# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe DossierMailer, type: :mailer do let(:to_email) { 'instructeur@exemple.gouv.fr' } shared_examples 'a dossier notification' do it 'is sent from a no-reply address' do expect(subject.from.first).to eq(Mail::Address.new(NO_REPLY_EMAIL).address) end it 'includes the contact informations in the footer' do expect(subject.body).to include('ne pas répondre') end end describe '.notify_new_draft' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: create(:simple_procedure, :with_auto_archive), user:) } subject { described_class.with(dossier:).notify_new_draft } it 'includes the correct subject and body content' do expect(subject.subject).to include("brouillon") expect(subject.subject).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) expect(subject.body).to include(dossier_url(dossier, host: ENV.fetch("APP_HOST_LEGACY"))) expect(subject.body).to include("Vous pouvez déposer votre dossier jusqu’au") expect(subject.body).to include("heure de") end it_behaves_like 'a dossier notification' context "when user prefers new domain" do let(:user) { create(:user, preferred_domain: :demarches_gouv_fr) } it 'includes the correct body content and sender email' do expect(subject.body).to include(dossier_url(dossier, host: 'demarches.gouv.fr')) expect(header_value("From", subject)).to include("ne-pas-repondre@demarches.gouv.fr") end end end describe '.notify_new_answer with dossier brouillon' do let(:service) { build(:service) } let(:procedure) { create(:simple_procedure, service: service) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) } let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, dossier: dossier) } subject { described_class.with(commentaire: commentaire).notify_new_answer } it 'checks email subject and body for correct inclusions and exclusions' do expect(subject.subject).to include("Nouveau message") expect(subject.subject).to include(dossier.id.to_s) expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.service.email) expect(subject.body).not_to include(messagerie_dossier_url(dossier, host: ENV.fetch("APP_HOST_LEGACY"))) end it_behaves_like 'a dossier notification' context 'when there is no associated service' do let(:service) { nil } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end end describe '.notify_new_answer with dossier en construction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: create(:simple_procedure)) } let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, dossier: dossier) } subject { described_class.with(commentaire: commentaire).notify_new_answer } it 'checks email subject and body for correct inclusions' do expect(subject.subject).to include("Nouveau message") expect(subject.subject).to include(dossier.id.to_s) expect(subject.body).to include(messagerie_dossier_url(dossier, host: ENV.fetch("APP_HOST_LEGACY"))) end it_behaves_like 'a dossier notification' end describe '.notify_new_answer with commentaire discarded' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: create(:simple_procedure)) } let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, dossier: dossier, discarded_at: 2.minutes.ago) } subject { described_class.with(commentaire: commentaire).notify_new_answer } it { expect(subject.perform_deliveries).to be_falsy } end def notify_deletion_to_administration(hidden_dossier, to_email) @subject = default_i18n_subject(dossier_id: hidden_dossier.id) @hidden_dossier = hidden_dossier mail(to: to_email, subject: @subject) end describe '.notify_deletion_to_administration' do let(:hidden_dossier) { build(:dossier) } subject { described_class.notify_deletion_to_administration(hidden_dossier, to_email) } it 'verifies subject and body content for deletion notification' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Le dossier nº #{hidden_dossier.id} a été supprimé à la demande de l’usager") expect(subject.body).to include("À la demande de l’usager") expect(subject.body).to include(hidden_dossier.id) expect(subject.body).to include(hidden_dossier.procedure.libelle) end end describe '.notify_brouillon_near_deletion' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) } subject { described_class.notify_brouillon_near_deletion([dossier], dossier.user.email) } it 'checks email body for correct inclusions regarding brouillon nearing deletion' do expect(subject.body).to include("n° #{dossier.id} ") expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) end end describe '.notify_brouillon_deletion' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) } subject { described_class.notify_brouillon_deletion([dossier.hash_for_deletion_mail], dossier.user.email) } it 'verifies subject and body content for brouillon deletion notification' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Un dossier en brouillon a été supprimé") expect(subject.body).to include("n° #{dossier.id} (#{dossier.procedure.libelle})") end end describe '.notify_automatic_deletion_to_user' do describe 'en_construction' do let(:hidden_dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, hidden_by_expired_at: Time.zone.now, hidden_by_reason: 'expired') } subject { described_class.notify_automatic_deletion_to_user([hidden_dossier], hidden_dossier.user.email) } it 'checks email subject, to, and body for correct inclusions and exclusions for en_construction status' do expect(subject.to).to eq([hidden_dossier.user.email]) expect(subject.subject).to eq("Un dossier a été supprimé de votre compte") expect(subject.body).to include("N° #{hidden_dossier.id} ") expect(subject.body).to include(hidden_dossier.procedure.libelle) end end describe 'termine' do let(:hidden_dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte, hidden_by_expired_at: Time.zone.now, hidden_by_reason: 'expired') } subject { described_class.notify_automatic_deletion_to_user([hidden_dossier], hidden_dossier.user.email) } it 'checks email subject, to, and body for correct inclusions and exclusions for termine status' do