# frozen_string_literal: true # Display a widget for uploading, editing and deleting a file attachment class Attachment::EditComponent < ApplicationComponent attr_reader :champ attr_reader :attachment attr_reader :attachments attr_reader :user_can_destroy alias user_can_destroy? user_can_destroy attr_reader :as_multiple alias as_multiple? as_multiple EXTENSIONS_ORDER = ['jpeg', 'png', 'pdf', 'zip'].freeze def initialize(champ: nil, auto_attach_url: nil, attached_file:, direct_upload: true, index: 0, as_multiple: false, view_as: :link, user_can_destroy: true, attachments: [], max: nil, **kwargs) @champ = champ @attached_file = attached_file @direct_upload = direct_upload @index = index @view_as = view_as @user_can_destroy = user_can_destroy @as_multiple = as_multiple @auto_attach_url = auto_attach_url # Adaptation pour la gestion des pièces jointes multiples @attachments = attachments.presence || (kwargs.key?(:attachment) ? [kwargs.delete(:attachment)] : []) @attachments << attached_file.attachment if attached_file.respond_to?(:attachment) && @attachments.empty? @attachments.compact! @max = max # Utilisation du premier attachement comme référence pour la rétrocompatibilité @attachment = @attachments.first # When parent form has nested attributes, pass the form builder object_name # to correctly infer the input attribute name. @form_object_name = kwargs.delete(:form_object_name) verify_initialization!(kwargs) end def first? @index.zero? end def max_file_size return if file_size_validator.nil? file_size_validator.options[:less_than] end def attachment_id @attachment_id ||= (attachment&.id || SecureRandom.uuid) end def attachment_path(**args) helpers.attachment_path attachment.id, args.merge(signed_id: attachment.blob.signed_id) end def destroy_attachment_path if champ.present? attachment_path(dossier_id: champ&.dossier_id, stable_id: champ&.stable_id, row_id: champ&.row_id) else attachment_path(auto_attach_url: @auto_attach_url, view_as: @view_as, direct_upload: @direct_upload) end end def attachment_input_class "attachment-input-#{attachment_id}" end def show_hint? first? && !persisted? end def file_field_options track_issue_with_missing_validators if missing_validators? options = { class: class_names("fr-upload attachment-input": true, "#{attachment_input_class}": true), direct_upload: @direct_upload, id: input_id, data: { auto_attach_url:, turbo_force: :server }.merge(has_file_size_validator? ? { max_file_size: max_file_size } : {}) } describedby = [] describedby << champ.describedby_id if champ&.description.present? describedby << describedby_hint_id if show_hint? describedby << champ.error_id if champ&.errors&.has_key?(:value) options[:aria] = { describedby: describedby.join(' ') } options.merge!(has_content_type_validator? ? { accept: accept_content_type } : {}) options[:multiple] = true if as_multiple? options[:disabled] = true if (@max && @index >= @max) || persisted? options end def poll_url if champ.present? auto_attach_url else attachment_path(user_can_edit: true, view_as: @view_as, auto_attach_url: @auto_attach_url, direct_upload: @direct_upload) end end def poll_context return :dossier if champ.present? nil end def field_name(object_name = nil, method_name = nil, *method_names, multiple: false, index: nil) field_name = @form_object_name || ActiveModel::Naming.param_key(@attached_file.record) "#{field_name}[#{attribute_name}]#{'[]' if as_multiple?}" end def attribute_name @attached_file.name end def remove_button_options { role: 'button', data: { turbo: "true", turbo_method: :delete } } end def replace_button_options { type: 'button', data: { action: "click->replace-attachment#open", auto_attach_url: auto_attach_url }.compact } end def retry_button_options { type: 'button', class: 'fr-btn fr-btn--sm fr-btn--tertiary fr-mt-1w attachment-upload-error-retry', data: { input_target: ".#{attachment_input_class}", action: 'autosave#onClickRetryButton' } } end def persisted? !!attachment&.persisted? end def downloadable?(attachment) return false unless @view_as == :download viewable?(attachment) end def viewable?(attachment) return false if attachment.virus_scanner_error? return false if attachment.watermark_pending? true end def error?(attachment) attachment.virus_scanner_error? end def error_message(attachment) case when attachment.virus_scanner.infected? t(".errors.virus_infected") when attachment.virus_scanner.corrupt? t(".errors.corrupted_file") end end private def describedby_hint_id "#{input_id}-pj-hint" end def input_id if champ.present? # There is always a single input by champ, its id must match the label "for" attribute. champ.input_id else dom_id(@attached_file.record, attribute_name) end end def auto_attach_url return @auto_attach_url if @auto_attach_url.present? return helpers.auto_attach_url(@champ) if @champ.present? nil end def file_size_validator @attached_file.record ._validators[attribute_name.to_sym] .find { |validator| validator.class == ActiveStorageValidations::SizeValidator } end def content_type_validator @attached_file.record ._validators[attribute_name.to_sym] .find { |validator| validator.class == ActiveStorageValidations::ContentTypeValidator } end def accept_content_type list = content_type_validator.options[:in].dup list << ".acidcsa" if list.include?("application/octet-stream") list.join(', ') end def allowed_formats @allowed_formats ||= begin formats = content_type_validator.options[:in].filter_map do |content_type| MiniMime.lookup_by_content_type(content_type)&.extension end.uniq.sort_by { EXTENSIONS_ORDER.index(_1) || 999 } # When too many formats are allowed, consider instead manually indicating # above the input a more comprehensive of formats allowed, like "any image", or a simplified list. formats.size > 5 ? [] : formats end end def has_content_type_validator? !content_type_validator.nil? end def has_file_size_validator? !file_size_validator.nil? end def missing_validators? return true if !has_file_size_validator? return true if !has_content_type_validator? return false end def verify_initialization!(kwargs) fail ArgumentError, "Unknown kwarg #{kwargs.keys.join(', ')}" unless kwargs.empty? fail ArgumentError, "Invalid view_as:#{@view_as}, must be :download or :link" if [:download, :link].exclude?(@view_as) end def track_issue_with_missing_validators Sentry.capture_message( "Strange case of missing validator", extra: { champ: champ, field_name: field_name, attachment_id: attachment_id } ) end end