name: Rails Schema Check on: push: branches: [main] paths: - 'db/migrate/**' - 'db/schema.rb' pull_request: branches: [main] paths: - 'db/migrate/**' - 'db/schema.rb' jobs: check-migration-and-schema: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 2 # Fetch the last 2 commits to be able to compare with the base branch - name: Check for migration and schema.rb changes run: | #!/bin/bash set -e latest_migration_file=$(ls -v db/migrate/*.rb | tail -n 1) latest_migration_version=$(basename $latest_migration_file | grep -oE '^[0-9]+') # Get the schema version, without underscores schema_version=$(grep -oE 'define.version: [0-9_]+' db/schema.rb | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | tr -d _) if [ "$latest_migration_version" != "$schema_version" ]; then echo "schema.rb version does not match the latest migration version. Have you forgotten to update the schema.rb?" echo " SCHEMA VERSION = $schema_version (config/schema.rb)" echo " LATEST MIGRATION VERSION = $latest_migration_version ($latest_migration_file)" exit 1 fi