la paix, 92094 Belgique')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('address') == '2 rue de la paix, 92094 Belgique'
expect(champ_for('address').full_address?).to be_falsey
scenario 'numbers champs formatting', js: true do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
fill_in('nombre entier', with: '300 environ')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre entier') == '300'
fill_in('nombre entier', with: '-256')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre entier') == '-256'
fill_in('nombre décimal', with: '123 456,78')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre décimal') == '123456.78'
champ_past_value_for('nombre décimal', '123 456,78')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre décimal') == '123456.78'
fill_in('nombre décimal', with: '123 456.78')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre décimal') == '123456.78'
champ_past_value_for('nombre décimal', '123 456.78')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre décimal') == '123456.78'
fill_in('nombre décimal', with: '123 456.002')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre décimal') == '123456.002'
fill_in('nombre décimal', with: '123 456,002')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre décimal') == '123456.002'
champ_past_value_for('nombre décimal', '1,234.56')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre décimal') == '1234.56'
champ_past_value_for('nombre décimal', '-1,234.56')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre décimal') == '-1234.56'
champ_past_value_for('nombre décimal', '1.234,56')
wait_until {
champ_value_for('nombre décimal') == '1234.56'
scenario 'extends dossier experation date more than one time, ', js: true do
simple_procedure.update(procedure_expires_when_termine_enabled: true)
user_old_dossier = create(:dossier,
procedure: simple_procedure,
created_at: simple_procedure.duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds.month.ago,
user: user)
login_as(user, scope: :user)
visit brouillon_dossier_path(user_old_dossier)
expect(page).to have_css('.fr-callout__title', text: 'Votre dossier va expirer', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_no_selector('#test-user-repousser-expiration')
Timecop.freeze(simple_procedure.duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds.month.from_now) do
visit brouillon_dossier_path(user_old_dossier)
expect(page).to have_css('.fr-callout__title', text: 'Votre dossier va expirer', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_no_selector('#test-user-repousser-expiration')
let(:procedure_with_pj) { create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :piece_justificative, mandatory: true, libelle: 'Pièce justificative' }]) }
let(:procedure_with_pjs) { create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :piece_justificative, mandatory: true, libelle: 'Pièce justificative 1' }, { type: :piece_justificative, mandatory: true, libelle: 'Pièce justificative 2' }]) }
let(:old_procedure_with_disabled_pj_validation) { create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :piece_justificative, mandatory: true, libelle: 'Pièce justificative 1', skip_pj_validation: true }]) }
scenario 'add an attachment', js: true do
log_in(user, procedure_with_pjs)
# Add attachments
find_field('Pièce justificative 1').attach_file(Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/file.pdf')
find_field('Pièce justificative 2').attach_file(Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/RIB.pdf')
# Expect the files to be uploaded immediately
expect(page).to have_text('file.pdf')
expect(page).to have_text('RIB.pdf')
expect(page).to have_button("Supprimer", title: "Supprimer le fichier RIB.pdf")
# Expect the submit buttons to be enabled
expect(page).to have_button('Déposer le dossier', disabled: false)
# Reload the current page
visit current_path
# Expect the files to have been saved on the dossier
expect(page).to have_text('file.pdf')
expect(page).to have_text('RIB.pdf')
scenario 'add an invalid attachment on an old procedure where pj validation is disabled', js: true do
log_in(user, old_procedure_with_disabled_pj_validation)
# Test invalid file type
attach_file('Pièce justificative 1', Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/invalid_file_format.json')
expect(page).to have_no_text('La pièce justificative nest pas dun type accepté')
scenario 'retry on transcient upload error', js: true do
log_in(user, procedure_with_pjs)
# Test auto-upload failure
# Make the subsequent auto-upload request fail
allow_any_instance_of(Champs::PieceJustificativeController).to receive(:update) do |instance|
instance.render json: { errors: ["Une erreur est survenue"] }, status: :bad_request
attach_file('Pièce justificative 1', Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/file.pdf')
expect(page).to have_css('p', text: "Une erreur est survenue", visible: :visible, wait: 5)
expect(page).to have_button('Réessayer', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_button('Déposer le dossier', disabled: false)
allow_any_instance_of(Champs::PieceJustificativeController).to receive(:update).and_call_original
# Test that retrying after a failure works
click_on('Réessayer', visible: true, wait: 5)
expect(page).to have_text('file.pdf')
expect(page).to have_button('Déposer le dossier', disabled: false)
expect(page).to have_button("Supprimer", title: "Supprimer le fichier file.pdf")
# Reload the current page
visit current_path
# Expect the file to have been saved on the dossier
expect(page).to have_text('file.pdf')
scenario "upload multiple pieces justificatives on same champ", js: true do
log_in(user, procedure_with_pjs)
attach_file('Pièce justificative 1', Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/file.pdf')
expect(page).to have_text('file.pdf')
attach_file('Pièce justificative 1', Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/white.png')
expect(page).to have_text('white.png')
click_on("Supprimer le fichier file.pdf")
expect(page).not_to have_text('file.pdf')
expect(page).to have_text("La pièce jointe a bien été supprimée")
attach_file('Pièce justificative 1', Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/black.png')
# Mark all attachments as safe to test turbo poll
# They are not immediately attached in db, so we have to wait a bit before continuing
# NOTE: we're using files not used in other tests to avoid conflicts with concurrent tests
attachments = Timeout.timeout(5) do
filenames = ['white.png', 'black.png']
attachments = ActiveStorage::Attachment.where(name: "piece_justificative_file").includes(:blob).filter do |attachment|
fail ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "Not all attachments where found yet" unless attachments.count == filenames.count
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
sleep 0.2
attachments.each {
_1.blob.virus_scan_result = ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::SAFE!
