require 'spec_helper' describe Admin::ProceduresController, type: :controller do let(:admin) { create(:administrateur) } let(:bad_procedure_id) { 100000 } let(:libelle) { 'Procédure de test' } let(:description) { 'Description de test' } let(:organisation) { 'Organisation de test' } let(:direction) { 'Direction de test' } let(:lien_demarche) { '' } let(:use_api_carto) { '1' } let(:procedure_params) { { libelle: libelle, description: description, organisation: organisation, direction: direction, lien_demarche: lien_demarche, use_api_carto: use_api_carto } } let(:types_de_champ_params) { {'0' => {libelle: 'Champs de test', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test', order_place: 1}, '1' => {libelle: 'Champs de test 2', type: 'text', description: 'Description de test 2', order_place: 2} } } let(:types_de_champ_params_errors) { {'0' => {libelle: '', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test', order_place: 1}, '1' => {libelle: 'Champs de test 2', type: 'text', description: 'Description de test 2', order_place: 2} } } let(:types_de_piece_justificative_params_errors) { {'0' => {libelle: '', description: 'Description de test'}, '1' => {libelle: 'Champs de test 2', description: 'Description de test 2'} } } let(:types_de_piece_justificative_params) { {'0' => {libelle: 'PJ de test', description: 'Description de test'}, '1' => {libelle: 'PJ de test 2', description: 'Description de test 2'} } } before do sign_in admin end describe 'GET #show' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_type_de_champ, :with_two_type_de_piece_justificative) } let(:procedure_id) { } subject { get :show, id: procedure_id } context 'when user is not connected' do before do sign_out admin end it { expect(subject).to redirect_to new_administrateur_session_path } end context 'when user is connected' do context 'when procedure exist' do let(:procedure_id) { } it { expect(subject).to have_http_status(:success) } end context "when procedure doesn't exist" do let(:procedure_id) { bad_procedure_id } it { expect(subject).to redirect_to admin_procedures_path } end end end describe 'POST #create' do context 'when all attributs are filled' do describe 'new procedure in database' do subject { post :create, procedure: procedure_params } it { expect { subject }.to change { Procedure.count }.by(1) } end context 'when procedure is correctly save' do before do post :create, procedure: procedure_params end describe 'procedure attributs in database' do subject { Procedure.last } it { expect(subject.libelle).to eq(libelle) } it { expect(subject.description).to eq(description) } it { expect(subject.organisation).to eq(organisation) } it { expect(subject.direction).to eq(direction) } it { expect(subject.lien_demarche).to eq(lien_demarche) } it { expect(subject.use_api_carto).to be_truthy } end it { expect(subject).to redirect_to(admin_procedures_path) } it { expect(flash[:notice]).to be_present } end end context 'when many attributs are not valid' do let(:libelle) { '' } let(:description) { '' } describe 'no new procedure in database' do subject { post :create, procedure: procedure_params } it { expect { subject }.to change { Procedure.count }.by(0) } end describe 'flash message is present' do before do post :create, procedure: procedure_params end it { expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present } end end describe 'type_de_champ processing' do before do post :create, procedure: procedure_params, type_de_champ: types_de_champ_params end subject { Procedure.last } context 'when no type de champs is filled' do let(:types_de_champ_params) { {} } it { expect(subject.types_de_champ.size).to eq(0) } end context 'when two types de champs are filled' do it { expect(subject.types_de_champ.size).to eq(2) } describe ' check types de champs attributs present into database' do subject { TypeDeChamp.all } it { expect(subject[0].libelle).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject[0].type_champs).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:type]) } it { expect(subject[0].description).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:description]) } it { expect(subject[0].order_place).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:order_place]) } it { expect(subject[1].libelle).to eq(types_de_champ_params['1'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject[1].type_champs).to eq(types_de_champ_params['1'][:type]) } it { expect(subject[1].description).to eq(types_de_champ_params['1'][:description]) } it { expect(subject[1].order_place).to eq(types_de_champ_params['1'][:order_place]) } end end context 'when one of two types de champs have not a libelle' do let(:types_de_champ_params) { types_de_champ_params_errors } it { expect(subject.types_de_champ.size).to eq(1) } end end describe 'type_de_piece_justificative processing' do before do post :create, procedure: procedure_params, type_de_piece_justificative: types_de_piece_justificative_params end subject { Procedure.last } context 'when no type de piece justificative is filled' do let(:types_de_piece_justificative_params) { {} } it { expect(subject.types_de_piece_justificative.size).to eq(0) } end context 'when two types de piece justificative are filled' do it { expect(subject.types_de_piece_justificative.size).to eq(2) } describe ' check types de piece justificative attributs present into database' do subject { TypeDePieceJustificative.all } it { expect(subject[0].libelle).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['0'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject[0].description).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['0'][:description]) } it { expect(subject[1].libelle).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['1'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject[1].description).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['1'][:description]) } end end context 'when one of two types de piece justificative have not a libelle' do let(:types_de_piece_justificative_params) { types_de_piece_justificative_params_errors } it { expect(subject.types_de_piece_justificative.size).to eq(1) } end end end describe 'PUT #update' do let!