expect(subject.to).to eq([hidden_dossier.user.email]) expect(subject.subject).to eq("Un dossier a été supprimé de votre compte") expect(subject.body).to include("N° #{hidden_dossier.id} ") expect(subject.body).to include(hidden_dossier.procedure.libelle) end end end describe '.notify_automatic_deletion_to_administration' do let(:hidden_dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte, hidden_by_expired_at: Time.zone.now, hidden_by_reason: 'expired') } subject { described_class.notify_automatic_deletion_to_administration([hidden_dossier], hidden_dossier.user.email) } it 'verifies subject and body content for automatic deletion notification' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Un dossier a été supprimé") expect(subject.body).to include("n° #{hidden_dossier.id} (#{hidden_dossier.procedure.libelle})") end end describe '.notify_near_deletion_to_administration' do describe 'en_construction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction) } subject { described_class.notify_near_deletion_to_administration([dossier], dossier.user.email) } it 'checks email subject and body for correct inclusions for en_construction status' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Un dossier en attente d'instruction va bientôt être supprimé") expect(subject.body).to include("N° #{dossier.id} ") expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) expect(subject.body).to include("PDF") expect(subject.body).to include("il vous reste 14 jours pour démarrer l'instruction ") end end describe 'termine' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte) } subject { described_class.notify_near_deletion_to_administration([dossier], dossier.user.email) } it 'verifies subject and body content for near deletion notification of completed cases' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Un dossier traité va bientôt être supprimé") expect(subject.body).to include("N° #{dossier.id} ") expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) expect(subject.body).to include("il vous reste 14 jours pour télécharger ce dossier") end end end describe '.notify_near_deletion_to_user' do describe 'en_construction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction) } subject { described_class.notify_near_deletion_to_user([dossier], dossier.user.email) } it 'verifies email subject, to, and body for correct inclusions for en_construction status' do expect(subject.to).to eq([dossier.user.email]) expect(subject.subject).to eq("Un dossier en attente d'instruction va bientôt être supprimé") expect(subject.body).to include("N° #{dossier.id} ") expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) expect(subject.body).to include("Votre compte reste activé") expect(subject.body).to include("Depuis la page de votre dossier vous avez la possibilité de :
- prolonger la durée de conservation") end end describe 'termine' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte) } subject { described_class.notify_near_deletion_to_user([dossier], dossier.user.email) } it 'checks email subject, to, and body for correct inclusions for termine status' do expect(subject.to).to eq([dossier.user.email]) expect(subject.subject).to eq("Un dossier traité va bientôt être supprimé") expect(subject.body).to include("N° #{dossier.id} ") expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) expect(subject.body).to include("Votre compte reste activé") expect(subject.body).to include("PDF") end end describe 'multiple termines' do let(:dossiers) { create_list(:dossier, 3, :accepte) } subject { described_class.notify_near_deletion_to_user(dossiers, dossiers[0].user.email) } it 'verifies email subject and body contain correct dossier numbers for multiple termine status' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Des dossiers traités vont bientôt être supprimés") dossiers.each do |dossier| expect(subject.body).to include("N° #{dossier.id} ") end end end end describe '.notify_groupe_instructeur_changed_to_instructeur' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) } let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur) } subject { described_class.notify_groupe_instructeur_changed(instructeur, dossier) } it 'verifies subject and body content for groupe instructeur change notification' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Le dossier nº #{dossier.id} a changé de groupe d’instructeurs") expect(subject.body).to include("n° #{dossier.id}") expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) expect(subject.body).to include("Suite à cette modification, vous ne suivez plus ce dossier.") end end describe '.notify_pending_correction' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure:, sva_svr_decision_on:) } let(:sva_svr_decision_on) { nil } let(:reason) { :incorrect } let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, dossier:) } subject { dossier.flag_as_pending_correction!(commentaire, reason) described_class.with(commentaire:).notify_pending_correction } context 'reason is incorrect' do it 'checks email subject and body for corrections without Silence Vaut Accord' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Vous devez corriger votre dossier nº #{dossier.id} « #{dossier.procedure.libelle} »") expect(subject.body).to include("apporter des corrections") expect(subject.body).not_to include("Silence") end end context 'sva with reason is incorrect' do let(:sva_svr_decision_on) { Date.tomorrow } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :sva) } it 'includes Silence Vaut Accord and mentions suspension for incorrect reason' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Vous devez corriger votre dossier nº #{dossier.id} « #{dossier.procedure.libelle} »") expect(subject.body).to include("apporter des corrections") expect(subject.body).to include("Silence Vaut Accord") expect(subject.body).to include("suspendu") end end context 'sva with reason is incomplete' do let(:sva_svr_decision_on) { Date.tomorrow } let(:reason) { :incomplete } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :sva) } it 'mentions the need to complete the dossier and includes Silence Vaut Accord with reset message' do expect(subject.body).to include("compléter") expect(subject.body).to include("Silence Vaut Accord") expect(subject.body).to include("réinitialisé") end end context 'svr with reason is incomplete' do let(:sva_svr_decision_on) { Date.tomorrow } let(:reason) { :incomplete } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :svr) } it 'mentions the need to complete the dossier and includes Silence Vaut Rejet with reset message' do expect(subject.body).to include("compléter") expect(subject.body).to include("Silence Vaut Rejet") expect(subject.body).to include("réinitialisé") end end end describe 'notify_transfer' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:user_2) { create(:user) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } let(:dossier_transfer) { create(:dossier_transfer) } let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, user: user, transfer: dossier_transfer, procedure: procedure) } subject { described_class.with(dossier_transfer: dossier_transfer).notify_transfer } context 'when it is a transfer of one dossier' do it 'includes relevant details about the single dossier transfer request' do expect(subject.subject).to include("Vous avez une demande de transfert en attente.") expect(subject.body).to include("#{user.email} vous adresse une demande de transfert pour le dossier n° #{dossier.id} sur la démarche") expect(subject.body).to include(procedure.libelle.to_s) end end context 'when the user has already an account' do before do dossier_transfer.update!(email: user_2.email) end it 'includes a direct URL to transfers' do expect(subject.body).to include('Afin de pouvoir accepter ou refuser la demande vous devez vous connectez sur') expect(subject.body).to include(dossiers_url(statut: 'dossiers-transferes', host: ENV.fetch("APP_HOST_LEGACY"))) end end context 'when the user has no account' do it 'includes a URL to create one' do expect(subject.body).to include('Afin de pouvoir accepter ou refuser la demande vous devez avoir un compte :') expect(subject.body).to include(new_user_registration_url) end end context 'when recipient has preferred domain' do let(:dossier_transfer) { create(:dossier_transfer, email: create(:user, preferred_domain: :demarches_gouv_fr).email) } it 'includes a link with the preferred domain in the email body' do expect(subject.body).to include(dossiers_url(statut: "dossiers-transferes", host: 'demarches.gouv.fr')) end end context 'when it is a transfer of multiple dossiers' do let!(:dossier2) { create(:dossier, user: user, transfer: dossier_transfer, procedure: procedure) } it 'includes a summary of multiple dossiers transfer request' do expect(subject.subject).to include("Vous avez une demande de transfert en attente.") expect(subject.body).to include("#{user.email} vous adresse une demande de transfert pour 2 dossiers.") end end context 'when it is a transfer of one dossier from super admin' do before do dossier_transfer.update!(from_support: true) end it 'includes details indicating the transfer request is from support' do expect(subject.subject).to include("Vous avez une demande de transfert en attente.") expect(subject.body).to include("Le support technique vous adresse une demande de transfert") end end context 'when dossiers have been dissociated from transfer' do before do dossier.update!(transfer: nil) dossier_transfer.reload end it 'does not send an email' do expect { subject.perform_now }.not_to raise_error end end end describe '.notify_old_brouillon_soon_deleted' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, libelle: 'Une superbe démarche') } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :brouillon, procedure: procedure) } subject { described_class.notify_old_brouillon_soon_deleted(dossier) } it 'renders the subject' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Votre dossier n°#{dossier.id} en brouillon va bientôt être supprimé") end it 'renders the receiver email' do expect(subject.to).to eq([dossier.user.email]) end it 'includes dossier information in body' do expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.id.to_s) expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) end it 'includes the dossier URL' do expect(subject.body).to include(dossier_url(dossier, host: ENV.fetch("APP_HOST_LEGACY"))) end context 'with a different locale' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :brouillon, procedure: procedure) } before { dossier.user.update(locale: :en) } it 'renders in the user locale' do expect(subject.body).to include('Access my dossier') end end end describe '.notify_old_brouillon_after_deletion' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, libelle: 'Une superbe démarche') } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :brouillon, procedure: procedure) } subject { described_class.notify_old_brouillon_after_deletion(dossier) } it 'renders the subject' do expect(subject.subject).to eq("Votre dossier n°#{dossier.id} en brouillon a été supprimé pour cause d'inactivité") end it 'renders the receiver email' do expect(subject.to).to eq([dossier.user.email]) end it 'includes dossier information in body' do expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.id.to_s) expect(subject.body).to include(dossier.procedure.libelle) end it 'includes link to create new dossier' do expect(subject.body).to include(commencer_url(dossier.procedure, host: ENV.fetch("APP_HOST_LEGACY"))) end context 'with a different locale' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :brouillon, procedure: procedure) } before { dossier.user.update(locale: :en) } it 'renders in the user locale' do expect(subject.subject).to include("has been deleted due to inactivity") expect(subject.body).to include("has been automatically deleted") expect(subject.body).to include("submit a new application") end end end end