describe AttestationTemplate, type: :model do describe 'validates footer length' do let(:attestation_template) { build(:attestation_template, footer: footer) } subject do attestation_template.validate attestation_template.errors.details end context 'when the footer is too long' do let(:footer) { 'a' * 191 } it { match({ footer: [{ error: :too_long, count: 190 }] }) } end end describe 'dup' do let(:attestation_template) { create(:attestation_template, attributes) } subject { attestation_template.dup } context 'with an attestation without images' do let(:attributes) { attributes_for(:attestation_template) } it { have_attributes(attributes) } it { have_attributes(id: nil) } it { expect(subject.logo.attached?).to be_falsey } end context 'with an attestation with images' do let(:attestation_template) { create(:attestation_template, :with_files) } it do expect(subject.logo.attachment).not_to eq(attestation_template.logo.attachment) expect(subject.logo.blob).to eq(attestation_template.logo.blob) expect(subject.logo.attached?).to be_truthy end it do expect(subject.signature.attachment).not_to eq(attestation_template.signature.attachment) expect(subject.signature.blob).to eq(attestation_template.signature.blob) expect(subject.signature.attached?).to be_truthy end end end describe 'invalidate attestation if images attachments are not valid' do subject { build(:attestation_template, :with_gif_files) } context 'with an attestation which has gif files' do it { is_expected.not_to be_valid } end end describe 'attestation_for' do let(:procedure) do create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public: types_de_champ, types_de_champ_private: types_de_champ_private, for_individual: for_individual, attestation_template: attestation_template) end let(:for_individual) { false } let(:individual) { nil } let(:etablissement) { create(:etablissement) } let(:types_de_champ) { [] } let(:types_de_champ_private) { [] } let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure, individual: individual, etablissement: etablissement) } let(:template_title) { 'title' } let(:template_body) { 'body' } let(:attestation_template) do build(:attestation_template, title: template_title, body: template_body, logo: @logo, signature: @signature) end before do Timecop.freeze( end after do Timecop.return end let(:view_args) do arguments = nil allow(ApplicationController).to receive(:render).and_wrap_original do |m, *args| arguments = args.first[:assigns]*args) end attestation_template.attestation_for(dossier) arguments end let(:attestation) { attestation_template.attestation_for(dossier) } context 'when the procedure has a type de champ named libelleA et libelleB' do let(:types_de_champ) do [ { libelle: 'libelleA' }, { libelle: 'libelleB' } ] end context 'and the are used in the template title and body' do let(:template_title) { 'title --libelleA--' } let(:template_body) { 'body --libelleB--' } context 'and their value in the dossier are not nil' do before do dossier.champs_public .find { |champ| champ.libelle == 'libelleA' } .update(value: 'libelle1') dossier.champs_public .find { |champ| champ.libelle == 'libelleB' } .update(value: 'libelle2') end it 'passes the correct parameters to the view' do expect(view_args[:attestation][:title]).to eq('title libelle1') expect(view_args[:attestation][:body]).to eq('body libelle2') end it 'generates an attestation' do expect(attestation.title).to eq('title libelle1') expect(attestation.pdf).to be_attached end end end end end describe '#render_attributes_for' do context 'signature' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: attestation.procedure, groupe_instructeur: groupe_instructeur) } subject { attestation.render_attributes_for(dossier: dossier)[:signature] } context 'procedure with signature' do let(:attestation) { create(:attestation_template, signature:'spec/fixtures/files/logo_test_procedure.png', 'image/png')) } context "groupe instructeur without signature" do let(:groupe_instructeur) { create(:groupe_instructeur, signature: nil) } it { expect(subject.blob.filename).to eq("logo_test_procedure.png") } end context 'groupe instructeur with signature' do let(:groupe_instructeur) { create(:groupe_instructeur, signature:'spec/fixtures/files/black.png', 'image/png')) } it { expect(subject.blob.filename).to eq("black.png") } end end context 'procedure without signature' do let(:attestation) { create(:attestation_template, signature: nil) } context "groupe instructeur without signature" do let(:groupe_instructeur) { create(:groupe_instructeur, signature: nil) } it { expect(subject.attached?).to be_falsey } end context 'groupe instructeur with signature' do let(:groupe_instructeur) { create(:groupe_instructeur, signature:'spec/fixtures/files/black.png', 'image/png')) } it { expect(subject.blob.filename).to eq("black.png") } end end end context 'body v2' do let(:attestation) { create(:attestation_template, :v2) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: attestation.procedure, individual: build(:individual, nom: 'Doe', prenom: 'John')) } it do body = attestation.render_attributes_for(dossier: dossier)[:body] expect(body).to include("Mon titre pour #{dossier.procedure.libelle}") expect(body).to include("Doe John") end end end end