visit current_path
expect(page).not_to have_text('file.pdf')
expect(page).to have_text('white.png')
expect(page).to have_text('black.png')
context 'with condition' do
include Logic
context 'with a repetition' do
let(:stable_id) { 999 }
let(:condition) { greater_than_eq(champ_value(stable_id), constant(18)) }
let(:procedure) do
create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual,
types_de_champ_public: [
{ type: :integer_number, libelle: 'age', stable_id: },
type: :repetition, libelle: 'repetition', condition:, children: [
{ type: :text, libelle: 'nom', mandatory: true }
scenario 'submit a dossier with an hidden mandatory champ within a repetition', js: true do
log_in(user, procedure)
fill_in('age (facultatif)', with: 10)
click_on 'Déposer le dossier'
expect(page).to have_current_path(merci_dossier_path(user_dossier))
context 'with a condition inside repetition' do
let(:a_stable_id) { 999 }
let(:b_stable_id) { 9999 }
let(:a_condition) { ds_eq(champ_value(a_stable_id), constant(true)) }
let(:b_condition) { ds_eq(champ_value(b_stable_id), constant(true)) }
let(:condition) { ds_or([a_condition, b_condition]) }
let(:procedure) do
create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual,
types_de_champ_public: [
{ type: :checkbox, libelle: 'champ_a', stable_id: a_stable_id },
type: :repetition, libelle: 'repetition', mandatory: true, children: [
{ type: :checkbox, libelle: 'champ_b', stable_id: b_stable_id },
{ type: :text, libelle: 'champ_c', condition: }
scenario 'fill a dossier', js: true do
log_in(user, procedure)
expect(page).to have_no_css('label', text: 'champ_c', visible: true)
find('label', text: 'champ_a').click # check
expect(page).to have_css('label', text: 'champ_c', visible: true)
find('label', text: 'champ_a').click # uncheck
expect(page).to have_no_css('label', text: 'champ_c', visible: true)
find('label', text: 'champ_b').click # check
expect(page).to have_css('label', text: 'champ_c', visible: true)
context 'with a required conditionnal champ' do
let(:stable_id) { 999 }
let(:condition) { greater_than_eq(champ_value(stable_id), constant(18)) }
let(:procedure) do
create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual,
types_de_champ_public: [
{ type: :integer_number, libelle: 'age', stable_id: },
{ type: :text, libelle: 'nom', mandatory: true, condition: }
scenario 'submit a dossier with an hidden mandatory champ ', js: true do
log_in(user, procedure)
click_on 'Déposer le dossier'
expect(page).to have_current_path(merci_dossier_path(user_dossier))
scenario 'cannot submit a reveal dossier with a revealed mandatory champ ', js: true do
log_in(user, procedure)
fill_in('age (facultatif)', with: '18')
expect(page).to have_css('label', text: 'nom', visible: :visible)
expect(page).to have_css('.icon.mandatory')
click_on 'Déposer le dossier'
expect(page).to have_current_path(brouillon_dossier_path(user_dossier))
context 'with a visibilite in cascade' do
let(:age_stable_id) { 999 }
let(:permis_stable_id) { 9999 }
let(:tonnage_stable_id) { 99999 }
let(:permis_condition) { greater_than_eq(champ_value(age_stable_id), constant(18)) }
let(:tonnage_condition) { ds_eq(champ_value(permis_stable_id), constant(true)) }
let(:parking_condition) { less_than_eq(champ_value(tonnage_stable_id), constant(20)) }
let(:procedure) do
create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual,
types_de_champ_public: [
{ type: :integer_number, libelle: 'age du candidat', stable_id: age_stable_id },
{ type: :yes_no, libelle: 'permis de conduire', stable_id: permis_stable_id, condition: permis_condition },
{ type: :header_section, libelle: 'info voiture', condition: permis_condition },
{ type: :integer_number, libelle: 'tonnage', stable_id: tonnage_stable_id, condition: tonnage_condition },
{ type: :text, libelle: 'parking', condition: parking_condition }
scenario 'fill a dossier', js: true do
log_in(user, procedure)
expect(page).to have_css('label', text: 'age du candidat', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_no_css('legend', text: 'permis de conduire', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_no_css('legend', text: 'info voiture', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_no_css('label', text: 'tonnage', visible: true)
