describe Champ do require 'models/champ_shared_example.rb' it_should_behave_like "champ_spec" describe "associations" do it { belong_to(:dossier) } context 'when the parent dossier is discarded' do let(:discarded_dossier) { create(:dossier, :discarded) } subject(:champ) { discarded_dossier.champs.first } it { expect(champ.reload.dossier).to eq discarded_dossier } end end describe "validations" do let(:row) { 1 } let(:champ) { create(:champ, type_de_champ: create(:type_de_champ), row: row) } let(:champ2) { build(:champ, type_de_champ: champ.type_de_champ, row: champ.row, dossier: champ.dossier) } it "returns false when champ with same type_de_champ and row already exist" do expect(champ2).not_to be_valid end end describe '#public?' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ) } let(:champ) { } it { expect(champ.public?).to be_truthy } it { expect(champ.private?).to be_falsey } end describe '#public_only' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) } it 'partition public and private' do expect(dossier.champs.count).to eq(1) expect(dossier.champs_private.count).to eq(1) end end describe '#siblings' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_type_de_champ, :with_type_de_champ_private, :with_repetition, types_de_champ_count: 1, types_de_champ_private_count: 1) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) } let(:public_champ) { dossier.champs.first } let(:private_champ) { dossier.champs_private.first } let(:champ_in_repetition) { dossier.champs.find(&:repetition?).champs.first } let(:standalone_champ) { create(:champ, dossier: nil) } it 'returns the sibling champs of a champ' do expect(public_champ.siblings).to eq(dossier.champs) expect(private_champ.siblings).to eq(dossier.champs_private) expect(champ_in_repetition.siblings).to eq(champ_in_repetition.parent.champs) expect(standalone_champ.siblings).to be_nil end end describe '#format_datetime' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_datetime) } let(:champ) { value) } before { } context 'when the value is sent by a modern browser' do let(:value) { '2017-12-31 10:23' } it { expect(champ.value).to eq(value) } end context 'when the value is sent by a old browser' do let(:value) { '31/12/2018 09:26' } it { expect(champ.value).to eq('2018-12-31 09:26') } end end describe '#multiple_select_to_string' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_multiple_drop_down_list) } let(:champ) { value) } before { } # when using the old form, and the ChampsService Class # TODO: to remove context 'when the value is already deserialized' do let(:value) { '["1", "2"]' } it { expect(champ.value).to eq(value) } context 'when the value is nil' do let(:value) { nil } it { expect(champ.value).to eq(value) } end end # for explanation for the "" entry, see # # GOTCHA context 'when the value is not already deserialized' do context 'when a choice is selected' do let(:value) { '["", "1", "2"]' } it { expect(champ.value).to eq('["1", "2"]') } end context 'when all choices are removed' do let(:value) { '[""]' } it { expect(champ.value).to eq(nil) } end end end describe 'for_export' do let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ) } let(:champ) { value) } before { } context 'when type_de_champ is text' do let(:value) { '123' } it { expect(champ.for_export).to eq('123') } end context 'when type_de_champ is textarea' do let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_textarea) } let(:value) { '<b>gras<b>' } it { expect(champ.for_export).to eq('gras') } end context 'when type_de_champ is yes_no' do let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_yes_no) } context 'if yes' do let(:value) { 'true' } it { expect(champ.for_export).to eq('Oui') } end context 'if no' do let(:value) { 'false' } it { expect(champ.for_export).to eq('Non') } end context 'if nil' do let(:value) { nil } it { expect(champ.for_export).to eq('Non') } end end describe '#search_terms' do let(:champ) { value) } subject { champ.search_terms } context 'for adresse champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_address) } let(:value) { "10 rue du Pinson qui Piaille" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for checkbox champ' do let(:libelle) { 'majeur' } let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_checkbox, libelle: libelle) } context 'when the box is checked' do let(:value) { 'on' } it { eq([libelle]) } end context 'when the box is unchecked' do let(:value) { 'off' } it { be_nil } end end context 'for civilite champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_civilite) } let(:value) { "M." } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for date champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_date) } let(:value) { "2018-07-30" } it { be_nil } end context 'for date time champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_datetime) } let(:value) { "2018-04-29 09:00" } it { be_nil } end context 'for département champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_departements) } let(:value) { "69 - Rhône" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for dossier link champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_dossier_link) } let(:value) { "9103132886" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for drop down list champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_dossier_link) } let(:value) { "HLM" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for email champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_email) } let(:value) { "" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for engagement champ' do let(:libelle) { 'je consens' } let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_engagement, libelle: libelle) } context 'when the box is checked' do let(:value) { 'on' } it { eq([libelle]) } end context 'when the box is unchecked' do let(:value) { 'off' } it { be_nil } end end context 'for explication champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_explication) } let(:value) { nil } it { be_nil } end context 'for header section champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_header_section) } let(:value) { nil } it { be_nil } end context 'for linked drop down list champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_linked_drop_down_list) } let(:champ) { "hello", secondary_value: "world") } it { eq(["hello", "world"]) } end context 'for multiple drop down list champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_multiple_drop_down_list) } context 'when there are multiple values selected' do let(:value) { JSON.generate(['goodbye', 'cruel', 'world']) } it { eq(["goodbye", "cruel", "world"]) } end context 'when there is no value selected' do let(:value) { nil } it { eq([]) } end end context 'for number champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_number) } let(:value) { "1234" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for pays champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_pays) } let(:value) { "FRANCE" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for phone champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_phone) } let(:value) { "0606060606" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for pièce justificative champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative) } let(:value) { nil } it { be_nil } end context 'for region champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_regions) } let(:value) { "Île-de-France" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for siret champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_siret) } context 'when there is an etablissement' do let(:etablissement) do build( :etablissement, siret: "35130347400024", siege_social: true, naf: "9004Z", libelle_naf: "Gestion de salles de spectacles", adresse: "MAISON JEUNES CULTURE FABRIQUE\r\n98 RUE DE PARIS\r\n59200 TOURCOING\r\nFRANCE\r\n", numero_voie: "98", type_voie: "RUE", nom_voie: "DE PARIS", code_postal: "59200", localite: "TOURCOING", code_insee_localite: "59599", entreprise_siren: "351303474", entreprise_numero_tva_intracommunautaire: "FR02351303474", entreprise_forme_juridique: "Association déclarée ", entreprise_forme_juridique_code: "9220", entreprise_nom_commercial: "", entreprise_raison_sociale: "MAISON DES JEUNES ET DE LA CULTURE DE LA FABRIQUE", entreprise_siret_siege_social: "35130347400024", entreprise_nom: 'Martin', entreprise_prenom: 'Guillaume', entreprise_code_effectif_entreprise: "12", entreprise_date_creation: "1989-07-09", association_rna: "W595004053", association_titre: "MAISON DES JEUNES ET DE LA CULTURE DE LA FABRIQUE", association_objet: "Création, gestion et animation de la Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture de la Fabrique, qui constitue un élément essentiel de la vie sociale et culturelle d'un territoire de vie : pays, agglomération, ville, communauté de communes, village, quartier ...", association_date_creation: "1962-05-23", association_date_declaration: "2016-12-02", association_date_publication: "1962-05-31" ) end let(:champ) { etablissement.siret, etablissement: etablissement) } it { eq([etablissement.entreprise_siren, etablissement.entreprise_numero_tva_intracommunautaire, etablissement.entreprise_forme_juridique, etablissement.entreprise_forme_juridique_code, etablissement.entreprise_nom_commercial, etablissement.entreprise_raison_sociale, etablissement.entreprise_siret_siege_social, etablissement.entreprise_nom, etablissement.entreprise_prenom, etablissement.association_rna, etablissement.association_titre, etablissement.association_objet, etablissement.siret, etablissement.naf, etablissement.libelle_naf, etablissement.adresse, etablissement.code_postal, etablissement.localite, etablissement.code_insee_localite]) } end context 'when there is no etablissement' do let(:siret) { "35130347400024" } let(:champ) { siret) } it { eq([siret]) } end end context 'for text champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_text) } let(:value) { "Blah" } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for text area champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_textarea) } let(:value) { "Bla\nBlah de bla." } it { eq([value]) } end context 'for yes/no champ' do let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_yes_no, libelle: libelle) } let(:libelle) { 'avec enfant à charge' } context 'when the box is checked' do let(:value) { "true" } it { eq([libelle]) } end context 'when the box is unchecked' do let(:value) { "false" } it { be_nil } end end end context 'when type_de_champ is multiple_drop_down_list' do let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_multiple_drop_down_list) } let(:value) { '["Crétinier", "Mousserie"]' } it { expect(champ.for_export).to eq('Crétinier, Mousserie') } end end describe '#enqueue_virus_check' do let(:champ) { nil) } context 'when type_champ is type_de_champ_piece_justificative' do let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative) } context 'and there is a blob' do before do champ.piece_justificative_file.attach(io:"toto"), filename: "toto.txt", content_type: "text/plain") end it { expect(champ.piece_justificative_file.virus_scanner.started?).to be_truthy } end end end describe "repetition" do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) } let(:champ) { Champs::RepetitionChamp.create(dossier: dossier) } let(:champ_text) { create(:champ_text, row: 0) } let(:champ_integer_number) { create(:champ_integer_number, row: 0) } let(:champ_text_attrs) { attributes_for(:champ_text, row: 1) } let(:champ_text_row_1) { create(:champ_text, row: 1, parent: champ) } it "associates nested champs to the parent dossier" do expect(champ.rows.size).to eq(0) dossier.reload expect(dossier.champs.size).to eq(2) dossier.update(champs_attributes: [ { id:, champs_attributes: [champ_text_attrs] } ]) champ.reload dossier.reload expect(dossier.champs.size).to eq(2) expect(champ.rows.size).to eq(1) expect(champ.champs.first.dossier).to eq(dossier) # Make champs ordered champ_integer_number.type_de_champ.update(order_place: 0) champ_text.type_de_champ.update(order_place: 1) champ.champs << champ_integer_number row = champ.reload.rows.first expect(row.size).to eq(1) expect(row.first).to eq(champ_integer_number) champ.champs << champ_text row = champ.reload.rows.first expect(row.size).to eq(2) expect(row.second).to eq(champ_text) expect(champ.rows.size).to eq(2) expect(champ_text_row_1.dossier_id).to eq(champ.dossier_id) end end end