describe Instructeurs::DossiersController, type: :controller do render_views let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur) } let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) } let(:administration) { create(:administration) } let(:instructeurs) { [instructeur] } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, instructeurs: instructeurs) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: procedure) } let(:fake_justificatif) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/piece_justificative_0.pdf', 'application/pdf') } before { sign_in(instructeur.user) } describe '#attestation' do context 'when a dossier has an attestation' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte, attestation: create(:attestation, :with_pdf), procedure: procedure) } it 'redirects to a service tmp_url' do get :attestation, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id: } expect(response.location).to match '/rails/active_storage/disk/' end end end describe '#send_to_instructeurs' do let(:recipient) { create(:instructeur) } let(:instructeurs) { [instructeur, recipient] } let(:mail) { double("mail") } before do expect(mail).to receive(:deliver_later) expect(InstructeurMailer) .to receive(:send_dossier) .with(instructeur, dossier, recipient) .and_return(mail) post( :send_to_instructeurs, params: { recipients: [recipient], procedure_id:, dossier_id: } ) end it { expect(response).to redirect_to(personnes_impliquees_instructeur_dossier_url) } it { expect(recipient.followed_dossiers).to include(dossier) } end describe '#follow' do before do patch :follow, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id: } end it { expect(instructeur.followed_dossiers).to match([dossier]) } it { expect(flash.notice).to eq('Dossier suivi') } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(instructeur_procedures_url) } end describe '#unfollow' do before do instructeur.followed_dossiers << dossier patch :unfollow, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id: } instructeur.reload end it { expect(instructeur.followed_dossiers).to match([]) } it { expect(flash.notice).to eq("Vous ne suivez plus le dossier nº #{}") } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(instructeur_procedures_url) } end describe '#archive' do before do instructeur.follow(dossier) patch :archive, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id: } dossier.reload instructeur.reload end it { expect(dossier.archived).to be true } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(instructeur_procedures_url) } end describe '#unarchive' do before do dossier.update(archived: true) patch :unarchive, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id: } dossier.reload end it { expect(dossier.archived).to be false } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(instructeur_procedures_url) } end describe '#passer_en_instruction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: procedure) } before do sign_in(instructeur.user) post :passer_en_instruction, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id: }, format: 'js' end it { expect(dossier.reload.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:en_instruction)) } it { expect(instructeur.follow?(dossier)).to be true } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) } it { expect(response.body).to include('.header-actions') } context 'when the dossier has already been put en_instruction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, procedure: procedure) } it 'warns about the error' do expect(dossier.reload.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:en_instruction)) expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(response.body).to have_text('Le dossier est déjà en instruction.') end end context 'when the dossier has already been closed' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte, procedure: procedure) } it 'doesn’t change the dossier state' do expect(dossier.reload.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:accepte)) end it 'warns about the error' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(response.body).to have_text('Le dossier est en ce moment accepté : il n’est pas possible de le passer en instruction.') end end end describe '#repasser_en_construction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, procedure: procedure) } before do sign_in(instructeur.user) post :repasser_en_construction, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id: }, format: 'js' end it { expect(dossier.reload.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:en_construction)) } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) } it { expect(response.body).to include('.header-actions') } context 'when the dossier has already been put en_construction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: procedure) } it 'warns about the error' do expect(dossier.reload.