class APIRechercheEntreprisesService include Dry::Monads[:result] def self.collectivite_territoriale?(siret:) response = return false if response.failure? response.success&.dig(:complements, :collectivite_territoriale).present? end def call(siret:) result = "#{url}?q=#{siret}") return result if result.failure? body = result.success.body return Success(nil) if body[:results].empty? # the api returns the matching structure in the first element if it exists structure = body[:results][0] # safety check : the api does fuzzy matching, so we need to check that the siret matches return Failure() if structure[:matching_etablissements].all? { _1[:siret] != siret } Success(structure) end private def url "#{API_RECHERCHE_ENTREPRISE_URL}/search" end end