class Dossier < ActiveRecord::Base enum state: { draft: 'draft', initiated: 'initiated', replied: 'replied', # action utilisateur demandé updated: 'updated', # etude par l'administration en cours received: 'received', closed: 'closed', refused: 'refused', without_continuation: 'without_continuation' } BROUILLON = %w(draft) NOUVEAUX = %w(initiated) OUVERT = %w(updated replied) WAITING_FOR_GESTIONNAIRE = %w(updated) WAITING_FOR_USER = %w(replied) EN_CONSTRUCTION = %w(initiated updated replied) EN_INSTRUCTION = %w(received) A_INSTRUIRE = %w(received) TERMINE = %w(closed refused without_continuation) has_one :etablissement, dependent: :destroy has_one :entreprise, dependent: :destroy has_one :individual, dependent: :destroy has_many :cerfa, dependent: :destroy has_many :pieces_justificatives, dependent: :destroy has_many :champs, class_name: 'ChampPublic', dependent: :destroy has_many :champs_private, class_name: 'ChampPrivate', dependent: :destroy has_many :quartier_prioritaires, dependent: :destroy has_many :cadastres, dependent: :destroy has_many :commentaires, dependent: :destroy has_many :invites, dependent: :destroy has_many :invites_user, class_name: 'InviteUser', dependent: :destroy has_many :invites_gestionnaires, class_name: 'InviteGestionnaire', dependent: :destroy has_many :follows has_many :notifications, dependent: :destroy has_many :avis, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :procedure belongs_to :user scope :state_brouillon, -> { where(state: BROUILLON) } scope :state_not_brouillon, -> { where.not(state: BROUILLON) } scope :state_nouveaux, -> { where(state: NOUVEAUX) } scope :state_ouvert, -> { where(state: OUVERT) } scope :state_waiting_for_gestionnaire, -> { where(state: WAITING_FOR_GESTIONNAIRE) } scope :state_waiting_for_user, -> { where(state: WAITING_FOR_USER) } scope :state_en_construction, -> { where(state: EN_CONSTRUCTION) } scope :state_en_instruction, -> { where(state: EN_INSTRUCTION) } scope :state_a_instruire, -> { where(state: A_INSTRUIRE) } scope :state_termine, -> { where(state: TERMINE) } scope :archived, -> { where(archived: true) } scope :not_archived, -> { where(archived: false) } scope :order_by_updated_at, -> (order = :desc) { order(updated_at: order) } scope :all_state, -> { not_archived.state_not_brouillon.order_by_updated_at(:asc) } scope :nouveaux, -> { not_archived.state_nouveaux.order_by_updated_at(:asc) } scope :ouvert, -> { not_archived.state_ouvert.order_by_updated_at(:asc) } scope :waiting_for_gestionnaire, -> { not_archived.state_waiting_for_gestionnaire.order_by_updated_at(:asc) } scope :waiting_for_user, -> { not_archived.state_waiting_for_user.order_by_updated_at(:asc) } scope :a_instruire, -> { not_archived.state_a_instruire.order_by_updated_at(:asc) } scope :termine, -> { not_archived.state_termine.order_by_updated_at(:asc) } scope :downloadable, -> { state_not_brouillon.order_by_updated_at(:asc) } accepts_nested_attributes_for :individual delegate :siren, to: :entreprise delegate :siret, to: :etablissement, allow_nil: true delegate :types_de_piece_justificative, to: :procedure delegate :types_de_champ, to: :procedure delegate :france_connect_information, to: :user before_validation :update_state_dates, if: -> { state_changed? } after_save :build_default_champs, if: { procedure_id_changed? } after_save :build_default_individual, if: { procedure.for_individual? } after_save :send_notification_email validates :user, presence: true def unreaded_notifications @unreaded_notif ||= notifications.where(already_read: false) end def first_unread_notification unreaded_notifications.order("created_at ASC").first end def retrieve_last_piece_justificative_by_type(type) pieces_justificatives.where(type_de_piece_justificative_id: type).last end def retrieve_all_piece_justificative_by_type(type) pieces_justificatives.where(type_de_piece_justificative_id: type).order(created_at: :DESC) end def build_default_champs procedure.types_de_champ.each do |type_de_champ| ChampPublic.create(type_de_champ_id:, dossier_id: id) end procedure.types_de_champ_private.each do |type_de_champ| ChampPrivate.create(type_de_champ_id:, dossier_id: id) end end def build_default_individual if Individual.where(dossier_id: == 