fill_in('age du candidat (facultatif)', with: '18')
expect(page).to have_css('legend', text: 'permis de conduire', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_css('legend', text: 'info voiture', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_no_css('label', text: 'tonnage', visible: true)
page.find('label', text: 'Oui').click
expect(page).to have_css('legend', text: 'permis de conduire', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_css('label', text: 'tonnage', visible: true)
fill_in('tonnage', with: '1')
expect(page).to have_css('label', text: 'parking', visible: true)
# try to fill with invalid data
fill_in('tonnage (facultatif)', with: 'a')
expect(page).to have_no_css('label', text: 'parking', visible: true)
fill_in('age du candidat (facultatif)', with: '2')
expect(page).to have_no_css('legend', text: 'permis de conduire', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_no_css('label', text: 'tonnage', visible: true)
click_on 'Déposer le dossier'
click_on 'Accéder à votre dossier'
click_on 'Modifier mon dossier'
expect(page).to have_css('label', text: 'age du candidat', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_no_css('legend', text: 'permis de conduire', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_no_css('label', text: 'tonnage', visible: true)
fill_in('age du candidat (facultatif)', with: '18')
# the champ keeps their previous value so they are all displayed
expect(page).to have_css('legend', text: 'permis de conduire', visible: true)
expect(page).to have_css('label', text: 'tonnage', visible: true)
context 'draft autosave' do
scenario 'autosave a draft', js: true do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
expect(page).to have_no_button('Enregistrer le brouillon')
expect(page).to have_content('Votre brouillon est automatiquement enregistré')
fill_in('texte obligatoire', with: 'a valid user input')
wait_until { champ_value_for('texte obligatoire') == 'a valid user input' }
visit current_path
expect(page).to have_field('texte obligatoire', with: 'a valid user input')
scenario 'retry on autosave error', :capybara_ignore_server_errors, js: true do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
# Test autosave failure
allow_any_instance_of(Users::DossiersController).to receive(:update).and_raise("Server is busy")
fill_in('texte obligatoire', with: 'a valid user input')
expect(page).to have_css('span', text: 'Impossible denregistrer le brouillon', visible: true)
# Test that retrying after a failure works
allow_any_instance_of(Users::DossiersController).to receive(:update).and_call_original
click_on 'Réessayer'
wait_until { champ_value_for('texte obligatoire') == 'a valid user input' }
visit current_path
expect(page).to have_field('texte obligatoire', with: 'a valid user input')
scenario 'autosave redirects to sign-in after being disconnected', js: true do
log_in(user, simple_procedure)
# When the user is disconnected
# (either because signing-out in another tab, or because the session cookie expired)
fill_in('texte obligatoire', with: 'a valid user input')
# … they are redirected to the sign-in page.
expect(page).to have_current_path(new_user_session_path)
# After sign-in, they are redirected back to their brouillon
sign_in_with(, password)
expect(page).to have_current_path(brouillon_dossier_path(user_dossier))
fill_in('texte obligatoire', with: 'a valid user input')
def log_in(user, procedure)
login_as user, scope: :user
visit "/commencer/#{procedure.path}"
click_on 'Commencer la démarche'
expect(page).to have_content("Votre identité")
expect(page).to have_current_path(identite_dossier_path(user_dossier))
def champ_value_for(libelle)
def champ_id_for(libelle)
def champ_past_value_for(libelle, value)
let target = document.querySelector('##{champ_id_for(libelle)}');
target.value = \"#{value}\";
target.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('input', { bubbles: true }));
def champ_for(libelle)
champs = user_dossier.reload.champs_public
champs.find { |c| c.libelle == libelle }
def fill_individual
find('label', text: 'Monsieur').click
fill_in('Prénom', with: 'prenom', visible: true)
fill_in('Nom', with: 'Nom', visible: true)
within "#identite-form" do
click_on 'Continuer'
expect(page).to have_current_path(brouillon_dossier_path(user_dossier))