# frozen_string_literal: true describe 'France Connect Particulier Connexion' do let(:code) { 'plop' } let(:given_name) { 'titi' } let(:family_name) { 'toto' } let(:birthdate) { '20150821' } let(:gender) { 'M' } let(:birthplace) { '1234' } let(:fc_email) { 'plop@plop.com' } let(:france_connect_particulier_id) { 'blabla' } let(:user_info) do { france_connect_particulier_id: france_connect_particulier_id, given_name: given_name, family_name: family_name, birthdate: birthdate, birthplace: birthplace, gender: gender, email_france_connect: fc_email } end context 'when user is on login page' do before { visit new_user_session_path } scenario 'link to France Connect is present' do expect(page).to have_css('.fr-connect') end context 'and click on france connect link' do context 'when authentification is ok' do before do allow_any_instance_of(FranceConnectParticulierClient).to receive(:authorization_uri).and_return(france_connect_particulier_callback_path(code: code)) allow(FranceConnectService).to receive(:retrieve_user_informations_particulier).and_return(france_connect_information) end context 'when no user is linked' do let(:france_connect_information) { build(:france_connect_information, user_info) } context 'and no user has the same email' do before do page.find('.fr-connect').click end scenario 'he is redirected to user dossiers page', js: true do expect(page).to have_content("Choisissez votre email de contact pour finaliser votre connexion") find('label', text: "Oui, utiliser #{fc_email} comme email de contact").click click_on 'Valider' expect(User.find_by(email: fc_email).email_verified_at).to be_present end scenario 'he can choose not to use FranceConnect email and input an alternative email', js: true do alternative_email = 'alternative@example.com' expect(page).to have_content("Choisissez votre email de contact pour finaliser votre connexion") find('label', text: 'utiliser une autre adresse').click expect(page).to have_selector("input[name='email']", visible: true, wait: 10) fill_in 'email', with: alternative_email click_on 'Valider' expect(page).to have_content('Nous venons de vous envoyer le mail de confirmation') expect(User.find_by(email: alternative_email)).to be_nil perform_enqueued_jobs confirmation_email = open_email(alternative_email) link = confirmation_email.body.match(/href="[^"]*(\/france_connect\/particulier\/merge_using_email_link.*?)"/)[1] visit link expect(page).to have_content('Les comptes FranceConnect et demarches-simplifiees.fr sont à présent fusionnés') expect(page).to have_content(alternative_email) expect(User.find_by(email: alternative_email).email_verified_at).to be_present end end context 'and an user exists with the same email' do let!(:user) { create(:user, email: fc_email, password: SECURE_PASSWORD) } before do page.find('.fr-connect').click end scenario 'he is redirected to the merge page' do expect(page).to have_content('Fusion des comptes') end scenario 'it merges its account' do page.find('#it-is-mine').click fill_in 'password', with: SECURE_PASSWORD click_on 'Fusionner les comptes' expect(page).to have_content('Dossiers') end scenario 'it uses another email that belongs to nobody' do page.find('#it-is-not-mine').click fill_in 'email', with: 'new_email@a.com' click_on 'Utiliser ce mail' expect(page).to have_content('Nous venons de vous envoyer le mail de confirmation') end context 'and the user wants an email that belongs to another account', js: true do let!(:another_user) { create(:user, email: 'an_existing_email@a.com', password: SECURE_PASSWORD) } scenario 'it uses another email that belongs to another account' do find('label[for="it-is-not-mine"]').click expect(page).to have_css('.new-account', visible: true) within '.new-account' do fill_in 'email', with: 'an_existing_email@a.com' click_on 'Utiliser ce mail' end expect(page).to have_content('Nous venons de vous envoyer le mail de confirmation') end end end end context 'when a user is linked' do let!(:france_connect_information) do create(:france_connect_information, :with_user, user_info.merge(created_at: Time.zone.parse('12/12/2012'), updated_at: Time.zone.parse('12/12/2012'))) end before { page.find('.fr-connect').click } scenario 'he is redirected to user dossiers page' do expect(page).to have_content('Dossiers') end scenario 'the updated_at date is well updated' do expect(france_connect_information.reload.updated_at).not_to eq(france_connect_information.created_at) end end end context 'when authentification is not ok' do before do allow_any_instance_of(FranceConnectParticulierClient).to receive(:authorization_uri).and_return(france_connect_particulier_callback_path(code: code)) allow(FranceConnectService).to receive(:retrieve_user_informations_particulier) { raise Rack::OAuth2::Client::Error.new(500, error: 'Unknown') } page.find('.fr-connect').click end scenario 'he is redirected to login page' do expect(page).to have_css('.fr-connect') end scenario 'error message is displayed' do expect(page).to have_content(I18n.t('errors.messages.france_connect.connexion')) end end end end end