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:en_construction)) expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(response.body).to have_text('Le dossier est déjà en construction.') end end end describe '#repasser_en_instruction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :refuse, procedure: procedure) } let(:current_user) { instructeur.user } before do sign_in current_user post :repasser_en_instruction, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id: }, format: 'js' end it { expect(dossier.reload.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:en_instruction)) } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) } it { expect(response.body).to include('.header-actions') } context 'when the dossier has already been put en_instruction' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_instruction, procedure: procedure) } it 'warns about the error' do expect(dossier.reload.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:en_instruction)) expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(response.body).to have_text('Le dossier est déjà en instruction.') end end context 'when the dossier is accepte' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte, procedure: procedure) } it 'it is possible to go back to en_instruction as instructeur' do expect(dossier.reload.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:en_instruction)) expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) end end end describe '#terminer' do context "with refuser" do before do dossier.passer_en_instruction!(instructeur) sign_in(instructeur.user) end context 'simple refusal' do subject { post :terminer, params: { process_action: "refuser", procedure_id:, dossier_id: }, format: 'js' } it 'change state to refuse' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:refuse)) expect(dossier.justificatif_motivation).to_not be_attached end it 'Notification email is sent' do expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:send_refused_notification) .with(dossier).and_return(NotificationMailer) expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:deliver_later) subject end end context 'refusal with a justificatif' do subject { post :terminer, params: { process_action: "refuser", procedure_id:, dossier_id:, dossier: { justificatif_motivation: fake_justificatif } }, format: 'js' } it 'attachs a justificatif' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:refuse)) expect(dossier.justificatif_motivation).to be_attached end it { expect(subject.body).to include('.header-actions') } end end context "with classer_sans_suite" do before do dossier.passer_en_instruction!(instructeur) sign_in(instructeur.user) end context 'without attachment' do subject { post :terminer, params: { process_action: "classer_sans_suite", procedure_id:, dossier_id: }, format: 'js' } it 'change state to sans_suite' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:sans_suite)) expect(dossier.justificatif_motivation).to_not be_attached end it 'Notification email is sent' do expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:send_without_continuation_notification) .with(dossier).and_return(NotificationMailer) expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:deliver_later) subject end it { expect(subject.body).to include('.header-actions') } end context 'with attachment' do subject { post :terminer, params: { process_action: "classer_sans_suite", procedure_id:, dossier_id:, dossier: { justificatif_motivation: fake_justificatif } }, format: 'js' } it 'change state to sans_suite' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:sans_suite)) expect(dossier.justificatif_motivation).to be_attached end it { expect(subject.body).to include('.header-actions') } end end context "with accepter" do before do dossier.passer_en_instruction!(instructeur) sign_in(instructeur.user) expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:send_closed_notification) .with(dossier) .and_return(NotificationMailer) expect(NotificationMailer).to receive(:deliver_later) end subject { post :terminer, params: { process_action: "accepter", procedure_id:, dossier_id: }, format: 'js' } it 'change state to accepte' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:accepte)) expect(dossier.justificatif_motivation).to_not be_attached end context 'when the dossier does not have any attestation' do it 'Notification email is sent' do subject end end context 'when the dossier has an attestation' do before do attestation = allow(attestation).to receive(:pdf).and_return(double(read: 'pdf', size: 2.megabytes)) allow_any_instance_of(Dossier).to receive(:build_attestation).and_return(attestation) end it 'The instructeur is sent back to the dossier