describe 'dropdown list with other option activated', js: true do let(:password) { 'my-s3cure-p4ssword' } let!(:user) { create(:user, password: password) } let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_drop_down_list, libelle: 'simple dropdown other', drop_down_list_value: list_items, drop_down_other: true) } let(:procedure) do create(:procedure, :published, :for_individual, types_de_champ: [type_de_champ]) end let(:user_dossier) { user.dossiers.first } before do login_as(user, scope: :user) visit "/commencer/#{procedure.path}?locale=fr" click_on 'Commencer la démarche' end context 'with radios' do let(:list_items) do <<~END_OF_LIST --Primary 1-- Secondary 1.1 Secondary 1.2 END_OF_LIST end scenario 'Select other option and the other input hidden must appear', js: true do fill_individual find('.radios').find('label:last-child').find('input').select_option expect(page).to have_selector('.drop_down_other', visible: true) end end context 'with select' do let(:list_items) do <<~END_OF_LIST --Primary 1-- Secondary 1.1 Secondary 1.2 Secondary 1.3 Secondary 1.4 Secondary 1.5 Secondary 1.6 END_OF_LIST end scenario 'with a select and other, selecting a value save it (avoid hidden other_value to be sent)' do fill_individual find(".drop_down_other input", visible: false) select("Autre") find(".drop_down_other input", visible: true) select("Secondary 1.2") expect(page).to have_selector(".autosave-status.succeeded", visible: true) wait_until { user_dossier.champs.first.value == "Secondary 1.2" } expect(user_dossier.champs.first.value).to eq("Secondary 1.2") end end private def fill_individual choose 'Monsieur' fill_in('individual_prenom', with: 'prenom') fill_in('individual_nom', with: 'nom') click_on 'Continuer' expect(page).to have_current_path(brouillon_dossier_path(user_dossier)) end end