en: api_particulier: providers: cnaf: libelle: Caisse nationale d’allocations familiales (CAF) scopes: personne: &personne nomPrenom: first and last name dateDeNaissance: birth date sexe: sex M: male F: female allocataires: libelle: beneficiaries <<: *personne enfants: libelle: children <<: *personne adresse: libelle: address identite: identity complementIdentite: complément d’identité complementIdentiteGeo: complément d’identité géographique numeroRue: number and street lieuDit: lieu-dit codePostalVille: postcode and city pays: country quotient_familial: libelle: quotient familial quotientFamilial: quotient familial mois: month annee: year dgfip: libelle: Direction Générale des Finances Publiques (DGFiP) scopes: declarant: &declarant nom: name nomNaissance: birth name prenoms: firstname dateNaissance: birth date declarant1: libelle: declarant 1 <<: *declarant declarant2: libelle: declarant 2 <<: *declarant echeance_avis: libelle: expiry of the notice dateEtablissement: date of establishment dateRecouvrement: recovery date foyer_fiscal: &foyer_fiscal libelle: taxable household adresse: tax address for the year annee: year nombreParts: number of units nombrePersonnesCharge: number of dependants situationFamille: family status agregats_fiscaux: libelle: tax notice revenuBrutGlobal: overall gross income revenuImposable: taxable income impotRevenuNetAvantCorrections: net income tax before correction montantImpot: tax amount revenuFiscalReference: reference tax income anneeImpots: tax year anneeRevenus: income year complements: libelle: supplements erreurCorrectif: error correction situationPartielle: partial status pole_emploi: libelle: Pôle emploi scopes: identite: libelle: Identity identifiant: identifier civilite: civility nom: name nomUsage: common name prenom: first name sexe: gender M: male F: female dateNaissance: date of birth adresse: libelle: Address INSEECommune: INSEE code of the commune codePostal: postcode localite: city ligneVoie: route ligneComplementDestinataire: recipient ligneComplementAdresse: address ligneComplementDistribution: distribution ligneNom: name contact: libelle: Contact email: email telephone: phone number telephone2: phone number 2 inscription: libelle: Registration dateInscription: registration date dateCessationInscription: date of deregistration codeCertificationCNAV: CNAV certification code codeCategorieInscription: registration category code libelleCategorieInscription: registration category label mesri: libelle: Student status scopes: identifiant: libelle: Identifier ine: INE identite: libelle: Identity nom: last name prenom: first name dateNaissance: date of birth inscriptions: libelle: Registrations statut: status regime: system dateDebutInscription: start date of registration dateFinInscription: end date of registration codeCommune: postal code admissions: libelle: Admissions statut: status regime: system dateDebutAdmission: start date of admission dateFinAdmission: end date of admission codeCommune: postal code etablissements: libelle: Institutions uai: UAI nom: name