# frozen_string_literal: true class CarteController < ApplicationController def show @map_filter = MapFilter.new(params.fetch(:map_filter, {}).permit(:kind, :year)) @map_filter.validate # Reset to default params in case of invalid params injection @map_filter.kind = MapFilter.new.kind if @map_filter.errors.key?(:kind) @map_filter.year = MapFilter.new.year if @map_filter.errors.key?(:year) @map_filter.errors.clear @map_filter.stats = stats end private def stats departements_sql = "select departement, count(procedures.id) as nb_demarches, sum(procedures.estimated_dossiers_count) as nb_dossiers from services inner join procedures on services.id = procedures.service_id where procedures.hidden_at is null and procedures.aasm_state in ('publiee', 'close', 'depubliee')" departements_sql += " and procedures.published_at >= '#{@map_filter.year}-01-01' and procedures.published_at <= '#{@map_filter.year}-12-31'" if @map_filter.year.present? departements_sql += " group by services.departement" departements = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql(departements_sql)) departements.to_a.reduce(Hash.new({ nb_demarches: 0, nb_dossiers: 0 })) do |h, v| h.merge( v["departement"] => { 'nb_demarches': v["nb_demarches"].presence || 0, 'nb_dossiers': v['nb_dossiers'].presence || 0 } ) end end end