describe APIParticulier::CnafAdapter do let(:adapter) {, numero_allocataire, code_postal, requested_sources) } before { stub_const("API_PARTICULIER_URL", "") } describe '#to_params' do let(:api_particulier_token) { '29eb50b65f64e8e00c0847a8bbcbd150e1f847' } let(:numero_allocataire) { '5843972' } let(:code_postal) { '92110' } subject { VCR.use_cassette(cassette) { adapter.to_params } } context 'when the api answer is valid' do let(:cassette) { "api_particulier/success/composition_familiale" } context 'when the token has all the cnaf scopes' do context 'and all the sources are requested' do let(:requested_sources) do { 'cnaf' => { 'allocataires' => ['nomPrenom', 'dateDeNaissance', 'sexe'], 'enfants' => ['nomPrenom', 'dateDeNaissance', 'sexe'], 'adresse' => ['identite', 'complementIdentite', 'complementIdentiteGeo', 'numeroRue', 'lieuDit', 'codePostalVille', 'pays'], 'quotient_familial' => ['quotientFamilial', 'annee', 'mois'] } } end let(:result) { JSON.parse('spec/fixtures/files/api_particulier/composition_familiale.json')) } it { eq(result) } end context 'when no sources is requested' do let(:requested_sources) { {} } it { eq({}) } end context 'when a scalar is requested' do let(:requested_sources) { { 'cnaf' => { 'adresse' => ['pays'] } } } it { eq({ "adresse" => { "pays" => "FRANCE" } }) } end context 'when a quotient_familial is requested' do let(:requested_sources) { { 'cnaf' => { 'quotient_familial' => ['annee'] } } } it { eq({ "quotient_familial" => { "annee" => 2021 } }) } end context 'when a vector is requested' do let(:requested_sources) { { 'cnaf' => { 'allocataires' => ['nomPrenom'] } } } it { eq({ "allocataires" => [{ "nomPrenom" => "ERIC SNOW" }, { "nomPrenom" => "SANSA SNOW" }] }) } end end end context 'when the api answer is invalid' do let(:cassette) { "api_particulier/success/composition_familiale_invalid" } context 'when no sources is requested' do let(:requested_sources) { {} } it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(APIParticulier::CnafAdapter::InvalidSchemaError) } end end end end