(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_type_de_champ, :with_two_type_de_piece_justificative) } context 'when administrateur is not connected' do before do sign_out admin end subject { put :update, id: } it { expect(subject).to redirect_to new_administrateur_session_path } end context 'when administrateur is connected' do before do put :update, id:, procedure: procedure_params, type_de_champ: types_de_champ_params, type_de_piece_justificative: types_de_piece_justificative_params procedure.reload end context 'when all attributs are informated' do let(:libelle) { 'Blable' } let(:description) { 'blabla' } let(:organisation) { 'plop' } let(:direction) { 'plap' } let(:lien_demarche) { '' } let(:use_api_carto) { '0' } describe 'procedure attributs in database' do subject { procedure } it { expect(subject.libelle).to eq(libelle) } it { expect(subject.description).to eq(description) } it { expect(subject.organisation).to eq(organisation) } it { expect(subject.direction).to eq(direction) } it { expect(subject.lien_demarche).to eq(lien_demarche) } it { expect(subject.use_api_carto).to be_falsey } end it { expect(subject).to redirect_to(admin_procedures_path) } it { expect(flash[:notice]).to be_present } end context 'when many attributs are not valid' do let(:libelle) { '' } let(:description) { '' } describe 'flash message is present' do it { expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present } end end describe 'type_de_champ processing' do subject { procedure } context 'when no type de champs is filled' do let(:types_de_champ_params) { {} } it { expect(subject.types_de_champ.size).to eq(1) } end context 'when two types de champs are filled' do it { expect(subject.types_de_champ.size).to eq(3) } describe ' check types de champs attributs added into database' do subject { procedure.types_de_champ } it { expect(subject[1].libelle).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject[1].type_champs).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:type]) } it { expect(subject[1].description).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:description]) } it { expect(subject[1].order_place).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:order_place]) } it { expect(subject[2].libelle).to eq(types_de_champ_params['1'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject[2].type_champs).to eq(types_de_champ_params['1'][:type]) } it { expect(subject[2].description).to eq(types_de_champ_params['1'][:description]) } it { expect(subject[2].order_place).to eq(types_de_champ_params['1'][:order_place]) } end end context 'when one of two types de champs have not a libelle' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } let(:types_de_champ_params) { types_de_champ_params_errors } it { expect(subject.types_de_champ.size).to eq(1) } end context 'when user edit the filed' do let(:types_de_champ_params) { {'0' => {libelle: 'Champs de test editée', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test editée', order_place: 1, id_type_de_champ:} } } it { expect(subject.types_de_champ.size).to eq(1) } describe ' check types de champs attributs updated into database' do subject { procedure.types_de_champ.first } it { expect(subject.libelle).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject.type_champs).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:type]) } it { expect(subject.description).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:description]) } it { expect(subject.order_place).to eq(types_de_champ_params['0'][:order_place]) } end end context 'when delete a type de champs' do let(:types_de_champ_params) { {'0' => {libelle: 'Champs de test editée', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test editée', order_place: 1, delete: 'true', id_type_de_champ:} } } it { expect(subject.types_de_champ.size).to eq(0) } end context 'when delete a type de champs present in database and a type champ not present in database' do let(:types_de_champ_params) { {'0' => {libelle: 'Champs de test editée', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test editée', order_place: 1, delete: 'true', id_type_de_champ:}, '1' => {libelle: 'Champs de test editée', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test editée', order_place: 1, delete: 'true', id_type_de_champ: ''} } } it { expect(subject.types_de_champ.size).to eq(0) } end end describe 'type_de_piece_justificative processing' do subject { procedure } context 'when no type de piece justificative is filled' do let(:types_de_piece_justificative_params) { {} } it { expect(subject.types_de_piece_justificative.size).to eq(2) } end context 'when two types de piece justificative are filled' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } it { expect(subject.types_de_piece_justificative.size).to eq(2) } describe ' check types de piece justificative attributs added into database' do subject { procedure.types_de_piece_justificative } it { expect(subject[0].libelle).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['0'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject[0].description).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['0'][:description]) } it { expect(subject[1].libelle).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['1'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject[1].description).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['1'][:description]) } end end context 'when one of two types de piece justificative have not a libelle' do let(:types_de_piece_justificative_params) { types_de_piece_justificative_params_errors } it { expect(subject.types_de_piece_justificative.size).to eq(3) } end context 'when one types de piece justificative is edit' do let(:types_de_piece_justificative_params) { {'0' => {libelle: 'PJ de test editée', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test editée', order_place: 1, id_type_de_piece_justificative:} } } it { expect(subject.types_de_piece_justificative.size).to eq(2) } describe ' check types de piece justificative attributs updated into database' do subject { procedure.types_de_piece_justificative.first } it { expect(subject.libelle).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['0'][:libelle]) } it { expect(subject.description).to eq(types_de_piece_justificative_params['0'][:description]) } end end context 'when delete a type de piece justificative' do let(:types_de_piece_justificative_params) { {'0' => {libelle: 'PJ de test editée', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test editée', order_place: 1, delete: 'true', id_type_de_piece_justificative:} } } it { expect(subject.types_de_piece_justificative.size).to eq(1) } end context 'when delete a type de piece justificative present in database and a type piece justificative not present in database' do let(:types_de_piece_justificative_params) { {'0' => {libelle: 'PJ de test editée', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test editée', order_place: 1, delete: 'true', id_type_de_piece_justificative:}, '1' => {libelle: 'PJ de test editée', type: 'number', description: 'Description de test editée', order_place: 1, delete: 'true', id_type_de_piece_justificative: ''} } } it { expect(subject.types_de_piece_justificative.size).to eq(1) } end end end end end