page' do expect(subject.body).to include('.header-actions') end context 'and the dossier has already an attestation' do it 'should not crash' do dossier.attestation = expect(subject.body).to include('.header-actions') end end end context 'when the attestation template uses the motivation field' do let(:emailable) { false } let(:template) { create(:attestation_template) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, attestation_template: template, instructeurs: [instructeur]) } subject do post :terminer, params: { process_action: "accepter", procedure_id:, dossier_id:, dossier: { motivation: "Yallah" } }, format: 'js' end before do Timecop.freeze( expect_any_instance_of(AttestationTemplate) .to receive(:attestation_for) .with(have_attributes(motivation: "Yallah", processed_at: end after { Timecop.return } it { subject } end context 'with an attachment' do subject { post :terminer, params: { process_action: "accepter", procedure_id:, dossier_id:, dossier: { justificatif_motivation: fake_justificatif } }, format: 'js' } it 'change state to accepte' do subject dossier.reload expect(dossier.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:accepte)) expect(dossier.justificatif_motivation).to be_attached end it { expect(subject.body).to include('.header-actions') } end end context 'when a dossier is already closed' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :accepte, procedure: procedure) } before { allow(dossier).to receive(:after_accepter) } subject { post :terminer, params: { process_action: "accepter", procedure_id:, dossier_id:, dossier: { justificatif_motivation: fake_justificatif } }, format: 'js' } it 'does not close it again' do subject expect(dossier).not_to have_received(:after_accepter) expect(dossier.state).to eq(Dossier.states.fetch(:accepte)) expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(response.body).to have_text('Le dossier est déjà accepté.') end end end describe "#create_commentaire" do let(:saved_commentaire) { dossier.commentaires.first } let(:body) { "avant\napres" } let(:file) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/piece_justificative_0.pdf', 'application/pdf') } let(:scan_result) { true } let(:now) { Timecop.freeze("09/11/1989") } subject { post :create_commentaire, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id:, commentaire: { body: body, file: file } } } before do allow(ClamavService).to receive(:safe_file?).and_return(scan_result) Timecop.freeze(now) end after { Timecop.return } it "creates a commentaire" do expect { subject }.to change(Commentaire, :count).by(1) expect(instructeur.followed_dossiers).to include(dossier) expect(response).to redirect_to(messagerie_instructeur_dossier_path(dossier.procedure, dossier)) expect(flash.notice).to be_present expect(dossier.reload.last_commentaire_updated_at).to eq(now) end context "when the commentaire created with virus file" do let(:scan_result) { false } it "creates a commentaire (shows message that file have a virus)" do expect { subject }.to change(Commentaire, :count).by(1) expect(instructeur.followed_dossiers).to include(dossier) expect(response).to redirect_to(messagerie_instructeur_dossier_path(dossier.procedure, dossier)) expect(flash.notice).to be_present end end end describe "#create_avis" do let(:invite_linked_dossiers) { false } let(:saved_avis) { dossier.avis.first } let!(:old_avis_count) { Avis.count } subject do post :create_avis, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id:, avis: { emails: emails, introduction: 'intro', confidentiel: true, invite_linked_dossiers: invite_linked_dossiers } } end before do subject end let(:emails) { [''] } it { expect( eq('') } it { expect(saved_avis.introduction).to eq('intro') } it { expect(saved_avis.confidentiel).to eq(true) } it { expect(saved_avis.dossier).to eq(dossier) } it { expect(saved_avis.claimant).to eq(instructeur) } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(avis_instructeur_dossier_path(dossier.procedure, dossier)) } context "with an invalid email" do let(:emails) { [''] } it { expect(response).to render_template :avis } it { expect(flash.alert).to eq([" : Email n'est pas valide"]) } it { expect { subject }.not_to change(Avis, :count) } it { expect(dossier.last_avis_updated_at).to eq(nil) } end context 'with multiple emails' do let(:emails) { [","] } it { expect(response).to render_template :avis } it { expect(flash.alert).to eq([" : Email n'est pas valide"]) } it { expect(flash.notice).to eq("Une demande d'avis a été envoyée à") } it { expect(Avis.count).to eq(old_avis_count + 1) } it { expect( eq("") } end context 'with linked dossiers' do let(:asked_confidentiel) { false } let(:previous_avis_confidentiel) { false } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_dossier_link, procedure: procedure) } context 'when