0 Individual.create(dossier: self) end end def ordered_champs champs.joins(', types_de_champ').where("champs.type_de_champ_id = AND types_de_champ.procedure_id = #{}").order('order_place') end def ordered_champs_private champs_private.joins(', types_de_champ').where("champs.type_de_champ_id = AND types_de_champ.procedure_id = #{}").order('order_place') end def ordered_pieces_justificatives champs.joins(', types_de_piece_justificative').where("pieces_justificatives.type_de_piece_justificative_id = AND types_de_piece_justificative.procedure_id = #{}").order('order_place ASC') end def ordered_commentaires commentaires.order(created_at: :desc) end def next_step! role, action, motivation = nil unless %w(initiate follow update comment receive refuse without_continuation close).include?(action) fail 'action is not valid' end unless %w(user gestionnaire).include?(role) fail 'role is not valid' end case role when 'user' case action when 'initiate' if draft? initiated! end when 'update' if replied? updated! end when 'comment' if replied? updated! end end when 'gestionnaire' case action when 'comment' if updated? replied! elsif initiated? replied! end when 'follow' if initiated? updated! end when 'close' if received? closed! if motivation self.motivation = motivation save end end when 'refuse' if received? refused! if motivation self.motivation = motivation save end end when 'without_continuation' if received? without_continuation! if motivation self.motivation = motivation save end end end end state end def brouillon? BROUILLON.include?(state) end def cerfa_available? procedure.cerfa_flag? && cerfa.size != 0 end def convert_specific_hash_values_to_string(hash_to_convert) hash = {} hash_to_convert.each do |key, value| value = serialize_value_for_export(value), value) end return hash end def full_data_strings_array do |value| serialize_value_for_export(value) end end def export_entreprise_data unless entreprise.nil? etablissement_attr = { |k, v| ["etablissement.#{k}".parameterize.underscore.to_sym, v] }.to_h entreprise_attr = { |k, v| ["entreprise.#{k}".parameterize.underscore.to_sym, v] }.to_h else etablissement_attr = { |k, v| ["etablissement.#{k}".parameterize.underscore.to_sym, v] }.to_h entreprise_attr = { |k, v| ["entreprise.#{k}".parameterize.underscore.to_sym, v] }.to_h end return convert_specific_hash_values_to_string(etablissement_attr.merge(entreprise_attr)) end def data_with_champs serialized_dossier = data = serialized_dossier.attributes.values data += self.champs.order('type_de_champ_id ASC').map(&:value) data += self.export_entreprise_data.values return data end def export_headers serialized_dossier = headers = serialized_dossier.attributes.keys headers += self.procedure.types_de_champ.order('id ASC').map { |types_de_champ| types_de_champ.libelle.parameterize.underscore.to_sym } headers += self.export_entreprise_data.keys return headers end def followers_gestionnaires follows.includes(:gestionnaire).map(&:gestionnaire) end def reset! etablissement.destroy entreprise.destroy update_attributes(autorisation_donnees: false) end def total_follow follows.size end def read_only? received? || closed? || refused? || without_continuation? end def owner? email == email end def invite_by_user? email (invites_user.pluck :email).include? email end def can_be_initiated? !(procedure.archived && draft?) end def text_summary if brouillon? parts = [ "Dossier en brouillon répondant à la procédure ", procedure.libelle, " gérée par l'organisme ", procedure.organisation ] else parts = [ "Dossier déposé le ", initiated_at.localtime.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), " sur la procédure ", procedure.libelle, " gérée par l'organisme ", procedure.organisation ] end parts.join end private def update_state_dates if initiated? && !self.initiated_at self.initiated_at = elsif received? && !self.received_at self.received_at = elsif TERMINE.include?(state) self.processed_at = end end def serialize_value_for_export(value) value.nil? || value.kind_of?(Time) ? value : value.to_s end def send_notification_email if state_changed? && EN_INSTRUCTION.include?(state) NotificationMailer.send_notification(self, procedure.received_mail_template).deliver_now! end end end