class Avis < ApplicationRecord include EmailSanitizableConcern belongs_to :dossier, inverse_of: :avis, touch: true belongs_to :instructeur belongs_to :claimant, class_name: 'Instructeur' has_one_attached :piece_justificative_file validates :email, format: { with: Devise.email_regexp, message: "n'est pas valide" }, allow_nil: true validates :claimant, presence: true before_validation -> { sanitize_email(:email) } before_create :try_to_assign_instructeur default_scope { joins(:dossier) } scope :with_answer, -> { where.not(answer: nil) } scope :without_answer, -> { where(answer: nil) } scope :for_dossier, -> (dossier_id) { where(dossier_id: dossier_id) } scope :by_latest, -> { order(updated_at: :desc) } scope :updated_since?, -> (date) { where('avis.updated_at > ?', date) } # The form allows subtmitting avis requests to several emails at once, # hence this virtual attribute. attr_accessor :emails attr_accessor :invite_linked_dossiers def email_to_display instructeur&.email || email end def self.link_avis_to_instructeur(instructeur) Avis.where(email: nil, instructeur_id: end def self.avis_exists_and_email_belongs_to_avis?(avis_id, email) Avis.find_by(id: avis_id)&.email == email end def spreadsheet_columns [ ['Dossier ID', dossier_id.to_s], ['Question / Introduction', :introduction], ['Réponse', :answer], ['Créé le', :created_at], ['Répondu le', :updated_at], ['Instructeur', claimant&.email], ['Expert', instructeur&.email] ] end private def try_to_assign_instructeur instructeur = Instructeur.by_email(email) if instructeur self.instructeur = instructeur = nil end end end