the expert doesn’t share linked dossiers' do let(:invite_linked_dossiers) { false } it 'sends a single avis for the main dossier, but doesn’t give access to the linked dossiers' do expect(flash.notice).to eq("Une demande d'avis a été envoyée à") expect(Avis.count).to eq(old_avis_count + 1) expect( eq("") expect(saved_avis.dossier).to eq(dossier) end end context 'when the expert also shares the linked dossiers' do let(:invite_linked_dossiers) { true } context 'and the expert can access the linked dossiers' do let(:saved_avis) { Avis.last(2).first } let(:linked_avis) { Avis.last } let(:linked_dossier) { Dossier.find_by(id: dossier.reload.champs.filter(&:dossier_link?).map(&:value).compact) } let(:invite_linked_dossiers) do instructeur.assign_to_procedure(linked_dossier.procedure) true end it 'sends one avis for the main dossier' do expect(flash.notice).to eq("Une demande d'avis a été envoyée à") expect( eq("") expect(saved_avis.dossier).to eq(dossier) end it 'sends another avis for the linked dossiers' do expect(Avis.count).to eq(old_avis_count + 2) expect(linked_avis.dossier).to eq(linked_dossier) end end context 'but the expert can’t access the linked dossier' do it 'sends a single avis for the main dossier, but doesn’t give access to the linked dossiers' do expect(flash.notice).to eq("Une demande d'avis a été envoyée à") expect(Avis.count).to eq(old_avis_count + 1) expect( eq("") expect(saved_avis.dossier).to eq(dossier) end end end end end describe "#show" do context "when the dossier is exported as PDF" do let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur) } let(:dossier) do create(:dossier, :accepte, :with_all_champs, :with_all_annotations, :with_motivation, :with_entreprise, :with_commentaires, procedure: procedure) end let(:avis) { create(:avis, dossier: dossier, instructeur: instructeur) } subject do avis get :show, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id:, format: :pdf } end before { subject } it { expect(assigns(:include_infos_administration)).to eq(true) } it { expect(response).to render_template 'dossiers/show' } end end describe "#update_annotations" do let(:champ_multiple_drop_down_list) do create(:type_de_champ_multiple_drop_down_list, :private, libelle: 'libelle').champ.create end let(:champ_linked_drop_down_list) do create(:type_de_champ_linked_drop_down_list, :private, libelle: 'libelle').champ.create end let(:champ_datetime) do create(:type_de_champ_datetime, :private, libelle: 'libelle').champ.create end let(:champ_repetition) do tdc = create(:type_de_champ_repetition, :private, libelle: 'libelle') tdc.types_de_champ << create(:type_de_champ_text, libelle: 'libelle') champ = tdc.champ.create champ.add_row champ end let(:dossier) do create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure: procedure, champs_private: [champ_multiple_drop_down_list, champ_linked_drop_down_list, champ_datetime, champ_repetition]) end let(:now) {'01/01/2100') } before do Timecop.freeze(now) patch :update_annotations, params: params champ_multiple_drop_down_list.reload champ_linked_drop_down_list.reload champ_datetime.reload champ_repetition.reload end after do Timecop.return end context "with new values for champs_private" do let(:params) do { procedure_id:, dossier_id:, dossier: { champs_private_attributes: { '0': { id:, value: ['', 'un', 'deux'] }, '1': { id:, 'value(1i)': 2019, 'value(2i)': 12, 'value(3i)': 21, 'value(4i)': 13, 'value(5i)': 17 }, '2': { id:, primary_value: 'primary', secondary_value: 'secondary' }, '3': { id:, champs_attributes: { id:, value: 'text' } } } } } end it { expect(champ_multiple_drop_down_list.value).to eq('["un", "deux"]') } it { expect(champ_linked_drop_down_list.primary_value).to eq('primary') } it { expect(champ_linked_drop_down_list.secondary_value).to eq('secondary') } it { expect(champ_datetime.value).to eq('21/12/2019 13:17') } it { expect(champ_repetition.champs.first.value).to eq('text') } it { expect(dossier.reload.last_champ_private_updated_at).to eq(now) } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(annotations_privees_instructeur_dossier_path(dossier.procedure, dossier)) } end context "without new values for champs_private" do let(:params) do { procedure_id:, dossier_id:, dossier: { champs_private_attributes: {}, champs_attributes: { '0': { id:, value: ['', 'un', 'deux'] } } } } end it { expect(dossier.reload.last_champ_private_updated_at).to eq(nil) } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(annotations_privees_instructeur_dossier_path(dossier.procedure, dossier)) } end end describe "#telecharger_pjs" do subject do get :telecharger_pjs, params: { procedure_id:, dossier_id: } end context 'when zip download is disabled through flipflop' do it 'is forbidden' do subject expect(response).to have_http_status(:forbidden) end end end end